Republicans: Do you believe that there are individuals who cannot help themselves?

Yes. That's why God has given us the privilege of providing charity for our fellow man.

Unfortunately, with the government robbing us for the politicians spending spree, we have less opportunity to provide charity.

That is the biggest crock of shit I have ever read here.

And if there is anyone who knows crocks of shit, it's Chris. :eusa_whistle:
For the past decade, social scientists and pollsters have given elaborate questionnaires to hundreds of thousands of people around the globe. Two of the largest studies that rank the happiness of countries around the world are the World Map of Happiness from the University of Leiscester and the World Database of Happiness from Ruut Veenhoven of Erasmus University Rotterdam. All the happiness surveys ask people basically the same question: How happy are you?

"The answer you get is not only how they feel right now, but also how they feel about their entire life," explained Dan Buettner, who has studied happiness and longevity around the world through his Blue Zones project Buettner said that if you mine all the databases of universities and research centers, you'll find that the happiest place on earth is ? Denmark. Cold, dreary, unspectacular Denmark.

Could the Danes really be the happiest people in the world? When ABC News anchor Bill Weir traveled there to find out, he asked random Danes to rate themselves in terms of happiness, on a scale of one to 10. Many people rated themselves at least an eight, and there were several nines and 10s. Finally, one grouchy Dane came along who said she didn't believe Danes were so happy. But then she quickly conceded that she herself felt rather content with her life, and said Danes in general had very little to complain about.
Danes do have one potential complaint: high taxes. The happiest people in the world pay some of the highest taxes in the world -- between 50 percent and 70 percent of their incomes. In exchange, the government covers all health care and education, and spends more on children and the elderly than any country in the world per capita. With just 5.5 million people, the system is efficient, and people feel "tryghed" -- the Danish word for "tucked in" -- like a snug child.
Those high taxes have another effect. Since a banker can end up taking home as much money as an artist, people don't chose careers based on income or status. "They have this thing called 'Jante-lov,' which essentially says, 'You're no better then anybody else,'" said Buettner. "A garbage man can live in a middle-class neighborhood and hold his head high."

Denmark: The Happiest Place on Earth - ABC News

Ignorance is bliss.
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

The larger question is what do we do with people who are unemployable?

The guy who such an asshole that he can't hold a job for more than two weeks. Everyone knows them, most have worked with them

Do we let them starve? Go homeless, beg door to door?

How many are truly 'unemployable'?? Most anyone can scoop fries, shovel dirt, scrub urinals, etc

For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat.

Don't forget, picking veggies isn't that hard............they're drying up in Georgia and Alabama because of the immigration laws the Feds won't enforce.
This whole thread is based upon the progressive premise that if the government doesn't pay for them, nobody will...and that is based upon the fact that a progressive will stand by and watch people starve and not lift a finger to help. If they government won't do it, why of course they will die in the streets, because THEY certainly won't help them.

The mistake they make is in believing everybody is like that. Everybody isn't.

Wow, I'm seeing a wide range of reasons why many conservatives feel that Americans should be allowed to live in abject squalor while others enjoy the fruits of, well, pretty much everything. The most unfortunate in our society should be allowed to rot until we get around to helping them through charities, assuming that ever actually happens. But who cares. As long as the government does absolutely nothing to help, we'll keep our "freedom" and "liberty".

That's their vision of America, the richest country in world. And plenty of examples on this thread to choose from.

Okay, your call. No way in hell I'll be able to change your mind, I get it.

Plus, I admit I just don't know what else to say at this point.


liar :eusa_liar:
Not a liar. He actually believes that shit.

Of course he and all likeminded could assume the burden of the poor and downtrodden on their own.

Won't see that happen though. Its always easier to spend everyones money on your view of Utopia.
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A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?
Absolutely there are those who need help because they cannot provide for themselves.

Should government be responsible? No. Charity cannot come from force, and all taxation is force.

This is the realm of family, churches and private charity. If the need is is not being met, incentivize people to give through the tax code if you must, but then we get into social engineering which is bad.
If taxes were lower, because it is not being collected, more will be donated. The wealthy always donate the most generously.
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?

The larger question is what do we do with people who are unemployable?

The guy who such an asshole that he can't hold a job for more than two weeks. Everyone knows them, most have worked with them

Do we let them starve? Go homeless, beg door to door?

You seem to be doing ok, or is the gubmint paying for your interweb access?
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?
Absolutely there are those who need help because they cannot provide for themselves.

Should government be responsible? No. Charity cannot come from force, and all taxation is force.

This is the realm of family, churches and private charity. If the need is is not being met, incentivize people to give through the tax code if you must, but then we get into social engineering which is bad.
If taxes were lower, because it is not being collected, more will be donated. The wealthy always donate the most generously.

But, but, but.......the wealthy are eeeeeeeeeeviiiiillllllllllllll!
So in your utopian world if you're a big enough asshole you get a free ride?

THAT figures... :cuckoo:

What is your alternative?

You want them living under a bridge, knocking on your door begging for food, getting sick and dying in the streets?

What kind of society do you want to live in?

2 Thessalonians 3:10

New International Version (NIV)
10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

So I take that as your answer being....Let him die

It reminds me of the GOP debate where Dr Paul was asked a hypothetical about a young professional who chose not to pay for healthcare and is now in a coma. Dr Paul's response was it was his decision, let him pay the price for it

As we become a "let him die" society, what are the parameters for letting those who made bad choices die? I don't want young children have to watch people suffering and keeling over in our streets......that is distasteful

Do we set up special shelters where people are taken to hack out their last breath out of sight and out of mind? Are people in "let him die" shelters provided with food or does that fly in the face of the let him die philosophy?
What is your alternative?

You want them living under a bridge, knocking on your door begging for food, getting sick and dying in the streets?

What kind of society do you want to live in?

2 Thessalonians 3:10

New International Version (NIV)
10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

So I take that as your answer being....Let him die

It reminds me of the GOP debate where Dr Paul was asked a hypothetical about a young professional who chose not to pay for healthcare and is now in a coma. Dr Paul's response was it was his decision, let him pay the price for it

As we become a "let him die" society, what are the parameters for letting those who made bad choices die? I don't want young children have to watch people suffering and keeling over in our streets......that is distasteful

Do we set up special shelters where people are taken to hack out their last breath out of sight and out of mind? Are people in "let him die" shelters provided with food or does that fly in the face of the let him die philosophy?

What is it exactly that you don't understand about personal responsibility? My sister used to hold her breath when she got mad and my mom asked the doctor what she should do? He told my mom to let her hold her breath until she passes out and she'll start breathing again and will think twice about doing it again. If someone who is able bodied refuses to provide for themself, they have made a choice and it is not incumbent on me to give into their tantrum.
So in your utopian world if you're a big enough asshole you get a free ride?

THAT figures... :cuckoo:

What is your alternative?

You want them living under a bridge, knocking on your door begging for food, getting sick and dying in the streets?

What kind of society do you want to live in?

You don't get a free ride for being a jerk... sorry...

The alternative?? Personal responsibility...

We have already determined that assholes do not have personal responsibility. If a guy can't hold a job because he has a temper and can't go two weeks without cussing out his boss, and his temper flareups have destroyed his relationship with his family and friends......who takes care of him?

Is the answer to throw him out in the streets and knock on your door begging for food? Will you feed him?
"Let them die" is the progressive mantra, not the christian/conservative one.

We know what we do for others. We have no fear that people will die if entitlement programs are modified because we know we'll be there.
A couple of exampes: the mentally retarded and disabled veterans.

In other words, is there anyone living in this country that NEEDS and DESERVES government assistance? If not, how do you deal with these individuals?
Absolutely there are those who need help because they cannot provide for themselves.

Should government be responsible? No. Charity cannot come from force, and all taxation is force.

This is the realm of family, churches and private charity. If the need is is not being met, incentivize people to give through the tax code if you must, but then we get into social engineering which is bad.
If taxes were lower, because it is not being collected, more will be donated. The wealthy always donate the most generously.

But, but, but.......the wealthy are eeeeeeeeeeviiiiillllllllllllll!
Yep. They say that right until the point where they stick their hand out for a handout.
2 Thessalonians 3:10

New International Version (NIV)
10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

So I take that as your answer being....Let him die

It reminds me of the GOP debate where Dr Paul was asked a hypothetical about a young professional who chose not to pay for healthcare and is now in a coma. Dr Paul's response was it was his decision, let him pay the price for it

As we become a "let him die" society, what are the parameters for letting those who made bad choices die? I don't want young children have to watch people suffering and keeling over in our streets......that is distasteful

Do we set up special shelters where people are taken to hack out their last breath out of sight and out of mind? Are people in "let him die" shelters provided with food or does that fly in the face of the let him die philosophy?

What is it exactly that you don't understand about personal responsibility? My sister used to hold her breath when she got mad and my mom asked the doctor what she should do? He told my mom to let her hold her breath until she passes out and she'll start breathing again and will think twice about doing it again. If someone who is able bodied refuses to provide for themself, they have made a choice and it is not incumbent on me to give into their tantrum.

As long as the taxpayers are forced to take care of them they will continue to belly up to the bar.

If the free ride came to a screeching halt believe me these folks would assume responsibility for themselves.

They ain't gonna do it if they don't have to though.
What is your alternative?

You want them living under a bridge, knocking on your door begging for food, getting sick and dying in the streets?

What kind of society do you want to live in?

2 Thessalonians 3:10

New International Version (NIV)
10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

So I take that as your answer being....Let him die

It reminds me of the GOP debate where Dr Paul was asked a hypothetical about a young professional who chose not to pay for healthcare and is now in a coma. Dr Paul's response was it was his decision, let him pay the price for it

As we become a "let him die" society, what are the parameters for letting those who made bad choices die? I don't want young children have to watch people suffering and keeling over in our streets......that is distasteful

Do we set up special shelters where people are taken to hack out their last breath out of sight and out of mind? Are people in "let him die" shelters provided with food or does that fly in the face of the let him die philosophy?

Let him LIVE with the consequences of his actions

But nice of you to try using your slogans
What is your alternative?

You want them living under a bridge, knocking on your door begging for food, getting sick and dying in the streets?

What kind of society do you want to live in?

You don't get a free ride for being a jerk... sorry...

The alternative?? Personal responsibility...

We have already determined that assholes do not have personal responsibility. If a guy can't hold a job because he has a temper and can't go two weeks without cussing out his boss, and his temper flareups have destroyed his relationship with his family and friends......who takes care of him?

Is the answer to throw him out in the streets and knock on your door begging for food? Will you feed him?

Again... YOU are YOUR responsibility...

If you will not do what it takes, you have to live with the consequences of your actions...

You are not owed support because you're a fucking jerk

If that jerk has to approach charities (if the jerk behavior will help him in that is another story), so be it.... if that jerk has to beg, so be it... if that jerk has to work odd jobs where they do not interact with people, so be it... if that person has to become a hermit in a cabin and live off the land, so be it....
2 Thessalonians 3:10

New International Version (NIV)
10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

So I take that as your answer being....Let him die

It reminds me of the GOP debate where Dr Paul was asked a hypothetical about a young professional who chose not to pay for healthcare and is now in a coma. Dr Paul's response was it was his decision, let him pay the price for it

As we become a "let him die" society, what are the parameters for letting those who made bad choices die? I don't want young children have to watch people suffering and keeling over in our streets......that is distasteful

Do we set up special shelters where people are taken to hack out their last breath out of sight and out of mind? Are people in "let him die" shelters provided with food or does that fly in the face of the let him die philosophy?

What is it exactly that you don't understand about personal responsibility? My sister used to hold her breath when she got mad and my mom asked the doctor what she should do? He told my mom to let her hold her breath until she passes out and she'll start breathing again and will think twice about doing it again. If someone who is able bodied refuses to provide for themself, they have made a choice and it is not incumbent on me to give into their tantrum.

If your sister chose not to buy health insurance because she didn't feel sick and instead spent her money on cheap perfume and trampy clothes what should we do with her if she comes down with cancer?

It was her poor personal responsibility that lead to her not having insurance. When we let her die, do we just leave her to die or can the taxpayer provide her with basic comforts?

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