Republicans Fail to Take Congressional Seat They Were Widely Expected to Win. Dobbs?

It doesn’t matter what we had when Trump was President and what matter is the next few months and again the short attention span, MSM spin on things and the younger generation view on Trump selected candidates.

Hate to tell you that the GOP hasn’t sold us on anything except being anti-Biden…

They need to have a plan like Newt did when the GOP won in 1994 and not “ Well Biden sucks so pick us because we might suck less “…
I can't help but agree.

Ted Kennedy KILLED a woman, and not only remained out of prison but stayed in the senate for the rest of his vile life.

Marion Barry went to prison for doing crack and not only got elected after getting out, they built a statue of him.

Trump once declared himself a democrook, asserted he could make "universal healthcare" work and discussed his belief that guns don't belong in city streets. Then he became the most beloved and reviled republicrat on the planet. Trump wasn't going to "fix" a whole lot but I think overall he gave us a far better result that we would have gotten from hitlary.

Politics is a shit show anyway. Much of it is scripted and controlled. There are far to many billionaires and trillion dollar corporations invested in maintaining the trajectory we are on, and the crash site isn't going to be a soft grassy field full of unicorns eating buttercups and shitting ice cream.

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This kind of thing always cracks me up. You partisan drones assume anyone that is not blindly loyal to a party must be mentally ill.

I stand by what I said, and this election was by no means a "bellwether."

That district is all over the place. I don't think they even know what the hell want.













Yes, they do not vote party line, you see this as a bad thing, I see it as a good thing.

Oddly enough they have voted the way of the winning POTUS every election since 96
Didn't Jerry Nadless also just win in NY?

I mean seriously...

If an actual TROLL....

and tell me I'm wrong here, that this sniveling, malignant wad of shit isn't a legitimate fucking TROLL.... A creature that resembles something inspired by J.R.R. Tolkien...



That would be living under a bridge if not for some weapons grade stupid people voting for anything the democrook political mafia yanked out of the sewage....

If a TROLL like Jerry Nadless can be elected then the voters of that region are parasites. There are still a lot of places in the state not conquered by neo-bolshevik apparatchiks but so many people have fled the populated areas to seek refuge elsewhere that no election in NY can be taken seriously. Nor can most of the political whores they elect, regardless of their political mafia affiliation.

Marc Molinero is an A+ candidate recruited to flip New York's 19th Congressional District in today's special election. Every poll had him up and conventional wisdom among both parties was that he was going to win it handily. It turns out he lost tonight by about two points.

This is the third special election for Congress since the Dobbs decision came out and in every one of them Democrats have overperformed expectations. The MN-01 and NE-01 special elections were expected to be blow outs for the Republicans. They barely won both of them by the skin of their teeth and tonight they failed to flip NY-19.

It would seem that conservatives "Leroy Jenkinsed" their red wave because they just can't stay out of other people's bedrooms. They'll still likely take the House, but by a much smaller majority than they would have and they can probably kiss the Senate goodbye at this point.


The hell you say.
Quit complaining about gerrymandering when it hurts you, but applaud it when it doesn’t. If you’re sincere, let’s hear some support for a computer-generated, geographically-compact electoral map.
Apparently this is too scary for Republicans, so they nervously laugh it off!
I wouldn’t get to cocky because the GOP loses in 2022 then you better know the Democrats better not go full Trotsky because in 2024 Biden isn’t winning nor is Harris, so you better enjoy while you can.

Roe v Wade is going to bury you. Any wins by Republicans will be pyrrhic victories, in districts they should win anyway.
I don’t have my hopes up but you guys are delusional…

Yeah, and the polls showed Hillary winning in 2016, Senate turning red in 2020 and those Red Candidates winning by wide margins this year and you ain’t taking Kelly in Arizona nor are you winning Georgia with Walker, so let think really hard why you are believing Republicans will win big in November?
Yep.....I guess people in AZ and GA would rather have massive inflation, unsafe communities, would rather have their windows broken on their cars, and abortion on demand instead of safety and security and fewer home invasions.

The point is women voters pretty much are dumb as a stump because they're so easily fooled by the left and their criminal frauds.
Marc Molinero is an A+ candidate recruited to flip New York's 19th Congressional District in today's special election. Every poll had him up and conventional wisdom among both parties was that he was going to win it handily. It turns out he lost tonight by about two points.

This is the third special election for Congress since the Dobbs decision came out and in every one of them Democrats have overperformed expectations. The MN-01 and NE-01 special elections were expected to be blow outs for the Republicans. They barely won both of them by the skin of their teeth and tonight they failed to flip NY-19.

It would seem that conservatives "Leroy Jenkinsed" their red wave because they just can't stay out of other people's bedrooms. They'll still likely take the House, but by a much smaller majority than they would have and they can probably kiss the Senate goodbye at this point.
So then you didn't make the case that a Republican candidate was
an A+ Candidate.
Can't have it both ways.Try again.
PLus you done Misspelled Molinaro ... Bubba Democrat.
Marc Molinero is an A+ candidate recruited to flip New York's 19th Congressional District in today's special election. Every poll had him up and conventional wisdom among both parties was that he was going to win it handily. It turns out he lost tonight by about two points.

This is the third special election for Congress since the Dobbs decision came out and in every one of them Democrats have overperformed expectations. The MN-01 and NE-01 special elections were expected to be blow outs for the Republicans. They barely won both of them by the skin of their teeth and tonight they failed to flip NY-19.

It would seem that conservatives "Leroy Jenkinsed" their red wave because they just can't stay out of other people's bedrooms. They'll still likely take the House, but by a much smaller majority than they would have and they can probably kiss the Senate goodbye at this point.
This is just beginning. We are a blue country.
New York? You must be joking.
They're clearly implementing ballot harvesting to steal a few seats.
The ones they can't steal they'll just send the FBI into the Republican's home and accusing him of insurrection,.
New York city or the Big Apple is on schedule to fall faster
than a cheap 50's Japanese - Godzilla - flick.
You have a red country surrounding a few blue crime-ridden cities.
Both coasts are blue bastions. Only the interior of the country with brain- dead, in- bred, red-neck, morons voted for Trump because they are too stupid to think for themselves. Trump supporters make the Tea Party look like Einsteins.

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