Republican voter suppression blocked in Ohio


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
A federal appeals court panel ruled Friday that Ohio counties can keep polls open for in-person early voting the three days before the election, delivering a win to the Obama campaign after months of legal wrangling over the battleground state’s election rules.

The campaign had gone to court to challenge a state law that for most voters would have ended early voting the final weekend before the election, one of a slew of restrictions instituted by the GOP-dominated Ohio legislature last year in what critics said was an effort to tamp down turnout by the minority voters who typically make greater use of early voting.

With the ruling, almost all of those restrictions have now been reversed, either by the courts or by the legislature itself, which repealed many of the restrictions after opponents gathered enough signatures to put them to a referendum. The rules in place in Ohio will now be largely the same as those in 2008.
Sadly, the incredibly and openly corrupt GObP/ pubpots have succeeded elsewhere.

I hope voters have been paying attention.
Republicans have only won the popular presidential vote one time in the last 20 years.....2004.

So the only way Republicans can win is for the Supreme Court to change the rules on campaign contributions, allowing billionaire donors to give hundreds of millions of dollars to Romney's campaign, and then have the states illegally block people's right to vote.
Some of you crazees don't understand. The county voting commissions are split evenly in numbers between Dems and Pubs. In GOP majority counties, the commissions voted to allow the early voting. In Dem majority counties, the commissions split evenly, thus the early voting was not allowed, suppressing the Dem vote.

Now you can all argue knowing the truth of the matter.

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