Republicans Are, And Have Been, Attacking Social Security

Of course republicans "know" tax incentives produce far more revenue.

Tax Incentives: The Losing Gamble States and Cities Keep ...

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Governing › finance › tax-incentives...

Feb 25, 2020 — Study after study shows that tax incentives don't pay off in real economic gains and often fail to produce the jobs that were promised.

Study: Corporate Tax Incentives Do More Harm Than Good to ...

View attachment 761304
North Carolina State University › tax-incentives-hurt-states

Feb 27, 2020 — A study of tax incentives aimed at attracting businesses finds that most incentives leave states worse off.

State Tax Incentives & Their Hidden Costs - Tax Foundation

View attachment 761307
Tax Foundation › state-tax-incentives-costs

Jul 22, 2021 — Some states like South Dakota and Wyoming largely forgo tax incentives because they do not levy corporate or individual income taxes in the ..

More Evidence Tax Incentives Don't Spur Development - Forbes

View attachment 761308
Forbes › adammillsap › 2020/01/07

Jan 7, 2020 — State and local governments often use firm or industry-specific tax incentives in attempts to improve their economies. But a new study that ...

This is most certainly not the case in my right to work state. Big business has brought many more jobs and not just for the big companies themselves, but the multitude of suppliers that have opened up shop. Tax incentives are routinely part of the deal in getting them to come here and nobody thinks it isn’t worth it.
That isn't because of tax breaks.
Why not? If all the companies get additional working capital because the rapacious government takes less than it used to, they now have room to lower prices, and will in order to gain competitive advantage.
Why not? If all the companies get additional working capital because the rapacious government takes less than it used to, they now have room to lower prices, and will in order to gain competitive advantage.

I don’t think they understand a thing about competition and it’s affect on prices.
This is most certainly not the case in my right to work state.
Do tell.
Big business has brought many more jobs and not just for the big companies themselves, but the multitude of suppliers that have opened up shop.
The same happens with companies that DON'T get tax incentives.
The Walmarts, Lowes, Home Depots, Targets and a multitude of others, that don't get tax incentives (locals, and SOME of their suppliers) get priced out, by these companies, then cease doing business.
Tax incentives are routinely part of the deal in getting them to come here and nobody thinks it isn’t worth it.
Republicans think bribes are "worth it".
Why not? If all the companies get additional working capital because the rapacious government takes less than it used to, they now have room to lower prices, and will in order to gain competitive advantage.
THAT's only temporary.
See above.
I don’t think they understand a thing about competition and it’s affect on prices.
The only way a company can offer the same goods at a higher price is to also offer a superior customer experience. That's why Target, for example, can sell the same goods as Walmart at a higher price. If their customer experience deteriorates, however, they would have to lower their prices to compete with Walmart. When goods reach rock bottom commodity prices, they tend to match. That's why you see gas stations all selling gas for basically the same price, though some will be a little higher if they are positioned immediately beside an interstate, and some may be a little lower if they can subsidize gas sales with convenience store items.
I get sick of hearing this. Almost all bills become law because of bi-partisan support.
Unfortunately, you're arguing with someone who literally can NOT imagine ANYTHING negative coming from a democrat or anything positive from a Republican. Apparently, democrats are fearful little creatures that cannot do anything because a Republican might look at them sideways, yet he keeps voting for them.
it is way way overdue to tax the rich and giant corporations their fair share again and invest in America and Americans again. we are the richest country in the world easily and we can afford it for crying out loud, dupes of the greedy idiot rich.
Show us the numbers. Show us how much INCOME, not wealth, the wealthy take in every year, then set a percentage that you want to confiscate from them and compare that to all the spending that you want to do. Show us the numbers.
Even a temporary drop in prices can spur sales. Ever hear of a blue light special?
Good times.........are over.
K Mart.........Kaput.

The first store with the Kmart name opened in 1962 in Garden City, Michigan.
At its peak in 1994, Kmart operated 2,486 stores globally, including 2,323 discount stores and Super Kmart Center locations in the United States.
As of April 16, 2022, that number was down to nine, including just three in the continental United States.
Show us the numbers. Show us how much INCOME, not wealth, the wealthy take in every year, then set a percentage that you want to confiscate from them and compare that to all the spending that you want to do. Show us the numbers.
50% top rate worked great for Reagan. then he made the top rate 28% going out the door and ruined the country for 35 years so far....
The biggest threat to SS and Medicare is the Democrats immigration policy. They keep putting illegal aliens on it as if it were a bottomless pit of money. Then again, throwing money at a problem is the Democrats solution for everything.
Good times.........are over.
K Mart.........Kaput.

The first store with the Kmart name opened in 1962 in Garden City, Michigan.
At its peak in 1994, Kmart operated 2,486 stores globally, including 2,323 discount stores and Super Kmart Center locations in the United States.
As of April 16, 2022, that number was down to nine, including just three in the continental United States.
Yup, they tried to compete head-to-head with Walmart on price alone and lost. Target's still around because they don't try to compete only on price. Now, of course, Walmart is so big it's nearly impossible to knock them off on price alone. They rule the bottom line.

Another case in point. I worked at Circuit City headquarters during the time they went from the number one electronics retailer to a few years before they bankrupt. Soon after the turn of the century, they were laughing at Best Buy for financing their expansion. The boast was that CC was sitting on a billion dollars in cash and could self-finance any expansion. They waited too long and let BB get too big to compete on price alone and couldn't adjust their business model fast enough to stay competitive. So, yes, any way a company can reduce prices gives them a competitive advantage. If they don't, they have to have something else that a customer values enough to pay more to get.
50% top rate worked great for Reagan. then he made the top rate 28% going out the door and ruined the country for 35 years so far....
Do you honestly think anyone paid 50% on much of their income? Reagan got rid of a lot of deductions and shelters when he dropped the marginal rate. And, come to think of it, why aren't we paying 50% today? The democrats asleep on the job?

But like I said, show us the numbers. You want 50%, okay, set the amount of income that 50% should apply to, show us the total income that tax filers report above that amount, then compare that to the spending you want to do. Show us the numbers.
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Can you even read and comprehend?

NO, they aren't,

Businesses still must pay a sales tax on goods used for its business – the exemption is only for goods it buys and resells.

A good example is Bethany’s soap-making business. She buys the ingredients to make her soap from local farms and producers, and doesn’t pay sales tax on those ingredients since they’ll be part of the soap she sells to consumers. The form she’s filled out and provided to those vendors documents her use of their product for resale.

But when Bethany buys molds for the soap and a new cooker to produce it, she pays sales tax on those items, since she’s using them, not reselling them in some form.

Distributors and consultants for direct sales businesses – for instance Avon, MaryKay, Tupperware, Amway and others – may not have to apply for a resale form since the direct sales business they are representing has a state merchant certificate and collect sales tax, along with payment for goods, directly from the distributor or consultant.
And the sales tax she pays on those things is deductible
The governor determines that.
But all tax incentives will have counties, then cities vying for the corporate location.
Again so what?

There is obviously a benefit to be gained from having a business in those places or there would be no one vying for them
Maybe they didn't raise them.
Well, they did.
Isn't that what everyone is complaining about for years..........inflation?
Biden hasn't raised taxes on corporation.............Yet.
Trump is the president who lowered corporate tax rates.
Didn't have much staying power.

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