Republicans Are, And Have Been, Attacking Social Security

Also Stupid people actually believe that it is their responsibility to pay the full amount of taxes that the Marxists demand of them. A fool and his money are soon parted...
Full amount.
Of course, why not?
Supporting the USA, has never been in the republican playbook since Reagan.
Except buying a Chinese made bumper sticker.
Do teabaggers think Walmart is going to give you a discount for an item?
"Early or Late Retirement."
"In the case of early retirement, a benefit is reduced 5/9 of one percent for each month before normal retirement age, up to 36 months. If the number of months exceeds 36, then the benefit is further reduced 5/12 of one percent per month."
5/9 of 1 percent is 0.5556%. Times 12 = 6.6672%. Butting that in context the average SS benefits is $2,484 in 2022. If the full retirement age is raised to 67, and someone retires at 66 instead, the their benefit (if they received the average) would be reduced to $165.61 to $2,318.39.
Not that much of a difference. The savings kicks in if people actually wait to 67 or just decide to take a small percentage hit and still retire at 66.
Especially for those with multiple revenue streams where SS is only part of the retirement budget. For myself I'll have 4 revenue streams in retirement and SS will only be one. I'm not working another year for an extra $150-$175 a month.
Are you an actuary?
You really get into the details of calculating benefits. That is interesting. When I retired I used the data table that SS provides, 62 looked good.
The only "hit" I would have taken for retiring at 62 is paying for healthcare insurance from age 62 to age 65 and Medicare. Luckily my wife added me to her coverage.
Don't forget that your SS benefit is reduced by the Medicare premium, and then you need to buy supplemental for the "donut hole", plus prescription drug coverage if you want that.
Oh like the time i got laid off between the military and going overseas? Yeah, shit happens, but in the United States, those that dust off their boots and go out of their comfort zone (like living in Saudi Arabia) the reward is fantastic. As for i gots mine, yeah, i gots mine, i worked for mine, if someone lazy liberal fucks, moans and groans how fucked their lives are, then demand the government steal my money to supplement theirs, i have big issues.

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Yeah, you have ISSUES alright.
Least of all, helping anyone but yourself..........reminds me of..............


A communist LOSER.
Social Security never ripped anyone off, actually the reverse has happened.
But on to the largest Wall Street ponzi scheme.

Bernard Lawrence Madoff was an American fraudster and Wall Street financier who ran (likely for decades) the largest, possibly most devastating Ponzi scheme in history, defrauding thousands of investors out of about $64.8 billion.

A well-known Wall Street investment advisor, became world-famous for operating possibly the largest Ponzi scheme in history. When investigators for the FBI and the SEC finally uncovered the massive fraud in 2008, losses by Madoff’s investors were estimated at more than $50 billion over the course of nearly 20 years.

So, the little old cat lady invested, then she is sleeping on a park bench.
What about the guy who pays in for 50+ years and then dies before he collects a cent?
Sure, republicans have used that excuse since SS inception, "running out of $$$'
Reagan was the earliest I remember, that was 40 years ago, NEVER defaulted.

Republicans would.
Give their $$$ to millionaires and billionaires, then whine about, not Norfolk-Southern doing something about the East Palestine train derailment, but the "Gubmint".

Yeah, so is the employer, teabaggers can't stand that.

Pretty much, EVERY TIME republicans bring up cutting or eliminating Social Security.

Republicans are doing a fine job, ALL by themselves, as you just demonstrated.

No because the Republicans are not proposing an end to SS or Medicare. They are looking for ways to fix these broken programs. That doesn't mean cutting anything. That's just more commie propaganda as it's been every other time they lied about it.

Now as far as the railroad is concerned, what we are pissed about his him running over to Europe and ignoring our situation in this state. Then when he returned, his press secretary said he had no plans on coming here either. Now, it's true we mostly vote Republican here even though we are technically purple, but he felt the need to repay Ukraine for giving his son a 80K a month no show job for two years instead of giving these people money for a place to stay and independent soil and water testing.
Agree, but what do we do about people staying alive! And as far as I can see we still need it.
Do you see any improvement in average working people saving or making wise investments?

We need a couple of things. First of all raise the employee/employer deduction from 6% to 8%. Secondly increase the limit on how much one can put into their IRA. The same holds true for Medicare.

While the cost of living and medical care increased throughout the years, the employee/employer contributions have not. If we want to keep these programs, we simply have to fund them ourselves.
OK, what if that beneficiary dies?
Then a person would have to designate a new one.
IF you don't Wall Street gets ALL that $$$.

No, they don't, the wife, husband or the children can automatically apply for survivor's benefits.
Without a designated beneficiary.

And if they don't have a wife or under aged children the government gets every penny. If a beneficiary dies, you simply select another one for your IRA.
And if they don't have a wife or under aged children the government gets every penny. If a beneficiary dies, you simply select another one for your IRA.
Sure, IF the person does have a beneficiary.
What if the stock holder doesn't have a wife or children?
Wall Street gets every penny.
Sure, IF the person does have a beneficiary.
What if the stock holder doesn't have a wife or children?
Wall Street gets every penny.

No because Wall Street has no claim on it. The money gets transferred to the state as unclaimed funds. The state holds the money until somebody does claim it. What they do with it after X period of time I don't know. But it doesn't go to Wall Street so I have no idea where you got that from.
Well with the projected date when it's out of money,...

Social Security will not be out of money.

The SS Trust fund, which acts as a shock absorber, will be depleted (projected in 2035). That dosen't mean SS is out of money. It means that benefit payout will be reduced by about 20% to equal revenues.

SS checks will still be issued, just for a reduced amount.

(NOTE: If that happens there will be a lot of pissed off seniors.)

So instead of staying fucking poor and middle class, in otherwords satisfied with their lives, they should strive for even more, like i did. I started as a Fry cook at McDonalds, then went into the AIR FORCE and got skills, took those skills over to Saudi Arabia making 70k a year tax free. Invested heavily while over there, came back and worked another 20 years as a building inspector. Retired with a very well off stock portfolio. If a Fry cook from McDonalds can do it, anyone can. Of course my SS will be 75% less than a poor person gets because of the "EQUITY" of the Ponzi scheme...

I have no idea what this means in relationship to what I posted since it was a response to my post.

He leaves a shit-ton to his heirs, Simp. And he has the option of spending HIS money along the way, neither happens under the SS ponzi scheme.
Really Q-NUT?
What if that person didn't designate any heirs?
Wall Street will get that $$$.
Social Security doesn't have that issue, the wife/husband/daughter/son will collect.

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