Republicans and Blacks


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Mar 11, 2015
We keep getting told about how republicans freed us from slavery. We don't get told about how republicans treated blacks after it was done.

The Great Flood of 1927; The Treatment of Blacks

Don't be scurred.

These things happened during a republican administration.
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We keep getting told about how republicans freed us from slavery. We don't get told about how republicans treated blacks after it was done.

The Great Flood of 1927; The Treatment of Blacks

Don't be scurred.

Lol the flood! They were treated just like the whites! Get off your ass and fix your state
We keep getting told about how republicans freed us from slavery. We don't get told about how republicans treated blacks after it was done.

The Great Flood of 1927; The Treatment of Blacks

Don't be scurred.

Why don't you go back to ancient Egypt and the way Nubians were treated? Or pick a non-black group, say Chinese-that would be more interesting.
We keep getting told about how republicans freed us from slavery. We don't get told about how republicans treated blacks after it was done.

The Great Flood of 1927; The Treatment of Blacks

Don't be scurred.

Why don't you go back to ancient Egypt and the way Nubians were treated? Or pick a non-black group, say Chinese-that would be more interesting.

No. And since you want to tell us how republicans freed blacks from slavery, you can kiss my ass.

Another one scared to watch the film.
Here's one scared white.
Scared of what? .. :dunno:

Some retarded racist black guy posting on the internet? .. :cuckoo: .. :lol: :lol:
Watching the video. You are scared of the truth. That's what your trolling is all about. If I posted a bunch of internalized racist bullshit from Sowell or Elders you would not show us your fear and would watch every second.
You can’t be serious? FEMA wasn’t even created until 1979.

It had to do with the local regions officials.

And Dem Gov Martineau called up the National Guard to assist.
Martineau was forced to deal with a major crisis when the Mississippi River broke free of its banks and covered 13 percent of the state during the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927.

So where anyone is getting the president was responsible is rewriting history.
You can’t be serious? FEMA wasn’t even created until 1979.

It had to do with the local regions officials.

And Dem Gov Martineau called up the National Guard to assist.
Martineau was forced to deal with a major crisis when the Mississippi River broke free of its banks and covered 13 percent of the state during the Great Mississippi Flood of 1927.

So where anyone is getting the president was responsible is rewriting history.

You are incorrect.

The Mississippi River “Great Flood of 1927” inundated large areas in Mississippi, Arkansas, and Louisiana. However, it was in Mississippi where the embankments overflowed, drowning hundreds, perhaps a thousand people, and became one of the largest natural disasters in US history in terms of loss of life.

The flood also starkly revealed the wide “delta of Black peonage” or the “new” slavery that controlled the lives of slaves freed in 1865 and their descendants sixty-two years after passage of the Thirteenth Amendment. The flood showed that the shadow of the plantation still loomed large, as little had changed in the Mississippi Delta since emancipation. Most blacks in the region still resided on plantations as sharecroppers and tenant farmers while many others were forced into coerced labor. In fact, in the aftermath of the flood, local law-enforcement authorities arrested thousands of black men, caged them in “pens,” and released them to white planters in need of rebuilding their businesses. The US Justice Department failed to aggressively pursue statutory violations of the Anti-Peonage Act of 1867, interceding reluctantly and sporadically in the region.

The Justice Department’s seeming indifference mirrored that of other federal agencies to blacks, who suffered disproportionately because of the flood.
Walter White, executive director of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) returned to Association headquarters in New York City, New York from the Mississippi Delta and wrote a scorching review of the failure of federal Jim Crow relief efforts in the flood areas. White revealed the use of federal troops in holding black “peons” in “concentration camps” until their planter employers could claim them.

This report and other confirming newspaper accounts prompted Secretary of Commerce Herbert Hoover, who was in charge of relief, to appoint a “Colored Advisory Committee” to investigate the NAACP’s complaints. Hoover’s committee was chaired by Tuskegee Institute president Robert Russa Moton, with eleven other Tuskegeeans as committee members. Hoover hoped that a benign report from the conservative Washington camp would discredit the harsh criticism from the NAACP. Attempting to play both sides against the middle, Moton urged Hoover to use this “grave natural disaster “to create “a sense of freedom and hope” for blacks in the Delta. Refusing to support White’s earlier findings, Moton hoped that this noncritical approach would influence Hoover’s relief efforts in a positive manner. However, Moton’s committee’s report lay dormant on Hoover’s desk for months.

Between January and March 1928, The Crisis (NAACP’s official magazine) ran a series of exposes on the despair, starvation, and exploitation of black labor in the delta. These essays revealed to a national readership that peonage (debt-slavery) bolstered by the Southern convict-lease system still dominated the lives of the vast majority of African Americans in the region.

The Mississippi River Great Flood of 1927
The Democrats make politics about race because they are racist and that is why mainstream Americans won't vote Democrat.
However, during the Great Flood of 1927, it was Hoover who found himself calling on Moton for assistance. Secretary of Commerce during the Coolidge administration, Hoover had his eye on the presidency. When President Coolidge placed Hoover in command of all flood relief operations during the disaster, it seemed to be the perfect vehicle to raise his national profile and revive his reputation as the "Great Humanitarian."

Drawing on lessons he had learned feeding the starving European victims of World War I, Hoover swept into action. He cut through bureaucratic red tape, got aid to victims devastated by the flood and was dubbed a hero by the national press. There was only one thing that could tarnish Hoover's glowing image — the treatment of African Americans in the Washington County levee camps. Hoover had visited the area and had approved the local flood relief committee's decision, under the leadership of Will Percy, to keep the African American refugees on the levee. But as conditions deteriorated in the camps, word slowly filtered North, and the scandal threatened to derail Hoover's presidential ambitions.

Hoover's friends urged him to get what they called "the big Negroes" in the Republican Party to quiet his critics, and Hoover turned to Robert Moton for the job. Hoover formed the Colored Advisory Commission, led by Moton and staffed by prominent African Americans, to investigate the allegations of abuses in the flood area.

The commission conducted a thorough investigation and reported back to Moton on the deplorable conditions. Moton presented the findings to Hoover, and advanced immediate improvements to aid the flood's neediest victims. But the information was never made public. Hoover had asked Moton to keep a tight lid on his investigation. In return, Hoover implied that if he were successful in his bid for the presidency, Moton and his people would play a role in his administration unprecedented in the nation's history. Hoover also hinted that as president he intended to divide the land of bankrupt planters into small African American-owned farms.

Motivated by Hoover's promises, Moton saw to it that the Colored Advisory Commission never revealed the full extent of the abuses in the Delta, and Moton championed Hoover's candidacy to the African American population. However, once elected President in 1928, Hoover ignored Robert Moton and the promises he had made to his black constituency. In the following election of 1932, Moton withdrew his support for Hoover and switched to the Democratic Party. In an historic shift, African Americans began to abandon the Republicans, the party of Abraham Lincoln and the Emancipation Proclamation, and turned to Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Democratic Party instead.

Robert Moton and the Colored Advisory Commission | American Experience | PBS
We keep getting told about how republicans freed us from slavery. We don't get told about how republicans treated blacks after it was done.

The Great Flood of 1927; The Treatment of Blacks

Don't be scurred.

These things happened during a republican administration.

You DO realize that the South at that time was overwhelmingly Democrat, yes?

Guess not.
We keep getting told about how republicans freed us from slavery. We don't get told about how republicans treated blacks after it was done.

The Great Flood of 1927; The Treatment of Blacks

Don't be scurred.

These things happened during a republican administration.

You DO realize that the South at that time was overwhelmingly Democrat, yes?

Guess not.

No excuses. This was a natural disaster, a federal emergency, handled by a republican administration
We keep getting told about how republicans freed us from slavery. We don't get told about how republicans treated blacks after it was done.

The Great Flood of 1927; The Treatment of Blacks

Don't be scurred.

These things happened during a republican administration.

You DO realize that the South at that time was overwhelmingly Democrat, yes?

Guess not.

No excuses. This was a natural disaster, a federal emergency, handled by a republican administration

State reps determine the level of aid they request from the federal government.

If you'll recall, Governor Kathleen Blanco (D) delayed for days sending an aid request to the Bush Administration as Hurricane Katrina approached, waiting until it actually made landfall. New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin (D) essentially fucked up all around.
We keep getting told about how republicans freed us from slavery. We don't get told about how republicans treated blacks after it was done.

The Great Flood of 1927; The Treatment of Blacks

Don't be scurred.

These things happened during a republican administration.

You DO realize that the South at that time was overwhelmingly Democrat, yes?

Guess not.

No excuses. This was a natural disaster, a federal emergency, handled by a republican administration

Is this when Calvin Coolidge was President?? Because he told the state we are not using federal fund to help your state. It was a state issues.. it’s not the responsibility of Arizona to pay for Iowa.
We keep getting told about how republicans freed us from slavery. We don't get told about how republicans treated blacks after it was done.

The Great Flood of 1927; The Treatment of Blacks

Don't be scurred.

These things happened during a republican administration.

You DO realize that the South at that time was overwhelmingly Democrat, yes?

Guess not.

No excuses. This was a natural disaster, a federal emergency, handled by a republican administration

Oh dear. 1927? I am innocent. I wasn’t even born.

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