Republicans: Do you have a breaking point with Trump?

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How does an increase in revenue increase debt?

Educate yourself.

The Laffer Curve: Past, Present, and Future

Supply side nonsense.
"Supply side" and "trickle down" are pejoratives snowflakes have developed to refer to the free market. They still haven't reached the point where they feel secure attacking capitalism itself, so they conceive nasty little euphemisms for it,

The bottom line is that you hate capitalism.

You're just a despicable traitorous fucking commie.
Hillary PROMISED to raise taxes on corporations PROMISED pro-abort Supreme Court justices, and was even sucking up to the BLM cop killers, so no regrets here!!!

It's hard to imagine why anyone would think Trump supporters have regrets about keeping that piece of shit out of the White House.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

Kinda glad the guy has dropped some of his weirder and stupider ideas. My breaking point (never would have supported him anyways) was that repeated MORONIC "We should have taken the Iraqi oil" idea..
In other words, his supporters didn't vote for him because of his policies or promises. They liked his entertainment value. He made them laugh; his speeches didn't put them to sleep. Reality TV star, willing to be rude, talks like a 3rd grader so no one is left out, tweets insults all night long. WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE?

Perhaps some people voted for him for the reasons you stated but I haven't seen this opinion when talking to trump voters .. I can speak for myself and tell you that reasons I voted for him were his policies
Then I'm glad you are still satisfied with how he's doing. It's obvious he's trying. Just might take a little longer than he originally thought.
I based my comments on a lot of Trump supporters I've talked to, who when asked why they were supporting him, said things like "He's not p.c." and "He tells it like it is" and "He's a businessman, not a politician." So to me, it seems like personality more than policy was at work. I know some people actually chose him seriously.
You are listing some of the things some of his supporters like about him but not the reasons they voted for him. People voted for him because he took clear positions on the issues they cared about, and a lot of people voted for him who didn't like him but liked what he promised to do. On the other hand, Democrats had no idea why they supported Clinton. For the most part they didn't like her and she had no positions on any issues other than taxing the rich and allowing confused high school student pee where they liked.

People voted for him because he took clear positions on the issues they cared about,

Clear positions?
Like making Mexico pay for the wall
Like labeling China a currency manipulator
Like prosecuting Hillary
Like withdrawing from NAFTA
Like having a grand plan to defeat ISIS
Like repealing and replacing Obamacare

Trump has either reversed himself or done nothing on these clear positions

That's not why I voted for him
In other words, his supporters didn't vote for him because of his policies or promises. They liked his entertainment value. He made them laugh; his speeches didn't put them to sleep. Reality TV star, willing to be rude, talks like a 3rd grader so no one is left out, tweets insults all night long. WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE?

Perhaps some people voted for him for the reasons you stated but I haven't seen this opinion when talking to trump voters .. I can speak for myself and tell you that reasons I voted for him were his policies
Then I'm glad you are still satisfied with how he's doing. It's obvious he's trying. Just might take a little longer than he originally thought.
I based my comments on a lot of Trump supporters I've talked to, who when asked why they were supporting him, said things like "He's not p.c." and "He tells it like it is" and "He's a businessman, not a politician." So to me, it seems like personality more than policy was at work. I know some people actually chose him seriously.

I have heard those reasons too but I can't reasonably say that I know why 60 mil ppl voted for him, I'm not psychic lol . I likes those things about him but the reasons why I voted for him are much more important than personality traits
I voted for Trump because he pissed libs off the most.
Yes, that's a good example of the kind of depth I was expecting, thanks.

Out of context quotes, how regressive of you.
How is that out of context?

Because the remainder of the post modifies that statement.
The rest of his post is just his standard attacks and insults.

Which illustrate my point.

I guess you missed the Gorsuch comment.
Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
Nope...I'm still wondering wtf it's gonna take for people
to throw all those mother fuckers out and take back our government!
I have a tough time understanding partisan politics. Trump, for me, just makes it MORE difficult to understand.

Of course, it is difficult for you to understand. You are accustomed to listening to a child and understanding a child which is very easy for you.

Now the adults have taken over and you have to listen and understand adults. Something much more difficult for you. Please bear with us. It took petulant former president Barack Hussein Obama eight years to create such a nightmare both with our economy as well as the chaos now around the world.

I also understand that you are extremely distraught that standing ovations were already given to President Donald Trump over his handling of Syria, China, North Korea and Afghanistan already.

Relax, breath deep and exhale slowly. It will all work out.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

Well I will give him two years to see what he can do!

But right now anything has to be better than the do nothing president of the last eight years!
Yes, he's governing (early on) as a full-bore conservative, as you point out. But also as you point out, it was pretty clear during the campaign that he's NOT one. Personally, the expectation that he would govern as more of an independent made it easier for me to swallow his win. And I thought that was his appeal to many of his voters, too.

And unless I'm wrong, didn't he pull independent voters pretty strongly as well? So where I'm blowing a fuse is that, on one hand, the ACA and the wall were red meat for his base and he's backing up on them; his independence was red meat for the independents, and he's backing up on that, too.

That's why it's difficult to see how much his supporters will handle.
It been discussed MANY times on the forum, something prevents you from receiving what you don't already believe. How many times do you need to see the Republicans do not have the votes to make sweeping changes to existing law? They can only defund bits of the unaffordable care act for now. Who says Trump has abandoned it? No one but hacks like you. Nor can they get funding for the wall since dems oppose it so vehemently, even calling it immoral. When did he abandon it? He had to take it off the table for now to get the budget passed since they need democrat votes.

Those simple facts cannot penetrate your partisan filters but why come here and prove how thick headed you are? I don't get it.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

Well I will give him two years to see what he can do!

But right now anything has to be better than the do nothing president of the last eight years!
He's already put a good man on the Supreme's bench. Hillary would have picked another leftist activist and we would not be the same country after her term. That alone is a win for me, everything else is icing on the cake. The fact that liberals are outraged is all I need to know.
Yes, he's governing (early on) as a full-bore conservative, as you point out. But also as you point out, it was pretty clear during the campaign that he's NOT one. Personally, the expectation that he would govern as more of an independent made it easier for me to swallow his win. And I thought that was his appeal to many of his voters, too.

And unless I'm wrong, didn't he pull independent voters pretty strongly as well? So where I'm blowing a fuse is that, on one hand, the ACA and the wall were red meat for his base and he's backing up on them; his independence was red meat for the independents, and he's backing up on that, too.

That's why it's difficult to see how much his supporters will handle.
It been discussed MANY times on the forum, something prevents you from receiving what you don't already believe. How many times do you need to see the Republicans do not have the votes to make sweeping changes to existing law? They can only defund bits of the unaffordable care act for now. Who says Trump has abandoned it? No one but hacks like you. Nor can they get funding for the wall since dems oppose it so vehemently, even calling it immoral. When did he abandon it? He had to take it off the table for now to get the budget passed since they need democrat votes.

Those simple facts cannot penetrate your partisan filters but why come here and prove how thick headed you are? I don't get it.
Well, not all of us can be as intelligent, open minded, clear thinking, mentally agile and non-partisan as you.

My humblest apologies, please try to make room for poor, uninformed souls like me.
How does an increase in revenue increase debt?

Educate yourself.

The Laffer Curve: Past, Present, and Future

Supply side nonsense.
"Supply side" and "trickle down" are pejoratives snowflakes have developed to refer to the free market. They still haven't reached the point where they feel secure attacking capitalism itself, so they conceive nasty little euphemisms for it,

The bottom line is that you hate capitalism.

You're just a despicable traitorous fucking commie.

There's a reason why econ classes only offer an overview of supply side principles. Because it's mostly nonsense.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
What makes you think that because they didn't repeal it inside the first couple of months that it won't happen?
Let me ask you a question. Why isn't GITMO closed?

Why hasn't the GOP repealed Obamacare yet?
Probably because repealing that piece of shit isn't as easy as everyone claimed it would be.
First of all, you need a House Speaker that isn't a sellout to the left.
Second, you need to get rid of all of the RINO senators.
These things take time.

The dirty little secret about Obamacare is that it wasn't intended to provide medical coverage for everyone. It was a clandestine tax increase.
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Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
What makes you think that because they didn't repeal it inside the first couple of months that it won't happen?
Let me ask you a question. Why isn't GITMO closed?
Probably because repealing that piece of shit isn't as easy as everyone claimed it would be.
First of all, you need a House Speaker that isn't a sellout to the left.
Second, you need to get rid of all of the RINO senators.
These things take time.
Could happen, I guess. But when one party controls the White House, House and Senate, and got there by promising a full repeal of a law, I think it's reasonable to expect that to happen. Conditions are never going to be perfect, and the public has a short period of patience.
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