Republican Traitors Declare War on the American People

To Republicans "job creation" is code for tax cuts for the rich. We tried that for the last 30 years, and it has not worked. Why? Because 70% of the economy is consumer demand. Putting more and more money in fewer and fewer hands reduces demand. Raise taxes on the rich, cut defense, and balance the budget the way Clinton did. George Bush almost destroyed America. Let's bring it back.
Like all other collectivists and union flag wavers Smith had it partially correct.
The key is not "rising wages". That's inflationary and at the end of the day helps no one. Because if wages rise so do prices. The net result is a wash.
Not rising wages. It's called increasing one's skills to increase their value to an employer which in turn will allow that more skilled worker to EARN more.
There is no magic wage increase fairy. I wish you lefties would get this through your heads...That the money has to come from somewhere. And no employer has this mysterious pot of money on which he or she sits. So stow it.

Adam Smith was a 'collectivist and union flag waver'... WOW, you truly are an idiot.

You have gleaned what feeds your dogma and doctrinaire and ignored the KEY of what Smith said.

Smith advocated that labor should receive an equitable share of what labor produces.

And as usual, the marketist morons are blinded by the urge to serve your beloved opulent and dismiss the working man.

IF company A could raise the prices on their company A widgets, they would do it TODAY. What stops them from raising their prices TODAY Einstein???

Then Smith was a communist and had no clear idea how markets work.

If you invent a product, put all the time, risk and capital into bringing that product to market, you think some grunt who simply assmebles parts should get an EQUAL SHARE to the guy who risked practically everything he had to make it a reality???

The guy assembling parts has no risk in this! The guy who's investing is taking the risk.

That's an EXTREMELY IGNORANT view of capital, risk, and investing in general.

Your Adam Smith never ran a real company did he? Why don't you admit that.

Like all liberal "big thinkers" he just thought he should run a company.


You REALLY need to control your over-emotionalism, it is clouding your little brain. Do you know the difference between 'equitable share' and 'EQUAL SHARE'? Clearly NOT. Of course, labor's 'equitable share' should not be an 'EQUAL SHARE'.

MY Adam Smith... now THAT is funny! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You really don't know who Adam Smith was, do you?

In economics, invisible hand or invisible hand of the market is the term economists use to describe the self-regulating nature of the marketplace. This is a metaphor first coined by the economist Adam Smith.

Adam Smith is considered to be the founding father of right-wing free market economics. In England, the Adam Smith Institute is a bulwark of Thatcherism. In the United States, The Leadership Institute markets an Adam Smith necktie that is proudly worn by such conservative luminaries as House Majority Leader Dick Armey, former U.S. attorney-general Edwin Meese, Nobel laureate Milton Friedman and National Right to Work Committee president Reed Larson.

Adam Smith has been celebrated by advocates of free market policies as the founder of free market economics, a view reflected in the naming of bodies such as the Adam Smith Institute in London, the Adam Smith Society and the Australian Adam Smith Club, and in terms such as the Adam Smith necktie.

Too bad Milton Friedman is dead, you could have asked why he often sported an Adam Smith necktie.

NOW, let's see if you can answer my question:

IF company A could raise the prices on their company A widgets, they would do it TODAY. What stops them from raising their prices TODAY Einstein???
To Republicans "job creation" is code for tax cuts for the rich. We tried that for the last 30 years, and it has not worked. Why? Because 70% of the economy is consumer demand. Putting more and more money in fewer and fewer hands reduces demand. Raise taxes on the rich, cut defense, and balance the budget the way Clinton did. George Bush almost destroyed America. Let's bring it back.

Bush spent way too much and that part is his fault,but it was Dems who put Fannie and Freddie as a government run program that has almost destroyed us.
Adam Smith was a 'collectivist and union flag waver'... WOW, you truly are an idiot.

You have gleaned what feeds your dogma and doctrinaire and ignored the KEY of what Smith said.

Smith advocated that labor should receive an equitable share of what labor produces.

And as usual, the marketist morons are blinded by the urge to serve your beloved opulent and dismiss the working man.

IF company A could raise the prices on their company A widgets, they would do it TODAY. What stops them from raising their prices TODAY Einstein???

Then Smith was a communist and had no clear idea how markets work.

If you invent a product, put all the time, risk and capital into bringing that product to market, you think some grunt who simply assmebles parts should get an EQUAL SHARE to the guy who risked practically everything he had to make it a reality???

The guy assembling parts has no risk in this! The guy who's investing is taking the risk.

That's an EXTREMELY IGNORANT view of capital, risk, and investing in general.

Your Adam Smith never ran a real company did he? Why don't you admit that.

Like all liberal "big thinkers" he just thought he should run a company.


You REALLY need to control your over-emotionalism, it is clouding your little brain. Do you know the difference between 'equitable share' and 'EQUAL SHARE'? Clearly NOT. Of course, labor's 'equitable share' should not be an 'EQUAL SHARE'.

MY Adam Smith... now THAT is funny! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You really don't know who Adam Smith was, do you?

In economics, invisible hand or invisible hand of the market is the term economists use to describe the self-regulating nature of the marketplace. This is a metaphor first coined by the economist Adam Smith.

Adam Smith is considered to be the founding father of right-wing free market economics. In England, the Adam Smith Institute is a bulwark of Thatcherism. In the United States, The Leadership Institute markets an Adam Smith necktie that is proudly worn by such conservative luminaries as House Majority Leader Dick Armey, former U.S. attorney-general Edwin Meese, Nobel laureate Milton Friedman and National Right to Work Committee president Reed Larson.

Adam Smith has been celebrated by advocates of free market policies as the founder of free market economics, a view reflected in the naming of bodies such as the Adam Smith Institute in London, the Adam Smith Society and the Australian Adam Smith Club, and in terms such as the Adam Smith necktie.

Too bad Milton Friedman is dead, you could have asked why he often sported an Adam Smith necktie.

NOW, let's see if you can answer my question:

IF company A could raise the prices on their company A widgets, they would do it TODAY. What stops them from raising their prices TODAY Einstein???

Dude, as I pointed out already, this is akin to "living wage" and that only hurts those who need the help the most.

When you are unskilled and looking for a start in the work force you don't need someone keeping you out, because they are insisting you get paid just as much as someone who's skilled (aka a "living wage.")

That means the employer has the choice of hiring someone who already has the skills (and he doesn't need to train) or someone he will have to take the expense to train.

It isn't hard to figure out who's going to lose on that one.

It's always well intentioned but in reality, it just doesn't work.
To Republicans "job creation" is code for tax cuts for the rich. We tried that for the last 30 years, and it has not worked. Why? Because 70% of the economy is consumer demand. Putting more and more money in fewer and fewer hands reduces demand. Raise taxes on the rich, cut defense, and balance the budget the way Clinton did. George Bush almost destroyed America. Let's bring it back.

Bush spent way too much and that part is his fault,but it was Dems who put Fannie and Freddie as a government run program that has almost destroyed us.

Wall Street's derivative bubble brought down the economy, not FF.
Are Republicans really naive enough to think that they can make war on women, Hispanics, blacks, alternate life styles, the poor, suppress voting rights, give massive tax breaks to robber barons while eliminating safety nets for the middle class and get absolutely no resistance?
Are Republicans really naive enough to think that they can make war on women, Hispanics, blacks, alternate life styles, the poor, suppress voting rights, give massive tax breaks to robber barons while eliminating safety nets for the middle class and get absolutely no resistance?

You forgot the war we have on puppies!

Last time I checked, they were forcing them to wear bras to mock women!!!!!!!!

[ame=]Schnoodle named Sparta tries on bra - YouTube[/ame]

Then Smith was a communist and had no clear idea how markets work.

If you invent a product, put all the time, risk and capital into bringing that product to market, you think some grunt who simply assmebles parts should get an EQUAL SHARE to the guy who risked practically everything he had to make it a reality???

The guy assembling parts has no risk in this! The guy who's investing is taking the risk.

That's an EXTREMELY IGNORANT view of capital, risk, and investing in general.

Your Adam Smith never ran a real company did he? Why don't you admit that.

Like all liberal "big thinkers" he just thought he should run a company.


You REALLY need to control your over-emotionalism, it is clouding your little brain. Do you know the difference between 'equitable share' and 'EQUAL SHARE'? Clearly NOT. Of course, labor's 'equitable share' should not be an 'EQUAL SHARE'.

MY Adam Smith... now THAT is funny! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
You really don't know who Adam Smith was, do you?

In economics, invisible hand or invisible hand of the market is the term economists use to describe the self-regulating nature of the marketplace. This is a metaphor first coined by the economist Adam Smith.

Adam Smith is considered to be the founding father of right-wing free market economics. In England, the Adam Smith Institute is a bulwark of Thatcherism. In the United States, The Leadership Institute markets an Adam Smith necktie that is proudly worn by such conservative luminaries as House Majority Leader Dick Armey, former U.S. attorney-general Edwin Meese, Nobel laureate Milton Friedman and National Right to Work Committee president Reed Larson.

Adam Smith has been celebrated by advocates of free market policies as the founder of free market economics, a view reflected in the naming of bodies such as the Adam Smith Institute in London, the Adam Smith Society and the Australian Adam Smith Club, and in terms such as the Adam Smith necktie.

Too bad Milton Friedman is dead, you could have asked why he often sported an Adam Smith necktie.

NOW, let's see if you can answer my question:

IF company A could raise the prices on their company A widgets, they would do it TODAY. What stops them from raising their prices TODAY Einstein???

Dude, as I pointed out already, this is akin to "living wage" and that only hurts those who need the help the most.

When you are unskilled and looking for a start in the work force you don't need someone keeping you out, because they are insisting you get paid just as much as someone who's skilled (aka a "living wage.")

That means the employer has the choice of hiring someone who already has the skills (and he doesn't need to train) or someone he will have to take the expense to train.

It isn't hard to figure out who's going to lose on that one.

It's always well intentioned but in reality, it just doesn't work.

AGAIN, YOUR dogma and doctrinaire demands that the other side take a polarized position, when the ONLY polarized position is YOURS.

Even 'evil' unions don't insist 'unskilled' and 'looking for a start' get paid just as much as someone who's skilled.

Here is your word for the day: apprenticeship

NOW, are you going to answer my question???

IF company A could raise the prices on their company A widgets, they would do it TODAY. What stops them from raising their prices TODAY Einstein???
The republican party places in a place of honor the ideas of a man who said right out in public he wants to see the government the founders designed for us DEAD.

they do his bidding over the people they are elected to serve.

The republican party wants to kill Democracy in the US.

hell look at how they have brainwashed their braindead to hate the very word Democracy


Hard to believe, considering the vast majority of neo-Republican politicians don't like war. I mean, they don't mind send your and my children off to die thousands of miles away in a foreign war, they just don't want to have to fight one personally.

Actually the truth here is that all Republicans hate war, especially those of us who have been there. Have you checked the status of the military lately? You will be surprised...

REALLY Ollie? Where were all these Republicans who hate war when Bush and Cheney lied us into a 3 trillion dollar war in Iraq?

Ah yes, they lied...... Show us the lie........ Show us that nearly every Security agency in the world didn't agree that Saddam had WMD. Show us how Saddam never admitted that he wanted Iran to believe he had WMD. read the Duelfer report and show us where Saddam wasn't planning on rebuilding his arsenal as fast as he could....

This is all out there as fact not made up hatred and lies... All you have to do is wade through the BS and read the truth....

Such tools...........
See they jsut flat out deny the facts.

Yes there were no fucking weapons.

the inspectors tried to tell Bush that before he made them leave
Hell I knew there were no weapons when the issue was in the news.

You jsut marched like a fucking fool in line like they told you too.

Not all of us were as stupid as you
The republican party places in a place of honor the ideas of a man who said right out in public he wants to see the government the founders designed for us DEAD.

they do his bidding over the people they are elected to serve.

The republican party wants to kill Democracy in the US.

hell look at how they have brainwashed their braindead to hate the very word Democracy

The republican party places in a place of honor the ideas of a man who said right out in public he wants to see the government the founders designed for us DEAD.

they do his bidding over the people they are elected to serve.

The republican party wants to kill Democracy in the US.

hell look at how they have brainwashed their braindead to hate the very word Democracy

The government we have today does not even compare with what the founders created. It is a monster grown so large that no one person can understand how it all works. Or doesn't work, as the case happens to be.....
See they jsut flat out deny the facts.

Yes there were no fucking weapons.

the inspectors tried to tell Bush that before he made them leave

Many countries believed that he did.
Never mind what this guy said;
Former Iraqi general Georges Sada, who served as second-in-command of the Iraqi air force under deposed dictator Saddam Hussein, says Hussein moved weapons of mass destruction into Syria before the US-led invasion by loading them into civilian aircraft in which the passenger seats were removed. The revelation is made in the newly published book, Saddam's Secrets.Speaking to The New York Sun, Sada reported that special Republican Guard units led by Saddam's cousin, Ali Hussein al-Majid, nicknamed "ChemicalAli," loaded "yellow barrels with skull and crossbones" in two Boeing jets. The planes made 56 flights to Syria in the weeks leading up to the war. Hussein also sent WMD out on trucks.

"Saddam realized, this time, the Americans are coming," Sada said. "They handed over the weapons of mass destruction to the Syrians."
Former dictator Saddam Hussein

The revelation follows by one month Israeli Gen. Moshe Yaalon's comments that Israel had intelligence showing that Saddam "transferred the chemical agents from Iraq to Syria."

It still may be proven in the future.

Then we had that guy,who was a spy, that told the CIA that there was WMD's, then later admitted that he lied. The rest of the world believed it too.
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See they jsut flat out deny the facts.

Yes there were no fucking weapons.

the inspectors tried to tell Bush that before he made them leave

Hey TM, do you really want the truth?

Read the fucking Duelfer Report. And I mean read it so that you understand what is being said.

If you can actually comprehend that........
To Republicans "job creation" is code for tax cuts for the rich. We tried that for the last 30 years, and it has not worked. Why? Because 70% of the economy is consumer demand. Putting more and more money in fewer and fewer hands reduces demand. Raise taxes on the rich, cut defense, and balance the budget the way Clinton did. George Bush almost destroyed America. Let's bring it back.

that pretty much sums it up Chris
See they jsut flat out deny the facts.

Yes there were no fucking weapons.

the inspectors tried to tell Bush that before he made them leave

Hey TM, do you really want the truth?

Read the fucking Duelfer Report. And I mean read it so that you understand what is being said.

If you can actually comprehend that........

All you comprehend is how to buy lock stock and barrel your masters lies

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