Republicans Are, And Have Been, Attacking Social Security

Tax breaks and incentives..........period.

SO........injecting words in my response?
I never stated any ONE tax are what teabaggers claim as bankrupting a business.
TAXES in general (multiple) are what teabaggers claim are doing that.
you are so full of shit you were whining that a business has to pay the sales tax up front two pages back
They allowed it or well over 100 years, dumbass. We didn't have the great depression until 12 years after the Federal Reserve was created.
Only in the 1920s was buying on 10% margin a problem... It's just the usual classic GOP deregulation Let it all hang out with their business tycoon pals and families like1929, 1989, 2008 . Then there is the brainwash for the ignoramuses...
Only in the 1920s was buying on 10% margin a problem... It's just the usual classic GOP deregulation Let it all hang out with their business tycoon pals and families like1929, 1989, 2008 . Then there is the brainwash for the ignoramuses...
You mean only after the government created the Federal Reserve.
It's called investing in your citizens like every other country in the world what are you talking about? And of course only the bloated rich and giant corporations will be paying for it... have to remind you before you snap back to the brain wash LOL...
It's called pork. It's called making people pay for stuff they don't want.

Only fools believe that only the rich will pay for it.
Post # 385

And FYI I never was a republican or a democrat and in case you haven't noticed yet but the so called tea Party hasn't been active in the last 10 years or so
but strangely you have never voted for democrats, Super Duper LOL. at least since the brainwash... for you idiots, I would like to announce that Murdoch just said in court that they love lying over at Fox News especially about election fraud and other ridiculous conspiracies.... dominion voting machines are gonna sue the hell out of you morons' favorite garbage propaganda station.... And of course Fox will not cover it, at least factually.
Biden refused to name them, but here's the names of some of the loudest ones...

Do the USMB rightwing Republican-voters agree w/this attack on social security?

What's your position on this matter?

I am 100 percent of the opinion we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70 and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors. We should be working longer.

Common. Sense.

The people who are actually attacking Social Security are the people living longer and not working longer. They are a drain on the national treasury.
It's called pork. It's called making people pay for stuff they don't want.

Only fools believe that only the rich will pay for it.
Only brainwashed functional morons like you don't want Cheap College and training so we can compete with the rest of the modern world which already does all this socialist stuff. taxing the rich health care day care et cetera. we are by far the richest country in the world and we can afford it for crying out loud, Super Duper.
They allowed it or well over 100 years, dumbass. We didn't have the great depression until 12 years after the Federal Reserve was created.

You can see in that link that recessions and depressions were far more frequent, and much deeper, before the Federal Reserve was created.

The longest depression, actually called The Long Depression, was from October 1873 to March 1879.
I am 100 percent of the opinion we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70 and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors. We should be working longer.

Common. Sense.

The people who are actually attacking Social Security are the people living longer and not working longer. They are a drain on the national treasury.

No were not. Average Life Expectancy (ALE) is the metric that says we live DECADES longer than people from a hundred years ago. But you are using the wrong metric.

See ALE includes infant mortality rates that have plummeted. Because more infants life to adulthood, that raises the average. In addition the infants and children dying before adulthood never paid into SS.

A better metric is to look at months that benefits are drawn. The average increase (using male and females) is about 4 years longer. Not decades.


No were not. Average Life Expectancy (ALE) is the metric that says we live DECADES longer than people from a hundred years ago. But you are using the wrong metric.

See ALE includes infant mortality rates that have plummeted. Because more infants life to adulthood, that raises the average. In addition the infants and children dying before adulthood never paid into SS.

A better metric is to look at months that benefits are drawn. The average increase (using male and females) is about 4 years longer. Not decades.

In 1935, when SS was established, only 5.4 percent of the US population was over 65.

In 1965, when Medicare was established, 9 percent of the US population was over 65.

Today, 16.9 percent of the US population is over 65.

We have a smaller and smaller percentage of Americans supporting an ever-growing percentage of retirees.

It is blazingly obvious this is an unsustainable trend.

It is way past time to raise the retirement age to 70, and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.
I am 100 percent of the opinion we need to raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70 and index it to 9 percent of the population going forward.

We are living DECADES longer than our ancestors. We should be working longer.

Common. Sense.

The people who are actually attacking Social Security are the people living longer and not working longer. They are a drain on the national treasury.
yes yes, we must do exactly as the greedy mega Rich GOP swine say, right, Super Duper? You're pathetic. tax the rich again and invest in America again for crying out loud.
yes yes, we must do exactly as the greedy mega Rich GOP swine say, right, Super Duper? You're pathetic. tax the rich again and invest in America again for crying out loud.
Are you saying there aren’t mega rich demofks?
yes yes, we must do exactly as the greedy mega Rich GOP swine say, right, Super Duper? You're pathetic. tax the rich again and invest in America again for crying out loud.
"Tax the rich more" is a shiny object for you rubes. You have been hoaxed into bleeving it will solve all our problems.

It won't.

We are living longer, we should be working longer.

Common. Fricking. Sense.

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