Republicans Introduce Legislation To Ban Democratic Party

Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.

You're correct that there is no longer a Democrat Party, They are in name only now and have been fully infiltrated by the Marxist Socialist CPUSA now known as the Democrat Socialists of America.

Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.

/—-/ Ok Spanky. The Democratic Party. Happy now?

Don't tell me --- tell the OP. Maybe he could learn to spell.

And yes we did do this thread already. I reported it and it should be merged so buckle up.
ARe you fucking kidding me? That you would go to such a ridiculous site as politifact that is such a left wing rag that would lie about history?
Nathan Bedford Forrest a member of the Southern White Democrat Party fought for the south. Against the United States of America. He created the Klan, he was a Democrat, yes the Democrats created and joined the Klan...

Ku Klux Klan

Forrest did NOT in any way "create the Klan". He did however abolish it.
He did however abolish it.

So the Klan doesn't exist?


The original Klan officially ceased to exist in January of 1869 when Forrest, who had been drafted in absentia and given a title, issued his first and only General Order No. 1, abolishing the organization forever and ordering its regalia to be destroyed.

This of course did not stop regional Klanners from continuing to play dress-up on their own without benefit of an official organization, which is what they were doing before they drafted Forrest anyway. It's also what David Dookey did.

But Forrest was not at all present at the original founding in 1865 by six ex-soldiers in their mid-twenties in Pulaski Tennessee. So claiming "he founded the Klan" is just ignance.
So you lied.

Got it.

Once again ---- Nape.

I don't need to lie. I have the actual history.

Here they are, all the names in alpha order, just for your wangly ass, the founders of the Ku Klux Klan, at 205 West Madison Street in Pulaski Tennessee, Christmas 1865:

  1. (Maj) James R. Crowe
  2. Calvin Jones
  3. (Capt) John Booker Kennedy
  4. (Capt) John Lester
  5. (Maj) Frank O. McCord
  6. Richard R. Reed

--- see any "Forrest" in there, Bungles?

I've got their picture too. Say the word.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.

Given that the Republicans have failed to elect any African Americans to the presidency or vice presidency in all this time....they really don't have a leg to stand on in this.
/—-/ Identity politics is libtard hallmark. We nominate the best qualified.
That's right, folks.

Any political party that was associated with slavery should be dismantled tomorrow.

"Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) introduced a House resolution Thursday calling on lawmakers to ban organizations or political groups that have historically supported the Confederacy or slavery in the U.S., a list he said includes the Democratic Party.

“A great portion of the history of the Democratic Party is filled with racism and hatred. Since people are demanding we rid ourselves of the entities, symbols, and reminders of the repugnant aspects of our past, then the time has come for Democrats to acknowledge their party’s loathsome and bigoted past, and consider changing their party name to something that isn’t so blatantly and offensively tied to slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination, and the Ku Klux Klan,” Gohmert said in a statement."

Once AGAIN the Confederacy had no political parties. It was not "supported" by Democrats. Fun fact: Lincoln's vice-president ....... was a Democrat. As for "ties to the Ku Klux Klan", Ed Jackson, Rice Means, George Luis Baker, Owen Brewster, D.C. Stephenson, Albert Johnston, Clarence Morley, Ben Paulen and David Duke find that faux pas hilarious.

It ain't surprising that this lunacy came from Louie Gohmert. That screwball's an embarrassment to Texas.

Given that the Republicans have failed to elect any African Americans to the presidency or vice presidency in all this time....they really don't have a leg to stand on in this.
/—-/ Identity politics is libtard hallmark. We nominate the best qualified.

Best qualified at what? Mafia style operations? Mussolini look alikes?
The Dimwinger party is the party of racists........................

Formed the KKK.

Official Party Platform supported slavery, and opposed abolition.

Filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Racists, every single one of them.
The Dimwinger party is the party of racists........................

Formed the KKK.

Official Party Platform supported slavery, and opposed abolition.

Filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Racists, every single one of them.

You can post your masturbatory fantasies all you like but it doesn't affect historical reality.
Which I already gave you in post 223.

And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
The Dimwinger party is the party of racists........................

Formed the KKK.

Official Party Platform supported slavery, and opposed abolition.

Filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Racists, every single one of them.

You can post your masturbatory fantasies all you like but it doesn't affect historical reality.
Which I already gave you in post 223.

And there's not a damn thing you can do about it.
Racists always try to spin their racism away.

It's not working, racist.
Writing history back to what it really was. Until about 1900, southern military officers were widely considered traitors to the nation, and no statues were built. Then the KKK grew strong and changed history to make them hero's. Now, they are being put back into the traitor to the nation class, where they should have been all along.
So, what you're saying is that all those statues were erected by the Democrats. Got it. Maybe in that case, if the Democrats erected them, maybe it's OK for them to take them down, if they only would just admit that they're trying to hide their racist roots - destroying evidence.
Writing history back to what it really was. Until about 1900, southern military officers were widely considered traitors to the nation, and no statues were built. Then the KKK grew strong and changed history to make them hero's. Now, they are being put back into the traitor to the nation class, where they should have been all along.
So, what you're saying is that all those statues were erected by the Democrats. Got it. Maybe in that case, if the Democrats erected them, maybe it's OK for them to take them down, if they only would just admit that they're trying to hide their racist roots - destroying evidence.

Spin it anyway you want, but if you have an 8th grade knowledge level of history, you would know that the racist democrats left the Democratic Party ion 1948 to join the "Dixiecrats" party, to vote Strum Thurman for president. When that didn't work out, they drifterd on to the Republican Party when Kennedy ran, and completed that movement when LBJ was president. You know, I really don't have time to teach you remedial history. Look in to a community college in your area.
Writing history back to what it really was. Until about 1900, southern military officers were widely considered traitors to the nation, and no statues were built. Then the KKK grew strong and changed history to make them hero's. Now, they are being put back into the traitor to the nation class, where they should have been all along.
So, what you're saying is that all those statues were erected by the Democrats. Got it. Maybe in that case, if the Democrats erected them, maybe it's OK for them to take them down, if they only would just admit that they're trying to hide their racist roots - destroying evidence.

Spin it anyway you want, but if you have an 8th grade knowledge level of history, you would know that the racist democrats left the Democratic Party ion 1948 to join the "Dixiecrats" party, to vote Strum Thurman for president. When that didn't work out, they drifterd on to the Republican Party when Kennedy ran, and completed that movement when LBJ was president. You know, I really don't have time to teach you remedial history. Look in to a community college in your area.
/——/ 100% Spin City. I grew up in the segregated south. My parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles all were Republicans and told me about the slave owning democRATs. And, no, they didn’t all magically switch to the GOP one stormy night.
Writing history back to what it really was. Until about 1900, southern military officers were widely considered traitors to the nation, and no statues were built. Then the KKK grew strong and changed history to make them hero's. Now, they are being put back into the traitor to the nation class, where they should have been all along.
So, what you're saying is that all those statues were erected by the Democrats. Got it. Maybe in that case, if the Democrats erected them, maybe it's OK for them to take them down, if they only would just admit that they're trying to hide their racist roots - destroying evidence.

Actually they were erected almost entirely by the UDC.

Which at the same time affixed a plaque on a building in Tennessee commemorating that site as the birthplace of the first Klan (even though it wasn't then what it would later become) and commissioned Gutzon Borglum to carve a bas-relief Confederate mural into Stone Mountain Georgia, the site of the founding of the second Klan.

So no, no political parties were involved. Erecting statues has something in common with lynching and slaveowning ---- it doesn't involve political parties.

I know right WHO KNEW something could actually take place on Planet Earth outside the pitifully lame dichotomy of "Democrats and Republicans". What a stunner.
Writing history back to what it really was. Until about 1900, southern military officers were widely considered traitors to the nation, and no statues were built. Then the KKK grew strong and changed history to make them hero's. Now, they are being put back into the traitor to the nation class, where they should have been all along.
So, what you're saying is that all those statues were erected by the Democrats. Got it. Maybe in that case, if the Democrats erected them, maybe it's OK for them to take them down, if they only would just admit that they're trying to hide their racist roots - destroying evidence.

Spin it anyway you want, but if you have an 8th grade knowledge level of history, you would know that the racist democrats left the Democratic Party ion 1948 to join the "Dixiecrats" party, to vote Strum Thurman for president. When that didn't work out, they drifterd on to the Republican Party when Kennedy ran, and completed that movement when LBJ was president. You know, I really don't have time to teach you remedial history. Look in to a community college in your area.
/——/ 100% Spin City. I grew up in the segregated south. My parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles all were Republicans and told me about the slave owning democRATs. And, no, they didn’t all magically switch to the GOP one stormy night.

Sorry, pal. You are flat wrong. It was Truman who desegregated the military. It was LBJ that signed the major Civil Rights laws.It was George Wallace who attracted all the rest of the racists Democrats to his 3rd party run. As for growing up in the South, I grew up in Georgia in the 1950's and 60's. I lived it. And I won't be silent now that the Trumpettes are trying to bring back the days of bigotry and hatred..
Writing history back to what it really was. Until about 1900, southern military officers were widely considered traitors to the nation, and no statues were built. Then the KKK grew strong and changed history to make them hero's. Now, they are being put back into the traitor to the nation class, where they should have been all along.
So, what you're saying is that all those statues were erected by the Democrats. Got it. Maybe in that case, if the Democrats erected them, maybe it's OK for them to take them down, if they only would just admit that they're trying to hide their racist roots - destroying evidence.

Spin it anyway you want, but if you have an 8th grade knowledge level of history, you would know that the racist democrats left the Democratic Party ion 1948 to join the "Dixiecrats" party, to vote Strum Thurman for president. When that didn't work out, they drifterd on to the Republican Party when Kennedy ran, and completed that movement when LBJ was president. You know, I really don't have time to teach you remedial history. Look in to a community college in your area.
/——/ 100% Spin City. I grew up in the segregated south. My parents and grandparents, aunts and uncles all were Republicans and told me about the slave owning democRATs. And, no, they didn’t all magically switch to the GOP one stormy night.

Sorry, pal. You are flat wrong. It was Truman who desegregated the military. It was LBJ that signed the major Civil Rights laws.It was George Wallace who attracted all the rest of the racists Democrats to his 3rd party run. As for growing up in the South, I grew up in Georgia in the 1950's and 60's. I lived it. And I won't be silent now that the Trumpettes are trying to bring back the days of bigotry and hatred..
/----/ " It was LBJ that signed the major Civil Rights laws. "
With the help of the GOP to stop the fillibuster by the democrats including Al Gore's daddy and Billy Clinton's mentor, William Fullbright.
Writing history back to what it really was. Until about 1900, southern military officers were widely considered traitors to the nation, and no statues were built. Then the KKK grew strong and changed history to make them hero's. Now, they are being put back into the traitor to the nation class, where they should have been all along.
So, what you're saying is that all those statues were erected by the Democrats. Got it. Maybe in that case, if the Democrats erected them, maybe it's OK for them to take them down, if they only would just admit that they're trying to hide their racist roots - destroying evidence.

Spin it anyway you want, but if you have an 8th grade knowledge level of history, you would know that the racist democrats left the Democratic Party ion 1948 to join the "Dixiecrats" party, to vote Strum Thurman for president. When that didn't work out, they drifterd on to the Republican Party when Kennedy ran, and completed that movement when LBJ was president. You know, I really don't have time to teach you remedial history. Look in to a community college in your area.

That's completely made up shit. The Democrats have always been the party of slavery and racism. It has been the Democrats, for instance, that stopped anti-lynching bills over 100 times until Pelosi finally voted for one in 2020. LBJ, using the N word in 1964.. Some claim he never did say he'd keep them voting Democrat for 200 years but he did. The claims that he didn't admit that they can't prove he didn't.

So, at least until 1968, the Democrat was racist... well, actually, at least until 2020. They still vote against school choice, charter schools, opportunity, self-defense for black communities, and now, to remove the police from black neighborhoods resulting in the murder of hundreds of innocent black people, including black infants. The Democrats fight viciously in support of putting abortion clinics in black neighborhoods where 35% of all black pregnancies end in abortion. Black population growth is the lowest of all races in the US. Their position gets weaker and weaker but Republican or conservative blacks get stronger and stronger.

Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.

No such thing as a Republican Party either? Yet you blame Republicans for everything. I'm not sure what it is that Nancy Pelosi leads... and no KKK. So Robert Byrd was a leader of nothing..
Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.

No such thing as a Republican Party either? Yet you blame Republicans for everything. I'm not sure what it is that Nancy Pelosi leads... and no KKK. So Robert Byrd was a leader of nothing..

It's no longer the Republican Party. It's the Party of the Rump which has nothing in common with the Republican Party.
Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.

No such thing as a Republican Party either? Yet you blame Republicans for everything. I'm not sure what it is that Nancy Pelosi leads... and no KKK. So Robert Byrd was a leader of nothing..

Sure there is. But there is no such thing as the Republic Party. See what I did there?

As far as Byrd I believe what he was leader of is called "the Senate".
Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.

No such thing as a Republican Party either? Yet you blame Republicans for everything. I'm not sure what it is that Nancy Pelosi leads... and no KKK. So Robert Byrd was a leader of nothing..

It's no longer the Republican Party. It's the Party of the Rump which has nothing in common with the Republican Party.

They both begin with an R though. As in "retarded".

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