Republicans Are, And Have Been, Attacking Social Security

Good times.........are over.
K Mart.........Kaput.

The first store with the Kmart name opened in 1962 in Garden City, Michigan.
At its peak in 1994, Kmart operated 2,486 stores globally, including 2,323 discount stores and Super Kmart Center locations in the United States.
As of April 16, 2022, that number was down to nine, including just three in the continental United States.
The rich don't stay rich. I have seen the largest retailer on earth, Sears, go the way of the dodo. As did JC Penneys, Montgomery Wards, etc., etc., etc.
The rich don't stay rich. I have seen the largest retailer on earth, Sears, go the way of the dodo. As did JC Penneys, Montgomery Wards, etc., etc., etc.
That has nothing to do with the people who used to own and run those businesses retaining any wealth they may have accumulated.
Do you honestly think anyone paid 50% on much of their income? Reagan got rid of a lot of deductions and shelters when he dropped the marginal rate. And, come to think of it, why aren't we paying 50% today? The democrats asleep on the job?
Yep. If the 50% rate was so great, why didn't the Democrats, when they had total control of the presidency, House, and the Senate, bring it back?
Well, they did.
Isn't that what everyone is complaining about for years..........inflation?
Biden hasn't raised taxes on corporation.............Yet.
Trump is the president who lowered corporate tax rates.
Didn't have much staying power.
Sure they did. But by how much? Did you get a raise during that time? If so, why?
Well, they did.
Isn't that what everyone is complaining about for years..........inflation?
Biden hasn't raised taxes on corporation.............Yet.
Trump is the president who lowered corporate tax rates.
Didn't have much staying power.
Obviously, their increased costs were greater than the tax cut.
Yep. If the 50% rate was so great, why didn't the Democrats, when they had total control of the presidency, House, and the Senate, bring it back?
Apparently, as long as there's even ONE Republican in Congress, democrats can't do a thing on their own. Of course, those wanting a 50% top rate don't want to re-instate all the deductions that were eliminated when the rate was slashed.
Obviously, their increased costs were greater than the tax cut.
Yup, they tried to compete head-to-head with Walmart on price alone and lost. Target's still around because they don't try to compete only on price. Now, of course, Walmart is so big it's nearly impossible to knock them off on price alone. They rule the bottom line.

Another case in point. I worked at Circuit City headquarters during the time they went from the number one electronics retailer to a few years before they bankrupt. Soon after the turn of the century, they were laughing at Best Buy for financing their expansion. The boast was that CC was sitting on a billion dollars in cash and could self-finance any expansion. They waited too long and let BB get too big to compete on price alone and couldn't adjust their business model fast enough to stay competitive. So, yes, any way a company can reduce prices gives them a competitive advantage. If they don't, they have to have something else that a customer values enough to pay more to get.
That's true, and look WHERE they manufacture their products.
Walmart was caught a decade or so with their made in America tags, even the tags were made in China.

That's true, and look WHERE they manufacture their products.
Walmart was caught a decade or so with their made in America tags, even the tags were made in China.
Which underscores the importance of lower costs when trying to compete in retail. Only if enough customers demand goods really made in America will we see products made in America.
Yep. If the 50% rate was so great, why didn't the Democrats, when they had total control of the presidency, House, and the Senate, bring it back?

For the same reason we still don't have a $15.00 national minimum wage. They tell their followers what they want to hear to get their votes and then say "screw them" once in power.
I don't know why these people think the wealthy will just stand there and let the government take ever increasing amounts of money from them without taking steps to avoid it. They're not rich by accident, after all.

It's the philosophy Democrats hate the most called Action/Reaction. They simply don't believe it exists.
again so what?

It's what politicians do.
Most of the people in these towns and cities are against it.

In the tiny coastal town of Oriental, North Carolina, some residents say they are feeling cheated by Walmart.

Renee Ireland-Smith said her family's grocery store was forced to close in October after 45 years because it could not compete with Walmart's low prices. Two weeks ago, she said she'd learned that Walmart was also now closing.

"This town was fine before," Ireland-Smith said. "Now it's broken."

"All these people that live in these small towns, they're going to have to travel way out of the way to go shopping," said Luella McQuesten.

"Walmart puts a strong hold on the city when they come into that neighborhood," said Darnell Gardner, "And they tend to drive that little boy out of business all the time. It's going to definitely affect the revenue that comes into this city, tremendously, so I really hate that they are doing this to us."

One of Walmart’s most detrimental effects is lower wages in the local economies it enters.

“Walmart may say they help people ‘live better,'” said David West, executive director of Puget Sound Sage, in the press release. “But this study shows that communities will be much worse off with lower wages and less money in the community after a Walmart opens.”

The losses are tied mainly to the low wages Walmart pays its employees. Researchers found that Walmart pays lower wages to its hourly associates than what other local businesses pay comparable workers, estimating that the wage difference is at least $3 per hour.
Most of the people in these towns and cities are against it.

In the tiny coastal town of Oriental, North Carolina, some residents say they are feeling cheated by Walmart.

Renee Ireland-Smith said her family's grocery store was forced to close in October after 45 years because it could not compete with Walmart's low prices. Two weeks ago, she said she'd learned that Walmart was also now closing.

"This town was fine before," Ireland-Smith said. "Now it's broken."

"All these people that live in these small towns, they're going to have to travel way out of the way to go shopping," said Luella McQuesten.

"Walmart puts a strong hold on the city when they come into that neighborhood," said Darnell Gardner, "And they tend to drive that little boy out of business all the time. It's going to definitely affect the revenue that comes into this city, tremendously, so I really hate that they are doing this to us."

One of Walmart’s most detrimental effects is lower wages in the local economies it enters.

“Walmart may say they help people ‘live better,'” said David West, executive director of Puget Sound Sage, in the press release. “But this study shows that communities will be much worse off with lower wages and less money in the community after a Walmart opens.”

The losses are tied mainly to the low wages Walmart pays its employees. Researchers found that Walmart pays lower wages to its hourly associates than what other local businesses pay comparable workers, estimating that the wage difference is at least $3 per hour.
Then they can vote out their local politicians who do these things they disagree with in the next election can't they?

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