Republicans Introduce Legislation To Ban Democratic Party

Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?
It is brilliant. I love it.
In Chicago, in the middle of the night while no one was looking - city workers removed a statue of Columbus.
If the Democrats are going to insist on removing all traces of America's darker past, then they should look in the mirror and remove an organization with THE most racist past in U.S. history: The Democratic Party
You didn't answer my questions.

What do you think this will accomplish?

Well, if the left wants us to remove anything and everything which can be shown to have even a remote connection to slavery, and insists on removing statues of people who owned slaves from the public square, shouldn't we also target the very party which is so richly tied to racism?
If you want to ignore what is happening on the Right and focus on the Left, great, go ahead.

I don't know who you think is buying this, but that's up to you.
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?

To watch progressive morons, like you, go batshit crazy.

It's the best entertainment out there right now.
That's what I've figured.

Nothing constructive, just standard Trumpian playground stuff.

I appreciate your candor.

Pot, meet kettle. You're just too stupid to figure it out.

All you have is "orange man bad" ruling your tiny little brain.

Like I said before, you're a parrot. Nothing more.
You completely miss the fact, something I point out regularly, that my concern is with Trumpism, not Trump. A cultural, sociological, anthropological concern.

But that's okay, you're extra super smart 'n stuff. You just must have missed the memo.

And all you have is "orange man bad" BS. You NEVER present why "trumpism" is so evil. You merely make vague statements about how bad it is but never point to a single fact to support your idiotic claim. Trumpism merely means to me that I support Trump in his efforts to save this Republic. We have actual real evidence of how the political elite are selling this country to the chinese and pootin and so called middle of the roader you merely grunt and go "orange man bad' instead of addressing the actual, real evidence that is presented.

That makes you nothing more than a progressive parrot with no critical thinking ability of your own.
Okay got it!

No, you simply aren't smart enough to "get it". And that is sad.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.

Except the entire leadership from the President of the Confederacy on down were members of the democrat dumb twit. The founders of the kkk were democrats.....former Confederate will say they were republicans because we don't have their voter registration cards...but they were confederate officers who fought the republicans during the doofus.

The Democrat Civil war began in 1948 and ended in 1964 when the Northern Democrats allied with the Northern Republican to overcome the Southern filibuster and pass the Civil Rights act.

Personally The country sees that Trumpybear turned most all the former Republicans into Banana Republicans, I think they will soon fade from history.

Actually I make it 1936 that the intraparty civil war started. That's when FDR, at the height of his power, got the party convention presidential nominating rules changed from a two-thirds majority to a simple (50% plus one) majority, which broke the stranglehold that the Southern contingent had held, especially in 1924, the longest political convention in history with over a hundred ballots, just because it was able to hold up the process.

After 1936 the Second World War intervened but then as noted above in 1948, the first convention after that war, that Southern contingent (or a large part of it) walked out after hearing too much about "civil rights" and ran its own candidates (shades of 1860), Thurmond and Wright. Thurmond next ran for Senate and the state Democratic Party kicked him off the ballot. So the seeds for that schism had been sown for a while -- 1936 if not 1924 if not 1860.
We can say many things. FDR was a globalist. We were kept in a false Depression until the Second World War was started and we became part of it. The end result was the further reorginization of the world order into less states with more alliances. This a further push from World War 1.

"We can say many things" indeed but zero of what you've said here has jack friggety to do with the question of internecine divisions within the Democratic Party. Perhaps it would pay to actually *read* the post you quote, before wandering off into some unconnected tangent.
It is so hilarious to think that repubs are now the savior...
This stuff is all pretty transparent. These folks are well aware of the sins of the modern-day Right (many of them no doubt participate, most of them enable it), so they're working overtime to deflect. Their current favored tactic is to bring up history. Fooling absolutely no one.

So now we have both the Regressive SJW Left and the Trumpster Right spraying the term "racism" around like water in an obvious effort to avoid looking in the mirror. How similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.

No honest conversation on race will take place in this country unless and until those two groups are recognized as the problem and marginalized.

Correct, no honest discussion on race will occur until you are honest enough to admit that the country, as a whole, is not racist, that Trump is PROVABLY not racist, and that your entire belief system is flawed.
It is so hilarious to think that repubs are now the savior...
This stuff is all pretty transparent. These folks are well aware of the sins of the modern-day Right (many of them no doubt participate, most of them enable it), so they're working overtime to deflect. Their current favored tactic is to bring up history. Fooling absolutely no one.

So now we have both the Regressive SJW Left and the Trumpster Right spraying the term "racism" around like water in an obvious effort to avoid looking in the mirror. How similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.

No honest conversation on race will take place in this country unless and until those two groups are recognized as the problem and marginalized.

Correct, no honest discussion on race will occur until you are honest enough to admit that the country, as a whole, is not racist, that Trump is PROVABLY not racist, and that your entire belief system is flawed.
I can see how desperate you are for my attention.

I'm afraid I don't care about you or your opinion. Sorry.
It is so hilarious to think that repubs are now the savior...
This stuff is all pretty transparent. These folks are well aware of the sins of the modern-day Right (many of them no doubt participate, most of them enable it), so they're working overtime to deflect. Their current favored tactic is to bring up history. Fooling absolutely no one.

So now we have both the Regressive SJW Left and the Trumpster Right spraying the term "racism" around like water in an obvious effort to avoid looking in the mirror. How similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.

No honest conversation on race will take place in this country unless and until those two groups are recognized as the problem and marginalized.

Correct, no honest discussion on race will occur until you are honest enough to admit that the country, as a whole, is not racist, that Trump is PROVABLY not racist, and that your entire belief system is flawed.
I can see how desperate you are for my attention.

I'm afraid I don't care about you or your opinion. Sorry.
shit dude, you're not even a good troll anymore either.

you just went out and got yourself beyond totally useless.
It is so hilarious to think that repubs are now the savior...
This stuff is all pretty transparent. These folks are well aware of the sins of the modern-day Right (many of them no doubt participate, most of them enable it), so they're working overtime to deflect. Their current favored tactic is to bring up history. Fooling absolutely no one.

So now we have both the Regressive SJW Left and the Trumpster Right spraying the term "racism" around like water in an obvious effort to avoid looking in the mirror. How similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.

No honest conversation on race will take place in this country unless and until those two groups are recognized as the problem and marginalized.

Correct, no honest discussion on race will occur until you are honest enough to admit that the country, as a whole, is not racist, that Trump is PROVABLY not racist, and that your entire belief system is flawed.
I can see how desperate you are for my attention.

I'm afraid I don't care about you or your opinion. Sorry.
shit dude, you're not even a good troll anymore either.

you just went out and got yourself beyond totally useless.
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?
It is brilliant. I love it.
In Chicago, in the middle of the night while no one was looking - city workers removed a statue of Columbus.
If the Democrats are going to insist on removing all traces of America's darker past, then they should look in the mirror and remove an organization with THE most racist past in U.S. history: The Democratic Party
You didn't answer my questions.

What do you think this will accomplish?

Well, if the left wants us to remove anything and everything which can be shown to have even a remote connection to slavery, and insists on removing statues of people who owned slaves from the public square, shouldn't we also target the very party which is so richly tied to racism?
If you want to ignore what is happening on the Right and focus on the Left, great, go ahead.

I don't know who you think is buying this, but that's up to you.
yea, and you're focusing on both sides yourself, huh??? :)

perfect example of do as i say shit that no one is putting up with anymore.

should i paypal you $20 for more trollschooling?
Yeah, this will convince minorities to change their minds about Trumpsters.

Mac1958.... circa 2020, all he knows

View attachment 366727
Hey, tell me:

What is the ultimate goal here? What are they trying to accomplish?

What minds will be changed, and why? What is the point of this exercise?
It is brilliant. I love it.
In Chicago, in the middle of the night while no one was looking - city workers removed a statue of Columbus.
If the Democrats are going to insist on removing all traces of America's darker past, then they should look in the mirror and remove an organization with THE most racist past in U.S. history: The Democratic Party
You didn't answer my questions.

What do you think this will accomplish?

Well, if the left wants us to remove anything and everything which can be shown to have even a remote connection to slavery, and insists on removing statues of people who owned slaves from the public square, shouldn't we also target the very party which is so richly tied to racism?
If you want to ignore what is happening on the Right and focus on the Left, great, go ahead.

I don't know who you think is buying this, but that's up to you.
yea, and you're focusing on both sides yourself, huh??? :)

perfect example of do as i say shit that no one is putting up with anymore.

should i paypal you $20 for more trollschooling?
Sure, thanks!
Yes he did. And that's all you can ask from anyone. We see by the republicans here what the republican party is about. They are racist, yet try gaslighting every chance they get. Colin Powell started to run for president in 1996 but got threats from people who were going to expose his wife's mental problems. He certainly was qualified so Blaylock is lying.

Colin Powell was a liberal and no thinking Republican or conservative wanted him as president - it wasn't because of his skin color. The problem with racists is that they see everything through race-colored lenses. If you walk past my car and I lock my door, it's because you're black. But you don't see that if anyone, even white men in suits and ties, walks past my car and my door is not locke, I lock my door. There's plenty of individual racists and racism in all races but not everything that happens between people of different races is about race. It's only about race to the racist.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Republicans, being mostly uneducated idiots, seem to be outlawing themselves, since their candidate, and president, U.S. Grant, was a slaveholder. Then again, I shouldn't have mentioned it, since we depend on the GOP to self-destruct through ignorance on a regular basis.

  • Grant was a slaveholder through his wife Julia. When Richmond fell to the Union army, only one person was allowed to be escorted through the streets of Richmond by a servant. That person was Julia Dent Grant and she openly flaunted that fact.

Sorry petunia, Grant and Lincoln freed the slaves and you can't just rewrite history to make you feel all warn and fuzzy.

Well, pal, I did not see anything in the GOP bill being proposed that exempted Grant from having his party banned for getting a slaveholder elected. But, then, the GOP seldom mentions Grant, since he had the single most corrupt administration up to 2016.

You can sit around penning revisionist history all you want but it can't change the fact that Lincoln and Grant freed the slaves and kicked you Democrats to the curb.

My only question is why are you now toppling your participation trophy statues of the Civil War? Is it so you can rewrite history without them? That's all you've been doing.

Writing history back to what it really was. Until about 1900, southern military officers were widely considered traitors to the nation, and no statues were built. Then the KKK grew strong and changed history to make them hero's. Now, they are being put back into the traitor to the nation class, where they should have been all along.
It is so hilarious to think that repubs are now the savior...
This stuff is all pretty transparent. These folks are well aware of the sins of the modern-day Right (many of them no doubt participate, most of them enable it), so they're working overtime to deflect. Their current favored tactic is to bring up history. Fooling absolutely no one.

So now we have both the Regressive SJW Left and the Trumpster Right spraying the term "racism" around like water in an obvious effort to avoid looking in the mirror. How similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.

No honest conversation on race will take place in this country unless and until those two groups are recognized as the problem and marginalized.

Correct, no honest discussion on race will occur until you are honest enough to admit that the country, as a whole, is not racist, that Trump is PROVABLY not racist, and that your entire belief system is flawed.

Trump had charges filed by the Justice Department alleging racial bias at his family’s real-estate company back in the 70's

"He said, 'Well, I'm only doing what my boss told me to do — I am not allowed to rent to black tenants, This was said by the apt manager. It was a case that charges Donald Trump, Fred Trump and their company of race bias in housing rentals
In the end they settle with no admission of guilt but they had take certain measures such as placing adds in the paper saying that they welcomed black people etc. Yet for 2 years he fought the case only to in the end take the deal . 3 years later the government said that he had breached the consent decree. Trump dragged the case on until eventually the decree ended at a certain point in time.

In his last act as Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum curtailing enforcement programs and consent decrees across the board when it comes to discrimination.

Another incident which showed his racism was when he placed ads in the paper calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent . He acted as judge, jury and proposed execution before they were even found guilty by a court of law of a crime.

His bandwagon approach to Obama not being a citizen. Making accusation based on no credible evidence that he was not a citizen other than right wing stories. Still talking about the birth certificate after Obama had left office as if it matters after he left office.
It is so hilarious to think that repubs are now the savior...
This stuff is all pretty transparent. These folks are well aware of the sins of the modern-day Right (many of them no doubt participate, most of them enable it), so they're working overtime to deflect. Their current favored tactic is to bring up history. Fooling absolutely no one.

So now we have both the Regressive SJW Left and the Trumpster Right spraying the term "racism" around like water in an obvious effort to avoid looking in the mirror. How similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.

No honest conversation on race will take place in this country unless and until those two groups are recognized as the problem and marginalized.

Correct, no honest discussion on race will occur until you are honest enough to admit that the country, as a whole, is not racist, that Trump is PROVABLY not racist, and that your entire belief system is flawed.

Trump had charges filed by the Justice Department alleging racial bias at his family’s real-estate company back in the 70's

"He said, 'Well, I'm only doing what my boss told me to do — I am not allowed to rent to black tenants, This was said by the apt manager. It was a case that charges Donald Trump, Fred Trump and their company of race bias in housing rentals
In the end they settle with no admission of guilt but they had take certain measures such as placing adds in the paper saying that they welcomed black people etc. Yet for 2 years he fought the case only to in the end take the deal . 3 years later the government said that he had breached the consent decree. Trump dragged the case on until eventually the decree ended at a certain point in time.

In his last act as Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum curtailing enforcement programs and consent decrees across the board when it comes to discrimination.

Another incident which showed his racism was when he placed ads in the paper calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent . He acted as judge, jury and proposed execution before they were even found guilty by a court of law of a crime.

His bandwagon approach to Obama not being a citizen. Making accusation based on no credible evidence that he was not a citizen other than right wing stories. Still talking about the birth certificate after Obama had left office as if it matters after he left office.
that's a whole lot of generic 1970s "i'll take some random word for it" shit you'd never allow your way.

funny how that works, huh?

Brilliant move..... brilliant move.
I love it, and it is justified. There is nothing else in America that has more slavery/racism history than the Democratic Party.

Yes, things are getting desperate, ain't they. Another case of trying to do something stupid to try and save the Orange Deity. But this action doesn't even border on stupidity. It's way beyond that.
The Democrat Party, in its push to remove all vestiges of slavery, statues of former slave holders, names of things related to slave holders, memories of anything related to blatant racism (such as the KKK), opposition to civil rights laws...has accomplished one or more of the following:

  • bitten its own ass.
  • shot itself in both feet.
  • exposed itself as a candidate for cancellation.
  • failed miserably in considering the ramifications.

I will now go to my room and laugh my ass off!!!

To hell with the Democrat Party!


but you know god damn good and well their rules for SOME reason won't apply to them.
Oh, I know they can easily defeat the bill. I just wanna hear the debates on the floor of the House!

Me too. Vaudeville is back.
It is so hilarious to think that repubs are now the savior...
This stuff is all pretty transparent. These folks are well aware of the sins of the modern-day Right (many of them no doubt participate, most of them enable it), so they're working overtime to deflect. Their current favored tactic is to bring up history. Fooling absolutely no one.

So now we have both the Regressive SJW Left and the Trumpster Right spraying the term "racism" around like water in an obvious effort to avoid looking in the mirror. How similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.

No honest conversation on race will take place in this country unless and until those two groups are recognized as the problem and marginalized.

Correct, no honest discussion on race will occur until you are honest enough to admit that the country, as a whole, is not racist, that Trump is PROVABLY not racist, and that your entire belief system is flawed.

Trump had charges filed by the Justice Department alleging racial bias at his family’s real-estate company back in the 70's

"He said, 'Well, I'm only doing what my boss told me to do — I am not allowed to rent to black tenants, This was said by the apt manager. It was a case that charges Donald Trump, Fred Trump and their company of race bias in housing rentals
In the end they settle with no admission of guilt but they had take certain measures such as placing adds in the paper saying that they welcomed black people etc. Yet for 2 years he fought the case only to in the end take the deal . 3 years later the government said that he had breached the consent decree. Trump dragged the case on until eventually the decree ended at a certain point in time.

In his last act as Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum curtailing enforcement programs and consent decrees across the board when it comes to discrimination.

Another incident which showed his racism was when he placed ads in the paper calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent . He acted as judge, jury and proposed execution before they were even found guilty by a court of law of a crime.

His bandwagon approach to Obama not being a citizen. Making accusation based on no credible evidence that he was not a citizen other than right wing stories. Still talking about the birth certificate after Obama had left office as if it matters after he left office.
that's a whole lot of generic 1970s "i'll take some random word for it" shit you'd never allow your way.

funny how that works, huh?

Yeah it is funny how well it is documented that it happen but you would have to want to read about it for yourself and respond instead of just making assumptions.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

take your finger and shuf it write up Drunk Nancy Pelosi fat BUTT Democrates are garbage they have 2020 left as a perty and after they loose the House and Republicans hold the Senate and POTUS they will all be depoted to Russia with Hillary and CNN and this will complete their misery
It is so hilarious to think that repubs are now the savior...
This stuff is all pretty transparent. These folks are well aware of the sins of the modern-day Right (many of them no doubt participate, most of them enable it), so they're working overtime to deflect. Their current favored tactic is to bring up history. Fooling absolutely no one.

So now we have both the Regressive SJW Left and the Trumpster Right spraying the term "racism" around like water in an obvious effort to avoid looking in the mirror. How similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.

No honest conversation on race will take place in this country unless and until those two groups are recognized as the problem and marginalized.

Correct, no honest discussion on race will occur until you are honest enough to admit that the country, as a whole, is not racist, that Trump is PROVABLY not racist, and that your entire belief system is flawed.

Trump had charges filed by the Justice Department alleging racial bias at his family’s real-estate company back in the 70's

"He said, 'Well, I'm only doing what my boss told me to do — I am not allowed to rent to black tenants, This was said by the apt manager. It was a case that charges Donald Trump, Fred Trump and their company of race bias in housing rentals
In the end they settle with no admission of guilt but they had take certain measures such as placing adds in the paper saying that they welcomed black people etc. Yet for 2 years he fought the case only to in the end take the deal . 3 years later the government said that he had breached the consent decree. Trump dragged the case on until eventually the decree ended at a certain point in time.

In his last act as Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum curtailing enforcement programs and consent decrees across the board when it comes to discrimination.

Another incident which showed his racism was when he placed ads in the paper calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent . He acted as judge, jury and proposed execution before they were even found guilty by a court of law of a crime.

His bandwagon approach to Obama not being a citizen. Making accusation based on no credible evidence that he was not a citizen other than right wing stories. Still talking about the birth certificate after Obama had left office as if it matters after he left office.
that's a whole lot of generic 1970s "i'll take some random word for it" shit you'd never allow your way.

funny how that works, huh?

Yeah it is funny how well it is documented that it happen but you would have to want to read about it for yourself and respond instead of just making assumptions.
why do we also have many promonate black leaders with Trump thanking him for his support?

You are making shit up cause you hate Trump and that speaks volumes to your mental. age, boy.

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