Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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I don't want to surpress the vote, I don't want the dems trying to find ways to increase benefit for their side.

You guys pushed mail in voting because of covid, now you are wanting to keep it, calling it vote suppression for people who oppose, for various reasons.

Would you really be so supportive of this if it was to your detriment?
More Americans voting benefits AMERICA

If more Republicans show up to vote than Dems, I say they EARNED it

I would never complain about more people voting
A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.
You people assault every attempt to enhance the process for people to validate who they are and that they are valid to vote. It is you people who ALWAYS prop up Blacks as incapable of being able to vote.
First of all, each state initiated their own election laws to facilitate mail-in voting. This wasn't a federal law that was passed.

Second - It wasn't as if Repubs were somehow banned from voting by mail. If Dems can vote by mail, so can Repubs.

In fact, the whole point of mail-in voting is done to make voting easier for all. Not just one political group.

Get it now? But your three words pretty much sum up the Repubs opposition. Dems voted to remove Rump. Gasp! :auiqs.jpg:
And you are not seeing my point. It's not about making voting easier, it's about you wanting this because it helps your side.

Like I said, if all this had a net benefit to the republican side, you all would not be pushing this. Right?
You people assault every attempt to enhance the process for people to validate who they are and that they are valid to vote. It is you people who ALWAYS prop up Blacks as incapable of being able to vote.
They basically say that if they had to get an id to vote blacks wouldn't be able to vote..............SO I GUESS THEY THINK BLACKS are TOO STUPID TO GET AN ID.

Kinda sounds like RASCISM TO ME.
Obama only had to get more votes than John McCain and Mitt Romney. It doesn't matter if you win by a little or win by a lot.

And in 2008 people were voting for "hope". Where it pitted one senator, against another senator.

In 2020 I have to admit, people didn't vote for Biden. They voted against the orange clown who didn't give a damn if they lived or died.
It seems to me they fucked themselves, with $4 bucks a gallon gas and runaway inflation
More Americans voting benefits AMERICA

If more Republicans show up to vote than Dems, I say they EARNED it

I would never complain about more people voting
I would never complain about more people voting

If these changes benefitted Republicans, you wouldn't be saying anything at all, which is my point.
You people assault every attempt to enhance the process for people to validate who they are and that they are valid to vote. It is you people who ALWAYS prop up Blacks as incapable of being able to vote.
WTF are you babbling about?
If these changes benefitted Republicans, you wouldn't be saying anything at all, which is my point.

I would never complain about Republicans voting
If they show up and Democrats don’t ….They deserve to win
well actually you just highlighted it is, he was caught because he actually had to show up.
They caught a Georgia man who tried to vote his dead mothers absentee ballot.

It seems the only voter fraud they've been catching, have been Trump voters.
I would never complain about Republicans voting
If they show up and Democrats don’t ….They deserve to win
So now they are going to have to SHOW UP TO VOTE.............Now we are getting somewhere..........You talked them into putting their FRITTO LAYS DOWN and getting off their LAZY BUTTS TO GO VOTE IN PERSON.

Republicans would love a Putin style government as long as it was republicans in power. If trump could have poisoned biden, he would have. And republicans would say prove it.

Russia doesn’t have fair elections but it doesn’t matter because 45% f the citizens probably like Putin. So what are the 55% going to do? When they run someone, he dies. And if there is an election, it’s clearly rigged. Yet the russian people say nothing. Russians I talk to say Russians know he’s corrupt. But just like here in America, even though trumps clearly a criminal, half of us like him.

Putin spreads lies so does trump.

Im sure f you tell a Putin supporter that Putin is corrupt they’ll tell you so what? All politicians are.
Why and how are Democrats not criminals? When Republicans say Xi and China poisoned America, you people immediately respond with “prove it”.
We don't. We hate the idea of the country bringing you a ballot like some sort of servant, and I told you why it's a bad idea. We don't want these kinds of people ultimately deciding our representatives.

Great generalization of an entire sector of voters and race...geez Ray! I bet they don't want you choosing who represents them either! :eek:

They had to request a ballot, to get a ballot in those Swing states Ray. Please stop repeating your party's right wing Trumper LIE!!!

Any absentee ballot mailed to a legal registered voter, was REQUESTED by the voter in the presidential election for the swing states Trumpers are trying to claim they miraculously won.
They basically say that if they had to get an id to vote blacks wouldn't be able to vote..............SO I GUESS THEY THINK BLACKS are TOO STUPID TO GET AN ID.

Kinda sounds like RASCISM TO ME.
Nothing more racist than pointing to Blacks as the only ones in America incapable of getting an Identification card. Nothing more pathetic than Black Democrats putting up with it.
Ballots were NOT SENT OUT unsolicited...
They had to be REQUESTED by the REGISTERED voter. Repeating the lie that ballots were just sent out unsolicited, does not make it true. There were 9 states, some for as long as 20 years, that have sent ballots to all their state's legal REGISTERED voters, with no means for in person voting, via their own election Laws in place....

NONE of those 9 states that send out ballots, were the 6 battle ground swing states.

Pretty please stop repeating the lie.... ty.

Absentee ballots had to be REQUESTED by the legal registered voter in the swing states.

And the source is from one of your very own so you can't complain.

But California is hardly the first state to make voting by mail more accessible. Though all states offer some form of voting by mail, nine states and Washington, D.C., now mandate that every voter be mailed a ballot ahead of an election by default. Last year was the first time that California, Vermont and the nation’s capital began the practice.

First of all, each state initiated their own election laws to facilitate mail-in voting. This wasn't a federal law that was passed.

Second - It wasn't as if Repubs were somehow banned from voting by mail. If Dems can vote by mail, so can Repubs.

In fact, the whole point of mail-in voting is done to make voting easier for all. Not just one political group.

If there were any truth to that the commies wouldn't be pushing so hard for it. Mail-in won them the last election. You can't assume the majority of our people are stupid. Correct that mail-in doesn't benefit Republicans all that much, but it greatly benefits Democrats.
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