Republicans Have No Plan to Fix Inflation

Typical Trumper. Ignore common sense and go with the blame game. Production is UP. Refiners and Big Oil are making huge profits! The American consumer is being robbed by them, not Biden!
oil companies make profits no matter what the price per barrel, they do make more when the government artificially limits the supply.
We read and hear all the disinformed talking crazy about Biden, but they have no plan to stop inflation. If they had one, they would have presented it to congress. Because if they had one and it worked, they would most certainly assure themselves the majority. Instead it's been about obstruction and the idiocy of Big Money Manchin and Corporate Slave Sinema.

I say they have no plan because spending by trump contributed to the inflation.

Facts First: While some economists say the stimulus packages passed in response to the Covid-19 pandemic are having an impact on inflation, it's misleading to suggest that's the only explanation for the recent rise in inflation. Blaming it exclusively on Democratic spending proposals misrepresents what's actually been passed, and ignores the trillions of dollars in spending passed last year supported by Republicans and signed by then-President Donald Trump which economists say have also contributed to inflation.

Last year, Congress passed two bills totaling around $3 trillion in Covid relief spending -- the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act passed in March 2020, and the $900 billion pandemic relief bill passed in December 2020. Both were signed by Trump and supported by Republicans.

And Rick Scotts tax increase for all is not the answer. So the Republican plan is to get the majority and start bogus investigations on Hunter Biden and attempt to impeach Biden, then Harris. If they appoint trump to speaker, understand that is the first move to the attempt to reinstall him as president. Sane Americans cannot continue falling for disinformation. Biden is not the reason that supply chains have been hampered, COVID is. And we were negatively affected by COVID due to the incompetence of a republican president. We cannot afford to have crazies running our government.
Three weeks have passed since you started defending Biden from himself and his handler's decisions. Hopefully you have learned a little about how bad it is for states whose existence is subject to energy sources and problems of getting it out cheaply to their fellow citizens in the far corners of this land.

For your edification, and ours, here's the truth on gas prices inflicted by Biden's revenge against energy production states who've worked hard to get gas out to their fellow Americans, and were butted in the nose with the butt of Biden's presidency gun, but after wiping up the blood he spilled, there is a site where people can get information on the high prices Biden's ego-inflating revenge has cost every single one of us, Republican or Democrat: News - Gas Price Watch - Car and Truck Buying, Reviews, News and More. | Jalopnik.
It's a gas price watch, and hopefully it serves a purpose of getting merchants and transporters the information they need to survive the explosive gas prices we have today.
For those who don't have time to go see the website, here's the most current information it provides for today's gas prices:

June 9, 2022:
Gas Price Above $5 Per Gallon in Nearly Half the U.S.
The average price of a gallon of gas is $4.97 across the country, and 21 states and D.C. are already above that mark.
Andy Kalmowitz
6/09/22 10:01AM

Most recent contribution,

Gas Prices Across the Country are Stabilizing... For Now

The price of a gallon of gas remains consistent, and the average price of diesel just hit $7 in California.​

Andy Kalmowitz
Thursday 11:32AM
Gas Prices Across the Country are Stabilizing... For Now
Three weeks have passed since you started defending Biden from himself and his handler's decisions. Hopefully you have learned a little about how bad it is for states whose existence is subject to energy sources and problems of getting it out cheaply to their fellow citizens in the far corners of this land.

For your edification, and ours, here's the truth on gas prices inflicted by Biden's revenge against energy production states who've worked hard to get gas out to their fellow Americans, and were butted in the nose with the butt of Biden's presidency gun, but after wiping up the blood he spilled, there is a site where people can get information on the high prices Biden's ego-inflating revenge has cost every single one of us, Republican or Democrat: News - Gas Price Watch - Car and Truck Buying, Reviews, News and More. | Jalopnik.
It's a gas price watch, and hopefully it serves a purpose of getting merchants and transporters the information they need to survive the explosive gas prices we have today.
For those who don't have time to go see the website, here's the most current information it provides for today's gas prices:

June 9, 2022:
Gas Price Above $5 Per Gallon in Nearly Half the U.S.
The average price of a gallon of gas is $4.97 across the country, and 21 states and D.C. are already above that mark.
Andy Kalmowitz
6/09/22 10:01AM

Most recent contribution,

Gas Prices Across the Country are Stabilizing... For Now

The price of a gallon of gas remains consistent, and the average price of diesel just hit $7 in California.​

Andy Kalmowitz
Thursday 11:32AM
Gas Prices Across the Country are Stabilizing... For Now
Speaking of edification, US oil production is up and Oil company profits are skyrocketing. It's called gouging! No other explanation is possible.
Okay PeeWee.
Let's recap......I provided a link with pages of economic data with footnotes. You got butthurt over the source reporting that data and claimed EVERY fact/figure in the data was false.

You have failed to bring anything to dispute any of the data.

In short, you have proven yourself to be a useless troll and a clown.
First, it's NORDSTREAM, moron.
Second, Biden dropped sanctions on the NORDSTREAM pipeline in May of 2021.
The pipeline was completed, 3 months month later in September.
Third, the NORDSTREAM pipeline didn't have one cubic foot of natural gas that flowed through it.

No, he didn't.
Trump's "sanctions" in 2019 never stopped construction.
It was 95% complete when Biden lifted sanctions.

Sure, JknowNOTHING.
They never run out of conspiracies and misdirection plays.
I suppose the first order of biz for Repubs would be to get Big Fat Don on the phone with his Russian benefactor and ask him to stop turning Ukraine to rubble. An end of the war would cause oil prices to drop $40 in the blink of an eye.
Hearing voices again, huh.
The GQP politicians know that inflation is global and is the result of exploding demand and crippled supply chains creating a domino effect. Basic economics. They also know that this started in April of 2020.

And they know that the rubes think it's something else, so they're just playing along to keep the base happy. As always.

The GQP politicians have their priorities, and they're not about being honest.
Then why is Biden blaming Putin and greedy corporations for it all? So Democrats aren't about being honest?
Because he's a partisan politician.
And your not partisan? lol! Spare me, you were dumb enough to vote for Biden, you are no better than those that voted for Trump, I know the lesser of two evils, bull shit.

The two party's are one in the same, they sell their souls to the highest bidder to win elections.
In what way? What policies did Trump implement that helped Russia and hurt the US?
He hesitated to continue the Obama sanctions until he had no choice politically. He alienated every one of our NATO allies which was a wet dream for Putin. He took the word of Putin over our own intelligence agencies on whether Putin helped him win in 2016 and then tried to walk it back in a pitiful display of deference. He called Putin a genius after the invasion of Ukraine. He held back congressional aid to Ukraine to get political favors in the form of dirt about his opponent. He denied Covid and downplayed (Lied) about it's seriousness. He openly derided citizens when they wore masks. He sowed doubt about the CDC and the need for Vaccine. He held rally after rally and drew crowds who were not wearing masks and were un-vaccinated. He sold a so-called "middle class tax cut to funnel over 80% of the monetary benefits to the top 10% of earners. He pulled us out of climate alliances while ignoring and even berating scientists who were unanimous in their view. He tried to kill health insurance to 20 plus million of Americans in the height of the pandemic. And those are just for starters.
Let's recap......I provided a link with pages of economic data with footnotes. You got butthurt over the source reporting that data and claimed EVERY fact/figure in the data was false.

You have failed to bring anything to dispute any of the data.

In short, you have proven yourself to be a useless troll and a clown.
It must be frustrating to sell your Bullshit and press to make someone believe it who knows better than to play into your childish schemes. In other words, you are so stupid that you think someone else takes you seriously. We don't. Have you looked into the backstory of the Heritage Foundation and their political leanings? No. I don't have to call it Bullshit because the source and the fact that you believe it is evidence enough of it's lack of validity. Let me remind you once gain, I don't work for you and I certainly wouldn't support the trash that you push. It would be like taking Trump's word about the Big Lie, something you bought hook, line and sinker! Someday you may, by some miracle, be released from the grip of your total indoctrination by a fool and a second story man of the first order. My advice to you is stay away from righty propaganda and never buy a used car from Trump Motors!

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