republicans are running scared

For the same reason the Senate went GOP in 2014, the Senate will go Dem in 2016. And, given the progress made on the economy by President Obama, and the stupidity being espoused by the present GOP candidates, I don't see a GOP President being elected in 2016. If Trump wins the nomination, there is a distinct chance the GOP could lose the House.
What policy of obama's has helped the economy?
The stimulus and bailouts kept the economy from collapse further.

But I bet you think if we did nothing, we would have gotten the same results, right?

We would have been way better off without either.
For the same reason the Senate went GOP in 2014, the Senate will go Dem in 2016. And, given the progress made on the economy by President Obama, and the stupidity being espoused by the present GOP candidates, I don't see a GOP President being elected in 2016. If Trump wins the nomination, there is a distinct chance the GOP could lose the House.
What policy of obama's has helped the economy?
the stimulus and bailouts--which was endorsed (in general) by the treasury and most Keynesian economist in the country.

What about the other economist--they mostly suggested doing nothing and letting the economy run its course. Under that mind set, Lehrman Brothers fail with the fate of the world economy facing total collapse. Realizing the actual madness of that advice, GWB and the majority of centrist and right of center politicians ran to the left.

The far right was endorsing Darwinism, when survival demands the living to fight against Darwinism!
Cite some evidence, I haven't seen any. The stimulus cost us lots of money and went into the pockets of many government workers and union members. That cost money in the private sector so it was a big loser. Bailing out GM? It would have been better to let it go into bankruptcy and reorganize. Or close. There are other auto makers and they would have filled the void. The banking bailout happened during the Bush administration, what did obama have to do with it?

Cite evidence for what--that Bush started the bank bail outs and Obama continued it under the TARP program?

That the money given in the stimulus was suppose to go to the private sector to help stimulate spending?

Is letting a Fortune 500 company like GM, which only need loans, fall is really not a good idea?

Which do you need citations for? That your ideas is an attempt to embrace Darwinism? Are you insane?
Might it be pointed out that Ford didn't belly up to the troth and take a big bite out of our children's future and they have done quite well? What Obama's bailout did was award GM for poor management and gave a golden parachute to the 1 percent.

What seems to be some revisionist history is that GM DID go bankrupt, where do the left wing get the idea they didn't? If they had not then the stock holders would not have been able to be screwed out of their stock and it given to the Unions. If not then the Union contracts would have had to be honored.

Never the less this bragging about how GM was kept from bankruptcy is just liberal fairy tales.

GM bankruptcy: End of an era
For the same reason the Senate went GOP in 2014, the Senate will go Dem in 2016. And, given the progress made on the economy by President Obama, and the stupidity being espoused by the present GOP candidates, I don't see a GOP President being elected in 2016. If Trump wins the nomination, there is a distinct chance the GOP could lose the House.
What policy of obama's has helped the economy?
the stimulus and bailouts--which was endorsed (in general) by the treasury and most Keynesian economist in the country.

What about the other economist--they mostly suggested doing nothing and letting the economy run its course. Under that mind set, Lehrman Brothers fail with the fate of the world economy facing total collapse. Realizing the actual madness of that advice, GWB and the majority of centrist and right of center politicians ran to the left.

The far right was endorsing Darwinism, when survival demands the living to fight against Darwinism!
Cite some evidence, I haven't seen any. The stimulus cost us lots of money and went into the pockets of many government workers and union members. That cost money in the private sector so it was a big loser. Bailing out GM? It would have been better to let it go into bankruptcy and reorganize. Or close. There are other auto makers and they would have filled the void. The banking bailout happened during the Bush administration, what did obama have to do with it?

Cite evidence for what--that Bush started the bank bail outs and Obama continued it under the TARP program?

That the money given in the stimulus was suppose to go to the private sector to help stimulate spending?

Is letting a Fortune 500 company like GM, which only need loans, fall is really not a good idea?

Which do you need citations for? That your ideas is an attempt to embrace Darwinism? Are you insane?
Oh, obama didn't shut down Tarp? All that was payed back with interest, obama had nothing to do with it. The "stimulus" didn't boost the economy by any measure I've ever seen. Yes, companies should fail and not cost tax payers money. That's called capitalism. Last I heard we haven't been fully payed back by GM, how was it a boost to the economy?

I asked if you could back anything up, you can't.
For the same reason the Senate went GOP in 2014, the Senate will go Dem in 2016. And, given the progress made on the economy by President Obama, and the stupidity being espoused by the present GOP candidates, I don't see a GOP President being elected in 2016. If Trump wins the nomination, there is a distinct chance the GOP could lose the House.
What policy of obama's has helped the economy?
the stimulus and bailouts--which was endorsed (in general) by the treasury and most Keynesian economist in the country.

What about the other economist--they mostly suggested doing nothing and letting the economy run its course. Under that mind set, Lehrman Brothers fail with the fate of the world economy facing total collapse. Realizing the actual madness of that advice, GWB and the majority of centrist and right of center politicians ran to the left.

The far right was endorsing Darwinism, when survival demands the living to fight against Darwinism!
Cite some evidence, I haven't seen any. The stimulus cost us lots of money and went into the pockets of many government workers and union members. That cost money in the private sector so it was a big loser. Bailing out GM? It would have been better to let it go into bankruptcy and reorganize. Or close. There are other auto makers and they would have filled the void. The banking bailout happened during the Bush administration, what did obama have to do with it?

You do realize that those other auto makers fully endorsed the bailout because without GM many of their suppliers would have gone under. You fools continue to argue against success.
Might it be pointed out that Ford didn't belly up to the troth and take a big bite out of our children's future and they have done quite well? What Obama's bailout did was award GM for poor management and gave a golden parachute to the 1 percent.

What seems to be some revisionist history is that GM DID go bankrupt, where do the left wing get the idea they didn't? If they had not then the stock holders would not have been able to be screwed out of their stock and it given to the Unions. If not then the Union contracts would have had to be honored.

Never the less this bragging about how GM was kept from bankruptcy is just liberal fairy tales.

GM bankruptcy: End of an era

What Obama's bailout did was award GM for poor management and gave a golden parachute to the 1 percent.

that is pretty much how the how prezbos whole term has gone
For the same reason the Senate went GOP in 2014, the Senate will go Dem in 2016. And, given the progress made on the economy by President Obama, and the stupidity being espoused by the present GOP candidates, I don't see a GOP President being elected in 2016. If Trump wins the nomination, there is a distinct chance the GOP could lose the House.
What policy of obama's has helped the economy?
the stimulus and bailouts--which was endorsed (in general) by the treasury and most Keynesian economist in the country.

What about the other economist--they mostly suggested doing nothing and letting the economy run its course. Under that mind set, Lehrman Brothers fail with the fate of the world economy facing total collapse. Realizing the actual madness of that advice, GWB and the majority of centrist and right of center politicians ran to the left.

The far right was endorsing Darwinism, when survival demands the living to fight against Darwinism!
Cite some evidence, I haven't seen any. The stimulus cost us lots of money and went into the pockets of many government workers and union members. That cost money in the private sector so it was a big loser. Bailing out GM? It would have been better to let it go into bankruptcy and reorganize. Or close. There are other auto makers and they would have filled the void. The banking bailout happened during the Bush administration, what did obama have to do with it?

You do realize that those other auto makers fully endorsed the bailout because without GM many of their suppliers would have gone under. You fools continue to argue against success.
General Motors Purchasing $14B From Mexican Suppliers For 2014
For the same reason the Senate went GOP in 2014, the Senate will go Dem in 2016. And, given the progress made on the economy by President Obama, and the stupidity being espoused by the present GOP candidates, I don't see a GOP President being elected in 2016. If Trump wins the nomination, there is a distinct chance the GOP could lose the House.
What policy of obama's has helped the economy?
the stimulus and bailouts--which was endorsed (in general) by the treasury and most Keynesian economist in the country.

What about the other economist--they mostly suggested doing nothing and letting the economy run its course. Under that mind set, Lehrman Brothers fail with the fate of the world economy facing total collapse. Realizing the actual madness of that advice, GWB and the majority of centrist and right of center politicians ran to the left.

The far right was endorsing Darwinism, when survival demands the living to fight against Darwinism!
Cite some evidence, I haven't seen any. The stimulus cost us lots of money and went into the pockets of many government workers and union members. That cost money in the private sector so it was a big loser. Bailing out GM? It would have been better to let it go into bankruptcy and reorganize. Or close. There are other auto makers and they would have filled the void. The banking bailout happened during the Bush administration, what did obama have to do with it?
You do realize that those other auto makers fully endorsed the bailout because without GM many of their suppliers would have gone under. You fools continue to argue against success.
The fools are the ones that think businesses are created to provide jobs. If there is a market for xyz then someone will make xyz. It really is that simple.
More on government nationalizing GM and Chrysler, the truth is, OBL was already dead and GM could have and should have saved itself. BTW, both GM and Chrysler owe us 9.3 BILLION which they don't plan on paying back:

Chrysler and GM still owe taxpayers $10 billion dollars

Most taxpayers are unaware that a portion of funds were used to purchase majority shares of the companies. That, in effect, nationalized the auto companies, the Heartland Institute observed in a report on the end of the bailout. During this period, the government sold Chrysler to Italian automaker Fiat. The Treasury Department provided $17.2 billion in public loans to GM’s financing company, now known as Ally Financial. The company made its final repayment on December 19.

That leaves the bottom line for taxpayers to ponder: the American public recovered only $70.42 billion of the $79.69 billion loaned through the bailout program, a loss of $9.3 billion, about $65.75 per taxpayer.

Meanwhile, the Treasury Department backpedaled when confronted by the media that actually researched the Obama administration claims of solvency. Treasury defended itself by saying, “While the auto industry rescue resulted in a cost of $9.3 billion to the government, the cost of a disorderly liquidation to the families and businesses across the country that rely on the auto industry would have been far higher.” Huh?

Treasury continued, “The government’s actions not only saved GM and Chrysler but they saved many businesses up and down the supply chain.” That is a claim that can easily be refuted if the mainstream media showed any interest, which they don’t. The Obama administration may say Osama Bin Laden is dead with credibility, but to say Chrysler and GM are “alive” is only by what the government considers “alive.”
I would like to take a loan from the government. I would like it to be interest free. I would like it to give me the ability to default on my loans and to cut the rate I pay for services rendered. I would then like to only pay them back 3/4ths of what they loaned me. I am thinking that will make me very successful.
Meanwhile, the Treasury Department backpedaled when confronted by the media that actually researched the Obama administration claims of solvency. Treasury defended itself by saying, “While the auto industry rescue resulted in a cost of $9.3 billion to the government, the cost of a disorderly liquidation to the families and businesses across the country that rely on the auto industry would have been far higher.” Huh?
That's lib think. Everything comes from the top down in their view. The reality is it comes from the bottom up, the marketplace provides the opportunity. The demand for autos and parts doesn't go away if a company goes away. It's filled like taking a hand out of water.

The bottom line is obama has only stagnated the economy with his big government libthink.
For the same reason the Senate went GOP in 2014, the Senate will go Dem in 2016. And, given the progress made on the economy by President Obama, and the stupidity being espoused by the present GOP candidates, I don't see a GOP President being elected in 2016. If Trump wins the nomination, there is a distinct chance the GOP could lose the House.
What policy of obama's has helped the economy?
the stimulus and bailouts--which was endorsed (in general) by the treasury and most Keynesian economist in the country.

What about the other economist--they mostly suggested doing nothing and letting the economy run its course. Under that mind set, Lehrman Brothers fail with the fate of the world economy facing total collapse. Realizing the actual madness of that advice, GWB and the majority of centrist and right of center politicians ran to the left.

The far right was endorsing Darwinism, when survival demands the living to fight against Darwinism!
Cite some evidence, I haven't seen any. The stimulus cost us lots of money and went into the pockets of many government workers and union members. That cost money in the private sector so it was a big loser. Bailing out GM? It would have been better to let it go into bankruptcy and reorganize. Or close. There are other auto makers and they would have filled the void. The banking bailout happened during the Bush administration, what did obama have to do with it?

You do realize that those other auto makers fully endorsed the bailout because without GM many of their suppliers would have gone under. You fools continue to argue against success.

Too big to fail, yep that is what the 1 percenters kept tellin us.
I would like to take a loan from the government. I would like it to be interest free. I would like it to give me the ability to default on my loans and to cut the rate I pay for services rendered. I would then like to only pay them back 3/4ths of what they loaned me. I am thinking that will make me very successful.
Yes, then we could all be millionaires! If it wasn't for those stupid Republicans!
I would like to take a loan from the government. I would like it to be interest free. I would like it to give me the ability to default on my loans and to cut the rate I pay for services rendered. I would then like to only pay them back 3/4ths of what they loaned me. I am thinking that will make me very successful.
Yes, then we could all be millionaires! If it wasn't for those stupid Republicans!

Did you know that if GM had not been bailed out California would have fell into the ocean? That planes would have fell from the sky? That GW would have already killed us? Since none of that happen it is obvious that helping out the 1 percent is the right thing to do.
the Republican establishment's very public panic attack over Donald Trump has dominated political news for more than a week now, but have you asked yourself why Republicans are tearing their hair out?

It's not just about the presidential race. It's about every other race in this country, too.

Republicans face an absolutely brutal Senate map in 2016, and a Trump loss could cost Mitch McConnell the majority that he only just won. The House is so outrageously gerrymandered that the GOP majority probably won't be seriously contested by anything short of a Democratic landslide—but what better recipe for a Democratic blowout than a Republican ticket led by a racist, xenophobic blowhard who overreacts to even the smallest criticism? And with a dozen gubernatorial and thousands of state legislative seats up for election next year, a Trump implosion in the general election could be a Democratic bonanza.

This is the worst-case scenario for the GOP. It's why Republican leaders are discussing a coup at the Republican convention to keep the nomination out of Trump's hands at all costs. But chances are you haven't heard about how Trump could ruin the party down ballot next year if you're getting your electoral news from talking heads on cable "news."

Traditional media outlets never talk about state legislatures and city councils. Hell, they barely even talk about Senate or gubernatorial races. But that's what Daily Kos Elections excels at—and if you want to know more about the races that everyone else ignores, you need to sign up for the Daily Kos Elections Digest.

Mitch McConnell is fucking useless
the Republican establishment's very public panic attack over Donald Trump has dominated political news for more than a week now, but have you asked yourself why Republicans are tearing their hair out?

It's not just about the presidential race. It's about every other race in this country, too.

Republicans face an absolutely brutal Senate map in 2016, and a Trump loss could cost Mitch McConnell the majority that he only just won. The House is so outrageously gerrymandered that the GOP majority probably won't be seriously contested by anything short of a Democratic landslide—but what better recipe for a Democratic blowout than a Republican ticket led by a racist, xenophobic blowhard who overreacts to even the smallest criticism? And with a dozen gubernatorial and thousands of state legislative seats up for election next year, a Trump implosion in the general election could be a Democratic bonanza.

This is the worst-case scenario for the GOP. It's why Republican leaders are discussing a coup at the Republican convention to keep the nomination out of Trump's hands at all costs. But chances are you haven't heard about how Trump could ruin the party down ballot next year if you're getting your electoral news from talking heads on cable "news."

Traditional media outlets never talk about state legislatures and city councils. Hell, they barely even talk about Senate or gubernatorial races. But that's what Daily Kos Elections excels at—and if you want to know more about the races that everyone else ignores, you need to sign up for the Daily Kos Elections Digest.


No thank you, and please understand I am too tire to tell you where you can shove the DailyKos!

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