Republicans Err To Block HEROES Act Entirely

The Democrat bill also has in it weed banking..

Uhm doesn't Nancy know it's a federal crime?

There is a lot of aid to states.

It will be interesting to see which Red State governors object to aid when the blob signs off on it. I'm guessing none of them will.
Republicans aren't objecting to "aid". They're objecting to a lot of wrong kind of aid, that Democrats are filling the bill with. The thing is, a lot of that is just dispensibles, Democrats use as bargaining chips. Republicans should be smart enough to see that, and not fall into a rather obvious political trap, in an election year.

I guess also that Red State governors won't object to aid (the right kind), and they shouldn't.

Republicans object to any financial aid that doesn’t go to corporations.
Calling this travesty the Heros Act is like calling China the peoples republic of China. The names are propaganda and have nothing to do with reality.
The whole bill is a stretch of reality, and is designed to call Republicans in for negotiations. If they don't and just reject it entirely, Nancy Pelosi will have an early Christmas gift, she probably never would have expected.

Right, because Nancy and the dems have shown over the past 3 years they enjoy negotiating with Trump.
So Canada only got half the minimum wage?

No Canada got 55% of wages, to a maximum of $540 per week. So if you're making $1500 per week, you get $540 per week. But if you make less than $1000 per week, you won't be getting $540. In addition to EI, anyone making below $35,000 per year is eligible for income for Child Tax Benefits of up to $500 per month, per child, GST (Goods and Service Tax) rebates, and Trillium Benefits (Ontario only). So a minimum wage single parent of two children, would be getting something in the range of $2500 per month - $1200 from EI, $1000 from CTB, and $300 from Trillium.

And don't forget universal health care with no copays.
It's dead on arrival,money for illegals
If there is no other (better) bill to replace it, Joe Biden scores a big victory.

Why do we need one at this time, all the money on the last one has not been spent, people are still receiving checks

Again Nancy went this one alone.

People still haven't received their $1200 checks? Canadians got their $1200 bank deposits on the 10th of April. Senior citizens will get their stimulus cheques at the end of this month. Of course Trumpy Bear had to put his name on the cheques that Nancy Pelosi sent to workers. That's what Trump does - take credit for the work of Democrats.
We have just a few more people than Canada.

Everything is proportional. We don't spend 4% of GDP on the military, nor do we give massive tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy. We're getting money to people, over corporations. We spend half the amount of money on health care than you do, on a per capita basis. Canada spends it's tax dollars on its people, not foreign policy, the military, or tax breaks to billioniares. That was true before the pandemic, and it's more true today.

We also have an efficient government that gets the job done. Justin Trudeau didn't hold up payments to have his name put on the cheques. He focused on getting out the money as quickly as possible. Trudeau announced the first payments of GST rebates on April 2nd, and the money landed in my bank account on April 11. I expect the payments he announced on the 12th, to land in my bank account on the 27th of this month.

On April 20th, he announced an increase of the Child Tax Benefit of $300 per month, per child. I missed that one in my summary upthread. Parents will get that payment starting next week. This benefit is paid on a sliding scale to families with income of less than $70,000 per year. Maximum benefit to families with family income of less than $35,000 per year, is $500 per month per child.

Last but not least, Canada has aggressively linked benefits to income tax filings. Canadian tax software is created to ensure that Canadians are getting every dollar back from their government programs that they're entitled to. Revenue Canada will advise Canadians of programs they are entitled to access. Just filing your taxes will trigger enrolment in some government benefit programs based on income, because our benefits programs are linked to taxes. Seniors with below threshold income will be contacted to apply for Supplemental Income Programs, parents of young children will be sent applications for Child Tax Benefits.

Bascially, if you are earning less than $35,000 per year as a family with young children, there are substantial supports available to you. Some families uses these supports to have one parent stay home, with young children, others use the CTB to assist with child care expenses. My youngest used the CTB when her daughter was an infant, to stay home and help her husband establish his business - doing his booking, preparing written estimates, warranties, and other office duties, and raising their daughter. By the time their second child was born, they no longer qualified, but it was a HUGE help getting started.

My SIL's business doesn't qualify for assistance, but his employees get EI - $540 per week, so that helps him indirectly. He doesn't have to worry about his employees going elsewhere out of desperation. He spent his down town, and the cash he wasn't paying to his employees, to meet Public Health standards to re-open, and got himself certified, and starting lining up work. If he has a fully week's work, he calls his guys and they'll get their full wages. But if he doesn't have work for them, the EI system will allow them to collect benefits for the weeks they don't work, while allowing them to earn full wages for the weeks they do.

Again, the entire system is structured around supporting unemployed workers in the best way possible.
The negotiation should occur in the House. You do realize that is where the bill gets pared down, right?
It can occur in the House and/or Senate. it can also occur in the White House. Remember, it must get Trump's signature.

What part of Nasty Pelousy will not negotiate did you not understand?

It cannot occur in the White House. You would have failed my class on government. All appropriations bills must start in the House. Nasty will have it passed in total. It will go to the Senate and will be DOA.
What part of Nasty Pelousy will not negotiate did you not understand?

It cannot occur in the White House. You would have failed my class on government. All appropriations bills must start in the House. Nasty will have it passed in total. It will go to the Senate and will be DOA.
You have never seen negotiations take place in the White House ? Everyone else has.





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I sense that Trump and the Republicans might be making a serious mistake regarding the new Democrat plan (the HEROES Act) to stimulate the economy, and help economic victims of the coronavirus national emergency.

Republicans have been dismissing the legislation, which is due to be voted on in the House tomorrow, saying that it is "aspirational", a "recipe for a prolonged recession.”, and "dead on arrival in the Senate". I haven't read the 1815 page monstrosity of this bill, and sure, it's loaded with Democrat pork, and things unacceptable to Republicans, and probably most Americans. I shudder to think what is in the immigration section of the bill, but Republicans need to be wary here, and not be so totally dismissive.

Democrats are playing a shrewd game with the HEROES Act. It is more than just a $3 Trillion legislation. It is a 2020 election year ploy, that if Republican's don't watch out, could cost them the presidential election, and even the Senate as well in November.

A few things should be carefully noted about this bill >>>

1. Democrats are unlikely to be insistent about everything in the bill. The $3 Trillion price tag, and all the stuff packed into the bill are probably just a starting point for NEGOTIATION. Like if you sell a car, and you want $6,000 for it, you ask for $7,000, and then let the buyer talk you down to what you want.

2. Many Americans are still in dire need of the $1200 stimulus checks that are part of the bill.

3. In November, many VOTERS will be irritated if Republicans are the ones they will see as the killers of the bill, and reason why they didn't get another needed $1200 check. Not what Trump and Republicans facing re-election want. This isn't what you give your political opponents on a silver platter.

4. The $3 trillion, whittled down to $1.5 or so, is a lot of spending, but so will be the spending in the stores (aka the economy) that will result from it, giving a big, needed boost to businesses, and the economy.

5. The coronavirus pandemic has not reached its final stages, or anything near that. In just the last few days, US deaths increased from 75,000 to more than 82,000, and still much more needs to be done, Reopening the economy right now (the Republicans' primary solution) is highly desired, but it might just be too soon.

We're worried that with Democrats in charge of the heros of this nation whom they have persecuted since the prime of Jane Fonda, that the Veterans Hospital, with nobody watching, will be worse, not better, and the moms and dads of young children won't be able to afford to vacation at the national parks of this nation that give peace and respite to Americans for generations in the summertime.

The Democrats have a way of throwing money at a huge problem and then leaving the scene with no followup. Republicans are the adults in the building who have to tame the spendthrifts back from hijacking the savings of young families and they who have expenses due to elderly parents and a growing family even the biggest burliest elephant in the world couldn't bear the weight of.

Edit: Oh, and one other thing: while Jane Fonda busied herself pissing all over the Vietnam Vets of my generation and kissing up to Ho Chi Minh the murderer of innocents, the Republicans were there trying to save the vets from the spitters in cities like San Francisco, now steaming with the poop of the homeless who are not given homes to live in by the greedy Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and the dowager Maxine Waters, who makes certain the money bags are open to Democrats and withheld from the insane homeless who peep and poop on other people's lawns like dogs because they don't have a place of their own to master and care for. With Democrats pushing like hell to eliminate private ownership, young people can't pay their bills much less buy the American dream home for to raise their children and entertain friends with no funds issued by the piggy state the Democrats would inflict on them if the Republicans didn't fight like hell to keep the freedoms our founders blessed this nation with in the form of freedom of speech, freedom of movement, and an opportunity to have wealth for hard work.

What the fuck does the Viet Nam war have to do with Trump's utter failure to address the covid19 pandemic?

Right wingers are losing their collective minds in their vicious partisan response to this pandemic. When you don't have a plan, when you don't have an idea of what you're doing when all you're doing is tearing down every attempt to mitigate the death and disease for political gain, their new response is to scream "The Democrats are worse".

Stop this partisan bullshit. Pull together. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and everywhere, your country is crumbling around you, while those nations which really did lock down for months, are re-opening.
What part of Nasty Pelousy will not negotiate did you not understand?

It cannot occur in the White House. You would have failed my class on government. All appropriations bills must start in the House. Nasty will have it passed in total. It will go to the Senate and will be DOA.
You have never seen negotiations take place in the White House ? Everyone else has.

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Those aren't "negotiations", those are "photo ops", set up by the idiot President. In your middle photo, Nancy Pelosi actually said, she didn't understand why they were having a public photo op when thousands of government workers and their families were out of work.

That's also the meeting where Trump said Pelosi wasn't in a strong position, and she cut him off at the knees.
Everything is proportional. We don't spend 4% of GDP on the military, nor do we give massive tax breaks to corporations and the wealthy. We're getting money to people, over corporations. We spend half the amount of money on health care than you do, on a per capita basis. Canada spends it's tax dollars on its people, not foreign policy, the military, or tax breaks to billioniares.
Yeah, you just rely on the US military, and US tax $$$ to protect you.

People ? Who do you think works and gains their livliehoods in US corporations ? Giraffes ?
What part of Nasty Pelousy will not negotiate did you not understand?

It cannot occur in the White House. You would have failed my class on government. All appropriations bills must start in the House. Nasty will have it passed in total. It will go to the Senate and will be DOA.
You have never seen negotiations take place in the White House ? Everyone else has.

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Nasty will NOT negotiate. Are you blind? She might meet before the bill gets passed, but she has no reason to negotiate anything.
I sense that Trump and the Republicans might be making a serious mistake regarding the new Democrat plan (the HEROES Act) to stimulate the economy, and help economic victims of the coronavirus national emergency.

Republicans have been dismissing the legislation, which is due to be voted on in the House tomorrow, saying that it is "aspirational", a "recipe for a prolonged recession.”, and "dead on arrival in the Senate". I haven't read the 1815 page monstrosity of this bill, and sure, it's loaded with Democrat pork, and things unacceptable to Republicans, and probably most Americans. I shudder to think what is in the immigration section of the bill, but Republicans need to be wary here, and not be so totally dismissive.

Democrats are playing a shrewd game with the HEROES Act. It is more than just a $3 Trillion legislation. It is a 2020 election year ploy, that if Republican's don't watch out, could cost them the presidential election, and even the Senate as well in November.

A few things should be carefully noted about this bill >>>

1. Democrats are unlikely to be insistent about everything in the bill. The $3 Trillion price tag, and all the stuff packed into the bill are probably just a starting point for NEGOTIATION. Like if you sell a car, and you want $6,000 for it, you ask for $7,000, and then let the buyer talk you down to what you want.

2. Many Americans are still in dire need of the $1200 stimulus checks that are part of the bill.

3. In November, many VOTERS will be irritated if Republicans are the ones they will see as the killers of the bill, and reason why they didn't get another needed $1200 check. Not what Trump and Republicans facing re-election want. This isn't what you give your political opponents on a silver platter.

4. The $3 trillion, whittled down to $1.5 or so, is a lot of spending, but so will be the spending in the stores (aka the economy) that will result from it, giving a big, needed boost to businesses, and the economy.

5. The coronavirus pandemic has not reached its final stages, or anything near that. In just the last few days, US deaths increased from 75,000 to more than 82,000, and still much more needs to be done, Reopening the economy right now (the Republicans' primary solution) is highly desired, but it might just be too soon.

We're worried that with Democrats in charge of the heros of this nation whom they have persecuted since the prime of Jane Fonda, that the Veterans Hospital, with nobody watching, will be worse, not better, and the moms and dads of young children won't be able to afford to vacation at the national parks of this nation that give peace and respite to Americans for generations in the summertime.

The Democrats have a way of throwing money at a huge problem and then leaving the scene with no followup. Republicans are the adults in the building who have to tame the spendthrifts back from hijacking the savings of young families and they who have expenses due to elderly parents and a growing family even the biggest burliest elephant in the world couldn't bear the weight of.

Edit: Oh, and one other thing: while Jane Fonda busied herself pissing all over the Vietnam Vets of my generation and kissing up to Ho Chi Minh the murderer of innocents, the Republicans were there trying to save the vets from the spitters in cities like San Francisco, now steaming with the poop of the homeless who are not given homes to live in by the greedy Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and the dowager Maxine Waters, who makes certain the money bags are open to Democrats and withheld from the insane homeless who peep and poop on other people's lawns like dogs because they don't have a place of their own to master and care for. With Democrats pushing like hell to eliminate private ownership, young people can't pay their bills much less buy the American dream home for to raise their children and entertain friends with no funds issued by the piggy state the Democrats would inflict on them if the Republicans didn't fight like hell to keep the freedoms our founders blessed this nation with in the form of freedom of speech, freedom of movement, and an opportunity to have wealth for hard work.

What the fuck does the Viet Nam war have to do with Trump's utter failure to address the covid19 pandemic?

Right wingers are losing their collective minds in their vicious partisan response to this pandemic. When you don't have a plan, when you don't have an idea of what you're doing when all you're doing is tearing down every attempt to mitigate the death and disease for political gain, their new response is to scream "The Democrats are worse".

Stop this partisan bullshit. Pull together. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and everywhere, your country is crumbling around you, while those nations which really did lock down for months, are re-opening.

Utter failure? Lay off the drugs while posting!

I could have sworn we were reopening but the closures were made mostly Democrat governors.
A mistake to block the new Pelosi $3 TRILLION 'Don't Let A Good Crisis Go To Waste' Bill?!

What the fuck does the Viet Nam war have to do with Trump's utter failure to address the covid19 pandemic?

Right wingers are losing their collective minds in their vicious partisan response to this pandemic. When you don't have a plan, when you don't have an idea of what you're doing when all you're doing is tearing down every attempt to mitigate the death and disease for political gain, their new response is to scream "The Democrats are worse".

Stop this partisan bullshit. Pull together. A house divided against itself cannot stand, and everywhere, your country is crumbling around you, while those nations which really did lock down for months, are re-opening.
The division is coming from Democrats, who keep yammering (as you just did here) about how bad you think Trump is handling the pandemic. Actually, he, and his task force are doing a good job.

I keep posting a list of Trump accomplishments regarding the pandemic, and liberals don't read it.

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