Republicans Introduce Legislation To Ban Democratic Party

Don't care if you say the Dems are the originators of slavery, maybe, maybe not.
There is no way to change the past, WE can do something about the present.
Don't care if you say the Dems are the originators of slavery, maybe, maybe not.
There is no way to change the past, WE can do something about the present.

Clearly changing the past is what the OP and Louie Louie Gomer are going for here, but seeing as how Martin van Buren, who first organized the Democratic Party, became its first POTUS candidate in 1836, and seeing as how that was exactly 310 years after captured African slaves were first brought to this continent, and seeing as how by then they had already been brought to the Caribbean and South America where the Democratic Party has never existed, there is no "maybe" about it. The entire thread, and its raving imbecilic Congresscritter, are selling mythology.
It is so hilarious to think that repubs are now the savior...
This stuff is all pretty transparent. These folks are well aware of the sins of the modern-day Right (many of them no doubt participate, most of them enable it), so they're working overtime to deflect. Their current favored tactic is to bring up history. Fooling absolutely no one.

So now we have both the Regressive SJW Left and the Trumpster Right spraying the term "racism" around like water in an obvious effort to avoid looking in the mirror. How similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.

No honest conversation on race will take place in this country unless and until those two groups are recognized as the problem and marginalized.

Correct, no honest discussion on race will occur until you are honest enough to admit that the country, as a whole, is not racist, that Trump is PROVABLY not racist, and that your entire belief system is flawed.

Trump had charges filed by the Justice Department alleging racial bias at his family’s real-estate company back in the 70's

"He said, 'Well, I'm only doing what my boss told me to do — I am not allowed to rent to black tenants, This was said by the apt manager. It was a case that charges Donald Trump, Fred Trump and their company of race bias in housing rentals
In the end they settle with no admission of guilt but they had take certain measures such as placing adds in the paper saying that they welcomed black people etc. Yet for 2 years he fought the case only to in the end take the deal . 3 years later the government said that he had breached the consent decree. Trump dragged the case on until eventually the decree ended at a certain point in time.

In his last act as Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum curtailing enforcement programs and consent decrees across the board when it comes to discrimination.

Another incident which showed his racism was when he placed ads in the paper calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent . He acted as judge, jury and proposed execution before they were even found guilty by a court of law of a crime.

His bandwagon approach to Obama not being a citizen. Making accusation based on no credible evidence that he was not a citizen other than right wing stories. Still talking about the birth certificate after Obama had left office as if it matters after he left office.
that's a whole lot of generic 1970s "i'll take some random word for it" shit you'd never allow your way.

funny how that works, huh?

Yeah it is funny how well it is documented that it happen but you would have to want to read about it for yourself and respond instead of just making assumptions.
why do we also have many promonate black leaders with Trump thanking him for his support?

You are making shit up cause you hate Trump and that speaks volumes to your mental. age, boy.

Clinton earning 88% of their vote (to Trump's 8%) as compared to Obama's 93%
How is it that many black leaders support trump?

Your just a babe in the woods trying to get attention. Watch out for that guy holding that lollipop.
It is so hilarious to think that repubs are now the savior...
This stuff is all pretty transparent. These folks are well aware of the sins of the modern-day Right (many of them no doubt participate, most of them enable it), so they're working overtime to deflect. Their current favored tactic is to bring up history. Fooling absolutely no one.

So now we have both the Regressive SJW Left and the Trumpster Right spraying the term "racism" around like water in an obvious effort to avoid looking in the mirror. How similar the two ends can be in their behaviors.

No honest conversation on race will take place in this country unless and until those two groups are recognized as the problem and marginalized.

Correct, no honest discussion on race will occur until you are honest enough to admit that the country, as a whole, is not racist, that Trump is PROVABLY not racist, and that your entire belief system is flawed.

Trump had charges filed by the Justice Department alleging racial bias at his family’s real-estate company back in the 70's

"He said, 'Well, I'm only doing what my boss told me to do — I am not allowed to rent to black tenants, This was said by the apt manager. It was a case that charges Donald Trump, Fred Trump and their company of race bias in housing rentals
In the end they settle with no admission of guilt but they had take certain measures such as placing adds in the paper saying that they welcomed black people etc. Yet for 2 years he fought the case only to in the end take the deal . 3 years later the government said that he had breached the consent decree. Trump dragged the case on until eventually the decree ended at a certain point in time.

In his last act as Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions issued a memorandum curtailing enforcement programs and consent decrees across the board when it comes to discrimination.

Another incident which showed his racism was when he placed ads in the paper calling for the execution of five young black and Latino men accused of rape, who were later shown to be innocent . He acted as judge, jury and proposed execution before they were even found guilty by a court of law of a crime.

His bandwagon approach to Obama not being a citizen. Making accusation based on no credible evidence that he was not a citizen other than right wing stories. Still talking about the birth certificate after Obama had left office as if it matters after he left office.
that's a whole lot of generic 1970s "i'll take some random word for it" shit you'd never allow your way.

funny how that works, huh?

Yeah it is funny how well it is documented that it happen but you would have to want to read about it for yourself and respond instead of just making assumptions.
why do we also have many promonate black leaders with Trump thanking him for his support?

You are making shit up cause you hate Trump and that speaks volumes to your mental. age, boy.

Clinton earning 88% of their vote (to Trump's 8%) as compared to Obama's 93%
How is it that many black leaders support trump?

Your just a babe in the woods trying to get attention. Watch out for that guy holding that lollipop.
Fuck off.
Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.
Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.

Spoken like a true member of the racist democrat party.
Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.

And by the way Gomer is full of shit, now that I somehow stayed awake through his aimless diatribe. The 1924 convention was not "known as the Klanbake", any more than the Republican convention of the same year was known as the "Klonvokation in Kleveland"; further, Klan-backed governors, Senators and other officers got elected all over the country especially in that organization's height of power in the mid-1920s; STILL further, the Democratic Party did not run a filibuster in 1964; Humphrey and Johnson actually broke it. Further, if the KKK had all this influence in that party it's curious that they then endorsed the Republican Coolidge that same year, and four years later endorsed the Republican Hoover, while running a national smear campaign against the Democrat. Yet STILL further, the Confederacy.......... never had political parties at all and was not supported by that party in any form.

That too. This is common knowledge. In fact in the early years of the 20th century one of those young ex-soldiers who actually did start the Klan, started writing about that event, as even then, over a century ago, there were mythologies being spread about the then-defunct Klan of decades past.
Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.

Spoken like a true member of the racist democrat party.

Umm nnnnno, I actually exist, thanks for noticing.
ARe you fucking kidding me? That you would go to such a ridiculous site as politifact that is such a left wing rag that would lie about history?
Nathan Bedford Forrest a member of the Southern White Democrat Party fought for the south. Against the United States of America. He created the Klan, he was a Democrat, yes the Democrats created and joined the Klan...

Ku Klux Klan

ARe you fucking kidding me? That you would go to such a ridiculous site as politifact that is such a left wing rag that would lie about history?
Nathan Bedford Forrest a member of the Southern White Democrat Party fought for the south. Against the United States of America. He created the Klan, he was a Democrat, yes the Democrats created and joined the Klan...

Ku Klux Klan

Forrest did NOT in any way "create the Klan". He did however abolish it.

Fer Chrissakes read the text of YOUR OWN FUCKING LINK. Does "a group of Confederate veterans" sound to you like "Nathan Bedford Forrest"?

And while we're at it, Forrest did not "fight for the South". He fought for the Confederacy. And the Confederacy, once again all together, HAD NO POLITICAL PARTIES.

I'm sure mythology is fun and all but how many times are y'all gonna trot out the same easily disprovable bullshit and expect different results?
ARe you fucking kidding me? That you would go to such a ridiculous site as politifact that is such a left wing rag that would lie about history?
Nathan Bedford Forrest a member of the Southern White Democrat Party fought for the south. Against the United States of America. He created the Klan, he was a Democrat, yes the Democrats created and joined the Klan...

Ku Klux Klan

Forrest did NOT in any way "create the Klan". He did however abolish it.
He did however abolish it.

So the Klan doesn't exist?
ARe you fucking kidding me? That you would go to such a ridiculous site as politifact that is such a left wing rag that would lie about history?
Nathan Bedford Forrest a member of the Southern White Democrat Party fought for the south. Against the United States of America. He created the Klan, he was a Democrat, yes the Democrats created and joined the Klan...

Ku Klux Klan

Forrest did NOT in any way "create the Klan". He did however abolish it.
He did however abolish it.

So the Klan doesn't exist?


The original Klan officially ceased to exist in January of 1869 when Forrest, who had been drafted in absentia and given a title, issued his first and only General Order No. 1, abolishing the organization forever and ordering its regalia to be destroyed.

This of course did not stop regional Klanners from continuing to play dress-up on their own without benefit of an official organization, which is what they were doing before they drafted Forrest anyway. It's also what David Dookey did.

But Forrest was not at all present at the original founding in 1865 by six ex-soldiers in their mid-twenties in Pulaski Tennessee. So claiming "he founded the Klan" is just ignance.
Given the fact Dimwingers are systematically trying to abolish anything associated with slavery, or the Confederacy, there is no way they can't agree to abolish their own party.

Since there is in fact no such thing as a "Democrat Party", it's impossible to "abolish".

What does exist however, is this goofy-ass topic with Louie Louie Gomer. We did it already.

/—-/ Ok Spanky. The Democratic Party. Happy now?
ARe you fucking kidding me? That you would go to such a ridiculous site as politifact that is such a left wing rag that would lie about history?
Nathan Bedford Forrest a member of the Southern White Democrat Party fought for the south. Against the United States of America. He created the Klan, he was a Democrat, yes the Democrats created and joined the Klan...

Ku Klux Klan

Forrest did NOT in any way "create the Klan". He did however abolish it.
He did however abolish it.

So the Klan doesn't exist?


The original Klan officially ceased to exist in January of 1869 when Forrest, who had been drafted in absentia and given a title, issued his first and only General Order No. 1, abolishing the organization forever and ordering its regalia to be destroyed.

This of course did not stop regional Klanners from continuing to play dress-up on their own without benefit of an official organization, which is what they were doing before they drafted Forrest anyway. It's also what David Dookey did.

But Forrest was not at all present at the original founding in 1865 by six ex-soldiers in their mid-twenties in Pulaski Tennessee. So claiming "he founded the Klan" is just ignance.
So you lied.

Got it.

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