Republicans Healing America

Thank you for verifying that you are a complete (not a partial one) idjit. But before the healing can start, the patient must admit they have lost. I don't see that first step happening just yet. Until you do, don't look for any compassion from us true Republicans. You burnt way too many bridges.
You are more of an asshole and parasite then a "true" republican. You're a stomach turning quisling,
actually. You have no "compassion" to offer and I don't know of anyone who wants anything from you
including your social diseases picked up off cheap gay hookers.
Republicans have no interest in healing America. They deeply wounded America with the election of Trump. The closeness of this election shows they like it that way. They have never learned from their mistakes before and are not about to start now.
ROFL! I've never seen such a gang if simpering weasels in my life. Were you traumatized when Trump told the truth about you? The closeness of this election is just another indication of massive voter fraud.
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Will this be a dynamic website like USMB, where the prisoners can contribute, or is it a ROM?

First of all, it will be all Republicans who want to rebuild the Republican Party and rebuild America. You can see how the inmates just want to tear it all to the ground. If they can't control it all, they want to burn it all to the ground. Those aren't Republicans. There was another group that tried that in 1957 and then again in 1964 and both times the Republican Party ran them off.
So having stabbed 70 million trump republicans in the back in 2020 you want them to forgive and forget in 2024?

Dont make me laugh

we will nominate someone who was loyal to the 70 million trump voters not a turncoat never trump traitor

Trump Republicans? A real republican would not ever have voted for Trump, you all formed you're own party with trump.
You'll have to excuse us if we determine who is a Republican, not you.
Will this be a dynamic website like USMB, where the prisoners can contribute, or is it a ROM?

First of all, it will be all Republicans who want to rebuild the Republican Party and rebuild America. You can see how the inmates just want to tear it all to the ground. If they can't control it all, they want to burn it all to the ground. Those aren't Republicans. There was another group that tried that in 1957 and then again in 1964 and both times the Republican Party ran them off.
You aren't a Republican, douchebag.

You aren't fooling anyone.
I just put up a new site. It's upbeat. And anyone that is for Republicans to heal America, you are free to join in. I will be adding a way to do that later. Right now, the basic front web page is up but it's subject to be changed.

Has trump conceded the election?

He won't concede even after he's escorted off to Joilette Prison in 2021. He'll join some short dude claiming to be Napoleon. In his deranged mind, he will always be the "President".
What would he go to prison for, numskull?
There is no possible healing once Marxist rot has set in. Just have to cut away the infected areas and move on.
I just put up a new site. It's upbeat. And anyone that is for Republicans to heal America, you are free to join in. I will be adding a way to do that later. Right now, the basic front web page is up but it's subject to be changed.

I wish you the best of luck but I can’t support this effort. Republicans need to be going through their ranks and purging those who do not meet the party’s standards, not opening the party up to even more people who don’t and won’t accept the truth about what needs to be done to fix this country.

And that is exactly why the Nation is in serious trouble. Your bunch only care about those that only agree 100% with you. And you are willing to burn it to the ground to get your way. When the Orange Deity is stripped of his power, his wealth and maybe his freedom due to his past criminal actions and the koolaid is no longer flowing, look for a mass move to sanity.
I just put up a new site. It's upbeat. And anyone that is for Republicans to heal America, you are free to join in. I will be adding a way to do that later. Right now, the basic front web page is up but it's subject to be changed.

Has trump conceded the election?

He won't concede even after he's escorted off to Joilette Prison in 2021. He'll join some short dude claiming to be Napoleon. In his deranged mind, he will always be the "President".
Trump should not concede a stolen election

it would be a disservice to future generations of Americans
You are not Democrats. You are Prog Socialist Communist revolutionaries. When you see togetherness, it will be by force and lots of labor camps. And you will kill your own also. Its like you do not believe this. Well meaning movements always has detractors. Your movement is beyond that. Anyone with a sensible education and reduces the political ramifications, knows it.
“This new WOKE Republican is difficult to sucker....I really wish conservatives would get back to thumping their Bibles, polishing their AR-15’s and ignoring us disgusting degenerates while we run amok, trashing and transforming their nation into the no borders, no boundaries anything goes socialist shithole we was so much easier before they got tired of getting fucked over and became retaliatory.”
Will this be a dynamic website like USMB, where the prisoners can contribute, or is it a ROM?

First of all, it will be all Republicans who want to rebuild the Republican Party and rebuild America. You can see how the inmates just want to tear it all to the ground. If they can't control it all, they want to burn it all to the ground. Those aren't Republicans. There was another group that tried that in 1957 and then again in 1964 and both times the Republican Party ran them off.
And what exactly will a ‘rebuilt’ GOP look like?

If the ‘new’ GOP is a party dominated by conservative ideologues, religious fundamentalists, the social right, racists, bigots, and misogynists – then please don’t bother.

More importantly, what exactly constitutes ‘rebuilding’ America?

A majority of Americans have no interest in an America ‘rebuilt’ by the above GOP.
Will this be a dynamic website like USMB, where the prisoners can contribute, or is it a ROM?

First of all, it will be all Republicans who want to rebuild the Republican Party and rebuild America. You can see how the inmates just want to tear it all to the ground. If they can't control it all, they want to burn it all to the ground. Those aren't Republicans. There was another group that tried that in 1957 and then again in 1964 and both times the Republican Party ran them off.
So having stabbed 70 million trump republicans in the back in 2020 you want them to forgive and forget in 2024?

Dont make me laugh

we will nominate someone who was loyal to the 70 million trump voters not a turncoat never trump traitor

Trump Republicans? A real republican would not ever have voted for Trump, you all formed you're own party with trump.

Real leftist morons tell Republicans who real Republicans are

Hey dumb motherfucker I am a registered true republican so you know go back to your fucking basement and cry.

I voted for many so called Repub Issues. But like Many Republicans, I didn't vote for Rump. This is why the Rs gained at the national and local levels while Rump lost.
Here is an example of democrat voter fraud and ballots only marked for biden and no one else


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