Republicans Are, And Have Been, Attacking Social Security

If you increase the taxable income, you MUST also increase the max Social Security payout. That would mean that Social Security expenses would dramatically increase, with the increased revenue.

Technically this not true. The earning cap and the maximum benefit are two different things.

Benefit maximums can be raised without increasing the earnings cap.

The earnings cap can be raised without increasing the maximum benefit.
While ethically true, as a subject of the law that isn't the case. They are two different things.

The market will always rebound. It's in a slump the last year but again, it will come back.

If you look at how insurance companies operate and are successful, they take your premium money and make investments. The profits made from those investments offsets many of the claims.

Our government on the other hand doesn't make very good investments with our SS money. It earns like 1% or something like that. So basically they take your money and stuff it in between mattresses somewhere.

Now when it comes time to pay, they have just about the same money as they put in those mattresses. That's why insurance companies are successful and our government is a failure.
88 years of reliable returns.

Teabaggers hate it because, it's government run and corporations have to contribute to their employees'well-being.
Teabaggers want to privatize SS so, Wall Street gets their cut of EVERYTHING.
If a person has extra $$$ to invest, so be it.
But to force people to invest in Wall Street is stupid.

Wall Street works, MOST of the time.
Social Security works, ALL the time.
Worst case SS pays out only what it collects. We then get 80% of promised benefits.
If the cap is raised and people under 54 have 1-year added to the 62/67 ages that should "fix" SS well into the future.
Its NOT a ponzi scheme, it worked well for 80-years.
In order to work well, it needs an ever expanding population. Its a ponzi scheme.
Social Security never ripped anyone off, actually the reverse has happened.
But on to the largest Wall Street ponzi scheme.

Bernard Lawrence Madoff was an American fraudster and Wall Street financier who ran (likely for decades) the largest, possibly most devastating Ponzi scheme in history, defrauding thousands of investors out of about $64.8 billion.

A well-known Wall Street investment advisor, became world-famous for operating possibly the largest Ponzi scheme in history. When investigators for the FBI and the SEC finally uncovered the massive fraud in 2008, losses by Madoff’s investors were estimated at more than $50 billion over the course of nearly 20 years.

So, the little old cat lady invested, then she is sleeping on a park bench.
Social security has never ripped anyone off? Millions of people have died while paying in for years and never getting one cent back.

In an IRA, at least your family would be protected.
88 years of reliable returns.

Teabaggers hate it because, it's government run and corporations have to contribute to their employees'well-being.
Teabaggers want to privatize SS so, Wall Street gets their cut of EVERYTHING.
If a person has extra $$$ to invest, so be it.
But to force people to invest in Wall Street is stupid.

Wall Street works, MOST of the time.
Social Security works, ALL the time.

Well with the projected date when it's out of money, it doesn't seem that it will work in the future. I would rather give some of my money to Wall Street than all of it to government if I didn't make it to retirement age.

I don't think anybody should be forced into anything either the private or government markets. I think it should be an individual choice. But as things are, we ARE forced to contribute to the government when you earn a living.

When we depend on government to take and handle our retirement money, that creates more government dependents. That's why the Democrats will fight tooth and nail to make sure that doesn't happen. Furthermore it's a wedge issue. How many times has this claim came up that Republicans want to take your SS or Medicare away? How would Democrats get more people to vote for them unless they can create lies to scare people to vote for them?
Same with the stock market.
No beneficiaries, no one gets your $$$, but Wall Street.

Sure, IF you have a designated beneficiary.

So who doesn't have a designated beneficiary? That would be pretty stupid. Anybody smart enough to invest in their own IRA is smart enough to make sure who gets if if they pass away.
Well with the projected date when it's out of money, it doesn't seem that it will work in the future.
Sure, republicans have used that excuse since SS inception, "running out of $$$'
Reagan was the earliest I remember, that was 40 years ago, NEVER defaulted.
I would rather give some of my money to Wall Street than all of it to government if I didn't make it to retirement age.
Republicans would.
Give their $$$ to millionaires and billionaires, then whine about, not Norfolk-Southern doing something about the East Palestine train derailment, but the "Gubmint".
I don't think anybody should be forced into anything either the private or government markets. I think it should be an individual choice. But as things are, we ARE forced to contribute to the government when you earn a living.
Yeah, so is the employer, teabaggers can't stand that.
When we depend on government to take and handle our retirement money, that creates more government dependents. That's why the Democrats will fight tooth and nail to make sure that doesn't happen. Furthermore it's a wedge issue. How many times has this claim came up that Republicans want to take your SS or Medicare away?
Pretty much, EVERY TIME republicans bring up cutting or eliminating Social Security.
How would Democrats get more people to vote for them unless they can create lies to scare people to vote for them?
Republicans are doing a fine job, ALL by themselves, as you just demonstrated.
Biden refused to name them, but here's the names of some of the loudest ones...

Do the USMB rightwing Republican-voters agree w/this attack on social security?

What's your position on this matter?

If it’s going to remain in the general fund, then it needs to be appropriated…
This is an interesting question.

#1 The wealthy do get to take advantage SS based on wage income they have worked over their career.

#2 Studies have shown that wealthy people live longer than poor to middle-income people because wealth provides an advantage to better health care, better wellness profiles, better resources during their working career where they have the ability for better diet, proper exercise, life-styles, and wellness options. In addition to better medical care and life styles in retirement. This translates to about 8-9 years of additional benefits when comparing duration of benefits for poor and wealthy.

So yes, they do get to take advantage of the program and they can (on average) take advantage for longer periods.

Just fyi...


So instead of staying fucking poor and middle class, in otherwords satisfied with their lives, they should strive for even more, like i did. I started as a Fry cook at McDonalds, then went into the AIR FORCE and got skills, took those skills over to Saudi Arabia making 70k a year tax free. Invested heavily while over there, came back and worked another 20 years as a building inspector. Retired with a very well off stock portfolio. If a Fry cook from McDonalds can do it, anyone can. Of course my SS will be 75% less than a poor person gets because of the "EQUITY" of the Ponzi scheme...
With Social Security, people don't have to worry about that.

There is NO shortage of STUPID people in the US.

True, but the stupid people make no investments at all. The smarter people do. Of course you don't have to worry about taking the time to fill out who your beneficiary is (which takes a whole 10 seconds) because the government just takes all your money upon death.
So instead of staying fucking poor and middle class, in otherwords satisfied with their lives, they should strive for even more, like i did. I started as a Fry cook at McDonalds, then went into the AIR FORCE and got skills, took those skills over to Saudi Arabia making 70k a year tax free. Invested heavily while over there, came back and worked another 20 years as a building inspector. Retired with a very well off stock portfolio. If a Fry cook from McDonalds can do it, anyone can. Of course my SS will be 75% less than a poor person gets because of the "EQUITY" of the Ponzi scheme...
Sure YOUR plan worked for you, as do the majority of people, that make a good financial plan.
HOWEVER, LIFE gets in the way for some, perfect plan, THEN something happens.
Car accidents, sickness, children, or relative........................
So, screw them?
"I gots mine"?
True, but the stupid people make no investments at all. The smarter people do. Of course you don't have to worry about taking the time to fill out who your beneficiary is (which takes a whole 10 seconds) because the government just takes all your money upon death.
Also Stupid people actually believe that it is their responsibility to pay the full amount of taxes that the Marxists demand of them. A fool and his money are soon parted...
True, but the stupid people make no investments at all. The smarter people do. Of course you don't have to worry about taking the time to fill out who your beneficiary is (which takes a whole 10 seconds)
OK, what if that beneficiary dies?
Then a person would have to designate a new one.
IF you don't Wall Street gets ALL that $$$.
because the government just takes all your money upon death.
No, they don't, the wife, husband or the children can automatically apply for survivor's benefits.
Without a designated beneficiary.
Sure YOUR plan worked for you, as do the majority of people, that make a good financial plan.
HOWEVER, LIFE gets in the way for some, perfect plan, THEN something happens.
Car accidents, sickness, children, or relative........................
So, screw them?
"I gots mine"?
Oh like the time i got laid off between the military and going overseas? Yeah, shit happens, but in the United States, those that dust off their boots and go out of their comfort zone (like living in Saudi Arabia) the reward is fantastic. As for i gots mine, yeah, i gots mine, i worked for mine, if someone lazy liberal fucks, moans and groans how fucked their lives are, then demand the government steal my money to supplement theirs, i have big issues.

OK, what if that beneficiary dies?
Then a person would have to designate a new one.
IF you don't Wall Street gets ALL that $$$.

No, they don't, the wife, husband or the children can automatically apply for survivor's benefits.
Without a designated beneficiary.
What a crock of shit?

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