Republicans fall quiet in face of Obama deficit success

And there ya have it folks.... from 2001 - 2008 it was a spending problem, now it is a not enough taxes problem.

Any idiot will tell you when you increase spending (wars, disasters, Medicaid Part D) and cut revenues (taxes to the wealthy), you're going to go into debt. The numbers for the Bush deficits don't include the war in Iraq. Those were kept off the books.

In order to stop the economic freefall that was in effect on the day Obama was sworn into office, took a lot of government spending for unemployment insurance, economic stimulus, and to bail out Wall Street and the auto industry. Bush and his cronies utterly destroyed the US economy and nearly took down the rest of the world with it. Obama could have let the freefall continue and you'd be worse off today than when he took office.

But it is a lie to say the US has recovered well from the recession. You are miles behind Canada and Europe. In Canada, there was no housing bubble, and no banking crisis. Our banks are well regulated and sound, as is our housing market. We lost a lot of jobs to Mexico and China when US owned companies moved production offshore but we have proper social programs in place to cushion the working classes from boom and bust cycles in a capitalist economy.

In Canada, you can be paid to re-train, supported in starting a new business, and given assistance to take on new employees. Anathema to you "personal responsibility" types, but it gives us a higher quality of life, and a safer, more stable country.
And there ya have it folks.... from 2001 - 2008 it was a spending problem, now it is a not enough taxes problem.
Any idiot will tell you when you increase spending (wars, disasters, Medicaid Part D) and cut revenues (taxes to the wealthy), you're going to go into debt. The numbers for the Bush deficits don't include the war in Iraq. Those were kept off the books.
You're either lying, or you do not know any better.
The deficit is computed by comparing total revenue to total spending regardless of if the spending was budgeted or approriated seperately - and so, every cent of the spending on the war in Iraq was included in the calculation.
Sure Obama signed those deficits...
... and therefore had something - indeed, a HUGE something - to do wth them, in direct opposition to your previous statement.
So, was your statement "that Obama has nothing to do with raising debt" a lie, or simple ignorance?
What are you doing here? Obviously you are not here to learn what really happened.
I -cited- what really happend - you simply refuse to believe the truth because it does not fit your bigoted, partisan narative.

I ask again:
Was your statement "that Obama has nothing to do with raising debt" a lie, or simple ignorance?
Zero interest rates and the Fed printing all the money that big spenders need.

Keynesians and Socialists in Europe want germans to look at this "success" (and the japanese one) and learn from it.

When your currency happens to be the world's favourite reserve currency, budget deficits don't matter that much. Dick Cheney was right. The rest of the world doesn't care as long as americans keep buying their stuff (huge US trade deficit)
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Zero interest rates and the Fed printing all the money that big spenders need.

Keynesians and Socialists in Europe want germans to look at this "success" (and the japanese one) and learn from it.

When your currency happens to be the world's favourite reserve currency, budget deficits don't matter that much. Dick Cheney was right. The rest of the world doesn't care as long as americans keep buying their stuff (huge US trade deficit)

Eventually Bernake is going to have to fess up. These low interest rates will be sky-rocketing.
History tells us that.
Zero interest rates and the Fed printing all the money that big spenders need.

Keynesians and Socialists in Europe want germans to look at this "success" (and the japanese one) and learn from it.

When your currency happens to be the world's favourite reserve currency, budget deficits don't matter that much. Dick Cheney was right. The rest of the world doesn't care as long as americans keep buying their stuff (huge US trade deficit)

Eventually Bernake is going to have to fess up. These low interest rates will be sky-rocketing.
History tells us that.

The interest rates could only go up AFTER the economy is fully recovered and deficits are down even further. In other words, by the time the interest rates would go up they won't matter anymore.
Public debt is caused by policies, not dates.

The policies of conservative business executives, added to Bush's policies designed to pay for his holy wars, and his reluctance to tax his friends and family, caused the bottom of 2009. Recovery by US government from that Great Recession has exceeded the performance of virtually all other global economies.

What has been slow, is business recovering from their lack of recognition that American workers are also American consumers. Laying off a worker and giving his job to cheap foreign labor imported here, or sending the job there, lowers demand more than it cuts labor cost.

While most of the country has learned a lot from our flirtation with conservatism, there are many unable to learn from mistakes. The GOP hopes to keep them hooked on conservative entertainment media to retain their votes. 2012 demonstrated the failure of that strategy, however Reuplicans have found no alternative to it.

End of story.

You are so full of shit that your eyes must be brown. Nothing you said is true. Are you really that ignorant?

I see you are unable to refute anything that I've claimed. Most would learn from that. You clearly have rejected any notion that you are either capable of, or have need to, learn anything. You are stuck where you are.

It's hard to refute bullshit.
Public debt is caused by policies, not dates.

The policies of conservative business executives, added to Bush's policies designed to pay for his holy wars, and his reluctance to tax his friends and family, caused the bottom of 2009. Recovery by US government from that Great Recession has exceeded the performance of virtually all other global economies.

What has been slow, is business recovering from their lack of recognition that American workers are also American consumers. Laying off a worker and giving his job to cheap foreign labor imported here, or sending the job there, lowers demand more than it cuts labor cost.

While most of the country has learned a lot from our flirtation with conservatism, there are many unable to learn from mistakes. The GOP hopes to keep them hooked on conservative entertainment media to retain their votes. 2012 demonstrated the failure of that strategy, however Reuplicans have found no alternative to it.

End of story.

You are so full of shit that your eyes must be brown. Nothing you said is true. Are you really that ignorant?

I see you are unable to refute anything that I've claimed. Most would learn from that. You clearly have rejected any notion that you are either capable of, or have need to, learn anything. You are stuck where you are.

when all you do is repeat bullshit talking points that have no relation to facts, refutation becomes a waste of time. clearly you do not care about the truth, all you care about is pumping up your failed kenyan messiah.

as to being stuck, you define the term.
Democrats fall quiet in the face of Obama's competent, honest leadership.
No, moron, this was deficit projection by Congressional Budget Office.

1.2 trillion deficit as of January 2009, not counting any stimulus legislation.

national debt when obama took office 9T, national debt today 16.5T. (almost doubled in 5 years). those are the facts, spin all you like, the facts will eat your lunch.

The fact is that Obama has nothing to do with raising debt. He had inherited bad economy and trillion+ dollar deficits that came with it.

Nothing to do with it? You're kidding, right? He was in Congress when Bush was president. He inherited nothing he didn't help to create.
national debt when obama took office 9T, national debt today 16.5T. (almost doubled in 5 years). those are the facts, spin all you like, the facts will eat your lunch.

The fact is that Obama has nothing to do with raising debt. He had inherited bad economy and trillion+ dollar deficits that came with it.

Oh, really? then I guess Bush and Clinton and all the previous presidents had nothing to do with it either. :confused:

why is only obama exempt from being responsible for anything?

'Cause he don' know nothin' 'bout birthin' babies? OMG OMG. That's it!!! He's just like Prissy in GWTW. Claims to know all about it then drags along slowly hoping the situation will resolve itself.
national debt when obama took office 9T, national debt today 16.5T. (almost doubled in 5 years). those are the facts, spin all you like, the facts will eat your lunch.
The fact is that Obama has nothing to do with raising debt. He had inherited bad economy and trillion+ dollar deficits that came with it.

This is either ajbect ignorance or a bold-faced lie.
Obama signed every spendng bill that came across His desk, including the F2009 budget.
Therefore, every cent spent, and thus, every cent of deficit added to the debt, is His direct responsibility.

Are you absolutely SURE about Obama signing the FY2009 Budget into law? Redfish doesn't agree. He says there has been no signed budget since Obama took office! Perhaps we should ALL review the data to determine what exactly it was that Obama signed.
Check it all you want, January 2009 CBO projection says at least 1.2 trillion dollar deficit in 2009 FY:
CBO | The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2009 to 2019

"CBO projects that the deficit this year will total
$1.2 trillion, or 8.3 percent of GDP. Enactment of an
economic stimulus package would add to that deficit." -- that was written BEFORE Obama took the Office.
-You're- aguing with projections.
-I'm- arguing with sourced, verified facts.

Those projections WERE based on facts, you moron. That is why they turned out to be true.

And those facts were present BEFORE Obama took the office.

He said he could fix it.
You are being an idiot. Obama has promised to cut the deficit in half, not the debt.

right, but 900B is not half of 1T. He failed. Face it,d.aWM

WOW! Cartman ,You are too nice! Your link kicks the shit out of anything the right slingers have said about the deficit! And when I saw the FOX NEWS affiliation, I was floored.

2013 deficit estimate lowered to $642 billion
Updated: Wednesday, 22 May 2013, 5:55 PM CDT
Published : Wednesday, 22 May 2013, 10:30 AM CDT

WASHINGTON (AP) — The budget deficit for the current year is projected to come in well below what was estimated just a few months ago, a development that could further curb the already slowing momentum for a budget pact this year.

from Cartman's LINK said:
The Congressional Budget Office study released Tuesday cites higher tax revenues and better-than-expected payments from government-controlled mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac as the key reasons for this year's improved outlook. The budget office now predicts a 2013 budget deficit of $642 billion, more than $200 billion below its February estimate. This year's shortfall would register at 4 percent of the economy, far less than the 10.1 percent experienced in 2009 when the government ran a record $1.4 trillion deficit.

OK, M14 Shooter, Rabbi(t), Redfish Give Cartman some GOOD rep for this one...I also implore ALL the lefties and Progressives out there to do the same. He bas indeed raised the flag of truth for all of us, left and right alike!
You are so full of shit that your eyes must be brown. Nothing you said is true. Are you really that ignorant?

I see you are unable to refute anything that I've claimed. Most would learn from that. You clearly have rejected any notion that you are either capable of, or have need to, learn anything. You are stuck where you are.

when all you do is repeat bullshit talking points that have no relation to facts, refutation becomes a waste of time. clearly you do not care about the truth, all you care about is pumping up your failed kenyan messiah.

as to being stuck, you define the term.

Let's start with line #1.

Do you believe that public debt is caused by dates or government policies?
If subtract the cost of TARP, the prescription drug benefits, two wars and the Bush tax cuts then you'll figure out why the deficit increased so much.

congress passes and funds the budget, dems controlled congress during Bush's last two years---when everything turned to shit.

both parties voted for the medicare drug benefit, both parties authorized and funded the wars.

your partisan bullshit just makes you look stupid.
You're the only one to mention any parties .... stupid

Don't worry about these right wing nuts, Cartman, If they had bothered to read the link in your last post they would not be having this conversation!.Well...maybe they would since most of them are so brain washed as to be unresponsive to anything that wasn't programmed into them by the Kochs, Rupert Murdock and Limbaugh!
Those projections WERE based on facts, you moron. That is why they turned out to be true.

And those facts were present BEFORE Obama took the office.

He said he could fix it.

Well, he did. In January 2009 the US was on track to 1.2 trillion deficit. This year it is going to be 640 billion, or less.

Three things will emerge from these times.

The acceptance that Bush/Cheney was the worst US Presidential administration ever.

The recognition that President Obama was among the best, based on actual results.

The demise of conservativism as a political fad.

Unfortunately, the cost of all of that will be the replacement of the Republican Party by another party who depends on accomplishment rather than political entertainment to gather support.
The budget for which Obama signed into law.
Obama may have signed some parts of the 2009 budget but it actually was a bipartisan undertaking originated by the Bush administration.
Irrelevant - He signed and so it His budget.

Redfish knocks the shit out of M14Shooter with this:

Redfish said:
here was no 2009 budget bill, there has not been a budget bill passed in the last 5 years.
... and therefore had something - indeed, a HUGE something - to do wth them, in direct opposition to your previous statement.
So, was your statement "that Obama has nothing to do with raising debt" a lie, or simple ignorance?
What are you doing here? Obviously you are not here to learn what really happened.
I -cited- what really happend - you simply refuse to believe the truth because it does not fit your bigoted, partisan narative.

I ask again:
Was your statement "that Obama has nothing to do with raising debt" a lie, or simple ignorance?

You can go on playing a moron (or may be that is what you are). It does not change the facts:
1) Obama inherited an economy running trillion plus deficits
2) He kept running those deficits because it was the only choice save for default and ensuing economic collapse

Blaming Obama for deficits means blaming him for NOT running the economy into the ground. It can't get more hypocritical than this.

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