Republicans approaching civil war

As soon as they are finished with the liberal republicans, they will be coming for the rest of you next.

I wouldn't be so quick to gloat, if this is what you are doing.

The GOP gets stronger when the Rino's are kicked out and sensible people (Like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul) keep getting elected.

There are going to be a number of GOP Senators going home permanently if they vote with Reid.

Ted Cruz, sensible?

Your cowardice is showing. Might want to tuck that away before your friends see it.
Looks like you can include Rick Perry as a "liberal" now too, since he is opposing using the threat to shut down government along with Mcconnell and Cornyn.
Looks like you can include Rick Perry as a "liberal" now too, since he is opposing using the threat to shut down government along with Mcconnell and Cornyn.
Which is fine by real conservatives. It always amuses Me when people fall for the left talking points about who the conservatives in this country support.

I'll say this for Cruz.. He is sure exposing the weakest members of the GOP more effectively than anyone has been able to do for nearly 40 years.
Looks like you can include Rick Perry as a "liberal" now too, since he is opposing using the threat to shut down government along with Mcconnell and Cornyn.


First Thoughts: Ted's Talk - First Read
“We’d be hard-pressed to explain why we were opposed to a bill we’re in favor of,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has said. And three, there’s only one real beneficiary of this long speech -- Ted Cruz. Indeed, probably taking the criticism he received from House Republicans to heart, Cruz’s speech creates the illusion he’s doing something when he really isn’t; in fact, he’s risking nothing other than the ire of his fellow Republican senators.
The poor are still poor, and the middle class continues to suffer. So that's all it is, lip service.

I'm sure they would rather go with the party wanting to cut $40 billion from SNAP

No of course they wouldn't. They would rather be spoonfed like children rather than to make anything of themselves. There are rare legitimate exceptions, but normally that is the case.


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I'm sure they would rather go with the party wanting to cut $40 billion from SNAP

No of course they wouldn't. They would rather be spoonfed like children rather than to make anything of themselves. There are rare legitimate exceptions, but normally that is the case.

WTF are you talking about? Speaking of being "spoon fed".

You get a job yet? Didn't think so. Who is it that is filling up your spoon? Keeping the internet going? Paying the electric bill for YOU.

Either you are living off welfare, unemployment or someone else. Which is it?

I only ask (not because I care) so I can ridicule your attempts at denigrating someone else for doing what you are doing. Mooching.

My guess is that he's one of the 'rare legitimate exceptions'.
I don't think the Democrats in Congress hate the rich.

It's just a talking point for them to get you riled up.

They all get their money from the same place...the Rich.

They aren't going to bite the hand that feeds them.

It's all lip service...a ploy to pit you against the rich...give you an enemy.

"Those evil greedy rich people (like me), they are keeping you down (while lining my pockets and stocking my war chest)...bad Rich...Baaaaaad."

I can get behind that...but I think the dems give more lip service to the poor and middle class than the republicans.

The poor are still poor, and the middle class continues to suffer. So that's all it is, lip service.

Still more than the right.
Republicans are not currently in a civil war

But that is the only way they can eventually reclaim heir party from the radicals. TeaTards and radical conservatives have hijacked the once grand party and positioned it where it can no longer win national elections

Until moderates can reclaim their party......they will not win another Senate or Presidency

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