Republicans continue their assault on Democracy

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I doubt it had anything to do with it. People didn't trust Trump the first election because he was never in politics before. Once people seen what a great job he did they came out to try and make sure he won his reelection.
Only 74 million came out to vote for Trump, but 81 million came out to vote for Biden. Or as i've said, came out to vote against Trump, because of the piss poor job he did with COVID-19.

Trump and Scott Atlas were advocates of herd immunity, which would have resulted in 2.5 million deaths. Which Trump prioritized in order to reopen the economy, instead of saving lives. Had Trump been re-elected he would have gone down as the biggest killer since Adolf with millions of Americans dead from COVID, the hospitals in complete chaos, and the medical community in ruin.
A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.

I call BS on ..........

"The measure would require the state legislature to convene after primary and general elections to review the ballot counting process and “shall accept or reject the election results”. The proposal does not require lawmakers to find evidence of fraud or lay out any factors they would have to consider in order to overturn an election. If the lawmakers were to reject the results, any voter in Arizona would be allowed to petition a local judge to hold a new election.
That's IF they verify the signature which I'm sure many don't. They just want to process the ballots and get the hell out of there.
What makes you think the same doesn't happen at the polls? Somebody shows them a phony ID, and they just want to process the ballot and get the hell out of there.
And the source is from one of your very own so you can't complain.

But California is hardly the first state to make voting by mail more accessible. Though all states offer some form of voting by mail, nine states and Washington, D.C., now mandate that every voter be mailed a ballot ahead of an election by default. Last year was the first time that California, Vermont and the nation’s capital began the practice.

If there were any truth to that the commies wouldn't be pushing so hard for it. Mail-in won them the last election. You can't assume the majority of our people are stupid. Correct that mail-in doesn't benefit Republicans all that much, but it greatly benefits Democrats.
9 states, none of which are the states Trumpers claim was stolen, legislated mandatory ballots. None of the swing states, PERIOD. SO PLEASE STOP CLAIMING THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN IN GEORGIA OR MICHIGAN OR ARIZONA OR WISCONSIN ....DUE TO IT....

THAT is the lie.
9 states, none of which are the states Trumpers claim was stolen, legislated mandatory ballots. None of the swing states, PERIOD. SO PLEASE STOP CLAIMING THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN IN GEORGIA OR MICHIGAN OR ARIZONA OR WISCONSIN ....DUE TO IT....

THAT is the lie.
I have lost track of all their lies :(
I voted in person last presidential election when the vaccines were not even out yet. The poll workers made sure everybody had some distance between each other, most had masks on, the line was about 5 minutes long. No problems, and I have several preexisting conditions that could result in death if I caught covid.
As you admitted, in your town you only had to wait minutes to vote. Other states the lines were up to seven hours long.

During its pandemic season, the National Football League found that people can transmit the coronavirus in fewer than 15 minutes of interaction with others, according to a new report published Monday by the CDC.

Contact tracing found that multiple instances of transmission likely occurred in less than 15 minutes of interaction within six feet of space.
I call BS on ..........

"The measure would require the state legislature to convene after primary and general elections to review the ballot counting process and “shall accept or reject the election results”. The proposal does not require lawmakers to find evidence of fraud or lay out any factors they would have to consider in order to overturn an election. If the lawmakers were to reject the results, any voter in Arizona would be allowed to petition a local judge to hold a new election.
Read page 32 of the bill. That's what it says in plain text.


They merely have to review. And then vote whether to accept or reject. No standard is stated for rejection or acceptance.
As you admitted, in your town you only had to wait minutes to vote. Other states the lines were up to seven hours long.

During its pandemic season, the National Football League found that people can transmit the coronavirus in fewer than 15 minutes of interaction with others, according to a new report published Monday by the CDC.

Contact tracing found that multiple instances of transmission likely occurred in less than 15 minutes of interaction within six feet of space.

And how many of these people go to public events like sports, concerts or bars? That's okay but to vote, too dangerous.
9 states, none of which are the states Trumpers claim was stolen, legislated mandatory ballots. None of the swing states, PERIOD. SO PLEASE STOP CLAIMING THE ELECTION WAS STOLEN IN GEORGIA OR MICHIGAN OR ARIZONA OR WISCONSIN ....DUE TO IT....

THAT is the lie.

Your claim was that nobody got a ballot that wasn't requested in this country. My link proved you wrong. Several states mailed out ballots to all voters requested or not.
The OP is BS. The bill was intro. by one hardline Republican. He's playing the game, introduce the absurd, settle for some improvement.

Here's useful info. without the propaganda.

I call BS on ..........

"The measure would require the state legislature to convene after primary and general elections to review the ballot counting process and “shall accept or reject the election results”. The proposal does not require lawmakers to find evidence of fraud or lay out any factors they would have to consider in order to overturn an election. If the lawmakers were to reject the results, any voter in Arizona would be allowed to petition a local judge to hold a new election.

Yep, and if a judge doesn't grant a new election, they simply have an audit and recount of the ballots that were cast and whoever wins, wins.
Only 74 million came out to vote for Trump, but 81 million came out to vote for Biden. Or as i've said, came out to vote against Trump, because of the piss poor job he did with COVID-19.

Trump and Scott Atlas were advocates of herd immunity, which would have resulted in 2.5 million deaths. Which Trump prioritized in order to reopen the economy, instead of saving lives. Had Trump been re-elected he would have gone down as the biggest killer since Adolf with millions of Americans dead from COVID, the hospitals in complete chaos, and the medical community in ruin.

Well if Trump did a poor job then Dementia did a worse job. Trump had little to work with. Dementia had three vaccines and advanced therapeutics and still had more covid deaths than Trump in spite of the majority of Americans who got the vaccinations. When he wanted to blame Trump for the deaths under his watch during his campaign he said Trump should step down as President because at the time we hit 200,000 deaths. When asked about the covid situation under him, he said it's the states problem and not the federal governments.

When Trump went to the stock room the place was bare. DumBama used all our personal protection supply and never replaced it. When we started to distribute test kits, they were defective because the FDA only gave permission for one test kit, and that was created by the CDC. Trump started with nothing.

Today we are running low on masks, running low on antibodies, running low on test kits. The moron had nearly a year to maintain our supplies and failed.

As for voting, without mail in Trump would have easily beat this dementia jerk. But as I stated, mail in draws the dumbest people in the country to vote, and that's how we ended up with this incompetent for President.
Your claim was that nobody got a ballot that wasn't requested in this country. My link proved you wrong. Several states mailed out ballots to all voters requested or not.
That's because the bulk of those states are 100% by mail ballot states. They have no in-person voting. Hence they send every registered voter a ballot, whether they asked for one or not.
Well if Trump did a poor job then Dementia did a worse job. Trump had little to work with. Dementia had three vaccines and advanced therapeutics and still had more covid deaths than Trump in spite of the majority of Americans who got the vaccinations.
The vast majority of deaths under Biden were of people who refused to get vaccinated. The vast majority of them being Trump supporters.

Essentially COVID suicides.
That's because the bulk of those states are 100% by mail ballot states. They have no in-person voting. Hence they send every registered voter a ballot, whether they asked for one or not.

Bullshit. Only two states have mail in voting only and that's Utah and Maine. The rest have both in person and mail in.
A new bill in Arizona allows the partisan legislature to overturn the results of the election, eliminates most mail in voting, requires one day of voting and forbids election centers

Arizona is turning Blue
Republicans are set on stopping that from happening

Voters may elect a Democrat, but the Republican Legislature will just overturn the results.

Here comes chicken little again, the sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:laughing0301:

Get back to if the bill is actually advanced.

When he wanted to blame Trump for the deaths under his watch during his campaign he said Trump should step down as President because at the time we hit 200,000 deaths. When asked about the covid situation under him, he said it's the states problem and not the federal governments.
It was the states problem. You had states like Florida and Texas that made it illegal to put in place any sort of vaccination requirements for anything. They outlawed vaccine passports, or businesses being able to even ask vaccination status. which gave people the ability to refuse vaccination without consequence.

So yeah, it was the states fault.
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