Republicans inadvertantly admit that Bush was responsible for 9/11

What's with this bullshit that the hijackers showed up on Bush's watch? Come on people. This plan of attack on America was a long time in the making and I still don't know how this could have been prevented.

Give me a freaking break. These maniacs were determined to kill Americans on US soil.

October 3, 1991-February 1992: Hanjour Is First 9/11 Hijacker to Enter US

A young Hani Hanjour. [Source: FBI]Future 9/11 hijacker Hani Hanjour first arrives in the US on October 3, 1991. [US Congress, 9/26/2002; 9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 520] Some media accounts have him entering the country in 1990.

He apparently is the first hijacker to enter the US. [Time, 9/24/2001; Cox News Service, 10/15/2001; New York Times, 6/19/2002] He takes an English course in Tucson, Arizona until early 1992.

There are some important al-Qaeda operatives currently living in Tucson. However, it is not known if Hanjour has contact with them at this time, or even when he first develops his radical militant beliefs. According to Hanjour’s eldest brother Abulrahman, Hani stays in Arizona for three months then returns to Saudi Arabia, where he spends the next five years managing his family’s lemon and date farm. [Washington Post, 10/15/2001] FBI Director Robert Mueller also reports his stay as lasting three months. [US Congress, 9/26/2002] However, the FBI tells one person that Hanjour may have stayed in the US for as long as 15 months. [Washington Post, 9/10/2002]

Entity Tags: 9/11 Commission, Hani Hanjour, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline

Category Tags: Hani Hanjour, Possible 9/11 Hijacker Funding

Complete 911 Timeline The Alleged 9 11 Hijackers
relax tinyd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

Hey idiot! Bush was only president for EIGHT MONTHS when 9/11 happened.

Those pilots immigrated UNDER CLINTON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Identity and Immigration Status of 9 11 Terrorists 2011

Almost 9 months AND ignored over 40 PDB's on Al Quaeda warnings, a HUGE fukkkking number from intelligence community!

Obama has skipped more than HALF of his daily intel briefings

  • Report from the Government Accountability Institute examined the president's public calendar every day since his first inauguration
  • He has skipped most of his briefings, attending just 42.1 per cent of them in person
  • Daily briefs can also be delivered to the president in writing, and he prefers to read them on his iPad
  • On Sunday Obama blamed his Director of National Intelligence for failing to foresee the rise of the ISIS terror army in Iraq and Syria

President Barack Obama has skipped more than HALF of his daily intel briefings Daily Mail Online


"ABC News reported in 2012 that the president often prefers to receive his daily briefing in writing, and reads it on his iPad.

An Obama administration national security aide confirmed this to MailOnline on Monday.

'It's pretty well-known that the president hasn’t taken in-person intelligence briefings with any regularity since the early days of 2009,' the aide said. 'He gets them in writing.'
No dreaming needed. Bush warned by Clinton administration and ignored the warnings.
Bush was president during the Clinton administration?

I think I can predict the outcome of this. Bush is responsible for ebola. Am I warm?

9/11 happened on Clinton's watch? lol
Six years into Obama's presidency, something goes wrong. Bush's fault. Less than 9 months into Bush's presidency 911, all of Bush's fault. Got it.

People blaming stuff that's happened recently on Dubya? Oh you mean Dubya's subprime crisis REALLY hurt US as he pushed his home ownership society and gutted the FBI who warned him?

"I blame the entire Bush leadership for continuing to work on Cold War issues when they back in power in 2001. It was as though they were preserved in amber from when they left office eight years earlier. They came back. They wanted to work on the same issues right away: Iraq, Star Wars. Not new issues, the new threats that had developed over the preceding eight years."

For the Pentagon, it was Paul Wolfowitz.

Clarke relates, "I began saying, 'We have to deal with bin Laden; we have to deal with al Qaeda.' Paul Wolfowitz, the Deputy Secretary of Defense, said, 'No, no, no. We don't have to deal with al Qaeda. Why are we talking about that little guy? We have to talk about Iraqi terrorism against the United States.'

Clarke s Take On Terror - CBS News
You mean the program started by Carter, grew legs under Clinton, and BUSH warned in 2006 that the bubble was about to bust. Only to be told by Barney Frank he didn't know what he was talking about. You mean that crisis? What gets me about this, liberals say republicans hate the poor, but a program that was started to help the poor is the republicans fault when it doesn't work. Just like all liberal ideas.

You need to update your talking points Bubbna

Q When did the Bush Mortgage Bubble start?

A The general timeframe is it started late 2004.

From Bush’s President’s Working Group on Financial Markets October 2008

“The Presidents Working Group’s March 2008 policy statement acknowledged that turmoil in financial markets clearly was triggered by a dramatic weakening of underwriting standards for U.S. subprime mortgages, beginning in late 2004 and extending into 2007.”

Q Did the Community Reinvestment Act under Carter/Clinton caused it?

A "Since 1995 there has been essentially no change in the basic CRA rules or enforcement process that can be reasonably linked to the subprime lending activity. This fact weakens the link between the CRA and the current crisis since the crisis is rooted in poor performance of mortgage loans made between 2004 and 2007. "

Right-wingers Want To Erase How George Bush's "Homeowner Society" Helped Cause The Economic Collapse

2004 Republican Convention:

Another priority for a new term is to build an ownership society, because ownership brings security and dignity and independence.

Thanks to our policies, home ownership in America is at an all- time high.


Tonight we set a new goal: 7 million more affordable homes in the next 10 years, so more American families will be able to open the door and say, "Welcome to my home."

June 17, 2004

Builders to fight Bush's low-income plan

NEW YORK (CNN/Money) - Home builders, realtors and others are preparing to fight a Bush administration plan that would require Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to increase financing of homes for low-income people, a home builder group said Thursday.

Home builders fight Bush's low-income housing - Jun. 17, 2004

Bushs documented policies and statements in timeframe leading up to the start of the Bush Mortgage Bubble include (but not limited to)

Wanting 5.5 million more minority homeowners
Tells congress there is nothing wrong with GSEs
Pledging to use federal policy to increase home ownership
Routinely taking credit for the housing market
Forcing GSEs to buy more low income home loans by raising their Housing Goals
Lowering Invesntment banks capital requirements, Net Capital rule
Reversing the Clinton rule that restricted GSEs purchases of subprime loans
Lowering down payment requirements to 0%
Forcing GSEs to spend an additional $440 billion in the secondary markets
Giving away 40,000 free down payments


But the biggest policy was regulators not enforcing lending standards.

FACTS on Dubya s great recession US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Richard Clarke, the terrorism Czar, certainly believes the Bush Administration failed totally in stopping 9/11. The Terrorism Czar couldn't get in to see the president. The GOP is totally incompetent, except in spreading total bs, stealing for the greedy idiot rich, and wrecking the world.
At least Bush attended his morning briefings, I mean Obama let bengazi happen, even though he was told the attack could happen. Even Britain and the red cross got their guys out.

So BENNNNGFAZZZZIII happened BECAUSE Obama missed his intel meetings? lol

3,000+ souls versus 4, AND Amb Stevens twice turned down more security?

"AND Amb Stevens twice turned down more security?"

Leftwing myth, Amb Stevens was not in a position to ACCEPT any offers, it had to come from higher up in State according to General Ham

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy.

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC


Are you claiming General Ham is a liar?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC
At least Bush attended his morning briefings, I mean Obama let bengazi happen, even though he was told the attack could happen. Even Britain and the red cross got their guys out.

So BENNNNGFAZZZZIII happened BECAUSE Obama missed his intel meetings? lol

3,000+ souls versus 4, AND Amb Stevens twice turned down more security?

"AND Amb Stevens twice turned down more security?"

Leftwing myth, Amb Stevens was not in a position to ACCEPT any offers, it had to come from higher up in State according to General Ham

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy.

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC


Are you claiming General Ham is a liar?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC

I've already shown you that according to Ham Stevens COULDN'T request, it was not the Amb call.

That was Ham's testimony to the senate,move along you are wrong here.
Clinton let Osama walk so blaming Bush for 9/11 is lame.

Walk from what?

QDid Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden

LOL Bill Clinton disagrees!

"I'm just saying, you know, if I were Osama bin Laden - he's a very smart guy, I've spent a lot of time thinking about him - and I nearly got him once," said Clinton, who'd departed the White House earlier that year. "I nearly got him. And I could have killed him, but I would have to destroy a little town called Kandahar in Afghanistan and kill 300 innocent women and children, and then I would have been no better than him. And so I didn't do it."

Bill Clinton I could have killed Osama bin Laden - CBS News
.Carter said almost the exact same thing defending his inaction for the hostages. Those silly liberals

And Booosh didn't think about Bin Laden much...

Bush March 2002 I really just don t spend that much time on bin Laden

You wouldn't dream of putting up the whole quote in context would you?
Dad2three Siete

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized

that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

Sorry kids,you bought the lie, YES Ham offered, but it was not in the purview of Amb Stevens, it HAD to
come from higher up can we all say Hillary?

I suggest you read Ham's words pop.
Dad2three Siete

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized

that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

Sorry kids,you bought the lie, YES Ham offered, but it was not in the purview of Amb Stevens, it HAD to
come from higher up can we all say Hillary?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

“The embassy was told through back channels to not make direct requests for security,” an official familiar with the case, who agreed to discuss the case only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, told McClatchy.

Still, the offer from Ham provided Stevens with a chance to plead for more assistance, an opportunity he apparently did not seize.

..Gen. Ham actually called the embassy to, to see if they wanted to extend the special security team there and was said – and was told no.”

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC
Dad2three Siete

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized

that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

Sorry kids,you bought the lie, YES Ham offered, but it was not in the purview of Amb Stevens, it HAD to
come from higher up can we all say Hillary?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

“The embassy was told through back channels to not make direct requests for security,” an official familiar with the case, who agreed to discuss the case only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, told McClatchy.

Still, the offer from Ham provided Stevens with a chance to plead for more assistance, an opportunity he apparently did not seize.

..Gen. Ham actually called the embassy to, to see if they wanted to extend the special security team there and was said – and was told no.”

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

You lose.
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

I don't understand the point. Is it alleged by the radical left that Bush should have restricted entry by the victims of 9-11 so they wouldn't have been killed during a plot hatched during the Clinton administration? Some of the 9-11 terrorists were illegally in the Country with expired visas and were attending flight school while Clinton was doodling Monica in the Oval Office. Bubba Bill Clinton, duh, pronounced the first attack on the WTC to be "a foolish act by foolish people" and went on to bomb freaking Yugoslavia while the terrorists were learning how to fly a 747 into a building.
What's with this bullshit that the hijackers showed up on Bush's watch? Come on people. This plan of attack on America was a long time in the making and I still don't know how this could have been prevented.

Give me a freaking break. These maniacs were determined to kill Americans on US soil.

October 3, 1991-February 1992: Hanjour Is First 9/11 Hijacker to Enter US

A young Hani Hanjour. [Source: FBI]Future 9/11 hijacker Hani Hanjour first arrives in the US on October 3, 1991. [US Congress, 9/26/2002; 9/11 Commission, 7/24/2004, pp. 520] Some media accounts have him entering the country in 1990.

He apparently is the first hijacker to enter the US. [Time, 9/24/2001; Cox News Service, 10/15/2001; New York Times, 6/19/2002] He takes an English course in Tucson, Arizona until early 1992.

There are some important al-Qaeda operatives currently living in Tucson. However, it is not known if Hanjour has contact with them at this time, or even when he first develops his radical militant beliefs. According to Hanjour’s eldest brother Abulrahman, Hani stays in Arizona for three months then returns to Saudi Arabia, where he spends the next five years managing his family’s lemon and date farm. [Washington Post, 10/15/2001] FBI Director Robert Mueller also reports his stay as lasting three months. [US Congress, 9/26/2002] However, the FBI tells one person that Hanjour may have stayed in the US for as long as 15 months. [Washington Post, 9/10/2002]

Entity Tags: 9/11 Commission, Hani Hanjour, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Timeline Tags: 9/11 Timeline

Category Tags: Hani Hanjour, Possible 9/11 Hijacker Funding

Complete 911 Timeline The Alleged 9 11 Hijackers

So ignoring over 40 PDB's from intelligence agency's in 8 months, an ENORMOUS amount in such a short period focusing on AQ and Bin Laden was what?
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

I don't understand the point. Is it alleged by the radical left that Bush should have restricted entry by the victims of 9-11 so they wouldn't have been killed during a plot hatched during the Clinton administration? Some of the 9-11 terrorists were illegally in the Country with expired visas and were attending flight school while Clinton was doodling Monica in the Oval Office. Bubba Bill Clinton, duh, pronounced the first attack on the WTC to be "a foolish act by foolish people" and went on to bomb freaking Yugoslavia while the terrorists were learning how to fly a 747 into a building.

So just keeping them out, NOT acting on ANY of the HIGH LEVEL PDB's warning of IMMINENT attacks in Bush's first 8+ months?
Dad2three Siete

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized

that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

Sorry kids,you bought the lie, YES Ham offered, but it was not in the purview of Amb Stevens, it HAD to
come from higher up can we all say Hillary?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

“The embassy was told through back channels to not make direct requests for security,” an official familiar with the case, who agreed to discuss the case only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, told McClatchy.

Still, the offer from Ham provided Stevens with a chance to plead for more assistance, an opportunity he apparently did not seize.

..Gen. Ham actually called the embassy to, to see if they wanted to extend the special security team there and was said – and was told no.”

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

You lose.

So Stevens WASN'T as concerned as conservatives claimed since he TWICE turned down more security AND chose NOT to plead for more security, as Gen Ham had explained!!!
So BENNNNGFAZZZZIII happened BECAUSE Obama missed his intel meetings? lol

3,000+ souls versus 4, AND Amb Stevens twice turned down more security?

"AND Amb Stevens twice turned down more security?"

Leftwing myth, Amb Stevens was not in a position to ACCEPT any offers, it had to come from higher up in State according to General Ham

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

In the month before attackers stormed U.S. facilities in Benghazi and killed four Americans, U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens twice turned down offers of security assistance made by the senior U.S. military official in the region in response to concerns that Stevens had raised in a still secret memorandum, two government officials told McClatchy.

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC


Are you claiming General Ham is a liar?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC

I've already shown you that according to Ham Stevens COULDN'T request, it was not the Amb call.

That was Ham's testimony to the senate,move along you are wrong here.

Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security, U.S. officials say

Gen. Ham actually called the embassy to, to see if they wanted to extend the special security team there and was said – and was told no.”
Dad2three Siete

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized

that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

Sorry kids,you bought the lie, YES Ham offered, but it was not in the purview of Amb Stevens, it HAD to
come from higher up can we all say Hillary?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

“The embassy was told through back channels to not make direct requests for security,” an official familiar with the case, who agreed to discuss the case only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, told McClatchy.

Still, the offer from Ham provided Stevens with a chance to plead for more assistance, an opportunity he apparently did not seize.

..Gen. Ham actually called the embassy to, to see if they wanted to extend the special security team there and was said – and was told no.”

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

You lose.

So Stevens WASN'T as concerned as conservatives claimed since he TWICE turned down more security AND chose NOT to plead for more security, as Gen Ham had explained!!!

Try and actually understand what you read here.

"General Ham:""Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.

last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
"that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador. "

The Amb did not have the authority to request or accept help.
It had to come from the State Dept.
Sorry pop, you lose

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