Republicans Gone Crazy


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Some prominent Republicans is the US government have gotten really unhinged over the Roy Moore non-issue. Cases in point >>

Mitch McConnell >> said >> "He's obviously not fit to be in the US Senate."

So being the object of a completely, unsubstantiated mud sling, with zero evidence presented, makes someone unfit ? Maybe McConnell should check on his own fitness (with a psychiatrist)

Jeff Sessions >> said >> "I don't have any doubts about what these women said."

Ivanka Trump said >> I have no reason to doubt the victims' accounts."

How could anyone not have doubt about these women accusers ? How about THESE >> as reasons to doubt their “accounts" >> They speak out 39 years after what they allege, one month before an election, and with no proof ?

Strike 1....Strike 2.....Strike 3.

And Ivanka shouldn't be calling them "victims". Nobody has produced any evidence to establish these women as being victims of anything. If it appears like anyone is a victim, that would be Roy Moore.

When was a political hit job ever more obvious ? Only question is why is anyone even talking about this ? Oh that's right. We still have a very biased, leftist media.

On a PBS show American Conservative Union commentator Matt Schlap said something equally crazy as these. Maybe these guys could all run for president, .....ON THE DEMOCRAT SIDE.
Or maybe it is because their accusations and the corroborating evidence around it all point to the fact that they are telling the truth. It keeps building. If he pulled out now, maybe he'd have a better chance of getting through this without beating Weinstein's record. He is one egotistical motherfucker, damaging the Republican party, the reputation of the Senate and putting his family through more and more stress.
protestant's diatribe about the GOP leadership is nonsensical as his diatribe that Islam is not a religion
Or maybe it is because their accusations and the corroborating evidence around it all point to the fact that they are telling the truth. It keeps building. If he pulled out now, maybe he'd have a better chance of getting through this without beating Weinstein's record. He is one egotistical motherfucker, damaging the Republican party, the reputation of the Senate and putting his family through more and more stress.
Or it could just all be made up.
What gets me the most out of this entire ordeal is how 40% of Evangelicals are now MORE likely to vote for him. Even if it is possibly not true, WHY would that make you more likely to vote for him?
Blows my mind.
Now we live in an age that guarantees you no trial. An accusation suffices to replace judge Jury and a trial. This is communism. It is what libtards always wanted.
Now we live in an age that guarantees you no trial. An accusation suffices to replace judge Jury and a trial. This is communism. It is what libtards always wanted.
Ewe are singing nuttiness. This is not a legal discussion, but one of reputation and circumstantial matters.
Some prominent Republicans is the US government have gotten really unhinged over the Roy Moore non-issue. Cases in point >>

Mitch McConnell >> said >> "He's obviously not fit to be in the US Senate."

So being the object of a completely, unsubstantiated mud sling, with zero evidence presented, makes someone unfit ? Maybe McConnell should check on his own fitness (with a psychiatrist)

Jeff Sessions >> said >> "I don't have any doubts about what these women said."

Ivanka Trump said >> I have no reason to doubt the victims' accounts."

How could anyone not have doubt about these women accusers ? How about THESE >> as reasons to doubt their “accounts" >> They speak out 39 years after what they allege, one month before an election, and with no proof ?

Strike 1....Strike 2.....Strike 3.

And Ivanka shouldn't be calling them "victims". Nobody has produced any evidence to establish these women as being victims of anything. If it appears like anyone is a victim, that would be Roy Moore.

When was a political hit job ever more obvious ? Only question is why is anyone even talking about this ? Oh that's right. We still have a very biased, leftist media.

On a PBS show American Conservative Union commentator Matt Schlap said something equally crazy as these. Maybe these guys could all run for president, .....ON THE DEMOCRAT SIDE.
From what I understand, Moore wanted to finish his schooling before marrying and of course, wanted to marry a virgin like most christian men back in the day would prefer. It may sound weird to immoral, sex addicted people of today, but stuff like that was not uncommon for many fundamentalist christian denominations back then.
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Or maybe it is because their accusations and the corroborating evidence around it all point to the fact that they are telling the truth. It keeps building. If he pulled out now, maybe he'd have a better chance of getting through this without beating Weinstein's record. He is one egotistical motherfucker, damaging the Republican party, the reputation of the Senate and putting his family through more and more stress.
WHAT corroborating evidence ? Sorry there hasn't been a shred of it.
Or maybe it is because their accusations and the corroborating evidence around it all point to the fact that they are telling the truth. It keeps building. If he pulled out now, maybe he'd have a better chance of getting through this without beating Weinstein's record. He is one egotistical motherfucker, damaging the Republican party, the reputation of the Senate and putting his family through more and more stress.
WHAT corroborating evidence ? Sorry there hasn't been a shred of it.
They think if they say it enough, it will be true. And sometimes, that is the case. Moore isn't backing down though, that makes him more credible to me.
Some prominent Republicans is the US government have gotten really unhinged over the Roy Moore non-issue. Cases in point >>

Mitch McConnell >> said >> "He's obviously not fit to be in the US Senate."

So being the object of a completely, unsubstantiated mud sling, with zero evidence presented, makes someone unfit ? Maybe McConnell should check on his own fitness (with a psychiatrist)

Jeff Sessions >> said >> "I don't have any doubts about what these women said."

Ivanka Trump said >> I have no reason to doubt the victims' accounts."

How could anyone not have doubt about these women accusers ? How about THESE >> as reasons to doubt their “accounts" >> They speak out 39 years after what they allege, one month before an election, and with no proof ?

Strike 1....Strike 2.....Strike 3.

And Ivanka shouldn't be calling them "victims". Nobody has produced any evidence to establish these women as being victims of anything. If it appears like anyone is a victim, that would be Roy Moore.

When was a political hit job ever more obvious ? Only question is why is anyone even talking about this ? Oh that's right. We still have a very biased, leftist media.

On a PBS show American Conservative Union commentator Matt Schlap said something equally crazy as these. Maybe these guys could all run for president, .....ON THE DEMOCRAT SIDE.

You are a sick individual. You belong in a looney bin. There is as much evidence against Moore as there was that Clinton raped Brodderick. Sean Hannity is demanding better explanations than Moore has provided. In the past having principles has been what has separated the Republican Party and Democrat Party.
If anyone should join the Democrat Party it is you. You are as much a sexual deviant as they are.
Some prominent Republicans is the US government have gotten really unhinged over the Roy Moore non-issue. Cases in point >>

Mitch McConnell >> said >> "He's obviously not fit to be in the US Senate."

So being the object of a completely, unsubstantiated mud sling, with zero evidence presented, makes someone unfit ? Maybe McConnell should check on his own fitness (with a psychiatrist)

Jeff Sessions >> said >> "I don't have any doubts about what these women said."

Ivanka Trump said >> I have no reason to doubt the victims' accounts."

How could anyone not have doubt about these women accusers ? How about THESE >> as reasons to doubt their “accounts" >> They speak out 39 years after what they allege, one month before an election, and with no proof ?

Strike 1....Strike 2.....Strike 3.

And Ivanka shouldn't be calling them "victims". Nobody has produced any evidence to establish these women as being victims of anything. If it appears like anyone is a victim, that would be Roy Moore.

When was a political hit job ever more obvious ? Only question is why is anyone even talking about this ? Oh that's right. We still have a very biased, leftist media.

On a PBS show American Conservative Union commentator Matt Schlap said something equally crazy as these. Maybe these guys could all run for president, .....ON THE DEMOCRAT SIDE.

You are a sick individual. You belong in a looney bin. There is as much evidence against Moore as there was that Clinton raped Brodderick. Sean Hannity is demanding better explanations than Moore has provided. In the past having principles has been what has separated the Republican Party and Democrat Party.
If anyone should join the Democrat Party it is you. You are as much a sexual deviant as they are.
There is no reason to doubt the accusers or the accused as far as evidence is concerned. I just don't buy the allegations because of their convenient timing. He has been in the public eye for quite some time now, and I really wonder why none of these women came out in 2006 when he pulled that 10 commandments stunt.
Or maybe it is because their accusations and the corroborating evidence around it all point to the fact that they are telling the truth. It keeps building. If he pulled out now, maybe he'd have a better chance of getting through this without beating Weinstein's record. He is one egotistical motherfucker, damaging the Republican party, the reputation of the Senate and putting his family through more and more stress.
Or it could just all be made up.
What gets me the most out of this entire ordeal is how 40% of Evangelicals are now MORE likely to vote for him. Even if it is possibly not true, WHY would that make you more likely to vote for him?
Blows my mind.

Apparently even defenders of Roy Moore are changing their mind.

These are fake Evangelicals. They need to have a serious talk with God. The so-called Evangelical movement needs to be exposed as the fake it is.
Or maybe it is because their accusations and the corroborating evidence around it all point to the fact that they are telling the truth. It keeps building. If he pulled out now, maybe he'd have a better chance of getting through this without beating Weinstein's record. He is one egotistical motherfucker, damaging the Republican party, the reputation of the Senate and putting his family through more and more stress.
WHAT corroborating evidence ? Sorry there hasn't been a shred of it.

There has been corroborating evidence, Then you have Moore's ineffective denial on Hannity. Then you have Moore's lawyer saying it is okay in other countries. You really are a pervert.
There has been corroborating evidence, Then you have Moore's ineffective denial on Hannity. Then you have Moore's lawyer saying it is okay in other countries. You really are a pervert.
Just you saying "There has been corroborating evidence" doesn't mean squat. WHAT corroborating evidence ? Sorry there hasn't been a shred of it. And what Moore said on Hannity doesn't mean squat either. "It's OK in other countries" ? WHAT is ?

Whatever the hell you're yammering about, you need to produce some evidence, otherwise go home.

As for calling me a pervert, you just violated Florida Statute 825.102, "Abuse of Elderly", a FELONY (worth 5 years in a state prison). If you're thinking of going someplace warm to get away from the cold weather up north, you might want to forget about Florida. I've heard the Florida prisons aren't too comfortable.
Apparently even defenders of Roy Moore are changing their mind.

These are fake Evangelicals. They need to have a serious talk with God. The so-called Evangelical movement needs to be exposed as the fake it is.
Yeah ? Maybe you can expose it. Or would you rather just throw stones ? :laugh:
You are a sick individual. You belong in a looney bin. There is as much evidence against Moore as there was that Clinton raped Brodderick. Sean Hannity is demanding better explanations than Moore has provided. In the past having principles has been what has separated the Republican Party and Democrat Party.
If anyone should join the Democrat Party it is you. You are as much a sexual deviant as they are.
Moore does not need to provide anything. The burden of proof (in America) is always on the accuser, not the accused (who is presumed innocent unless proven guilty)

So, you got some PROOF ? If so, let's hear it. So far, you've produced nothing but hot air.

And you are a FELON of violation of Florida Statute 825.102, with more and more evidence piling up right here (all supplied by you) :rolleyes:
protectionist has had an epic meltdown.

Calling the elderly for what they are, buddy, is not a violation of the law.

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