Republicans Elected Wrong Candidate in 1976 Too


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
Ford had just been handed the nomination at the 76 RNC and offered his opponent Reagan the podium. 6 minutes later everyone there knew they had just elected the wrong candidate to face Carter.

Fortunate, because the mood of the country post-Nixon would have sent Reagan packing too.

Carter's fumbles paved the way for Reagan.
Fortunate, because the mood of the country post-Nixon would have sent Reagan packing too.

Carter's fumbles paved the way for Reagan.

Exactly. And that's what I said the other day when I switched to endorsing Trump for the nomination. We're going to lose this election... I had rather lose with Trump than Cruz. But either Trump or Hillary will be a disaster and in 4 years, Cruz will still be a young guy.
Different situation. Carter was cast as a fine Christian gentleman with no baggage. Hillary is obviously a crook, with a long history of it.

Trump the non-politician just whupped sixteen highly experienced politicans, many who were quite personally opposed to him. I certainly wouldn't underestimate his ability to politically horsewhip Clinton.

Trump vs. Frump. Quite a ring to it. :laugh:
Ford had just been handed the nomination at the 76 RNC and offered his opponent Reagan the podium. 6 minutes later everyone there knew they had just elected the wrong candidate to face Carter.

That man is an absolute giant among giants. I firmly believe he should be placed on Mount Rushmore. He is right up there with George Washington and Thomas Jefferson as men of honor, humility, and true leadership.
Fortunate, because the mood of the country post-Nixon would have sent Reagan packing too.

Carter's fumbles paved the way for Reagan.

Exactly. And that's what I said the other day when I switched to endorsing Trump for the nomination. We're going to lose this election... I had rather lose with Trump than Cruz. But either Trump or Hillary will be a disaster and in 4 years, Cruz will still be a young guy.
Why would you think that Republican's will lose this election? Not only has the Barack Obama administration been one of the biggest disaster in U.S. history, but then the Democrats are only able to roll out Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

This is akin to the George W. Bush disaster when the Republican's followed that up with John freaking McCain. At no point in history will the Republican's have an easier path to the White House than they do right now. The failed Obama regime followed by the unelectable Hillary Clinton...
Different situation. Carter was cast as a fine Christian gentleman with no baggage. Hillary is obviously a crook, with a long history of it.

Trump the non-politician just whupped sixteen highly experienced politicans, many who were quite personally opposed to him. I certainly wouldn't underestimate his ability to politically horsewhip Clinton.

Trump vs. Frump. Quite a ring to it. :laugh:
It's a lose lose now between Hillary and Hillary Jr.
Why would you think that Republican's will lose this election?

Because 1) Trump has polarized the base. 2) Conservatives will stay home.

Look... On our best day... we barely outnumber the Democrats. With a strong conservative candidate who inspires and energizes the base, we can prevail... without that, we can't. We failed to win in 2008 and 2012 because the conservative base stayed home. The conservatives are not going to vote for someone just to keep a democrat out of the seat. Without the conservatives, Republicans will lose.

I've seen nothing from Trump that says he is a conservative. I've seen a lot to indicate he is more liberal than he is letting on in this campaign. He is attempting to mold a populist-nationalist message into a 'new conservatism' and it's not going to work on true conservatives. He does not understand conservative philosophy. He has a strong and loyal base of support and he has celebrity status and appeal... I don't think it's enough to win the election for him.
Why would you think that Republican's will lose this election?

Because 1) Trump has polarized the base. 2) Conservatives will stay home.

Look... On our best day... we barely outnumber the Democrats. With a strong conservative candidate who inspires and energizes the base, we can prevail... without that, we can't. We failed to win in 2008 and 2012 because the conservative base stayed home. The conservatives are not going to vote for someone just to keep a democrat out of the seat. Without the conservatives, Republicans will lose.

I've seen nothing from Trump that says he is a conservative. I've seen a lot to indicate he is more liberal than he is letting on in this campaign. He is attempting to mold a populist-nationalist message into a 'new conservatism' and it's not going to work on true conservatives. He does not understand conservative philosophy. He has a strong and loyal base of support and he has celebrity status and appeal... I don't think it's enough to win the election for him.
Well he's not a conservative. At all. He's been very open about that. But that's also one of the reason that 20% of Democrats polled have said that they will "cross over" to vote for Trump. When you combine that with the disaster of the Obama reign of terror and the bigger disaster that is Hillary Clinton, and it looks like this would be the easiest election that Republican's have ever faced.
Why would you think that Republican's will lose this election?

Because 1) Trump has polarized the base. 2) Conservatives will stay home.

Look... On our best day... we barely outnumber the Democrats. With a strong conservative candidate who inspires and energizes the base, we can prevail... without that, we can't. We failed to win in 2008 and 2012 because the conservative base stayed home. The conservatives are not going to vote for someone just to keep a democrat out of the seat. Without the conservatives, Republicans will lose.

I've seen nothing from Trump that says he is a conservative. I've seen a lot to indicate he is more liberal than he is letting on in this campaign. He is attempting to mold a populist-nationalist message into a 'new conservatism' and it's not going to work on true conservatives. He does not understand conservative philosophy. He has a strong and loyal base of support and he has celebrity status and appeal... I don't think it's enough to win the election for him.
Well he's not a conservative. At all. He's been very open about that. But that's also one of the reason that 20% of Democrats polled have said that they will "cross over" to vote for Trump. When you combine that with the disaster of the Obama reign of terror and the bigger disaster that is Hillary Clinton, and it looks like this would be the easiest election that Republican's have ever faced.

Well maybe you're right, we'll have to wait and see. I just have the gut feeling we're going to get clobbered. We nominated the wrong candidate. I still see two possible outcomes... Trump loses to Hillary who is a disaster or Trump defeats Hillary and is a disaster. In four years, maybe we can come to our senses and elect a Conservative?

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