Republicans inadvertantly admit that Bush was responsible for 9/11

If somebody can dream up a good enough reason before 911 to justify the ban, please feel free.

No dreaming needed. Bush warned by Clinton administration and ignored the warnings.

A warning that is that nonspecific is not actionable.

They were specifically warned about bin Laden and al Qaeda. The Bush administrations focus was on RayGun's Legacy, Star Wars or missile defense, as the only way to protect us from foreign threats. Terrorist from Afghanistan were barely a blip on the Bush radar.
If Clinton knew bin Laden was such a threat, then why didn't he kill him when he had the chance?

In 1996?

Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden
No dreaming needed. Bush warned by Clinton administration and ignored the warnings.
Bush was president during the Clinton administration?

I think I can predict the outcome of this. Bush is responsible for ebola. Am I warm?

9/11 happened on Clinton's watch? lol
Six years into Obama's presidency, something goes wrong. Bush's fault. Less than 9 months into Bush's presidency 911, all of Bush's fault. Got it.

People blaming stuff that's happened recently on Dubya? Oh you mean Dubya's subprime crisis REALLY hurt US as he pushed his home ownership society and gutted the FBI who warned him?

"I blame the entire Bush leadership for continuing to work on Cold War issues when they back in power in 2001. It was as though they were preserved in amber from when they left office eight years earlier. They came back. They wanted to work on the same issues right away: Iraq, Star Wars. Not new issues, the new threats that had developed over the preceding eight years."

For the Pentagon, it was Paul Wolfowitz.

Clarke relates, "I began saying, 'We have to deal with bin Laden; we have to deal with al Qaeda.' Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, said, 'No, no, no. We don't have to deal with al Qaeda. Why are we talking about that little guy? We have to talk about Iraqi terrorism against the United States.'

Clarke s Take On Terror - CBS News
You mean the program started by Carter, grew legs under Clinton, and BUSH warned in 2006 that the bubble was about to bust. Only to be told by Barney Frank he didn't know what he was talking about. You mean that crisis? What gets me about this, liberals say republicans hate the poor, but a program that was started to help the poor is the republicans fault when it doesn't work. Just like all liberal ideas.
Bush was not welcome at the last GOP convention. Kind of says it all. Even they knew how wrong he was.
Kinda like democrat candidates are doing to Obama now? Heck one of them won't even admit she voted for him.
Richard Clarke, the terrorism Czar, certainly believes the Bush Administration failed totally in stopping 9/11. The Terrorism Czar couldn't get in to see the president. The GOP is totally incompetent, except in spreading total bs, stealing for the greedy idiot rich, and wrecking the world.
At least Bush attended his morning briefings, I mean Obama let bengazi happen, even though he was told the attack could happen. Even Britain and the red cross got their guys out.

So BENNNNGFAZZZZIII happened BECAUSE Obama missed his intel meetings? lol

3,000+ souls versus 4, AND Amb Stevens twice turned down more security?

"AND Amb Stevens twice turned down more security?"

Leftwing myth, Amb Stevens was not in a position to ACCEPT any offers, it had to come from higher up in State according to General Ham

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy.

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC


Are you claiming General Ham is a liar?
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

Yeah, that's what it means if you're a complete and total idiot.

The people responsible for 9-11 are dead. Bush isn't to blame and neither was Clinton.
Sure Bush could have tightened immigration controls and deported everyone who overstayed their visas. He could have blocked entrance into the country of young Arabic looking Muslim men. Then, he could have grounded all domestic air travel. Would any of those actually prevented 9/11? No, because Congressional democrats would have broken the sound barrier running to the microphones to denounce the effort and passed legislation undoing all of them. But please try again.

Clinton Administration Counter Terrorism Initiative

Bill Clinton s Anti-Terrorism Measures

Republicans Watered Down 1996 Clinton's Anti-Terrorism Bill, Thanks to Lott & Hatch

The Republicans also dropped the additional wire-tap authority the Clinton administration wanted. U.S. Attorney general Janet Reno had asked for "multi-point" tapping of suspected terrorists, who may be using advanced technology to outpace authorities.

Sen. Don Nickles, R-Oklahoma, while praising the bill, said the country remains "very open" to terrorism. "Will it stop any acts of terrorism, domestic and international? No," he said, adding, "We don't want a police state."

Some lawmakers took a more prudent view of the bill. "The balance between public safety and order and individual rights is always a difficult dilemma in a free society," said Rep. Gerald Solomon, R-New York.

Republicans Watered Down 1996 Clinton Anti-Terrorism Bill

"Clinton's advisors met nearly weekly on how to stop bin Laden ...
I didn't detect that kind of focus from the Bush adminsitration."
Two Star General Donald Kerrick

"I don't believe any longer that it's a matter of connecting the dots.
I think they had a veritable blueprint and we want to know why they didn't act on it."
Senator Arlen Specter (R-pa)

"Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America . He did nothing to warn the American people, because he needed this war on terrorism. " Lt.Colonel Steve Butler
Didn't Clinton stop communication between the cia and the fbi? Just wondering.

We can all thank Jaime Gorelick for that.

Oh and PDD24. That's the roadblock of all mother of roadblocks between agencies.
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

Hey idiot! Bush was only president for EIGHT MONTHS when 9/11 happened.

Those pilots immigrated UNDER CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Identity and Immigration Status of 9 11 Terrorists 2011
“a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation.
A group in the US? Whoa, that narrows it way the fuck down.

January 20-September 10, 2001: President Bush Briefed on Al-Qaeda over 40 Times

National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice later testifies to the 9/11 Commission that in the first eight months of Bush’s presidency before 9/11, “the president receive at these [Presidential Daily Briefings] more than 40 briefing items on al-Qaeda, and 13 of those [are] in response to questions he or his top advisers posed.” [Washington Post, 4/8/2004] The content of the warnings in these briefings are unknown. However, CIA Director George Tenet claims that none of the warnings specifically indicates terrorists plan to fly hijacked commercial aircraft into buildings in the US. [New York Times, 4/4/2004] Counterterrorism “tsar” Richard Clarke will later emphasize, “Tenet on 40 occasions in… morning meetings mentioned al-Qaeda to the president. Forty times, many of them in a very alarmed way, about a pending attack.” [Vanity Fair, 11/2004] These briefings are normally given in person by CIA Director George Tenet, and are usually attended by Vice President Cheney and National Security Adviser Rice. In the Clinton administration, up to 25 officials recieved the PDB. But in the Bush adminisration before 9/11, this was sharply reduced to only six people (see After January 20, 2001). Other top officials have to make due with an Senior Executive Intelligence Brief generally released one day later, which is similar to the PDB but often contains less information (see August 7, 2001)

Complete 911 Timeline Bin Laden Determined to Strike in US PDB
“a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation.
A group in the US? Whoa, that narrows it way the fuck down.

President Bush Briefed on Al-Qaeda over 40 Times

Anyone who has ever spent time in Washington knows that the whole town takes off the month of August. Despite the "threat spike," August 2001, it seems, was no different.

Larry Johnson, a former CIA officer and the State Department's counterterrorism chief from 1989-93, explained on MSNBC this afternoon, during a break in the hearings, why the PDB—let alone the Moussaoui finding—should have compelled everyone to rush back to Washington. In his CIA days, Johnson wrote "about 40" PDBs. They're usually dispassionate in tone, a mere paragraph or two. The PDB of Aug. 6 was a page and a half. "That's the intelligence-community equivalent of writing War and Peace," Johnson said. And the title—"Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US"—was clearly designed t set off alarm bells. Johnson told his interviewer that when he read the declassified document, "I said 'Holy smoke!' This is such a dead-on 'Mr. President, you've got to do something!' "
During the entire month of August, President Bush was on vacation at his ranch in Texas — which tied with one of Richard Nixon’s as the longest vacation ever taken by a president. CIA Director George Tenet has said he didn’t speak to Bush once that month, describing the president as being “on leave.” Bush did not hold a Principals’ meeting on terrorism until September 4, 2001, having downgraded the meetings to a deputies’ meeting, which then-counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke has repeatedly said slowed down anti-Bin Laden efforts “enormously, by months.”

New NSA docs contradict 9 11 claims -

On CBS News today, Eichenwald rejected the idea that it was the intelligence community that failed:

"Actually, the counterterrorist center of the CIA did a spectacular job, and that's what really comes down. You know, in the aftermath, the White House and others said, 'Well they didn't tell us enough.' No, they told them everything they needed to know to go on a full alert and the White House didn't do it."
Bush-Cheney ignored warnings of imminent Bin Laden attack
No dreaming needed. Bush warned by Clinton administration and ignored the warnings.
Bush was president during the Clinton administration?

I think I can predict the outcome of this. Bush is responsible for ebola. Am I warm?

9/11 happened on Clinton's watch? lol
Six years into Obama's presidency, something goes wrong. Bush's fault. Less than 9 months into Bush's presidency 911, all of Bush's fault. Got it.

People blaming stuff that's happened recently on Dubya? Oh you mean Dubya's subprime crisis REALLY hurt US as he pushed his home ownership society and gutted the FBI who warned him?

"I blame the entire Bush leadership for continuing to work on Cold War issues when they back in power in 2001. It was as though they were preserved in amber from when they left office eight years earlier. They came back. They wanted to work on the same issues right away: Iraq, Star Wars. Not new issues, the new threats that had developed over the preceding eight years."

For the Pentagon, it was Paul Wolfowitz.

Clarke relates, "I began saying, 'We have to deal with bin Laden; we have to deal with al Qaeda.' Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, said, 'No, no, no. We don't have to deal with al Qaeda. Why are we talking about that little guy? We have to talk about Iraqi terrorism against the United States.'

Clarke s Take On Terror - CBS News
You mean the program started by Carter, grew legs under Clinton, and BUSH warned in 2006 that the bubble was about to bust. Only to be told by Barney Frank he didn't know what he was talking about. You mean that crisis? What gets me about this, liberals say republicans hate the poor, but a program that was started to help the poor is the republicans fault when it doesn't work. Just like all liberal ideas.

The program started by Carter was the CRA. Insituted to stop red-lining by the banks. Not at all what caused the sub-prime meltdown.
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

Hey idiot! Bush was only president for EIGHT MONTHS when 9/11 happened.

Those pilots immigrated UNDER CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Identity and Immigration Status of 9 11 Terrorists 2011
And Booosh Cheney et al refused to listen to warnings. Total morons, hater dupe.
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

Hey idiot! Bush was only president for EIGHT MONTHS when 9/11 happened.

Those pilots immigrated UNDER CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Identity and Immigration Status of 9 11 Terrorists 2011

LEGALLY? And Dubya CHOSE not to step up terrorism? Weird


"all of the hijackers who committed the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were foreigners. All of them entered the country legally on a temporary visa, mostly tourist visas with entry permits for six months. Although four of them attended flight school in the United States, only one is known to have entered on an appropriate visa for such study, and one entered on an F-1 student visa. Besides the four pilots, all but one of the terrorists entered the United States only once and had been in the country for only three to five months before the attacks. "
Sure Bush could have tightened immigration controls and deported everyone who overstayed their visas. He could have blocked entrance into the country of young Arabic looking Muslim men. Then, he could have grounded all domestic air travel. Would any of those actually prevented 9/11? No, because Congressional democrats would have broken the sound barrier running to the microphones to denounce the effort and passed legislation undoing all of them. But please try again.

Clinton Administration Counter Terrorism Initiative

Bill Clinton s Anti-Terrorism Measures

Republicans Watered Down 1996 Clinton's Anti-Terrorism Bill, Thanks to Lott & Hatch

The Republicans also dropped the additional wire-tap authority the Clinton administration wanted. U.S. Attorney general Janet Reno had asked for "multi-point" tapping of suspected terrorists, who may be using advanced technology to outpace authorities.

Sen. Don Nickles, R-Oklahoma, while praising the bill, said the country remains "very open" to terrorism. "Will it stop any acts of terrorism, domestic and international? No," he said, adding, "We don't want a police state."

Some lawmakers took a more prudent view of the bill. "The balance between public safety and order and individual rights is always a difficult dilemma in a free society," said Rep. Gerald Solomon, R-New York.

Republicans Watered Down 1996 Clinton Anti-Terrorism Bill

"Clinton's advisors met nearly weekly on how to stop bin Laden ...
I didn't detect that kind of focus from the Bush adminsitration."
Two Star General Donald Kerrick

"I don't believe any longer that it's a matter of connecting the dots.
I think they had a veritable blueprint and we want to know why they didn't act on it."
Senator Arlen Specter (R-pa)

"Of course Bush knew about the impending attacks on America . He did nothing to warn the American people, because he needed this war on terrorism. " Lt.Colonel Steve Butler
Didn't Clinton stop communication between the cia and the fbi? Just wondering.

We can all thank Jaime Gorelick for that.

Oh and PDD24. That's the roadblock of all mother of roadblocks between agencies.

Because the GOP was all for sharing that info before 9/11 right? lol
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

Hey idiot! Bush was only president for EIGHT MONTHS when 9/11 happened.

Those pilots immigrated UNDER CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Identity and Immigration Status of 9 11 Terrorists 2011

Almost 9 months AND ignored over 40 PDB's on Al Quaeda warnings, a HUGE fukkkking number from intelligence community!
Richard Clarke, the terrorism Czar, certainly believes the Bush Administration failed totally in stopping 9/11. The Terrorism Czar couldn't get in to see the president. The GOP is totally incompetent, except in spreading total bs, stealing for the greedy idiot rich, and wrecking the world.
At least Bush attended his morning briefings, I mean Obama let bengazi happen, even though he was told the attack could happen. Even Britain and the red cross got their guys out.

So BENNNNGFAZZZZIII happened BECAUSE Obama missed his intel meetings? lol

3,000+ souls versus 4, AND Amb Stevens twice turned down more security?

"AND Amb Stevens twice turned down more security?"

Leftwing myth, Amb Stevens was not in a position to ACCEPT any offers, it had to come from higher up in State according to General Ham

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy.

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC


Are you claiming General Ham is a liar?

not me. Are you ?

Ham offered Stevens security help twice before he was killed... Stevens refused.

Benghazi report AFRICOM general offered ambassador help before attack Navy Times

In the weeks that followed, Gen. Carter Ham, the head of Africa Command, twice asked Stevens to employ the team, and twice Stevens declined, the report said.
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

Hey idiot! Bush was only president for EIGHT MONTHS when 9/11 happened.

Those pilots immigrated UNDER CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Identity and Immigration Status of 9 11 Terrorists 2011

LEGALLY? And Dubya CHOSE not to step up terrorism? Weird


"all of the hijackers who committed the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks were foreigners. All of them entered the country legally on a temporary visa, mostly tourist visas with entry permits for six months. Although four of them attended flight school in the United States, only one is known to have entered on an appropriate visa for such study, and one entered on an F-1 student visa. Besides the four pilots, all but one of the terrorists entered the United States only once and had been in the country for only three to five months before the attacks. "



We didn't know those men intended to kill 3,000 Americans.

Big Difference!
If somebody can dream up a good enough reason before 911 to justify the ban, please feel free.

No dreaming needed. Bush warned by Clinton administration and ignored the warnings.

A warning that is that nonspecific is not actionable.

Bush-Cheney ignored warnings of imminent Bin Laden attack

What they knew didn't just come from the Aug. 6 Presidential Daily Brief titled bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US.

The direct warnings to Mr. Bush about the possibility of a Qaeda attack began in the spring of 2001. By May 1, the Central Intelligence Agency told the White House of a report that “a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation. Weeks later, on June 22, the daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be “imminent,” although intelligence suggested the time frame was flexible. But the administration's neoconservative advisers, Eichenwald writes, said the CIA had been fooled and that focus on al Qaeda was a "distraction" from Saddam Hussein who they saw as the greater threat. To which the CIA replied:

“The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden,” the daily brief of June 29 read, using the government’s transliteration of Bin Laden’s first name. Going on for more than a page, the document recited much of the evidence, including an interview that month with a Middle Eastern journalist in which Bin Laden aides warned of a coming attack, as well as competitive pressures that the terrorist leader was feeling, given the number of Islamists being recruited for the separatist Russian region of Chechnya.

And the C.I.A. repeated the warnings in the briefs that followed.

At least three more warnings came before the Aug. 6 PDB. From the administration: crickets.

On CBS News today, Eichenwald rejected the idea that it was the intelligence community that failed:

"Actually, the counterterrorist center of the CIA did a spectacular job, and that's what really comes down. You know, in the aftermath, the White House and others said, 'Well they didn't tell us enough.' No, they told them everything they needed to know to go on a full alert and the White House didn't do it."

Bush-Cheney ignored warnings of imminent Bin Laden attack

Daily Kos!


With at least 5 links to credible sites :)
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

Hey idiot! Bush was only president for EIGHT MONTHS when 9/11 happened.

Those pilots immigrated UNDER CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Identity and Immigration Status of 9 11 Terrorists 2011

Almost 9 months AND ignored over 40 PDB's on Al Quaeda warnings, a HUGE fukkkking number from intelligence community!

Obama has skipped more than HALF of his daily intel briefings

  • Report from the Government Accountability Institute examined the president's public calendar every day since his first inauguration
  • He has skipped most of his briefings, attending just 42.1 per cent of them in person
  • Daily briefs can also be delivered to the president in writing, and he prefers to read them on his iPad
  • On Sunday Obama blamed his Director of National Intelligence for failing to foresee the rise of the ISIS terror army in Iraq and Syria

President Barack Obama has skipped more than HALF of his daily intel briefings Daily Mail Online
In his CIA days, Johnson wrote "about 40" PDBs. They're usually dispassionate in tone, a mere paragraph or two. The PDB of Aug. 6 was a page and a half. "That's the intelligence-community equivalent of writing War and Peace," Johnson said. And the title—"Bin Laden Determined To Strike in US"—was clearly designed t set off alarm bells. Johnson told his interviewer that when he read the declassified document, "I said 'Holy smoke!' This is such a dead-on 'Mr. President, you've got to do something!' "
A page and a half with no specifics is the equivalent to War and Peace to the libtard?

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