Republicans Introduce Legislation To Ban Democratic Party

That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.
The democrats were far worse than the confederacy because Black people were in the confederacy it was Democrats that wanted them as slaves

White folks in the ill fated and short lived Confederacy believed that holding black folks as slaves in perpetuity (meaning forever, and their kids too!) was their Divine right. Northern Democrats also voted overwhelmingly for the Civil Rights act, as opposed to the Southern Democrats.
You might want to tell black ppl that fought freely for them they were slaves lol or the Latino, or the asians, or the Indians, or the native Americans.. you democrats have told far to many lies
Another bumptious gambit that will accomplish zilch...
Mind-blowing. If anything, blacks will be insulted that these folks think they'll just ignore everything they've seen and experienced in their own lives because of some partisan "resolution".

This kind of shallow thinking just doesn't stop.
It is not shallow at all.
It is a stroke of genius. Nothing but.
AGAIN - if Democrats insist on the cancel movement - then there is nothing - NOTHING - that has created more harm to blacks than the Democratic Party itself. PERIOD.
Okay, it's genius, I'm sure it will really show them Dems a thing or two.
If done right it sure can.
You can't provide argument can you?
It is high time light is shone on just how devastating the Democratic Party has been for black Americans. High time.
Including the 1950s - 1980s when they were packing blacks in like sardines in urban projects - carefully positioned away from THEIR neighborhood and schools.
When it comes to the condition of urban blacks - TODAY - the Democratic Party is the architect/engineer/builder and financier of it.
By all means, go ahead.

I don't know whose mind you think you're changing, but minorities aren't going to be swayed by a partisan "resolution". They live in the real world, and they know who is what.
They do not live in the real world. What an ignorant thing to say. Holy hell.
What happened to you anyway? You were a decent poster before. Trump delusion is so ingrained in your mind - it is clearly all you see, Unable to talk intelligently as you did before.
It is high time black Americans woke up and see that the Democrats simply turned them from being actual slaves - to economic slaves dependent on their handouts instead of opportunities to GET OUT.
The Democrats built the projects that packed them like sardines in areas way from THEM...away from jobs... and gave them just enough money to survive.
Minorities don't live in the real world?

And you think I'M deluded?

Just keep doing what you're doing.
They live in anything but the real world. (Speaking only of inner city blacks, everywhere else they succeed/fail pretty much exactly like any other race.)
A world where your homes are built for you, your income is primarily government handouts, your education is paid for and you are given NO encouragement to succeed and you pay NO price if you don't.
That is not the real world.
Yikes. Okay.
Yikes you don't like what is?
So, specifically, exactly what is inaccurate with what I said?
You never argue specifics, just Trump! Trump! Trump!
Go right ahead and tell me how the Democratic Party has been good for black Americans.
I'll await your response.
But I already know what it is.... nothing substantive.
Since we both already know you'll just dismiss what I say as "nothing substantive" -- as you just admitted -- there is no point. As usual.

I appreciate your saving me the time.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.

Except the entire leadership from the President of the Confederacy on down were members of the democrat dumb twit. The founders of the kkk were democrats.....former Confederate will say they were republicans because we don't have their voter registration cards...but they were confederate officers who fought the republicans during the doofus.

The Democrat Civil war began in 1948 and ended in 1964 when the Northern Democrats allied with the Northern Republican to overcome the Southern filibuster and pass the Civil Rights act.

Personally The country sees that Trumpybear turned most all the former Republicans into Banana Republicans, I think they will soon fade from history.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.

Except the entire leadership from the President of the Confederacy on down were members of the democrat dumb twit. The founders of the kkk were democrats.....former Confederate will say they were republicans because we don't have their voter registration cards...but they were confederate officers who fought the republicans during the doofus.

The Democrat Civil war began in 1948 and ended in 1964 when the Northern Democrats allied with the Northern Republican to overcome the Southern filibuster and pass the Civil Rights act.

Personally The country sees that Trumpybear turned most all the former Republicans into Banana Republicans, I think they will soon fade from history.
And as the south got less racist it become more republican, and the north got more democrat we have our race riots.. thanks democrats
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.
The democrats were far worse than the confederacy because Black people were in the confederacy it was Democrats that wanted them as slaves

White folks in the ill fated and short lived Confederacy believed that holding black folks as slaves in perpetuity (meaning forever, and their kids too!) was their Divine right. Northern Democrats also voted overwhelmingly for the Civil Rights act, as opposed to the Southern Democrats.
You might want to tell black ppl that fought freely for them they were slaves lol or the Latino, or the asians, or the Indians, or the native Americans.. you democrats have told far to many lies

I would but I think they've all been dead for quit some time.

Are you a plant to make Republican look incompetent?

Brilliant move..... brilliant move.
I love it, and it is justified. There is nothing else in America that has more slavery/racism history than the Democratic Party.
Indeed! :auiqs.jpg:
Another bumptious gambit that will accomplish zilch...
Mind-blowing. If anything, blacks will be insulted that these folks think they'll just ignore everything they've seen and experienced in their own lives because of some partisan "resolution".

This kind of shallow thinking just doesn't stop.
It is not shallow at all.
It is a stroke of genius. Nothing but.
AGAIN - if Democrats insist on the cancel movement - then there is nothing - NOTHING - that has created more harm to blacks than the Democratic Party itself. PERIOD.
Okay, it's genius, I'm sure it will really show them Dems a thing or two.
If done right it sure can.
You can't provide argument can you?
It is high time light is shone on just how devastating the Democratic Party has been for black Americans. High time.
Including the 1950s - 1980s when they were packing blacks in like sardines in urban projects - carefully positioned away from THEIR neighborhood and schools.
When it comes to the condition of urban blacks - TODAY - the Democratic Party is the architect/engineer/builder and financier of it.
By all means, go ahead.

I don't know whose mind you think you're changing, but minorities aren't going to be swayed by a partisan "resolution". They live in the real world, and they know who is what.
They do not live in the real world. What an ignorant thing to say. Holy hell.
What happened to you anyway? You were a decent poster before. Trump delusion is so ingrained in your mind - it is clearly all you see, Unable to talk intelligently as you did before.
It is high time black Americans woke up and see that the Democrats simply turned them from being actual slaves - to economic slaves dependent on their handouts instead of opportunities to GET OUT.
The Democrats built the projects that packed them like sardines in areas way from THEM...away from jobs... and gave them just enough money to survive.
Minorities don't live in the real world?

And you think I'M deluded?

Just keep doing what you're doing.
They live in anything but the real world. (Speaking only of inner city blacks, everywhere else they succeed/fail pretty much exactly like any other race.)
A world where your homes are built for you, your income is primarily government handouts, your education is paid for and you are given NO encouragement to succeed and you pay NO price if you don't.
That is not the real world.
Yikes. Okay.
Yikes you don't like what is?
So, specifically, exactly what is inaccurate with what I said?
You never argue specifics, just Trump! Trump! Trump!
Go right ahead and tell me how the Democratic Party has been good for black Americans.
I'll await your response.
But I already know what it is.... nothing substantive.
Since we both already know you'll just dismiss what I say as "nothing substantive" -- as you just admitted -- there is no point. As usual.

I appreciate your saving me the time.
READ: "I have no argument, as usual, so I will duck out and make some excuse not to engage in real talk...cause... that is hard, and all I really want to do is keep saying Orange man bad"
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?
The point is simple... Expose democrats for what they are and what they have been... If were canceling everything attached to racism in america then they need to go to...
And you think minorities will see this and vote for Trump?
Why vote for creepy Joe. Black people should not let their kids around him.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.

Except the entire leadership from the President of the Confederacy on down were members of the democrat dumb twit. The founders of the kkk were democrats.....former Confederate will say they were republicans because we don't have their voter registration cards...but they were confederate officers who fought the republicans during the doofus.

The Democrat Civil war began in 1948 and ended in 1964 when the Northern Democrats allied with the Northern Republican to overcome the Southern filibuster and pass the Civil Rights act.

Personally The country sees that Trumpybear turned most all the former Republicans into Banana Republicans, I think they will soon fade from history.
And as the south got less racist it become more republican, and the north got more democrat we have our race riots.. thanks democrats

Nope, the Southerners continue to vote for their Democrats or Dixiecrats for years after 1964. It wasn't until the the Dixiecrats began to retire that they were replaced by like minded Republicans. But that's about to change thanks to your Orange Mess in the White House.
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?
The point is simple... Expose democrats for what they are and what they have been... If were canceling everything attached to racism in america then they need to go to...
And you think minorities will see this and vote for Trump?
Why vote for creepy Joe. Black people should not let their kids around him.
Because (a) many people agree with him on more on the issues, and (b) Trumpism is ugly.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
The Democrat Party, in its push to remove all vestiges of slavery, statues of former slave holders, names of things related to slave holders, memories of anything related to blatant racism (such as the KKK), opposition to civil rights laws...has accomplished one or more of the following:

  • bitten its own ass.
  • shot itself in both feet.
  • exposed itself as a candidate for cancellation.
  • failed miserably in considering the ramifications.

I will now go to my room and laugh my ass off!!!

To hell with the Democrat Party!


but you know god damn good and well their rules for SOME reason won't apply to them.
Oh, I know they can easily defeat the bill. I just wanna hear the debates on the floor of the House!
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.
The democrats were far worse than the confederacy because Black people were in the confederacy it was Democrats that wanted them as slaves

White folks in the ill fated and short lived Confederacy believed that holding black folks as slaves in perpetuity (meaning forever, and their kids too!) was their Divine right. Northern Democrats also voted overwhelmingly for the Civil Rights act, as opposed to the Southern Democrats.
You might want to tell black ppl that fought freely for them they were slaves lol or the Latino, or the asians, or the Indians, or the native Americans.. you democrats have told far to many lies

I would but I think they've all been dead for quit some time.

Are you a plant to make Republican look incompetent?
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?

To watch progressive morons, like you, go batshit crazy.

It's the best entertainment out there right now.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.
The democrats were far worse than the confederacy because Black people were in the confederacy it was Democrats that wanted them as slaves

White folks in the ill fated and short lived Confederacy believed that holding black folks as slaves in perpetuity (meaning forever, and their kids too!) was their Divine right. Northern Democrats also voted overwhelmingly for the Civil Rights act, as opposed to the Southern Democrats.
You might want to tell black ppl that fought freely for them they were slaves lol or the Latino, or the asians, or the Indians, or the native Americans.. you democrats have told far to many lies

I would but I think they've all been dead for quit some time.

Are you a plant to make Republican look incompetent?
You can even ask Brown skin Brazilians today
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?

To watch progressive morons, like you, go batshit crazy.

It's the best entertainment out there right now.
That's what I've figured.

Nothing constructive, just standard Trumpian playground stuff.

I appreciate your candor.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.

Except the entire leadership from the President of the Confederacy on down were members of the democrat dumb twit. The founders of the kkk were democrats.....former Confederate will say they were republicans because we don't have their voter registration cards...but they were confederate officers who fought the republicans during the doofus.

The Democrat Civil war began in 1948 and ended in 1964 when the Northern Democrats allied with the Northern Republican to overcome the Southern filibuster and pass the Civil Rights act.

Personally The country sees that Trumpybear turned most all the former Republicans into Banana Republicans, I think they will soon fade from history.

Actually I make it 1936 that the intraparty civil war started. That's when FDR, at the height of his power, got the party convention presidential nominating rules changed from a two-thirds majority to a simple (50% plus one) majority, which broke the stranglehold that the Southern contingent had held, especially in 1924, the longest political convention in history with over a hundred ballots, just because it was able to hold up the process.

After 1936 the Second World War intervened but then as noted above in 1948, the first convention after that war, that Southern contingent (or a large part of it) walked out after hearing too much about "civil rights" and ran its own candidates (shades of 1860), Thurmond and Wright. Thurmond next ran for Senate and the state Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot. So the seeds for that schism had been sown for a while -- 1936 if not 1924 if not 1860.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.

Except the entire leadership from the President of the Confederacy on down were members of the democrat dumb twit. The founders of the kkk were democrats.....former Confederate will say they were republicans because we don't have their voter registration cards...but they were confederate officers who fought the republicans during the doofus.

The Democrat Civil war began in 1948 and ended in 1964 when the Northern Democrats allied with the Northern Republican to overcome the Southern filibuster and pass the Civil Rights act.

Personally The country sees that Trumpybear turned most all the former Republicans into Banana Republicans, I think they will soon fade from history.
And as the south got less racist it become more republican, and the north got more democrat we have our race riots.. thanks democrats

Race riots have been going on as long as there's been racism --- particularly in the early 20th century, the same period the UDC was running around planting propaganda transmitters to whitewash the Civil War and broadcast the mindset that Slavery wasn't all that bad. You know, the Confederate statues.

The worst year was 1919, called the "Red Sumner", and the worst event was the Tulsa Race Riot in 1921.

Way to ignore your own history, Doofus.
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?
The point is simple... Expose democrats for what they are and what they have been... If were canceling everything attached to racism in america then they need to go to...
And you think minorities will see this and vote for Trump?
Why vote for creepy Joe. Black people should not let their kids around him.
Because (a) many people agree with him on more on the issues, and (b) Trumpism is ugly.

Easiest question I'll get all day.
Which, again, you are saying nothing but Orange Man Bad.
You rarely, if ever, quantify you broad meaningless jibes.
And this thread is a perfect example. You say nothing specific, not substantive, nothing meaningful other than "Trump, he bad man, bad-bad man".
You can train a parrot to say that.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.
/——/ Yeah, right, you screwball. Southern Democrats - Wikipedia
In the 19th century, Southern Democrats were whites in the South who believed in Jacksonian democracy. In the 1850s they defended slavery in the United States, and promoted its expansion into the West against northern Free Soil opposition. The United States presidential election of 1860formalized the split in the Democratic Party and brought about the American Civil War. Stephen Douglas was the candidate for the Northern Democratic Party, and John C. Breckinridge represented the Southern Democratic Party, Abraham Lincoln, who opposed slavery was the Republican Party candidate.

**NONE** of this refutes or even addresses at all, anything I just laid out about the Confederacy not having political parties (there was no Confederacy in the 1850s), OR about the Klan.
/-----/ So you're saying the democRAT party disappeared during the Civil War and reemerged after the war ended?

Wow, did something actually sink in here?

Yep, Tennessee seceded in 1861. At that point it was no longer part of the United States. During the short term of the CSA, that country had no political parties. It was readmitted to this country in 1866. The Klan however was founded in `1865 --- outside the United States and outside of its political parties.

You don't have political parties in a place where you don't have political OFFICES. That's one reason I can challenge these yahoos to find any political party affiliation for the Klan founders I keep listing in detail. They can't. It doesn't exist.
/----/ The slave owners were democRATs before, during, and after the CW. Deal with it.
NOBODY was a slave owner after the CW. Linear time, deal with that. There's number one.

Inasmuch as the only slave owners DURING the CW who had a political party were in the North where their state's abolishment had not come into full effect, they could have had any party (fun fact: the last POTUS to have been a slaveowner was Ulysses Grant). That's number two.

At *NO* time before during or after the CW, OR before we were a country, was it necessary to affiliate with any political party at all. It simply isn't part of slaveowning and never has been. That's number two and a half.

And for the over three hundred years that there was slavery on this continent before there was a Democratic Party, by definition ZERO of those slaveowneers were "Democrats" --- again, simple case of that entity not existing. That's number three. And I believe we've covered Before, During and After. But perhaps there's another demention in Flooby Dust Land where we haven't touched.

Prove ANY of that wrong.
/----/ " NOBODY was a slave owner after the CW. Linear time, deal with that. "
I forgot I'm dealing with a public school-educated libtard moonbat and everything has to be spelled out for you. My bad.
An example: Bart Smith, was one of the slaveowners before, and during the CW. After the war, he was one of the old or former slave owners, but he would always be branded as such for the rest of his life. I can understand how you would be confused. Now a history lesson on how slavery continued after the end of the war:

The 13th Amendment didn’t make all forms of slavery illegal. It kept one exception. Slavery, it ruled, was still permitted “as a punishment for crime.”

All the Southern states had to do was find a reason to arrest their former slaves, and they could legally throw them right back on the plantation. So, Southern politicians set up a series of laws called the “Black Codes” that let them arrest black people for almost anything.

In Mississippi, a black person could be arrested for anything from using obscene language to selling cotton after sunset. If he was as much as caught using a bad word, he could be charged, leased out as a slave laborer, and put to work in chain gangs and work camps on farms, mines, and quarries.

It happened a lot. By 1898, 73 percent of Alabama’s revenue came from leasing out convicts as slaves.[1]
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

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Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?

To watch progressive morons, like you, go batshit crazy.

It's the best entertainment out there right now.
That's what I've figured.

Nothing constructive, just standard Trumpian playground stuff.

I appreciate your candor.

Pot, meet kettle. You're just too stupid to figure it out.

All you have is "orange man bad" ruling your tiny little brain.

Like I said before, you're a parrot. Nothing more.

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