Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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I voted in person last presidential election when the vaccines were not even out yet. The poll workers made sure everybody had some distance between each other, most had masks on, the line was about 5 minutes long. No problems, and I have several preexisting conditions that could result in death if I caught covid.

A hundred million Americans voted by mail in 2020, it was the most successful election in history
They want every eligible voter to cast a ballot And to make voting convenient for all.
YOU support a Party that wants NO ID requirement and NO signature on an Absentee ballot. What possible reason can there be to refuse those two requirements? Take your time...
Question for USMB Republicans

If Voting by mail favors Democrats, why did Republicans pick up seats in the House and in local elections??
So, allowing more people to vote is communist, now? No wonder your side lost.

As for mail-in voting helped Dems - why would Repubs not take advantage of mail-in voting? What makes it so anathema to Repubs?


voting by mail.jpeg

The Democrat party turned Communist long before the last election. They also turned into the anti-white party.
The proposal does not require lawmakers to find evidence of fraud or lay out any factors they would have to consider in order to overturn an election. If the lawmakers were to reject the results, any voter in Arizona would be allowed to petition a local judge to hold a new election.
If voters can request a mail-in ballot without a reason, then why does the legislature require a reason to reject an election?
Because anybody can look in mail boxes and take a ballot and fill it out themselves.

No they can’t
They have to match a signature that they have no idea what it looks like

The person who had their ballot stolen would request a replacement and you would end up with duplicates

But that didn’t happen…did it?
Partisan legislatures have no business overturning the will of We the People without cause
The State Legislatures are elected by, and, represent We The People. OR are you assuming that voter fraud is prevalent?
No they can’t
They have to match a signature that they have no idea what it looks like

The person who had their ballot stolen would request a replacement and you would end up with duplicates

But that didn’t happen…did it?
The election clerks didn't even look at the signatures, and when they were missing, a lot of the time they filled them in.
LOL. Talking about not getting it... Why do you feel that mail-in voting only benefits Dems?

The answer is obvious. That's why the commies are pushing their so-called voters rights bill so hard.

The Democrats tied up the welfare vote; people too lazy to get a job or too irresponsible that puts and keeps them in poverty. Just look how the inner-city where most of the welfare people are vote.

The Communists don't do anything unless it advances the party.
No they can’t
They have to match a signature that they have no idea what it looks like

The person who had their ballot stolen would request a replacement and you would end up with duplicates

But that didn’t happen…did it?

As I said, IF the poll workers match the signatures. A lot of them just want to get the hell out of there and go home.

A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.
And you loons keep mistaking the United States as a Democracy.
No they can’t
They have to match a signature that they have no idea what it looks like

The person who had their ballot stolen would request a replacement and you would end up with duplicates

But that didn’t happen…did it?
Matching the signature is a problem though....

"‘Ripe for error’: Ballot signature verification is flawed — and a big factor in the election"

Mail-in ballots are pouring in by the millions to election offices across the country, getting stacked and prepared for processing. But before the count comes the signature test.

Election workers eyeball voter signatures on ballots one by one, comparing the loop of an “L” or the squiggle of an “S” against other samples of that person’s writing.

"When performed by professionals in criminal cases or legal proceedings, signature verification can take hours. But election employees in many states must do the job in as little as five seconds."

In an election marked by uncertainty amid the pandemic, the signature verification process represents one of the biggest unknowns: whether a system riddled with vulnerabilities will work on such a massive scale.
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As I said, IF the poll workers match the signatures. A lot of them just want to get the hell out of there and go home.

Signatures are matched against the registered signature
In your case, an error was made

A fake ballot will not match and duplicates will occur when the registered voter casts a ballot

There are no records of this happening which shows your claims are ridiculous
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