Republicans inadvertantly admit that Bush was responsible for 9/11

Then it's fair for Obama supporters to do the same in 8 years from now, right?
Yeah, all ten of them. OK, maybe more because blacks will continue to support and make excuses for him regardless of badly he's screwed up.

Want to bet he show's up at the Dems convention in 2014, unlike Dubya? lol
Well the Dems are not going to slight blacks, are they? They're going to have a hell of a time getting them to the polls without running a black candidate anyway.
Then it's fair for Obama supporters to do the same in 8 years from now, right?
Yeah, all ten of them. OK, maybe more because blacks will continue to support and make excuses for him regardless of badly he's screwed up.

Want to bet he show's up at the Dems convention in 2014, unlike Dubya? lol
Well the Dems are not going to slight blacks, are they? They're going to have a hell of a time getting them to the polls without running a black candidate anyway.

Weird how he whose name must not be uttered was ignored at the 2012 GOP convention?
Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

You lose.

So Stevens WASN'T as concerned as conservatives claimed since he TWICE turned down more security AND chose NOT to plead for more security, as Gen Ham had explained!!!

Try and actually understand what you read here.

"General Ham:""Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.

last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
"that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador. "

The Amb did not have the authority to request or accept help.
It had to come from the State Dept.
Sorry pop, you lose

Just MORE right wing noise on BENNNNGAZZZI WHERE 4 PEOPLE DIED VERSUS 3,0000+? LOL

The documents also included an “ACTION MEMO” for Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy dated December 27, 2011, and written by US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. With the subject line: “Future of Operations in Benghazi, Libya,” the memo states: “With the full complement of five Special Agents, our permanent presence would include eight U.S. direct hire employees.”

This would seem to suggest that Undersecretary Kennedy had approved a plan for five permanent security agents in Benghazi, but that never happened. It should be noted that there were ultimately a total of five Diplomatic Security Agents in Benghazi that night since there were two stationed at the Benghazi compound, and three escorted Ambassador Chris Stevens to the compound.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News

Congress gave the administration $300 million less than it asked for for the State Department, including funding for security.
Pelosi Attacks Republicans For Withholding Embassy Security Funding ThinkProgress

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces? When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

GOP Rep I Absolutely Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security ThinkProgress

"Ms. Shea-Porter."
Before this attack there had been budget cutbacks. And there was
a lot of talk about impact on budget cutbacks. So I would just like
to ask you did budget cutbacks in any way set up a stage for this event or any future events that you can see?

"General Ham .

No, ma'am, not as far as Africa Command was
concerned. There was not a budgetary constraint that affected my
decision-making in this event.

Did I mention how extensive the testimony was?
Didn't I advise you to read it?

The same General who offered Amb Stevens more troops he turned down, twice? Weird, good to hear he made the offer despite the GOP gutting nearly $300 million from Obama's request for security!

AND the Bennngggaaazzzi post had 3 extra security officers the night of the attack, the number right wingers hold onto. Weird

You aren't very good at this, a lot of that is because you can only hear what Lefty's say and choose to ignore any truth that doesn't meet with your own predetermined "way it is".

Especially since Ham already said that Stevens did not have the Authority to ask for, or accept .
You also just saw that Ham said he was not affected by any "budget cuts".

Now couple that the fact that the State Dept had already asked and received the Security extension TWICE (per Ham) one must wonder why when it expired on Aug 3 it was not asked for again?

You want to make the case that 5 security guards were a suitable replacement for a Detachment of Marines?

Sorry pops you lose.
Then it's fair for Obama supporters to do the same in 8 years from now, right?
Yeah, all ten of them. OK, maybe more because blacks will continue to support and make excuses for him regardless of badly he's screwed up.

Want to bet he show's up at the Dems convention in 2014, unlike Dubya? lol
Well the Dems are not going to slight blacks, are they? They're going to have a hell of a time getting them to the polls without running a black candidate anyway.

Weird how he whose name must not be uttered was ignored at the 2012 GOP convention?
That was my point essentially. Democrats divorcing themselves from Obama would disenfranchise blacks. They obviously prefer a black overseer keeping them on the plantation. Ignoring him would be a catastrophe.

Obama, although a failure, needs to be there. If not, imagine the whining.
Sure Bush could have tightened immigration controls and deported everyone who overstayed their visas. He could have blocked entrance into the country of young Arabic looking Muslim men. Then, he could have grounded all domestic air travel. Would any of those actually prevented 9/11? No, because Congressional democrats would have broken the sound barrier running to the microphones to denounce the effort and passed legislation undoing all of them. But please try again.

Bush did the exact opposite. He increased immigration, refused to stop 9/11, let Bin Laden go, got 8,000 Americans killed, killed few terrorist & created far more terrorist.

Evidence? There would be no way for Obama to falsely claim he had AQ decimated and on the run if Bush's efforts hadn't killed so many of them

Obama reduced immigration, killed Bin Laden, killed 5 times more terrorist in half the time with 5 times less collateral damage & kept US safe.

Kool-Aid. Don't drink it.
Almost to the year 2015 and the lefties still trying to use Bush to justify Obama's screw up's pathetic.
How funny is it that the right used all of Bush's 8 years to blame Clinton for Bush's fuckups?
As pathetic as what the left is doing now I hold Bush responsible for his mistakes not Obamas.
Then it's fair for Obama supporters to do the same in 8 years from now, right?
If your asking is it fair to hold whoever is President eight years from now responsible for they decisions they have made as President the answer is yes.
Sure Bush could have tightened immigration controls and deported everyone who overstayed their visas. He could have blocked entrance into the country of young Arabic looking Muslim men. Then, he could have grounded all domestic air travel. Would any of those actually prevented 9/11? No, because Congressional democrats would have broken the sound barrier running to the microphones to denounce the effort and passed legislation undoing all of them. But please try again.

Bush did the exact opposite. He increased immigration, refused to stop 9/11, let Bin Laden go, got 8,000 Americans killed, killed few terrorist & created far more terrorist.

Evidence? There would be no way for Obama to falsely claim he had AQ decimated and on the run if Bush's efforts hadn't killed so many of them

Obama reduced immigration, killed Bin Laden, killed 5 times more terrorist in half the time with 5 times less collateral damage & kept US safe.

Kool-Aid. Don't drink it.
:lol: Never let the truth get in the way of the brainwashing political narrative they have been spoon feeding you. :lol:

They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

What a desperate maroon.

Bush had nothing to do with ebola, and claimed clearly and in many ways about the existence of WMD. Now, and again, proven true.

How sad is it that fellow maroons gave you praise for such a moronic post???

Logically speaking, we should have long ago adopted the immigration policy of most other developed nations and restricted migrants that did not adhere to our prescribed criteria. Like England, Mexico, Australia, etc... But no, we are paralyzed by progressive liberalism. Thus, we remain one of the few countries with open borders. HOW STUPID, to have a welfare nation AND open advocate such an illogical and historically stupid thing, one must be a liberal. hate to say it any other way, but the facts are what they are.

Prove me wrong.

The recent NYT's article does not prove whatsoever President Bushes claims of an active WMD program in Iraq.
So Stevens WASN'T as concerned as conservatives claimed since he TWICE turned down more security AND chose NOT to plead for more security, as Gen Ham had explained!!!

Try and actually understand what you read here.

"General Ham:""Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.

last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
"that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador. "

The Amb did not have the authority to request or accept help.
It had to come from the State Dept.
Sorry pop, you lose

Just MORE right wing noise on BENNNNGAZZZI WHERE 4 PEOPLE DIED VERSUS 3,0000+? LOL

The documents also included an “ACTION MEMO” for Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy dated December 27, 2011, and written by US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. With the subject line: “Future of Operations in Benghazi, Libya,” the memo states: “With the full complement of five Special Agents, our permanent presence would include eight U.S. direct hire employees.”

This would seem to suggest that Undersecretary Kennedy had approved a plan for five permanent security agents in Benghazi, but that never happened. It should be noted that there were ultimately a total of five Diplomatic Security Agents in Benghazi that night since there were two stationed at the Benghazi compound, and three escorted Ambassador Chris Stevens to the compound.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News

Congress gave the administration $300 million less than it asked for for the State Department, including funding for security.
Pelosi Attacks Republicans For Withholding Embassy Security Funding ThinkProgress

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces? When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

GOP Rep I Absolutely Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security ThinkProgress

"Ms. Shea-Porter."
Before this attack there had been budget cutbacks. And there was
a lot of talk about impact on budget cutbacks. So I would just like
to ask you did budget cutbacks in any way set up a stage for this event or any future events that you can see?

"General Ham .

No, ma'am, not as far as Africa Command was
concerned. There was not a budgetary constraint that affected my
decision-making in this event.

Did I mention how extensive the testimony was?
Didn't I advise you to read it?

The same General who offered Amb Stevens more troops he turned down, twice? Weird, good to hear he made the offer despite the GOP gutting nearly $300 million from Obama's request for security!

AND the Bennngggaaazzzi post had 3 extra security officers the night of the attack, the number right wingers hold onto. Weird

You aren't very good at this, a lot of that is because you can only hear what Lefty's say and choose to ignore any truth that doesn't meet with your own predetermined "way it is".

Especially since Ham already said that Stevens did not have the Authority to ask for, or accept .
You also just saw that Ham said he was not affected by any "budget cuts".

Now couple that the fact that the State Dept had already asked and received the Security extension TWICE (per Ham) one must wonder why when it expired on Aug 3 it was not asked for again?

You want to make the case that 5 security guards were a suitable replacement for a Detachment of Marines?

Sorry pops you lose.

Only in right wing world do I lose Bubba

In reality Amb Stevens turned down the security offered by Gen Ham, the GOP cut $300 million from Embassy security and yes, the 5 was the number that was deter,ined to be needed. Now there were fuck ups, but unlike the GOP standing behind Dubya and his 3,000+ deaths after 40+ PDB's were ignored. there is no there there on BENNNNGGGAZZZZIII... Try again Bubba
Then it's fair for Obama supporters to do the same in 8 years from now, right?
Yeah, all ten of them. OK, maybe more because blacks will continue to support and make excuses for him regardless of badly he's screwed up.

Want to bet he show's up at the Dems convention in 2014, unlike Dubya? lol
Well the Dems are not going to slight blacks, are they? They're going to have a hell of a time getting them to the polls without running a black candidate anyway.

Weird how he whose name must not be uttered was ignored at the 2012 GOP convention?
That was my point essentially. Democrats divorcing themselves from Obama would disenfranchise blacks. They obviously prefer a black overseer keeping them on the plantation. Ignoring him would be a catastrophe.

Obama, although a failure, needs to be there. If not, imagine the whining.

Got it, you'll stick with the racism. Ggod luck winning a national election again :)

Dubya lost 1,000,000+ PRIVATE sector jobs in 8 years and the US was losing 700,00+ jobs a month when Obama came in, the US deficit soared under Dubya to $1.2 trillion, the US economy tanked 9%+ the last quarter under Dubya

7+ million NET PRIVATE sector jobs under Obama and cutting the deficit by 2/3rds and stopping Dubya's bleeding is a 'failure' in the conservatives eyes? lol
Sure Bush could have tightened immigration controls and deported everyone who overstayed their visas. He could have blocked entrance into the country of young Arabic looking Muslim men. Then, he could have grounded all domestic air travel. Would any of those actually prevented 9/11? No, because Congressional democrats would have broken the sound barrier running to the microphones to denounce the effort and passed legislation undoing all of them. But please try again.

Bush did the exact opposite. He increased immigration, refused to stop 9/11, let Bin Laden go, got 8,000 Americans killed, killed few terrorist & created far more terrorist.

Evidence? There would be no way for Obama to falsely claim he had AQ decimated and on the run if Bush's efforts hadn't killed so many of them

Obama reduced immigration, killed Bin Laden, killed 5 times more terrorist in half the time with 5 times less collateral damage & kept US safe.

Kool-Aid. Don't drink it.
:lol: Never let the truth get in the way of the brainwashing political narrative they have been spoon feeding you. :lol:


The only way Obama could be killing people via drones is because Bush went in first with ground troops. Now, we've been told ad nauseum that toppling Saddam Hussein was a Bad Thing. Is it now a good thing for Obama to be continuing the killing?
Sure Bush could have tightened immigration controls and deported everyone who overstayed their visas. He could have blocked entrance into the country of young Arabic looking Muslim men. Then, he could have grounded all domestic air travel. Would any of those actually prevented 9/11? No, because Congressional democrats would have broken the sound barrier running to the microphones to denounce the effort and passed legislation undoing all of them. But please try again.

Bush did the exact opposite. He increased immigration, refused to stop 9/11, let Bin Laden go, got 8,000 Americans killed, killed few terrorist & created far more terrorist.

Evidence? There would be no way for Obama to falsely claim he had AQ decimated and on the run if Bush's efforts hadn't killed so many of them

Obama reduced immigration, killed Bin Laden, killed 5 times more terrorist in half the time with 5 times less collateral damage & kept US safe.

Kool-Aid. Don't drink it.
:lol: Never let the truth get in the way of the brainwashing political narrative they have been spoon feeding you. :lol:


The only way Obama could be killing people via drones is because Bush went in first with ground troops. Now, we've been told ad nauseum that toppling Saddam Hussein was a Bad Thing. Is it now a good thing for Obama to be continuing the killing?

Dear mindless retard. Al-Qaeda terrorist were not in Iraq. Obama killed far more Al-Qaeda terrorist than Bushtard.
Sure Bush could have tightened immigration controls and deported everyone who overstayed their visas. He could have blocked entrance into the country of young Arabic looking Muslim men. Then, he could have grounded all domestic air travel. Would any of those actually prevented 9/11? No, because Congressional democrats would have broken the sound barrier running to the microphones to denounce the effort and passed legislation undoing all of them. But please try again.

Bush did the exact opposite. He increased immigration, refused to stop 9/11, let Bin Laden go, got 8,000 Americans killed, killed few terrorist & created far more terrorist.

Evidence? There would be no way for Obama to falsely claim he had AQ decimated and on the run if Bush's efforts hadn't killed so many of them

Obama reduced immigration, killed Bin Laden, killed 5 times more terrorist in half the time with 5 times less collateral damage & kept US safe.

Kool-Aid. Don't drink it.
:lol: Never let the truth get in the way of the brainwashing political narrative they have been spoon feeding you. :lol:


The only way Obama could be killing people via drones is because Bush went in first with ground troops. Now, we've been told ad nauseum that toppling Saddam Hussein was a Bad Thing. Is it now a good thing for Obama to be continuing the killing?

Dear mindless retard. Al-Qaeda terrorist were not in Iraq. Obama killed far more Al-Qaeda terrorist than Bushtard.

Bush also conquered Afganistan (something the Soviets gave up as impossible) and gave Obama a playground there, that is true.

Oh, and maybe I missed the memo, but is this the place where feeble minded mounds of malodorous monkey muck resort to childish faux insults?
Bush did the exact opposite. He increased immigration, refused to stop 9/11, let Bin Laden go, got 8,000 Americans killed, killed few terrorist & created far more terrorist.

Evidence? There would be no way for Obama to falsely claim he had AQ decimated and on the run if Bush's efforts hadn't killed so many of them

Obama reduced immigration, killed Bin Laden, killed 5 times more terrorist in half the time with 5 times less collateral damage & kept US safe.

Kool-Aid. Don't drink it.
:lol: Never let the truth get in the way of the brainwashing political narrative they have been spoon feeding you. :lol:


The only way Obama could be killing people via drones is because Bush went in first with ground troops. Now, we've been told ad nauseum that toppling Saddam Hussein was a Bad Thing. Is it now a good thing for Obama to be continuing the killing?

Dear mindless retard. Al-Qaeda terrorist were not in Iraq. Obama killed far more Al-Qaeda terrorist than Bushtard.

Bush also conquered Afganistan (something the Soviets gave up as impossible) and gave Obama a playground there, that is true.

Oh, and maybe I missed the memo, but is this the place where feeble minded mounds of malodorous monkey muck resort to childish faux insults?

Bush let Al-Qaeda terrorist & Bin Laden escape Afganistan. Very few Al-Qaeda terrorist were killed. The Taliban were not Al-Qaeda or terrorist. Bush also let all the Al-Qaeda terrorist who bombed the USS Cole escape from Yemen. Obama exterminated Al-Qaeda terrorist. Anthrax terror attacks on US were committed by the US military commanded by Bush.
Last edited:
Try and actually understand what you read here.

"General Ham:""Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.

last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
"that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador. "

The Amb did not have the authority to request or accept help.
It had to come from the State Dept.
Sorry pop, you lose

Just MORE right wing noise on BENNNNGAZZZI WHERE 4 PEOPLE DIED VERSUS 3,0000+? LOL

The documents also included an “ACTION MEMO” for Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy dated December 27, 2011, and written by US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. With the subject line: “Future of Operations in Benghazi, Libya,” the memo states: “With the full complement of five Special Agents, our permanent presence would include eight U.S. direct hire employees.”

This would seem to suggest that Undersecretary Kennedy had approved a plan for five permanent security agents in Benghazi, but that never happened. It should be noted that there were ultimately a total of five Diplomatic Security Agents in Benghazi that night since there were two stationed at the Benghazi compound, and three escorted Ambassador Chris Stevens to the compound.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News

Congress gave the administration $300 million less than it asked for for the State Department, including funding for security.
Pelosi Attacks Republicans For Withholding Embassy Security Funding ThinkProgress

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces? When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

GOP Rep I Absolutely Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security ThinkProgress

"Ms. Shea-Porter."
Before this attack there had been budget cutbacks. And there was
a lot of talk about impact on budget cutbacks. So I would just like
to ask you did budget cutbacks in any way set up a stage for this event or any future events that you can see?

"General Ham .

No, ma'am, not as far as Africa Command was
concerned. There was not a budgetary constraint that affected my
decision-making in this event.

Did I mention how extensive the testimony was?
Didn't I advise you to read it?

The same General who offered Amb Stevens more troops he turned down, twice? Weird, good to hear he made the offer despite the GOP gutting nearly $300 million from Obama's request for security!

AND the Bennngggaaazzzi post had 3 extra security officers the night of the attack, the number right wingers hold onto. Weird

You aren't very good at this, a lot of that is because you can only hear what Lefty's say and choose to ignore any truth that doesn't meet with your own predetermined "way it is".

Especially since Ham already said that Stevens did not have the Authority to ask for, or accept .
You also just saw that Ham said he was not affected by any "budget cuts".

Now couple that the fact that the State Dept had already asked and received the Security extension TWICE (per Ham) one must wonder why when it expired on Aug 3 it was not asked for again?

You want to make the case that 5 security guards were a suitable replacement for a Detachment of Marines?

Sorry pops you lose.

Only in right wing world do I lose Bubba

In reality Amb Stevens turned down the security offered by Gen Ham, the GOP cut $300 million from Embassy security and yes, the 5 was the number that was deter,ined to be needed. Now there were fuck ups, but unlike the GOP standing behind Dubya and his 3,000+ deaths after 40+ PDB's were ignored. there is no there there on BENNNNGGGAZZZZIII... Try again Bubba

I feel sorry for you now,you are showing yourself to a very dishonest person.

I've proven that Stevens didn't have the authority to ask for or accept what Ham offered.
I've proven that there were no budget cuts that would have hampered Ham's ability to provide his Marines.
The very same Marines that had BEEN protecting right up until August 3rd, the very same Marines whom the State Dept had ALREADY twice requested but refused to AFTER Aug 3rd.

5 was the number left not the number "determined" by anyone.

This isn't about Dubya kid, this is about Benghazi and you will never be allowed to deflect by me ;)
Evidence? There would be no way for Obama to falsely claim he had AQ decimated and on the run if Bush's efforts hadn't killed so many of them

Kool-Aid. Don't drink it.
:lol: Never let the truth get in the way of the brainwashing political narrative they have been spoon feeding you. :lol:


The only way Obama could be killing people via drones is because Bush went in first with ground troops. Now, we've been told ad nauseum that toppling Saddam Hussein was a Bad Thing. Is it now a good thing for Obama to be continuing the killing?

Dear mindless retard. Al-Qaeda terrorist were not in Iraq. Obama killed far more Al-Qaeda terrorist than Bushtard.

Bush also conquered Afganistan (something the Soviets gave up as impossible) and gave Obama a playground there, that is true.

Oh, and maybe I missed the memo, but is this the place where feeble minded mounds of malodorous monkey muck resort to childish faux insults?

Bush let Al-Qaeda terrorist & Bin Laden escape Afganistan. Very few Al-Qaeda terrorist were killed. The Taliban were not Al-Qaeda or terrorist. Bush also let all the Al-Qaeda terrorist who bombed the USS Cole escape from Yemen. Obama exterminated Al-Qaeda terrorist. Anthrax terror attacks on US were committed by the US military commanded by Bush.

Tin foil alert, you are a moron.
You wish. That is exactly what they have done. Republicans are perhaps the biggest assholes on earth.

Not even close, rav. You've got the biggest a-hole title all wrapped up. Nice work by the way.
If somebody can dream up a good enough reason before 911 to justify the ban, please feel free.

No dreaming needed. Bush warned by Clinton administration and ignored the warnings.

And Billy Bob did absolutely nothing for 8 years except to lob a few cruse missiles at Sadam. Considering FBI and other investigations the plan was hatched and resources in training and in position well before Bush arrived at the White House. Clinton did express and pass on the warnings however they were general and vague.
In the event the New President acted without prior congressional approval to expel and round up potential threats the Democratic party would have crucified him and the courts would have had a field day. But go ahead and postulate all you want, its clear your intent serves to deflect away from the incompetent record of the current administration.
:lol: Never let the truth get in the way of the brainwashing political narrative they have been spoon feeding you. :lol:


The only way Obama could be killing people via drones is because Bush went in first with ground troops. Now, we've been told ad nauseum that toppling Saddam Hussein was a Bad Thing. Is it now a good thing for Obama to be continuing the killing?

Dear mindless retard. Al-Qaeda terrorist were not in Iraq. Obama killed far more Al-Qaeda terrorist than Bushtard.

Bush also conquered Afganistan (something the Soviets gave up as impossible) and gave Obama a playground there, that is true.

Oh, and maybe I missed the memo, but is this the place where feeble minded mounds of malodorous monkey muck resort to childish faux insults?

Bush let Al-Qaeda terrorist & Bin Laden escape Afganistan. Very few Al-Qaeda terrorist were killed. The Taliban were not Al-Qaeda or terrorist. Bush also let all the Al-Qaeda terrorist who bombed the USS Cole escape from Yemen. Obama exterminated Al-Qaeda terrorist. Anthrax terror attacks on US were committed by the US military commanded by Bush.

Tin foil alert, you are a moron.

You're the moron who can't prove me wrong, so attempting insults is all you got. :lol:

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