Republicans inadvertantly admit that Bush was responsible for 9/11

They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

I don't understand the point. Is it alleged by the radical left that Bush should have restricted entry by the victims of 9-11 so they wouldn't have been killed during a plot hatched during the Clinton administration? Some of the 9-11 terrorists were illegally in the Country with expired visas and were attending flight school while Clinton was doodling Monica in the Oval Office. Bubba Bill Clinton, duh, pronounced the first attack on the WTC to be "a foolish act by foolish people" and went on to bomb freaking Yugoslavia while the terrorists were learning how to fly a 747 into a building.

So just keeping them out, NOT acting on ANY of the HIGH LEVEL PDB's warning of IMMINENT attacks in Bush's first 8+ months?

If Bush made any mistakes during his first term it was not firing every lazy SOB appointed by Clinton to run the CIA and the FBI. The first attempt on the WTC happened a few months into the Clinton administration. Clinton had six or seven years to go after the first WTC terrorists including the offerof Bin Laden on a silver platter and he turned it down. Clinton convinced NATO to authorize the attack on defenseless Yugoslavia after his DNA was found on Monica's dress. While the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school Clinton's A.G. ordered the FBI and the CIA not to share information or risk arrest.
Sure Bush could have tightened immigration controls and deported everyone who overstayed their visas. He could have blocked entrance into the country of young Arabic looking Muslim men. Then, he could have grounded all domestic air travel. Would any of those actually prevented 9/11? No, because Congressional democrats would have broken the sound barrier running to the microphones to denounce the effort and passed legislation undoing all of them. But please try again.

Bush did the exact opposite. He increased immigration, refused to stop 9/11, let Bin Laden go, got 8,000 Americans killed, killed few terrorist & created far more terrorist.

Obama reduced immigration, killed Bin Laden, killed 5 times more terrorist in half the time with 5 times less collateral damage & kept US safe.
Bush was not welcome at the last GOP convention. Kind of says it all. Even they knew how wrong he was.

President Bush was invited to the convention and chose not to go.

lol, Sure

I'll have to find my ABC link for this one. Due to his health Sr. decided not to attend as well.

Mitt Romney is no boor. Of course both former Presidents were invited.

Weird how Dubya missed 2008, going satellite then missed 2012 altogether?

August 29, 2012
Republican convention gives George W. Bush the cold shoulder
Former Presidents George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush get little love from GOP convention-goers, who still worship Ronald Reagan.

He is a ghostly presence at the Republican National Convention, He Who Shall Not Be Named.

Former President George W. Bush has had no place of honor at his party's 2012 convention. In fact, other than a videotaped message delivered Wednesday night, neither he nor his father, former President George H.W. Bush, has had any place at all.

If not for a scheduled, non-prime-time appearance Thursday by former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, the convention might have slipped by without any representation in person from the closest thing the country has to a Republican dynasty.

"George W. Bush's legacy will be honored — at the Democratic convention," said Kathleen Hall Jamieson, a professor of political communication at the University of Pennsylvania, who compared Bush's treatment to that accorded former President Nixon at the 1976 GOP convention, the first after he resigned in disgrace.

Both men, she said, were consigned to the political equivalent of the seventh circle of hell. "Those in the seventh circle are wiped out of memory. They simply don't exist," she said.

Republican convention gives George W. Bush the cold shoulder - Los Angeles Times
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

I don't understand the point. Is it alleged by the radical left that Bush should have restricted entry by the victims of 9-11 so they wouldn't have been killed during a plot hatched during the Clinton administration? Some of the 9-11 terrorists were illegally in the Country with expired visas and were attending flight school while Clinton was doodling Monica in the Oval Office. Bubba Bill Clinton, duh, pronounced the first attack on the WTC to be "a foolish act by foolish people" and went on to bomb freaking Yugoslavia while the terrorists were learning how to fly a 747 into a building.

So just keeping them out, NOT acting on ANY of the HIGH LEVEL PDB's warning of IMMINENT attacks in Bush's first 8+ months?

If Bush made any mistakes during his first term it was not firing every lazy SOB appointed by Clinton to run the CIA and the FBI. The first attempt on the WTC happened a few months into the Clinton administration. Clinton had six or seven years to go after the first WTC terrorists including the offerof Bin Laden on a silver platter and he turned it down. Clinton convinced NATO to authorize the attack on defenseless Yugoslavia after his DNA was found on Monica's dress. While the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school Clinton's A.G. ordered the FBI and the CIA not to share information or risk arrest.

Yeah, and Hillary personally gave Bin Laden the pass through Afghanistan right? lol

Q:Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.

Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden

Dad2three Siete

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized

that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

Sorry kids,you bought the lie, YES Ham offered, but it was not in the purview of Amb Stevens, it HAD to
come from higher up can we all say Hillary?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

“The embassy was told through back channels to not make direct requests for security,” an official familiar with the case, who agreed to discuss the case only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, told McClatchy.

Still, the offer from Ham provided Stevens with a chance to plead for more assistance, an opportunity he apparently did not seize.

..Gen. Ham actually called the embassy to, to see if they wanted to extend the special security team there and was said – and was told no.”

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

You lose.

So Stevens WASN'T as concerned as conservatives claimed since he TWICE turned down more security AND chose NOT to plead for more security, as Gen Ham had explained!!!

Try and actually understand what you read here.

"General Ham:""Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.

last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
"that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador. "

The Amb did not have the authority to request or accept help.
It had to come from the State Dept.
Sorry pop, you lose

Just MORE right wing noise on BENNNNGAZZZI WHERE 4 PEOPLE DIED VERSUS 3,0000+? LOL

The documents also included an “ACTION MEMO” for Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy dated December 27, 2011, and written by US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. With the subject line: “Future of Operations in Benghazi, Libya,” the memo states: “With the full complement of five Special Agents, our permanent presence would include eight U.S. direct hire employees.”

This would seem to suggest that Undersecretary Kennedy had approved a plan for five permanent security agents in Benghazi, but that never happened. It should be noted that there were ultimately a total of five Diplomatic Security Agents in Benghazi that night since there were two stationed at the Benghazi compound, and three escorted Ambassador Chris Stevens to the compound.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News

Congress gave the administration $300 million less than it asked for for the State Department, including funding for security.
Pelosi Attacks Republicans For Withholding Embassy Security Funding ThinkProgress

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces? When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

GOP Rep I Absolutely Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security ThinkProgress
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

What a desperate maroon.

Bush had nothing to do with ebola, and claimed clearly and in many ways about the existence of WMD. Now, and again, proven true.

How sad is it that fellow maroons gave you praise for such a moronic post???

Logically speaking, we should have long ago adopted the immigration policy of most other developed nations and restricted migrants that did not adhere to our prescribed criteria. Like England, Mexico, Australia, etc... But no, we are paralyzed by progressive liberalism. Thus, we remain one of the few countries with open borders. HOW STUPID, to have a welfare nation AND open advocate such an illogical and historically stupid thing, one must be a liberal. hate to say it any other way, but the facts are what they are.

Prove me wrong.
Almost to the year 2015 and the lefties still trying to use Bush to justify Obama's screw up's pathetic.
How funny is it that the right used all of Bush's 8 years to blame Clinton for Bush's fuckups?
As pathetic as what the left is doing now I hold Bush responsible for his mistakes not Obamas.
Then it's fair for Obama supporters to do the same in 8 years from now, right?
Dad2three Siete

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized

that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

Sorry kids,you bought the lie, YES Ham offered, but it was not in the purview of Amb Stevens, it HAD to
come from higher up can we all say Hillary?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

“The embassy was told through back channels to not make direct requests for security,” an official familiar with the case, who agreed to discuss the case only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, told McClatchy.

Still, the offer from Ham provided Stevens with a chance to plead for more assistance, an opportunity he apparently did not seize.

..Gen. Ham actually called the embassy to, to see if they wanted to extend the special security team there and was said – and was told no.”

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

You lose.

So Stevens WASN'T as concerned as conservatives claimed since he TWICE turned down more security AND chose NOT to plead for more security, as Gen Ham had explained!!!

Try and actually understand what you read here.

"General Ham:""Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.

last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
"that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador. "

The Amb did not have the authority to request or accept help.
It had to come from the State Dept.
Sorry pop, you lose

Just MORE right wing noise on BENNNNGAZZZI WHERE 4 PEOPLE DIED VERSUS 3,0000+? LOL

The documents also included an “ACTION MEMO” for Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy dated December 27, 2011, and written by US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. With the subject line: “Future of Operations in Benghazi, Libya,” the memo states: “With the full complement of five Special Agents, our permanent presence would include eight U.S. direct hire employees.”

This would seem to suggest that Undersecretary Kennedy had approved a plan for five permanent security agents in Benghazi, but that never happened. It should be noted that there were ultimately a total of five Diplomatic Security Agents in Benghazi that night since there were two stationed at the Benghazi compound, and three escorted Ambassador Chris Stevens to the compound.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News

Congress gave the administration $300 million less than it asked for for the State Department, including funding for security.
Pelosi Attacks Republicans For Withholding Embassy Security Funding ThinkProgress

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces? When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

GOP Rep I Absolutely Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security ThinkProgress

Now you resort to deflection?
First you blame Stevens now you blame Republican's?

Deflection and topic shifting won't work me son.
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

I don't understand the point. Is it alleged by the radical left that Bush should have restricted entry by the victims of 9-11 so they wouldn't have been killed during a plot hatched during the Clinton administration? Some of the 9-11 terrorists were illegally in the Country with expired visas and were attending flight school while Clinton was doodling Monica in the Oval Office. Bubba Bill Clinton, duh, pronounced the first attack on the WTC to be "a foolish act by foolish people" and went on to bomb freaking Yugoslavia while the terrorists were learning how to fly a 747 into a building.

So just keeping them out, NOT acting on ANY of the HIGH LEVEL PDB's warning of IMMINENT attacks in Bush's first 8+ months?

If Bush made any mistakes during his first term it was not firing every lazy SOB appointed by Clinton to run the CIA and the FBI. The first attempt on the WTC happened a few months into the Clinton administration. Clinton had six or seven years to go after the first WTC terrorists including the offerof Bin Laden on a silver platter and he turned it down. Clinton convinced NATO to authorize the attack on defenseless Yugoslavia after his DNA was found on Monica's dress. While the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school Clinton's A.G. ordered the FBI and the CIA not to share information or risk arrest.

You are correct. Clinton was incompetent as CIC, weakened the military, and set up 9-11. Obama has followed in his footsteps, but to a larger degree. At least Clinton had sense enough to sign some R bills in the mid-nineties.

The Rs are not without partial blame, but the Ds absolutely suck when they get in power!
They are running all over the place blaming Obama for not suspending entry into the US to people from a small handful of countries, resulting in two Americans coming down with ebola.

This is a tacit admission on their part that Bush should have suspended entry into the US of people from a small handful of countries, which resulted in 3,000 people being killed by said people.

I don't understand the point. Is it alleged by the radical left that Bush should have restricted entry by the victims of 9-11 so they wouldn't have been killed during a plot hatched during the Clinton administration? Some of the 9-11 terrorists were illegally in the Country with expired visas and were attending flight school while Clinton was doodling Monica in the Oval Office. Bubba Bill Clinton, duh, pronounced the first attack on the WTC to be "a foolish act by foolish people" and went on to bomb freaking Yugoslavia while the terrorists were learning how to fly a 747 into a building.

So just keeping them out, NOT acting on ANY of the HIGH LEVEL PDB's warning of IMMINENT attacks in Bush's first 8+ months?

If Bush made any mistakes during his first term it was not firing every lazy SOB appointed by Clinton to run the CIA and the FBI. The first attempt on the WTC happened a few months into the Clinton administration. Clinton had six or seven years to go after the first WTC terrorists including the offerof Bin Laden on a silver platter and he turned it down. Clinton convinced NATO to authorize the attack on defenseless Yugoslavia after his DNA was found on Monica's dress. While the 9-11 terrorists were attending flight school Clinton's A.G. ordered the FBI and the CIA not to share information or risk arrest.

You are correct. Clinton was incompetent as CIC, weakened the military, and set up 9-11. Obama has followed in his footsteps, but to a larger degree. At least Clinton had sense enough to sign some R bills in the mid-nineties.

The Rs are not without partial blame, but the Ds absolutely suck when they get in power!

You live in right wing delusion

ONE policy onservatives have EVER been on the coprrect side of history on ANY policy?

Last GOP policy that worked as promised?

CLINTON had 4 surpluses (3 AFTER VETOING THE GOP'S $700 billion tax cut)

Dubya ignored over 40 PDB's warning on 9/11
Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

“The embassy was told through back channels to not make direct requests for security,” an official familiar with the case, who agreed to discuss the case only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, told McClatchy.

Still, the offer from Ham provided Stevens with a chance to plead for more assistance, an opportunity he apparently did not seize.

..Gen. Ham actually called the embassy to, to see if they wanted to extend the special security team there and was said – and was told no.”

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

You lose.

So Stevens WASN'T as concerned as conservatives claimed since he TWICE turned down more security AND chose NOT to plead for more security, as Gen Ham had explained!!!

Try and actually understand what you read here.

"General Ham:""Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.

last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
"that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador. "

The Amb did not have the authority to request or accept help.
It had to come from the State Dept.
Sorry pop, you lose

Just MORE right wing noise on BENNNNGAZZZI WHERE 4 PEOPLE DIED VERSUS 3,0000+? LOL

The documents also included an “ACTION MEMO” for Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy dated December 27, 2011, and written by US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. With the subject line: “Future of Operations in Benghazi, Libya,” the memo states: “With the full complement of five Special Agents, our permanent presence would include eight U.S. direct hire employees.”

This would seem to suggest that Undersecretary Kennedy had approved a plan for five permanent security agents in Benghazi, but that never happened. It should be noted that there were ultimately a total of five Diplomatic Security Agents in Benghazi that night since there were two stationed at the Benghazi compound, and three escorted Ambassador Chris Stevens to the compound.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News

Congress gave the administration $300 million less than it asked for for the State Department, including funding for security.
Pelosi Attacks Republicans For Withholding Embassy Security Funding ThinkProgress

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces? When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

GOP Rep I Absolutely Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security ThinkProgress

Now you resort to deflection?
First you blame Stevens now you blame Republican's?

Deflection and topic shifting won't work me son.

Sorry Bubba, you can't use reason and logic.
Dad2three Siete

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized

that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

Sorry kids,you bought the lie, YES Ham offered, but it was not in the purview of Amb Stevens, it HAD to
come from higher up can we all say Hillary?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

“The embassy was told through back channels to not make direct requests for security,” an official familiar with the case, who agreed to discuss the case only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, told McClatchy.

Still, the offer from Ham provided Stevens with a chance to plead for more assistance, an opportunity he apparently did not seize.

..Gen. Ham actually called the embassy to, to see if they wanted to extend the special security team there and was said – and was told no.”

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

You lose.

So Stevens WASN'T as concerned as conservatives claimed since he TWICE turned down more security AND chose NOT to plead for more security, as Gen Ham had explained!!!

Try and actually understand what you read here.

"General Ham:""Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.

last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
"that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador. "

The Amb did not have the authority to request or accept help.
It had to come from the State Dept.
Sorry pop, you lose

Just MORE right wing noise on BENNNNGAZZZI WHERE 4 PEOPLE DIED VERSUS 3,0000+? LOL

The documents also included an “ACTION MEMO” for Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy dated December 27, 2011, and written by US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. With the subject line: “Future of Operations in Benghazi, Libya,” the memo states: “With the full complement of five Special Agents, our permanent presence would include eight U.S. direct hire employees.”

This would seem to suggest that Undersecretary Kennedy had approved a plan for five permanent security agents in Benghazi, but that never happened. It should be noted that there were ultimately a total of five Diplomatic Security Agents in Benghazi that night since there were two stationed at the Benghazi compound, and three escorted Ambassador Chris Stevens to the compound.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News

Congress gave the administration $300 million less than it asked for for the State Department, including funding for security.
Pelosi Attacks Republicans For Withholding Embassy Security Funding ThinkProgress

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces? When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

GOP Rep I Absolutely Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security ThinkProgress

"Ms. Shea-Porter."
Before this attack there had been budget cutbacks. And there was
a lot of talk about impact on budget cutbacks. So I would just like
to ask you did budget cutbacks in any way set up a stage for this event or any future events that you can see?

"General Ham .

No, ma'am, not as far as Africa Command was
concerned. There was not a budgetary constraint that affected my
decision-making in this event.

Did I mention how extensive the testimony was?
Didn't I advise you to read it?

Army Gen. Carter Ham, then the head of the U.S. Africa Command, did not wait for the separate cable, however. Instead, after reading the Aug. 16 cable, Ham phoned Stevens and asked if the embassy needed a special security team from the U.S. military. Stevens told Ham it did not, the officials said.

Weeks later, Stevens traveled to Germany for an already scheduled meeting with Ham at AFRICOM headquarters. During that meeting, Ham again offered additional military assets, and Stevens again said no, the two officials said.

“He didn’t say why. He just turned it down,” a defense official who asked not to be identified because of the sensitivity of the subject told McClatchy.

The offers of aid and Stevens’ rejection of them have not been revealed in either the State Department’s Administrative Review Board investigation of the Benghazi events or during any of the congressional hearings and reports that have been issued into what took place there.

“The embassy was told through back channels to not make direct requests for security,” an official familiar with the case, who agreed to discuss the case only anonymously because of the sensitivity of the subject, told McClatchy.

Still, the offer from Ham provided Stevens with a chance to plead for more assistance, an opportunity he apparently did not seize.

..Gen. Ham actually called the embassy to, to see if they wanted to extend the special security team there and was said – and was told no.”

CAIRO Ambassador Stevens twice said no to military offers of more security U.S. officials say Middle East McClatchy DC

Ms. Tsongas. "
And is it customary to make these requests through
the Ambassador and for the Ambassador to bless it and make this request
or the assent back to you in order for you to you have the authority
to move forward?"

General Ham:"Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.
last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador.

You lose.

So Stevens WASN'T as concerned as conservatives claimed since he TWICE turned down more security AND chose NOT to plead for more security, as Gen Ham had explained!!!

Try and actually understand what you read here.

"General Ham:""Actually ma'am it is a fairly formalized
a very
formalized process that the Department of State formally requests in
this instance of the Department of DefenseJ support in terms of the
Site Security Team.

last extension expired the 3rd of August and the State Department
decided to not request a further extensionJ but it is a formalized
"that is department to department rather than the combatant
commander and ambassador. "

The Amb did not have the authority to request or accept help.
It had to come from the State Dept.
Sorry pop, you lose

Just MORE right wing noise on BENNNNGAZZZI WHERE 4 PEOPLE DIED VERSUS 3,0000+? LOL

The documents also included an “ACTION MEMO” for Under Secretary of State for Management Patrick Kennedy dated December 27, 2011, and written by US Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs Jeffrey Feltman. With the subject line: “Future of Operations in Benghazi, Libya,” the memo states: “With the full complement of five Special Agents, our permanent presence would include eight U.S. direct hire employees.”

This would seem to suggest that Undersecretary Kennedy had approved a plan for five permanent security agents in Benghazi, but that never happened. It should be noted that there were ultimately a total of five Diplomatic Security Agents in Benghazi that night since there were two stationed at the Benghazi compound, and three escorted Ambassador Chris Stevens to the compound.

Documents Back Up Claims of Requests for Greater Security in Benghazi - ABC News

Congress gave the administration $300 million less than it asked for for the State Department, including funding for security.
Pelosi Attacks Republicans For Withholding Embassy Security Funding ThinkProgress

GOP Rep: I ‘Absolutely’ Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security

O’BRIEN: Is it true that you voted to cut the funding for embassy security?

CHAFFETZ: Absolutely. Look, we have to make priorities and choices in this country. We have — think about this — 15,000 contractors in Iraq. We have more than 6,000 contractors, private army there for President Obama in Baghdad.

And we’re talking about can we get two dozen or so people into Libya to help protect our forces? When you’re in tough economic times, you have to make difficult choices how to prioritize this.

GOP Rep I Absolutely Voted To Cut Funding For Embassy Security ThinkProgress

"Ms. Shea-Porter."
Before this attack there had been budget cutbacks. And there was
a lot of talk about impact on budget cutbacks. So I would just like
to ask you did budget cutbacks in any way set up a stage for this event or any future events that you can see?

"General Ham .

No, ma'am, not as far as Africa Command was
concerned. There was not a budgetary constraint that affected my
decision-making in this event.

Did I mention how extensive the testimony was?
Didn't I advise you to read it?

The same General who offered Amb Stevens more troops he turned down, twice? Weird, good to hear he made the offer despite the GOP gutting nearly $300 million from Obama's request for security!

AND the Bennngggaaazzzi post had 3 extra security officers the night of the attack, the number right wingers hold onto. Weird

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