Republicans: Do you have a breaking point with Trump?

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All the media is doing now is trying to gin up anti-Trump sentiment. Female Fox News pundits for the most part are against him. Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity still back him up, but that's it.

Face it. Almost every journalist is a liberal. Any that aren't are under assault.
"almost every journalist is a liberal"

Correct. There seems to be a direct connection between being a well educated and literate adult, and being liberal.

You mean there's a connection between government brainwashing and being a liberal. There's nothing particularly "well educated" about them. Most of what they "know" is pure bullshit.
I have stats that support my claim, the more educated you are the more likely you are to be a dem. Do you have any facts that support your nonsense?

"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.
"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.

^ Uneducated wretch.

You're just another snowflake who can't admit reality.
Many employers don't care what degree you have as long as you have one. I do the hiring for my company and seeing any type of degree at all gives you an advantage over someone who has no degree.

That's what's wrong with modern corporate America.
There are many things wrong with corporate america. Giving jobs to those who are educated is not one of them.

Yes it is one of them. A degree in gender studies does not make anyone a better employee. Someone who learned MS Office is more useful than someone who knows the latest theories in social deconstruction theory.
Thats your opinion. I think that someone who has a women's studies major has a deep insight into cultural and societal trends. There are jobs in which they would be much better suited than someone with a different degree. For instance, someone who works in social services/family services, would probably put a Women's studies degree to great use.
Don't you think someone who works in a field such as that would be utterly resistant to learn about the non-aggression principle and Austrian Economics though?

This is why such an individual is ill suited to understand the free market. This is why such an individual is a cancer on society and is actually causing the ills of society. They benefit from the elites causing poverty, inequity, inequality, wealth transfer, gentrification, domestic violence, etc. A person such as this has no incentive to understand the root causes, nor indeed find real and lasting solutions, because in fact, that would put them out of a job.

A "women's studies degree" is a self-perpetuating victimization excuse. It seeks not to find what works, but to highlight what doesn't work. It seeks to create conflict and misery in society, not to heal and create workable natural societies. It is a Marxian, artificial construct.

There are no, "cultural and societal trends." That is the foundations of ruling elites doing their social engineering number on you. It is as old as the empires of humanity itself.

Dear dear lord above - let us pray.
societal trends are fake
cultural diversity doesn't exist
woman are useless therefore why study them
college makes you dumber
infowars makes you smarter
and climate change is a chinese hoax

please god make all of these things come true so that the republican party has a modern leg to stand on!
"almost every journalist is a liberal"

Correct. There seems to be a direct connection between being a well educated and literate adult, and being liberal.

You mean there's a connection between government brainwashing and being a liberal. There's nothing particularly "well educated" about them. Most of what they "know" is pure bullshit.
I have stats that support my claim, the more educated you are the more likely you are to be a dem. Do you have any facts that support your nonsense?

"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.
"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.

^ Uneducated wretch.

You're just another snowflake who can't admit reality.

The reality is your insecurities have forced you to lie about yourself on an anonymous internet forum.
That's what's wrong with modern corporate America.
There are many things wrong with corporate america. Giving jobs to those who are educated is not one of them.

Yes it is one of them. A degree in gender studies does not make anyone a better employee. Someone who learned MS Office is more useful than someone who knows the latest theories in social deconstruction theory.
Thats your opinion. I think that someone who has a women's studies major has a deep insight into cultural and societal trends. There are jobs in which they would be much better suited than someone with a different degree. For instance, someone who works in social services/family services, would probably put a Women's studies degree to great use.
Don't you think someone who works in a field such as that would be utterly resistant to learn about the non-aggression principle and Austrian Economics though?

This is why such an individual is ill suited to understand the free market. This is why such an individual is a cancer on society and is actually causing the ills of society. They benefit from the elites causing poverty, inequity, inequality, wealth transfer, gentrification, domestic violence, etc. A person such as this has no incentive to understand the root causes, nor indeed find real and lasting solutions, because in fact, that would put them out of a job.

A "women's studies degree" is a self-perpetuating victimization excuse. It seeks not to find what works, but to highlight what doesn't work. It seeks to create conflict and misery in society, not to heal and create workable natural societies. It is a Marxian, artificial construct.

There are no, "cultural and societal trends." That is the foundations of ruling elites doing their social engineering number on you. It is as old as the empires of humanity itself.

Dear dear lord above - let us pray.
societal trends are fake
cultural diversity doesn't exist
woman are useless therefore why study them
college makes you dumber
infowars makes you smarter

please god make all of these things come true so that the republican party has a modern leg to stand on!

These subjects have already been taught, but not in the way you are thinking.

Societal trends = History.
Cultural diversity = Anthropology.
It isn't about whether women are useless or useful, do we have courses to study men?
Women studies, gender studies, minority studies, etc. these are identity empowerment classes. They are focused on dividing the culture. This is why we have so much acrimony in society. Instead, shouldn't we focus on making History more integrated so society can be more integrated?

The media is always on about how partisan society is, how everything is about "identity politics." Well, you reap what you sow.

If you rely entirely on Foundation and Government controlled schooling for your education, you risk having a sheltered world view. You will become a useful idiot and a slave. Our greatest presidents never went to school. Lincoln never attended a day of law school, educated himself, took the bar and passed. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of college. Many of our best entrepreneurs found the straight jackets of the establishment institutions to be stifling of creativity, only there to create obedient cogs in the corporate system.

And yes, independent media and investigative journalism does make you more informed. Try going to sources not associated with the round table groups.
He's doing a good job. I just want the wall done and I'm good
Why not address my post instead of Britpat's trolling? While I find his trolling entertaining, and your level of posts may warrant it, is it because you have nothing substantial to add?

You could just admit defeat. Most, "conservatives" will readily admit agitprop. & VNR's have just as readily affected Fox news stations as well. These are not known to be liberal, but always push corporate war mongering and Keynesian solutions rather than policies which are good for Americans.

What, do you think Fox news is populated with "liberal" journalists that well educated and literate adults, and being liberal too?
I've been trolling with Bripat all morning for fun.
I hate the "universities brainwash you" BS. A college education is very important today. We need to stop glorifying drop outs, bashing our educators, and help get everyone who wants a degree the opportunity to do so.

Yeah, spend $160,000 on a degree in gender studies so you can work as a waiter.
Many employers don't care what degree you have as long as you have one. I do the hiring for my company and seeing any type of degree at all gives you an advantage over someone who has no degree.
I rest my case.

You're saying the piece of paper is all that matters.
In today's job market a degree is critical. Do you disagree?
Only if you're a mind-numb imbecile and only want to work for someone else.

My cousin was making 6 figures in the 80s Import/Exporting with only a H.S. diploma.

A college degree doesn’t make you a productive employee automatically.
"almost every journalist is a liberal"

Correct. There seems to be a direct connection between being a well educated and literate adult, and being liberal.

You mean there's a connection between government brainwashing and being a liberal. There's nothing particularly "well educated" about them. Most of what they "know" is pure bullshit.
I have stats that support my claim, the more educated you are the more likely you are to be a dem. Do you have any facts that support your nonsense?

"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.
"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.

^ Uneducated wretch.

You're just another snowflake who can't admit reality.
There are many things wrong with corporate america. Giving jobs to those who are educated is not one of them.

Yes it is one of them. A degree in gender studies does not make anyone a better employee. Someone who learned MS Office is more useful than someone who knows the latest theories in social deconstruction theory.
Thats your opinion. I think that someone who has a women's studies major has a deep insight into cultural and societal trends. There are jobs in which they would be much better suited than someone with a different degree. For instance, someone who works in social services/family services, would probably put a Women's studies degree to great use.
Don't you think someone who works in a field such as that would be utterly resistant to learn about the non-aggression principle and Austrian Economics though?

This is why such an individual is ill suited to understand the free market. This is why such an individual is a cancer on society and is actually causing the ills of society. They benefit from the elites causing poverty, inequity, inequality, wealth transfer, gentrification, domestic violence, etc. A person such as this has no incentive to understand the root causes, nor indeed find real and lasting solutions, because in fact, that would put them out of a job.

A "women's studies degree" is a self-perpetuating victimization excuse. It seeks not to find what works, but to highlight what doesn't work. It seeks to create conflict and misery in society, not to heal and create workable natural societies. It is a Marxian, artificial construct.

There are no, "cultural and societal trends." That is the foundations of ruling elites doing their social engineering number on you. It is as old as the empires of humanity itself.

Dear dear lord above - let us pray.
societal trends are fake
cultural diversity doesn't exist
woman are useless therefore why study them
college makes you dumber
infowars makes you smarter

please god make all of these things come true so that the republican party has a modern leg to stand on!

These subjects have already been taught, but not in the way you are thinking.

Societal trends = History.
Cultural diversity = Anthropology.
It isn't about whether women are useless or useful, do we have courses to study men?
Women studies, gender studies, minority studies, etc. these are identity empowerment classes. They are focused on dividing the culture. This is why we have so much acrimony in society. Instead, shouldn't we focus on making History more integrated so society can be more integrated?

The media is always on about how partisan society is, how everything is about "identity politics." Well, you reap what you sow.

If you rely entirely on Foundation and Government controlled schooling for your education, you risk having a sheltered world view. You will become a useful idiot and a slave. Our greatest presidents never went to school. Lincoln never attended a day of law school, educated himself, took the bar and passed. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of college. Many of our best entrepreneurs found the straight jackets of the establishment institutions to be stifling of creativity, only there to create obedient cogs in the corporate system.

And yes, independent media and investigative journalism does make you more informed. Try going to sources not associated with the round table groups.
Throughout my time at college I realized that it was much more valuable than high school because we learned how to think, not what to think. In high school, facts are memorized for testing. This is failing our students.
In college is where people are able to develop critical skills like problem solving, prioritizing, critical thinking/analysis, and how to break down the information they have been handed. In the workforce, I see a drastic difference between a 24 year old with a college degree and one with a high school degree, they are on two different intellectual levels. My college grads run circles around their less educated counterparts.
Getting rich and famous off of a specific skill or talent is lucky. I will not raise my kids to hope they get lucky one day. I raise my kids to go to school, work hard, and get a degree.
I've been trolling with Bripat all morning for fun.
I hate the "universities brainwash you" BS. A college education is very important today. We need to stop glorifying drop outs, bashing our educators, and help get everyone who wants a degree the opportunity to do so.

Yeah, spend $160,000 on a degree in gender studies so you can work as a waiter.
Many employers don't care what degree you have as long as you have one. I do the hiring for my company and seeing any type of degree at all gives you an advantage over someone who has no degree.
I rest my case.

You're saying the piece of paper is all that matters.
In today's job market a degree is critical. Do you disagree?
Only if you're a mind-numb imbecile and only want to work for someone else.

My cousin was making 6 figures in the 80s Import/Exporting with only a H.S. diploma.

A college degree doesn’t make you a productive employee automatically.
Your cousin got lucky. A college degree is necessary for today's job market. It wasn't in my grandfather's job market. Nor in my father's. Nor in mine, really. Today if you want to do anything other than flip burgers or pray to get lucky, you should get a degree.
You mean there's a connection between government brainwashing and being a liberal. There's nothing particularly "well educated" about them. Most of what they "know" is pure bullshit.
I have stats that support my claim, the more educated you are the more likely you are to be a dem. Do you have any facts that support your nonsense?

"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.
"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.

^ Uneducated wretch.

You're just another snowflake who can't admit reality.
Yes it is one of them. A degree in gender studies does not make anyone a better employee. Someone who learned MS Office is more useful than someone who knows the latest theories in social deconstruction theory.
Thats your opinion. I think that someone who has a women's studies major has a deep insight into cultural and societal trends. There are jobs in which they would be much better suited than someone with a different degree. For instance, someone who works in social services/family services, would probably put a Women's studies degree to great use.
Don't you think someone who works in a field such as that would be utterly resistant to learn about the non-aggression principle and Austrian Economics though?

This is why such an individual is ill suited to understand the free market. This is why such an individual is a cancer on society and is actually causing the ills of society. They benefit from the elites causing poverty, inequity, inequality, wealth transfer, gentrification, domestic violence, etc. A person such as this has no incentive to understand the root causes, nor indeed find real and lasting solutions, because in fact, that would put them out of a job.

A "women's studies degree" is a self-perpetuating victimization excuse. It seeks not to find what works, but to highlight what doesn't work. It seeks to create conflict and misery in society, not to heal and create workable natural societies. It is a Marxian, artificial construct.

There are no, "cultural and societal trends." That is the foundations of ruling elites doing their social engineering number on you. It is as old as the empires of humanity itself.

Dear dear lord above - let us pray.
societal trends are fake
cultural diversity doesn't exist
woman are useless therefore why study them
college makes you dumber
infowars makes you smarter

please god make all of these things come true so that the republican party has a modern leg to stand on!

These subjects have already been taught, but not in the way you are thinking.

Societal trends = History.
Cultural diversity = Anthropology.
It isn't about whether women are useless or useful, do we have courses to study men?
Women studies, gender studies, minority studies, etc. these are identity empowerment classes. They are focused on dividing the culture. This is why we have so much acrimony in society. Instead, shouldn't we focus on making History more integrated so society can be more integrated?

The media is always on about how partisan society is, how everything is about "identity politics." Well, you reap what you sow.

If you rely entirely on Foundation and Government controlled schooling for your education, you risk having a sheltered world view. You will become a useful idiot and a slave. Our greatest presidents never went to school. Lincoln never attended a day of law school, educated himself, took the bar and passed. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of college. Many of our best entrepreneurs found the straight jackets of the establishment institutions to be stifling of creativity, only there to create obedient cogs in the corporate system.

And yes, independent media and investigative journalism does make you more informed. Try going to sources not associated with the round table groups.
Throughout my time at college I realized that it was much more valuable than high school because we learned how to think, not what to think. In high school, facts are memorized for testing. This is failing our students.
In college is where people are able to develop critical skills like problem solving, prioritizing, critical thinking/analysis, and how to break down the information they have been handed. In the workforce, I see a drastic difference between a 24 year old with a college degree and one with a high school degree, they are on two different intellectual levels. My college grads run circles around their less educated counterparts.
Getting rich and famous off of a specific skill or talent is lucky. I will not raise my kids to hope they get lucky one day. I raise my kids to go to school, work hard, and get a degree.

Exactly right. Thank you.
That's why it's almost immediately apparent that someone has not had a formal education.
Yeah, spend $160,000 on a degree in gender studies so you can work as a waiter.
Many employers don't care what degree you have as long as you have one. I do the hiring for my company and seeing any type of degree at all gives you an advantage over someone who has no degree.
I rest my case.

You're saying the piece of paper is all that matters.
In today's job market a degree is critical. Do you disagree?
Only if you're a mind-numb imbecile and only want to work for someone else.

My cousin was making 6 figures in the 80s Import/Exporting with only a H.S. diploma.

A college degree doesn’t make you a productive employee automatically.
Your cousin got lucky. A college degree is necessary for today's job market. It wasn't in my grandfather's job market. Nor in my father's. Nor in mine, really. Today if you want to do anything other than flip burgers or pray to get lucky, you should get a degree.
Being an entrepreneur does require a mother fucking degree.
I have stats that support my claim, the more educated you are the more likely you are to be a dem. Do you have any facts that support your nonsense?

"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.
"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.

^ Uneducated wretch.

You're just another snowflake who can't admit reality.
Thats your opinion. I think that someone who has a women's studies major has a deep insight into cultural and societal trends. There are jobs in which they would be much better suited than someone with a different degree. For instance, someone who works in social services/family services, would probably put a Women's studies degree to great use.
Don't you think someone who works in a field such as that would be utterly resistant to learn about the non-aggression principle and Austrian Economics though?

This is why such an individual is ill suited to understand the free market. This is why such an individual is a cancer on society and is actually causing the ills of society. They benefit from the elites causing poverty, inequity, inequality, wealth transfer, gentrification, domestic violence, etc. A person such as this has no incentive to understand the root causes, nor indeed find real and lasting solutions, because in fact, that would put them out of a job.

A "women's studies degree" is a self-perpetuating victimization excuse. It seeks not to find what works, but to highlight what doesn't work. It seeks to create conflict and misery in society, not to heal and create workable natural societies. It is a Marxian, artificial construct.

There are no, "cultural and societal trends." That is the foundations of ruling elites doing their social engineering number on you. It is as old as the empires of humanity itself.

Dear dear lord above - let us pray.
societal trends are fake
cultural diversity doesn't exist
woman are useless therefore why study them
college makes you dumber
infowars makes you smarter

please god make all of these things come true so that the republican party has a modern leg to stand on!

These subjects have already been taught, but not in the way you are thinking.

Societal trends = History.
Cultural diversity = Anthropology.
It isn't about whether women are useless or useful, do we have courses to study men?
Women studies, gender studies, minority studies, etc. these are identity empowerment classes. They are focused on dividing the culture. This is why we have so much acrimony in society. Instead, shouldn't we focus on making History more integrated so society can be more integrated?

The media is always on about how partisan society is, how everything is about "identity politics." Well, you reap what you sow.

If you rely entirely on Foundation and Government controlled schooling for your education, you risk having a sheltered world view. You will become a useful idiot and a slave. Our greatest presidents never went to school. Lincoln never attended a day of law school, educated himself, took the bar and passed. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of college. Many of our best entrepreneurs found the straight jackets of the establishment institutions to be stifling of creativity, only there to create obedient cogs in the corporate system.

And yes, independent media and investigative journalism does make you more informed. Try going to sources not associated with the round table groups.
Throughout my time at college I realized that it was much more valuable than high school because we learned how to think, not what to think. In high school, facts are memorized for testing. This is failing our students.
In college is where people are able to develop critical skills like problem solving, prioritizing, critical thinking/analysis, and how to break down the information they have been handed. In the workforce, I see a drastic difference between a 24 year old with a college degree and one with a high school degree, they are on two different intellectual levels. My college grads run circles around their less educated counterparts.
Getting rich and famous off of a specific skill or talent is lucky. I will not raise my kids to hope they get lucky one day. I raise my kids to go to school, work hard, and get a degree.

Exactly right. Thank you.
That's why it's almost immediately apparent that someone has not had a formal education.
Actually what your politics is...according to you.

FYI, a H.S. diploma is a formal education.
Many employers don't care what degree you have as long as you have one. I do the hiring for my company and seeing any type of degree at all gives you an advantage over someone who has no degree.
I rest my case.

You're saying the piece of paper is all that matters.
In today's job market a degree is critical. Do you disagree?
Only if you're a mind-numb imbecile and only want to work for someone else.

My cousin was making 6 figures in the 80s Import/Exporting with only a H.S. diploma.

A college degree doesn’t make you a productive employee automatically.

Your cousin got lucky. A college degree is necessary for today's job market. It wasn't in my grandfather's job market. Nor in my father's. Nor in mine, really. Today if you want to do anything other than flip burgers or pray to get lucky, you should get a degree.

Being an entrepreneur does require a mother fucking degree.

There's a degree in "mother fucking"? Wow, Oedipus could have benefited from that degree.
"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.
"More educated" means more government brainwashing. Of course the longer you spend in the rolling mills of government propaganda, the more you come to believe the horseshit being fed to you.

^ Uneducated wretch.

You're just another snowflake who can't admit reality.
Don't you think someone who works in a field such as that would be utterly resistant to learn about the non-aggression principle and Austrian Economics though?

This is why such an individual is ill suited to understand the free market. This is why such an individual is a cancer on society and is actually causing the ills of society. They benefit from the elites causing poverty, inequity, inequality, wealth transfer, gentrification, domestic violence, etc. A person such as this has no incentive to understand the root causes, nor indeed find real and lasting solutions, because in fact, that would put them out of a job.

A "women's studies degree" is a self-perpetuating victimization excuse. It seeks not to find what works, but to highlight what doesn't work. It seeks to create conflict and misery in society, not to heal and create workable natural societies. It is a Marxian, artificial construct.

There are no, "cultural and societal trends." That is the foundations of ruling elites doing their social engineering number on you. It is as old as the empires of humanity itself.

Dear dear lord above - let us pray.
societal trends are fake
cultural diversity doesn't exist
woman are useless therefore why study them
college makes you dumber
infowars makes you smarter

please god make all of these things come true so that the republican party has a modern leg to stand on!

These subjects have already been taught, but not in the way you are thinking.

Societal trends = History.
Cultural diversity = Anthropology.
It isn't about whether women are useless or useful, do we have courses to study men?
Women studies, gender studies, minority studies, etc. these are identity empowerment classes. They are focused on dividing the culture. This is why we have so much acrimony in society. Instead, shouldn't we focus on making History more integrated so society can be more integrated?

The media is always on about how partisan society is, how everything is about "identity politics." Well, you reap what you sow.

If you rely entirely on Foundation and Government controlled schooling for your education, you risk having a sheltered world view. You will become a useful idiot and a slave. Our greatest presidents never went to school. Lincoln never attended a day of law school, educated himself, took the bar and passed. Both Bill Gates and Steve Jobs dropped out of college. Many of our best entrepreneurs found the straight jackets of the establishment institutions to be stifling of creativity, only there to create obedient cogs in the corporate system.

And yes, independent media and investigative journalism does make you more informed. Try going to sources not associated with the round table groups.
Throughout my time at college I realized that it was much more valuable than high school because we learned how to think, not what to think. In high school, facts are memorized for testing. This is failing our students.
In college is where people are able to develop critical skills like problem solving, prioritizing, critical thinking/analysis, and how to break down the information they have been handed. In the workforce, I see a drastic difference between a 24 year old with a college degree and one with a high school degree, they are on two different intellectual levels. My college grads run circles around their less educated counterparts.
Getting rich and famous off of a specific skill or talent is lucky. I will not raise my kids to hope they get lucky one day. I raise my kids to go to school, work hard, and get a degree.

Exactly right. Thank you.
That's why it's almost immediately apparent that someone has not had a formal education.
Actually what your politics is...according to you.

FYI, a H.S. diploma is a formal education.

So is Mother F'ng if we are to accept your definition.
I had 15 posts marked for deletion. There's a topic left -- but it's NOT the OP topic. So because it's not "on-topic" -- I'm gonna leave it closed.

NOT sorry about the warnings tho.. Folks taking advantage of a dying thread topic still get warned..
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