Republican want no minimum wage, Democrats wants a higher minimum wage


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
So why not compromise (like government used to all the time,) and try a pilot program in say California where for 1 year or so the federal minimum wage is suspended. See how business sets wages for 1 year. After 1 year, either wages can go back to the federal minimum, or, if they wound up higher the new higher wage will be set as the new minimum for California. Repeat in other states.
So why not compromise (like government used to all the time,) and try a pilot program in say California where for 1 year or so the federal minimum wage is suspended. See how business sets wages for 1 year. After 1 year, either wages can go back to the federal minimum, or, if they wound up higher the new higher wage will be set as the new minimum for California. Repeat in other states.

That's an interesting idea. But lets add one more little thing.

Lets say a company reduces the minimum wage they pay by 25%. From 8 bucks an hour to 6 bucks.
And the CEO, the COO and the CFO all reduce their salary or other pay by 25%.

I mean you do want to be somewhat fair about this. And might as well find out if the rich really are spending at a level to increase demand. Because we know the MW worker won't be (increasing demand).

There would be lot of things that could be found out following this idea. Don't cha think?
While we're dreaming, how about a pony for every daughter, and Red Rider BB Gun with Compass in the stock for every son? :)
While we're dreaming, how about a pony for every daughter, and Red Rider BB Gun with Compass in the stock for every son?

Dude, it was your "dream" to try the idea of allowing this. I was just trying to make it more palatable to those that were going to get their earning cut.

Beside that, if 20% or your labor force has their earnings cut 25%, who do you think would be the beneficiary of that reduced labor cost?

Corporate executives is the correct answer. Hell it could start a real trend to reduce MW workers wages. Oh boy.
I'm just curious to see what might happen. While all for paying fair wages to the rank and file workers, I'm also fair-minded enough to be willing to support Republicans' idea of no min wage at all. Maybe the market'd make the wage even higher than the higher min wage? Worth finding out at least.
I'm also fair-minded enough to be willing to support Republicans' idea of no min wage at all.

I guess if the Republicans has even ONE success story to share about how they identified a problem, proposed a solution and had it succeed, I would say OK. Be fair to them

But they have ZERO successes to point to.

Remember how George Bush said the tax cuts for the ultra wealthy would stimulate the entire economy and trickle down to the rest of us? I know you remember that.

But do you remember that idea working?

See what I mean. No success with their ideas so I wouldn't be interested in trying their way again.
I'm also fair-minded enough to be willing to support Republicans' idea of no min wage at all.

I guess if the Republicans has even ONE success story to share about how they identified a problem, proposed a solution and had it succeed, I would say OK. Be fair to them

But they have ZERO successes to point to.

Remember how George Bush said the tax cuts for the ultra wealthy would stimulate the entire economy and trickle down to the rest of us? I know you remember that.

But do you remember that idea working?

See what I mean. No success with their ideas so I wouldn't be interested in trying their way again.

Try it, if it doesn't work you have big ol club for making a higher federal min wage. Don't try it, all you have is your rhetoric vs their's.

Goddamn. Both ends, as usual, go too far. Just another example of how the crazies are in control.

Each state has its own situation and conditions. Why don't we just let each state decide? Establish a minimum, index it to inflation and go from there.

A minimum wage is only one piece of the puzzle here, but as usual, once it's political, it gets dumbed down.

what would make wages go higher under those hypothetical circumstances? presuming there is some force under those circumstances that would push wages higher, why wouldn't that force exist already..?

"for 1 year or so the federal minimum wage is suspended. See how business sets wages for 1 year. After 1 year, either wages can go back to the federal minimum, or, if they wound up higher the new higher wage will be set as the new minimum for California. Repeat in other states."

Goddamn. Both ends, as usual, go too far. Just another example of how the crazies are in control.

Each state has its own situation and conditions. Why don't we just let each state decide? Establish a minimum, index it to inflation and go from there.

A minimum wage is only one piece of the puzzle here, but as usual, once it's political, it gets dumbed down.


If we tied it to inflation, it'd be like $14/hour think I read.

Goddamn. Both ends, as usual, go too far. Just another example of how the crazies are in control.

Each state has its own situation and conditions. Why don't we just let each state decide? Establish a minimum, index it to inflation and go from there.

A minimum wage is only one piece of the puzzle here, but as usual, once it's political, it gets dumbed down.


If we tied it to inflation, it'd be like $14/hour think I read.

Yeah, probably, and that ongoing increase would have led to a long string of minor changes in the way businesses do things. There's no way of knowing how things would look now.

That's in the past. Let's look forward.


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