Republicans/Conservatives.: feel free to add to my massive list of Democrat/Biden scandals/lies.

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
There has been so much that things can be forgotten and fall through the cracks. It needs to be reviewed... let's review, starting with 2015 Obama until now.

The Democrats
  • Degraded and lied about Kavanaugh as a rapist with no proof, and even dressed up his supposed victim with messed up hair and instructed her to change her voice.
  • Degraded and called Coney Barrett a radical zealot incapable of being a SCOTUS judge because of her faith.
  • Wire tapped Trump tower
  • Paid Russia for the infamous "Steele Dossier" to present as disinformation to the American public via trickling it, unchecked, through the media
  • Repeatedly stated that Trump was a Russian agent and was only elected because of Russia.
  • Repeatedly stated through Democrat politicians, media, and Hillary Clinton that Trump was an “illegitimate” president, yet now say anyone who questions an election is against democracy.
  • Blamed Trump for natural COVID deaths and then once Biden took office stopped caring about COVID death numbers.
  • Blamed Trump/Conservatives for poor COVID management while the worst states as far as death were the ones run by Democrats who imposed lock downs.
  • Ignored the tripling of suicides during lockdowns, but want to claim compassion.
  • Assisted the large capacity businesses and corporations by locking down and causing smaller businesses to fold, but want to claim they are for small business.
  • Installed the weaponization of the DOJ, sending goons to conservative families and protests at abortion clinics while ignoring Democrat/leftist crimes/issues.
  • Downplayed BLM riots causing death and billions in damage.
  • Declared that January 6th was worse than Pearl Harbor and 911.
  • Ignored the camera footage of J6 showing police escorting people through the building peacefully and letting them in.
  • Aggressively legally assaulted passive people who entered the capitol, put them in solitary confinement without a trial for months/years, and charge them with massive crimes.
  • Used government to order medical employees to get the vaccine or they would lose their jobs.
  • Said the pandemic was one of the “unvaccinated”, saying those who had COVID still needed to get the vaccine (not true), and condemned anyone who didn’t get the vaccine as immoral monsters. Yet, we know the vaccinated can get COVID.
  • Ignored the data on masks and condemned anyone who didn’t do it.
  • Gave a Quid Pro Quo and ordered a Ukraine prosecutor to step down if they wanted money
  • Immediately labeled the laptop as “disinformation” even though it was known it was true since 2019. The laptop showed Biden’s family corruption and becoming rich through his position.
  • Afghanistan pull out, enough said .
  • The Border, enough said.
  • allowed 10 billion dollars to Iran, a murderous immoral regime who wants to exterminate Jews.
  • Used USA oil reserves, only meant for an emergency, ahead of the 2022 midterms, and now leading up to the 2024 election to decrease gas prices to attempt to appease voters.
  • Exchanged a murderous evil terrorist for Brittany Griner, while leaving other white/straight/male USA prisoners in captivity
  • Pledged to nominate a “black woman” to the Supreme Court, thus not on their merit but because of their skin color and gender, which is quite honestly insulting and patronizing
  • Pledged to have a black woman as VP, see above
  • Classified Documents, enough said
  • Broke congressional precedent and assaulted Trump with Impeachments via force based on unproven theories about January 6th.
  • Installed DOJ operatives into the Alvin Bragg's NY office to bring charges on Trump, trying to jail his political opponent.

This was just me spit-balling while on my 3rd glass of bourbon. Feel free to add things I forgot. There's a lot.
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Made Friscus a whiny bitch.

Oh, no, wait you did that on your own.

Of course, none of these are scandals...

Barrett is a religious nutter.
Kavanaugh is a rapist.

Getting Griner out of a Soviet jail is a good thing.

This was just me spit-balling while on my 3rd glass of bourbon. Feel free to add things I forgot. There's a lot.

Wow, the Democrats made you a drunk, too!

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