Republicans approaching civil war

Oh believe me he has gone completely over that apex.

what do you think about the Republican civil war?

or are you too busy shaving your teeny-weeny mustache.


I find it amusing actually. I have vowed to NEVER vote in a state/national election again unless its a pro white candidate running. I will stick with the local elections.
You need to lay off the crack cocaine and the kool aid, Hoffstra.

yeah bro, you're REALLY taking this too seriously.


Yeah, and you're the one posting about a supposed civil war in the Republican party. Besides, taking things seriously is my forte, it also makes me conservative. That is unlike you liberal folk who tend to ignore everything and spew heaping amounts of stupidity on others.
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Yeah, and you're the one posting about a supposed civil war in the Republican party. Besides, taking things seriously is my forte, it also makes me conservative. Unlike you liberal folk who tend to ignore everything.

Fox News, Politico, Business Insider, and the Christian Science Monitor thinks its a civil war.

go bitch and whine to them.

McConnell shoves back | Fox News

It’s on now - Both McConnell and Minority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, both publicly rejected the Cruz-backed strategy and are encouraging colleagues not to block the House bill. A source close to Cruz told Fox News that the junior senator from Texas was “caught off guard” and “very upset” when he got wind of what was going on, adding he felt like he was “stabbed in the back.”

Over to you, Senator Paul - Both McConnell and Cruz want to defund ObamaCare, but McConnell and others in leadership aren’t willing to risk a government shutdown to try to do so. Conservative lawmakers who have kept mum on the tactical dispute will start to make their positions known today. The stakes are huge. Perhaps the most important voice on the topic will be McConnell’s home-state Senate colleague, Rand Paul of Kentucky. Paul stands with Cruz on the strategy, but will he join conservative groups in condemning those who fail to filibuster the House-passed plan?

Tea Baggers in the Senate actually want to prevent the Senate from voting on the House budget continuation bill that defunds ObamaCare.

so what the hell do they want to vote on? nothing????????

these guys are losing their minds.
You really aren't intelligent enough to follow what is going on here so let me see if I can educate you.

They aren't voting against the bill that defunds obiecare, they are voting against cloture which would mean that piece of sh*t ried would only need 51 votes to cut the defunding of obiecare portion of the bill instead of 60. He can't get 60 votes to fund obiecare. That's why when the law was passed he had to use an end around to get it to go the first time. He needs to do just that again to keep it law. If he needs 60 votes he can't get the budget to fail and it goes to president mom pants who will then be forced into a veto or signing the law. Ried is trying his best to not get this weak president in this situation.
McConnell shoves back | Fox News

It’s on now - Both McConnell and Minority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, both publicly rejected the Cruz-backed strategy and are encouraging colleagues not to block the House bill. A source close to Cruz told Fox News that the junior senator from Texas was “caught off guard” and “very upset” when he got wind of what was going on, adding he felt like he was “stabbed in the back.”

Over to you, Senator Paul - Both McConnell and Cruz want to defund ObamaCare, but McConnell and others in leadership aren’t willing to risk a government shutdown to try to do so. Conservative lawmakers who have kept mum on the tactical dispute will start to make their positions known today. The stakes are huge. Perhaps the most important voice on the topic will be McConnell’s home-state Senate colleague, Rand Paul of Kentucky. Paul stands with Cruz on the strategy, but will he join conservative groups in condemning those who fail to filibuster the House-passed plan?

Tea Baggers in the Senate actually want to prevent the Senate from voting on the House budget continuation bill that defunds ObamaCare.

so what the hell do they want to vote on? nothing????????

these guys are losing their minds.
You really aren't intelligent enough to follow what is going on here so let me see if I can educate you.

They aren't voting against the bill that defunds obiecare, they are voting against cloture which would mean that piece of sh*t ried would only need 51 votes to cut the defunding of obiecare portion of the bill instead of 60. He can't get 60 votes to fund obiecare. That's why when the law was passed he had to use an end around to get it to go the first time. He needs to do just that again to keep it law. If he needs 60 votes he can't get the budget to fail and it goes to president mom pants who will then be forced into a veto or signing the law. Ried is trying his best to not get this weak president in this situation.

I really have been trying hard to understand the various strategies here...and haven't been able to do so because of the bullshit storm...but this post here is the clearest explanation yet...and I'll take it even if it is bullshit too...just to get some of that oft spoke of "closure" on the matter.

But, it does sound like some more bullshit.....because having that pussy in the White House be forced into a choice of abandoning his own Obamacare...or shutting down his beloved Federal Government...simply sounds too good to be true...and so it probably is.

Would be sweet though.
You need to lay off the crack cocaine and the kool aid, Hoffstra.

yeah bro, you're REALLY taking this too seriously.


Yeah, and you're the one posting about a supposed civil war in the Republican party. Besides, taking things seriously is my forte, it also makes me conservative. That is unlike you liberal folk who tend to ignore everything and spew heaping amounts of stupidity on others.

Stereotyping both conservatives and liberals in one short paragraph?
The hypocrisy runs deep in this one.

Don't worry 'Liberal Slayer', we aren't laughing with you.
And? You're the one saying "civil war" not the article. Do you expect me to automatically believe you just because it's a Fox News article?

You idiot.

Does a GOP civil war over ObamaCare help Obama? | Interviews | On the Record

Does a GOP civil war over ObamaCare help Obama?

nope, its Fox News saying it.


At any rate, you think Fox News is the only thing conservatives pay attention to. That's pretty stereotypical. In fact, you want to endear the idea that the Republican party is weak and divided. That's you spinning it. I hate to break it to you, your party is just the same. It's being fractionated by this debate as well.

If you didn't notice, the AFL-CIO turned it's nose up at it, they were one of the bill's major backers. Obama himself knows the infeasibility of this law and is doing everything to keep it alive knowing it's fatal flaws.
Haha you were wrong again...
52% of Americans oppose Obamacare. Why didn't you respect the will of the people?

I thought as much.

Congress represents the will of the people.

deal with it.

You cited a poll. I cited a poll. Mine won. Deal with it.

Oh and you first said the Senate represented the will of the people, now it's Congress. Which one, Hoffstra?

I didnt see . Break down of how the poll was done..just final results
What will be fun to watch, Hoffstra is whether Obama wants to keep the government running, or his monstrous healthcare plan running. Oooohhh the suspense!

59% of Americans don't want the govt. shutdown or to default on the debt, just to defund ObamaCare.

why don't you respect the will of The People?

Why don't the the Democrats respect the will of the people?

Funny how this is only brought by Democrats when the majority favors their will.

Obamacare was passed and 60% were against it, it didn't stop the Democrats. Not sure why you would think it would stop Republicans.
This is a lie and you know it.
What do you mean "if Obamacare gets through"?

It is through. Passed in the House. Passed in the Senate. Signed by the POTUS. Ruled A-OK by the Supremes.

Our system worked....and Obamacare is the law of the land.

The proper way to repeal ObamaCare, is to pass a repeal bill in the House and Senate.

They don't have the votes to do that, so they are holding the nation's funding hostage.

And they plan on holding the debt ceiling hostage for the same reason.

Its legislative terrorism.

So I ask you again, if this is legislative terrorism, what exactly was Obamacare? They literally rammed that thing down the throats of Republicans, and the American people, NOT ONCE considering the will of their constituents.
They didnt ram anything
McConnell shoves back | Fox News

It’s on now - Both McConnell and Minority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, both publicly rejected the Cruz-backed strategy and are encouraging colleagues not to block the House bill. A source close to Cruz told Fox News that the junior senator from Texas was “caught off guard” and “very upset” when he got wind of what was going on, adding he felt like he was “stabbed in the back.”

Over to you, Senator Paul - Both McConnell and Cruz want to defund ObamaCare, but McConnell and others in leadership aren’t willing to risk a government shutdown to try to do so. Conservative lawmakers who have kept mum on the tactical dispute will start to make their positions known today. The stakes are huge. Perhaps the most important voice on the topic will be McConnell’s home-state Senate colleague, Rand Paul of Kentucky. Paul stands with Cruz on the strategy, but will he join conservative groups in condemning those who fail to filibuster the House-passed plan?

Tea Baggers in the Senate actually want to prevent the Senate from voting on the House budget continuation bill that defunds ObamaCare.

so what the hell do they want to vote on? nothing????????

these guys are losing their minds.

I watched Cruz explain it on Fox News Sunday...and it is damn convoluted.

Cruz want Reid to bring the House Bill to the floor for a vote with no amendments.

If Reid will not agree to bring it to a vote with no amendment, Cruz wants to filibuster to avoid cloture (requires 60 votes to break a filibuster).

If the Republicans do not filibuster the cloture to get a vote on the bill without amendments, Reid and the Democrats will amend the bill to include Obamacare funding on a majority vote...then they will pass it on a majority vote and send it back to the House.

Does that make sense the way I explained it.

If not, Cruz is the first guest on the latest FNS and it is available free on Hulu.

The pragmatist in me has to agree with McConnell on this.

I want to support Cruz...but a successful bluff is one where your opponent believes that the bluffer is equally comfortable either way.

Here there is no such illusion.

Cruz might be willing...but the establishment Republicans have no backbone.

The Republicans aren't willing to take it to the bitter end and shut down the government rather than fund Obamacare.

If they were, it would be a different story.

But they are afraid of the ramification a la 1995.

My contention is this ain't 1995...

For a politician to go to the mat for what they believe in and damn the torpedoes...that would be a breath of fresh air.

But it isn't going to happen...politician are more worried about their place at the trough than the fate of the country.
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I think they're going to fracture into two parties- one: Establ. Repubs representing the rich & the other: social & fiscal conservatives. The Establ. Repubs will naturally be able to outspend the SOCONs during election-time.
I think they're going to fracture into two parties- one: Establ. Repubs representing the rich & the other: social & fiscal conservatives. The Establ. Repubs will naturally be able to outspend the SOCONs during election-time.

They are the rich.

The Democrats more so than the Republicans.


Net worth of United States Senators and Representatives - Ballotpedia
McConnell shoves back | Fox News

It’s on now - Both McConnell and Minority Whip John Cornyn, R-Texas, both publicly rejected the Cruz-backed strategy and are encouraging colleagues not to block the House bill. A source close to Cruz told Fox News that the junior senator from Texas was “caught off guard” and “very upset” when he got wind of what was going on, adding he felt like he was “stabbed in the back.”

Over to you, Senator Paul - Both McConnell and Cruz want to defund ObamaCare, but McConnell and others in leadership aren’t willing to risk a government shutdown to try to do so. Conservative lawmakers who have kept mum on the tactical dispute will start to make their positions known today. The stakes are huge. Perhaps the most important voice on the topic will be McConnell’s home-state Senate colleague, Rand Paul of Kentucky. Paul stands with Cruz on the strategy, but will he join conservative groups in condemning those who fail to filibuster the House-passed plan?

Tea Baggers in the Senate actually want to prevent the Senate from voting on the House budget continuation bill that defunds ObamaCare.

so what the hell do they want to vote on? nothing????????

these guys are losing their minds.
You really aren't intelligent enough to follow what is going on here so let me see if I can educate you.

They aren't voting against the bill that defunds obiecare, they are voting against cloture which would mean that piece of sh*t ried would only need 51 votes to cut the defunding of obiecare portion of the bill instead of 60. He can't get 60 votes to fund obiecare. That's why when the law was passed he had to use an end around to get it to go the first time. He needs to do just that again to keep it law. If he needs 60 votes he can't get the budget to fail and it goes to president mom pants who will then be forced into a veto or signing the law. Ried is trying his best to not get this weak president in this situation.

I really have been trying hard to understand the various strategies here...and haven't been able to do so because of the bullshit storm...but this post here is the clearest explanation yet...and I'll take it even if it is bullshit too...just to get some of that oft spoke of "closure" on the matter.

But, it does sound like some more bullshit.....because having that pussy in the White House be forced into a choice of abandoning his own Obamacare...or shutting down his beloved Federal Government...simply sounds too good to be true...and so it probably is.

Would be sweet though.

That is exactly the situation here. The Senate under ried can't vote for this budget because it would then fall on obie to be the last man standing in favor of obiecare with a veto. But ried can't defeat that vote with a threshold of 60 he HAS to get it down to 51 or he is going to lose. Much like the gun control vote he lost he can't afford to let the democrats vote against him. Which they will do in order to save their political *sses.

The deal today with Cruz is to keep the 60 vote threshold in place before ried can ammend the bill to include funding for obiecare. After that then the vote will come down to 51 on the bill as is and the dems will vote for it in enough numbers to send it to the POTUS. Which then puts him on the hook. Going to get pretty ugly if little obie is sitting on a house passed bill defunding obiecare and he is the last man standing. Ried is doing his best not to make that happen, but maybe it will.

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