Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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This Doctor is asking the same question.

This guy (I won't even call him a doctor) is advocating ivermectin and hydroxychloquine instead of remdesivir to treat patients.

He also said:

“If you have COVID, you’re better off staying at home,” he recommended to viewers of his interview with The New American. “Get oxygen at home. Get whatever treatment you can at home. The worst thing you can do is go to the hospital.
Great generalization of an entire sector of voters and race...geez Ray! I bet they don't want you choosing who represents them either! :eek:

They had to request a ballot, to get a ballot in those Swing states Ray. Please stop repeating your party's right wing Trumper LIE!!!

Any absentee ballot mailed to a legal registered voter, was REQUESTED by the voter in the presidential election for the swing states Trumpers are trying to claim they miraculously won.
Are they too lazy to get off the sofa and go vote..........poor things............Are they all obese.


Doesn't stop them from going to Walmart now does it.

Get off their lazy butts and go vote.
This guy (I won't even call him a doctor) is advocating ivermectin and hydroxychloquine instead of remdesivir to treat patients.

He also said:

“If you have COVID, you’re better off staying at home,” he recommended to viewers of his interview with The New American. “Get oxygen at home. Get whatever treatment you can at home. The worst thing you can do is go to the hospital.

Treatments used all over the world.....

Does that mean you pay your bills in cash and in person, the traditional way?

Or are you going to avoid the question again?

And people who pay online have never been hacked? You must not read the news very often. The Russians even hacked our largest gasoline pipeline.

In person I pay everything cash. Not hard for somebody behind me or behind them to take a picture of my credit or debit card in my hand and blow it up to copy the numbers once home.
They caught a Georgia man who tried to vote his dead mothers absentee ballot.

It seems the only voter fraud they've been catching, have been Trump voters.
right? you think xiden’s doj is going after the dem ones?? obviously not
Item Four: Democrat Racism
A well covered subject in its own right

Former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard says President Biden 'should not be choosing a Supreme Court justice based on the color of their skin or sex'

Former U.S. Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, a Democrat from Hawaii, has criticized President Joe Biden for making skin color and sex the deciding factors in choosing who to nominate to serve on the nation's Supreme Court.

Justice Stephen Breyer plans to retire later this year, which means that the president has the opportunity to nominate his replacement.

Biden said during remarks on Thursday that he will honor his campaign commitment to nominate a black woman. He said that the person he picks will have "extraordinary qualifications, character, experience, and integrity," adding that the individual is going to "be the first black woman ever nominated" to the nation's high court.

But Gabbard pushed back, contending that the president should only consider people's qualifications and dedication to defending the Constitution.

"Biden’s mistake: He should not be choosing a Supreme Court justice based on the color of their skin or sex, but rather on their qualifications & commitment to uphold our Constitution & the freedoms guaranteed to all Americans in that document which is the foundation of our nation," Gabbard tweeted.

Biden's promise to appoint a Black woman as Supreme Court justice updates an old tradition​

^^^^ This is institutionalized racism.
And you are not seeing my point. It's not about making voting easier, it's about you wanting this because it helps your side.

Like I said, if all this had a net benefit to the republican side, you all would not be pushing this. Right?
LOL. Talking about not getting it... Why do you feel that mail-in voting only benefits Dems?

Why do you think this is not a net benefit to both sides...not just Dems?

Wouldn't anything that makes voting easier be a benefit to all Americans? Not just one or the other political side?

Let's see if you can address that and then we can decide who gets it and who doesn't. Ok?
So now they are going to have to SHOW UP TO VOTE.............Now we are getting somewhere..........You talked them into putting their FRITTO LAYS DOWN and getting off their LAZY BUTTS TO GO VOTE IN PERSON.

I don’t care which means Republicans choose to vote
Why do you care which means Democrats use to vote?
I remember a counter to that paper. Because the studies referred to weren't double blind, or peer reviewed. I remember one such study was based on two dozen hospitalizations, so the accuracy was pitiful at best.
So you discredit 1300 studies from all over the world who say the cheap drugs work.......lmao

You do know that mail-in ballots go to BOTH parties, right? So republicans can use the system just as much as democrats. In fact, that explains why Trump was able to get more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016, the mail-in ballots from republicans who found it inconvenient or troublesome to go to the polls in 2016.

So you can thank main-in ballots for Trump getting more votes, than Obama.

I doubt it had anything to do with it. People didn't trust Trump the first election because he was never in politics before. Once people seen what a great job he did they came out to try and make sure he won his reelection.
If there were any truth to that the commies wouldn't be pushing so hard for it. Mail-in won them the last election. You can't assume the majority of our people are stupid. Correct that mail-in doesn't benefit Republicans all that much, but it greatly benefits Democrats.
So, allowing more people to vote is communist, now? No wonder your side lost.

As for mail-in voting helped Dems - why would Repubs not take advantage of mail-in voting? What makes it so anathema to Repubs?
As a Democratic voter, I never complain if more Republicans go to the polls
If more Republicans show up than Dems, they deserve to win.

I would NEVER a look to disenfranchise Republicans from voting

Key words: Go to the polls. We have no problem with it either as long as Democrats go to the polls.
Key words: Go to the polls. We have no problem with it either as long as Democrats go to the polls.

What difference does it make?
A legitimate vote is a legitimate vote regardless of where it is cast

Why are you afraid of where people voted from?
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