Republicans: Do you have a breaking point with Trump?

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Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
What makes you think that because they didn't repeal it inside the first couple of months that it won't happen?
Let me ask you a question. Why isn't GITMO closed?
Probably because repealing that piece of shit isn't as easy as everyone claimed it would be.
First of all, you need a House Speaker that isn't a sellout to the left.
Second, you need to get rid of all of the RINO senators.
These things take time.
Could happen, I guess. But when one party controls the White House, House and Senate, and got there by promising a full repeal of a law, I think it's reasonable to expect that to happen. Conditions are never going to be perfect, and the public has a short period of patience.
Well, the truth is that Paul Ryan is a lying POS who has done something that the Democrats will use against him.
Obama spied on everyone and if you fucked an underage prostitute, Obama knew about it.
It's gotten to the point that all some hooker has to do is accuse a Republican of sexual harassment, which isn't even a crime, and his ass is grass.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
What makes you think that because they didn't repeal it inside the first couple of months that it won't happen?
Let me ask you a question. Why isn't GITMO closed?

Why hasn't the GOP repealed Obamacare yet?
Probably because repealing that piece of shit isn't as easy as everyone claimed it would be.
First of all, you need a House Speaker that isn't a sellout to the left.
Second, you need to get rid of all of the RINO senators.
These things take time.

The dirty little secret about Obamacare is that it wasn't intended to provide medical coverage for everyone. It was a clandestine tax increase.

Where is the Republican plan to replace it?

You have had eight years to refine it and reach agreement with fellow Republicans. Fact Is....Republicans can't come up with something better than Obamacare and they know it
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

I do have a breaking point. He's a LONG way from that though. I wanted Ted Cruz. I didn't vote for Trump in the primary, but in the general, I did. I only cared about the SCOTUS pick. That was how low my expectations were then.

Trump has impressed me since he took office. He's a good ways away from the point I would stop supporting him.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

Don't forget to mention that some of those who campaigned and donated to Trump are even talking about taking back to heir endorsements. Trump has not drained the swamp, all he did was jump in.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
happy to know there are still republicans with enough brain cells to see through the BS.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
I was heartbroken he could win any type of election in our country. That being said I was willing to give him a chance, until he assembled his cabinet. He promised to be everyone's president then surrounded himself with racists and homophobes.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

Well I will give him two years to see what he can do!

But right now anything has to be better than the do nothing president of the last eight years!
He's already put a good man on the Supreme's bench. Hillary would have picked another leftist activist and we would not be the same country after her term. That alone is a win for me, everything else is icing on the cake. The fact that liberals are outraged is all I need to know.

Can you imagine the Court with another Elena Kagen or Sotomeyor on the bench?

Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
I was heartbroken he could win any type of election in our country. That being said I was willing to give him a chance, until he assembled his cabinet. He promised to be everyone's president then surrounded himself with racists and homophobes.

You know this country is doomed when you that see people like you get to vote.
I have understood for a long time that what someone promises during a campaign and what they can do when they are elected are very different things.

What they can do when POTUS is legit. BUT Trump immediately dropping all those promises without even attempting is another thing. You have to wonder if the quick reversals means that he just sold you dreams to achieve the goal.

The more logical answer is that either he really wanted to do those things but dropped it in a NY minute or the more plausible is that he never intended to do them at all and lied.
Thanks for the standard partisan response as always it will be given all the consideration it's due.

Hey bro, if calling a commentary names makes it easier to avoid the topic I encourage you to cope however necessary
I don't vote for President b/c I know it doesn't matter and I refuse to endorse a corrupt system until Congress steps up and cleans up it's act.

If Congress refuses to take it's rightful place in the balance of power among the three branches of government, i.e. the separation of powers, voting is pointless.

Even in congress, they are happy to remain entrenched in their power with gerrymandering, serving narrow interests, and relinquishing their constitutionally delegated powers. Currently, the system is beyond broken.

We No Longer Have Three Branches of Government
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

Don't forget to mention that some of those who campaigned and donated to Trump are even talking about taking back to heir endorsements. Trump has not drained the swamp, all he did was jump in.
Yeah.....however, we've been hearing these lies about him for so long that we're tuned out to them now.

We know that Washington's a mess. Anybody would look bad trying to deal with all of the two-faced back-stabbers.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
happy to know there are still republicans with enough brain cells to see through the BS.
Well, that would be great, but I'm a left-leaning independent who voted for Hillary...
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
I was heartbroken he could win any type of election in our country. That being said I was willing to give him a chance, until he assembled his cabinet. He promised to be everyone's president then surrounded himself with racists and homophobes.
Yeah, he ran as more of an independent, but has gone hard right since. I'd be very interested to know the behind-the-scenes of how that happened.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

Don't forget to mention that some of those who campaigned and donated to Trump are even talking about taking back to heir endorsements. Trump has not drained the swamp, all he did was jump in.
Yeah.....however, we've been hearing these lies about him for so long that we're tuned out to them now.

We know that Washington's a mess. Anybody would look bad trying to deal with all of the two-faced back-stabbers.

Can't say they are liars. Trumps own words were quite clear on that he topics that are costing him support. He would do well to do what he promised and really drain the swamp. All he is doing now is reaferming the Democrat parties rise from the ashes.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?
I was heartbroken he could win any type of election in our country. That being said I was willing to give him a chance, until he assembled his cabinet. He promised to be everyone's president then surrounded himself with racists and homophobes.
Yeah, he ran as more of an independent, but has gone hard right since. I'd be very interested to know the behind-the-scenes of how that happened.

He was never independent. He never separated himself from other politicians. He only talked. We got him there and now he has yet to drain the swamp. More like he just got in with the rest of the vermin.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

I have seen Trump take credit for job numbers that are really Obama's..
Now the first quarter GDP numbers are in which are Trump's will he blame this on Obama.

If the numbers are good it's because of Trump.
If the numbers are bad it's because of Obama!

What say you Trumpers...?

First-quarter economic growth slowest in three years
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

I have seen Trump take credit for job numbers that are really Obama's..
Now the first quarter GDP numbers are in which are Trump's will he blame this on Obama.

If the numbers are good it's because of Trump.
If the numbers are bad it's because of Obama!

What say you Trumpers...?

First-quarter economic growth slowest in three years

Bammers numbers had= Booooosh.

Bammer numbers good= Gawwwwd-uh. Trump is a RINO of the McCain Grahamnisty ilk for sure, but not abnormally so.
Serious question: Back during the campaign, those of us who were not voting for Trump didn't believe that he'd be able to follow through on a pretty significant percentage of his promises. We were mocked, of course, but now that we know the ACA won't be repealed, that Mexico won't be paying for the wall, that Trump even backed out of requiring WE fund the wall, and that he's softening on NAFTA and NATO and other issues, I'd like to know:

Have you thought about how much leeway you'll give him on his promises before you'd stop supporting him?

I have seen Trump take credit for job numbers that are really Obama's..
Now the first quarter GDP numbers are in which are Trump's will he blame this on Obama.

If the numbers are good it's because of Trump.
If the numbers are bad it's because of Obama!

What say you Trumpers...?

First-quarter economic growth slowest in three years
That's how partisans are on both sides. If it's good, we did it. If it's bad, they did it.

Partisans have zero credibility, and would be best marginalized.
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