Republicans approaching civil war

2010 was a referendum on Obamacare. That's the one that mattered. One was about race, the other was about "binders full of women."

no, 2008 was about a crotchety old crippled man and his dumbass bimbo from Wasilla.

2012 was a referendum on ObamaCare. That's what the GOP ran on in the Presidential, Congressional, and Senate elections.

the ObamaCare fans won 2 out of 3.

So I ask you again, if this is legislative terrorism, what exactly was Obamacare? They literally rammed that thing down the throats of Republicans, and the American people, NOT ONCE considering the will of their constituents.

The 2012 election was a referendum on ObamaCare.

Supporters of ObamaCare won the White House and the Senate.

that's 2 out of 3.


And by the way, you never answered the question.

Yeah! You never answered my retarded question! So I win! You have been slain on the battlefield of stupid!
Lots of American citizens debate, gather facts, consider all alternatives, take positions, argue---some Republications even do this.

Democrats wait on talking points to ape from Bolsheviks in Chicago and the White House.

:puke3: You guys regurgitate the same crap over and over again. Bosheviks, Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Commies, Traitors, and on and on. You never have anything useful to say, so you just keep screaming Communists as loud as you can. Barf!

And the thing is they wouldn't know a Communist if one walked up and slapped them.
And? You're the one saying "civil war" not the article. Do you expect me to automatically believe you just because it's a Fox News article?

You idiot.

Does a GOP civil war over ObamaCare help Obama? | Interviews | On the Record

Does a GOP civil war over ObamaCare help Obama?

nope, its Fox News saying it.


At any rate, you think Fox News is the only thing conservatives pay attention to. That's pretty stereotypical. In fact, you want to endear the idea that the Republican party is weak and divided. That's you spinning it. I hate to break it to you, your party is just the same. It's being fractionated by this debate as well.

If you didn't notice, the AFL-CIO turned it's nose up at it, they were one of the bill's major backers. Obama himself knows the infeasibility of this law and is doing everything to keep it alive knowing it's fatal flaws.

You have the nuts to accuse liberals of stereotyping conservatives?!
That's the most hilariously ironic post of the year so far!!
Excuse me while I wipe my eyes...I cen't sde to typs propafly...

Oh, wait, you must be taking the piss...yeah, that's it...I've fallen for your deeply sarcastic and self-deprecating joke.'re too clever!!!
As soon as they are finished with the liberal republicans, they will be coming for the rest of you next.

I wouldn't be so quick to gloat, if this is what you are doing.

The GOP gets stronger when the Rino's are kicked out and sensible people (Like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul) keep getting elected.

There are going to be a number of GOP Senators going home permanently if they vote with Reid.
As soon as they are finished with the liberal republicans, they will be coming for the rest of you next.

I wouldn't be so quick to gloat, if this is what you are doing.

The GOP gets stronger when the Rino's are kicked out and sensible people (Like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul) keep getting elected.

There are going to be a number of GOP Senators going home permanently if they vote with Reid.

Ted Cruz, sensible?

First they have the gop dying then they are having a civil war...

they can't seem to make up their minds...
2010 was a referendum on Obamacare. That's the one that mattered. One was about race, the other was about "binders full of women."

no, 2008 was about a crotchety old crippled man and his dumbass bimbo from Wasilla.

2012 was a referendum on ObamaCare. That's what the GOP ran on in the Presidential, Congressional, and Senate elections.

the ObamaCare fans won 2 out of 3.


Still waiting on an answer to the question, Hoffstra. Somehow this must seem like a game to you. You sick bastard.
Still waiting on an answer to the question, Hoffstra. Somehow this must seem like a game to you. You sick bastard.

wow, you're taking this a little too seriously.

maybe you should log off for a few hours.

get some fresh air or something.
The republicans remind me of the guy who was holding his wife hostage, and was threatening to shoot her, but was finally talked in to killing himself, instead. But, upon agreeing to that statagy, he tells his wife, "Ok, bitch. I'll shoot myself, but you are next!"
Lots of American citizens debate, gather facts, consider all alternatives, take positions, argue---some Republications even do this.

Democrats wait on talking points to ape from Bolsheviks in Chicago and the White House.

:puke3: You guys regurgitate the same crap over and over again. Bosheviks, Communists, Socialists, Marxists, Commies, Traitors, and on and on. You never have anything useful to say, so you just keep screaming Communists as loud as you can. Barf!


Sorry to offend. I call it as I see it, as you do.

I trace the two opposing political rationales which struggle against each other today back to their original, most accurate, and also most eloquent spokesmen---one might say its founders.

Yours is Marx; mine is Jefferson.

I have to grudgingly congratulate you Marxists. It seems that ever since the old United Socialist Soviet Union crumbled into bankruptcy and disgrace--and ceased to be an example of what not to do for a society---Socialism has been making progress here in the USA....and in fact has taken over the Democratic Party.

You are not really truly insulted to be called a Bolshevik are you? They were the Democratic Party in Russia back in the day. Look it up.
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Sorry to offend. I call it as I see it, as you do.

I trace the two opposing political rationales which struggle against each other today back to their original, most accurate, and also most eloquent spokesmen---one might say its founders.

Yours is Marx; mine is Jefferson.

I have to grudgingly congratulate you Marxists. It seems that ever since the old United Socialist Soviet Union crumbled into bankruptcy and disgrace--and ceased to be an example of what not to do for a society---Socialism has been making progress here in the USA....and in fact has taken over the Democratic Party.

You are not really truly insulted to be called a Bolshevik are you? They were the Democratic Party in Russia back in the day. Look it up.

If Jefferson were alive today, he would be a Moderate Democrat.
McConnell shoves back | Fox News

It’s on now - Both McConnell and Minority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, both publicly rejected the Cruz-backed strategy and are encouraging colleagues not to block the House bill. A source close to Cruz told Fox News that the junior senator from Texas was “caught off guard” and “very upset” when he got wind of what was going on, adding he felt like he was “stabbed in the back.”

Over to you, Senator Paul - Both McConnell and Cruz want to defund ObamaCare, but McConnell and others in leadership aren’t willing to risk a government shutdown to try to do so. Conservative lawmakers who have kept mum on the tactical dispute will start to make their positions known today. The stakes are huge. Perhaps the most important voice on the topic will be McConnell’s home-state Senate colleague, Rand Paul of Kentucky. Paul stands with Cruz on the strategy, but will he join conservative groups in condemning those who fail to filibuster the House-passed plan?

Tea Baggers in the Senate actually want to prevent the Senate from voting on the House budget continuation bill that defunds ObamaCare.

so what the hell do they want to vote on? nothing????????

these guys are losing their minds.

More a guerilla war than a civil war, a lot of low action sniping etc since last November.

The conflict with Cruz may elevate the struggle, and the leadership will now start committing $$$ for candidates in the primaries against the conrgressional teaps
Watching Cruz's temper tantrum starting today - all the Rs walked out. Except Sessions.

Civil war is an accurate description and its been brewing for a long time. The last general election was a total disaster. It was like no one had a frikken clue what they were doing.

Keep up the good work, Rs. :)

what's a shameful is you Dem voters just walk in lockstep with your party, no question went right along with Pelosi you have to pass this monster government intrusion on our rights and liberties to see what's in it...that is how shameful and just sheeps you all have become..

like I said, a Republican President had pushed for this you all would be screaming to high heaven..

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