Republicans Are, And Have Been, Attacking Social Security

In 1935, when SS was established, only 5.4 percent of the US population was over 65.

In 1965, when Medicare was established, 9 percent of the US population was over 65.

Today, 16.9 percent of the US population is over 65.

We have a smaller and smaller percentage of Americans supporting an ever-growing percentage of retirees.

It is blazingly obvious this is an unsustainable trend.

It is way past time to raise the retirement age to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.
It's funny how every modern country in the world can afford all this stuff while we, the richest country in the world easily, can't. Total BS, brainwashed functional moron....
It's funny how every modern country in the world can afford all this stuff while we, the richest country in the world easily, can't. Total BS, brainwashed functional moron....
Where did you get the idea the rest of the developed world can afford their social safety nets?

Have you looked at their debt-to-GDP ratios?
Are you saying there aren’t mega rich demofks?
of course there are, just as many as Republicans, but they aren't greedy lying swine. they know that it takes a healthy middle class and working class and good infrastructure to make the country work It's best. just like every other country in the modern world, dingbat. Ooops brain washed functional dingbat politically...
"Tax the rich more" is a shiny object for you rubes. You have been hoaxed into bleeving it will solve all our problems.

It won't.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common. Fricking. Sense.
it's funny how it works in every other developed country DUHHHH
Eventually, America will have to come around to my way of thinking which I have been propounding for over a decade on this forum.

One, we need to eliminate tax expenditures.

Two, we need to raise the retirement age to 70 and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

These two things alone would provide such a massive surplus we would not know what to do with it.

We could lower tax rates for everyone and pay off the debt. Once the debt was paid off, we could lower tax rates even more.

And entities earning identical incomes would be paying identical taxes.

It would also make YUGE strides in reducing campaign financing.

Something for everyone to like.
So wonder why demofks think they don’t?
What upsets Democrats is that income above a certain amount is not subject to the Social Security tax.

The current income cap is $160,200.
Just as there is a maximum income that is taxed for Social Security, there is a maximum monthly benefit.

If you retire at the full retirement age this year, your maximum benefit would be $3,627 a month.

If you retire at the age of 70, your maximum benefit would be $4,555.
but strangely you have never voted for democrats, Super Duper LOL. at least since the brainwash... for you idiots, I would like to announce that Murdoch just said in court that they love lying over at Fox News especially about election fraud and other ridiculous conspiracies.... dominion voting machines are gonna sue the hell out of you morons' favorite garbage propaganda station.... And of course Fox will not cover it, at least factually.
Why would I vote for anyone in the corrupt duopoly?

I have voted 3rd party or not at all for the past 30 years because I realized then that the duopoly os the problem

You people are so blinded by the petty partisanship that you are blind to the fact that neither party is doing anything for this country or its people.

These are the 2 parties that have fucked everything up and continuing to support the corrupt duopoly isn't the way to unfuck it
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In 1935, when SS was established, only 5.4 percent of the US population was over 65.

In 1965, when Medicare was established, 9 percent of the US population was over 65.

Today, 16.9 percent of the US population is over 65.

We have a smaller and smaller percentage of Americans supporting an ever-growing percentage of retirees.

It is blazingly obvious this is an unsustainable trend.

It is way past time to raise the retirement age to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

That's all fine and good. But it doesn't have to do with Average Life Expectancy being decades longer. The growth has to do with the baby boom after WWII.

I disagree with the premise that the only solution is to cut benefits, which is what you do when you make people work longer before they are eligible to draw the earned benefit.

Now you want to raise the age for people that are born starting in the year the law is changed? OK. However I'm against cutting benefits for those already in the system.

Just as there is a maximum income that is taxed for Social Security, there is a maximum monthly benefit.

If you retire at the full retirement age this year, your maximum benefit would be $3,627 a month.

If you retire at the age of 70, your maximum benefit would be $4,555.

People will just still take advantage of the early retirement option and retire pre-70 with a slightly smaller benefit.

Then of course, disability claims increase with age as a demographic. People won't wait until FRA to retire, more and more of course will apply for disability as their vision, hearing, knees, back, etc. wear out.

That's all fine and good. But it doesn't have to do with Average Life Expectancy being decades longer. The growth has to do with the baby boom after WWII.
Which is precisely why I say the retirement age should be indexed to 9 percent of the population going forward.

I disagree with the premise that the only solution is to cut benefits, which is what you do when you make people work longer before they are eligible to draw the earned benefit.
What a fantastic twisting of words! Raising the retirement age is not "cutting benefits". You would be entitled to the exact same benefits when you reach retirement age.
People will just still take advantage of the early retirement option and retire pre-70 with a slightly smaller benefit.
That would be their choice just as it is now.

Then of course, disability claims increase with age as a demographic. People won't wait until FRA to retire, more and more of course will apply for disability as their vision, hearing, knees, back, etc. wear out.

The 65 year old of today is in better shape, and has a far superior medical system, than the 65 year old of 1935.
Why would I vote for anyone in the corrupt duopoly?

I have voted 3rd party or not at all for the past 30 years because I realized then that the duopoly os the problem

You people are so blinded by the petty partisanship that you are blind to the fact that neither party is doing anything for this country or its people.

These are the 2 parties that have fucked everything up and continuing to support the corrupt duopoly isn't the way to unfuck it
yes, except for the Democrats. You don't think health care is important or Medicare or Medicaid or Social Security et cetera et cetera et cetera. all from the Democrats also basically infrastructure spending for a **** **** change And help bringing down the cost of Healthcare and medicines period of course they are totally obstructed by the GOP because bs emails and pedophilia. they are for day care help and paid parental leave and Cheap college training and great infrastructure and vacations and ID card to end illegal immigration and on and on just like every other modern country. GOP is a catastrophe for a century. Giveaways to the rich, foreign adventurism and Stupid Wars and corrupt deregulation bubble and bust depressions. All they have is total BS. And no they are not better than the Democrats at the economy To say the least
People will just still take advantage of the early retirement option and retire pre-70 with a slightly smaller benefit.

Then of course, disability claims increase with age as a demographic. People won't wait until FRA to retire, more and more of course will apply for disability as their vision, hearing, knees, back, etc. wear out.


Which is why it could never work. I come from a construction family so I know all about this. My father loved his job as a bricklayer, but his body didn't. He had to retire at 62 instead of 65. As a child I remember us being home alone because my father was in the hospital for yet another back surgery. At one point they told him if he didn't change his line of work, he may be crippled for the rest of his natural life.

That's why the only reasonable solution even if temporary is to increase the employee/employer SS contributions to 8% instead of 6. Raising the ceiling is no solution since they've been doing that every year now.

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