Republicans introduce new health care bill This Week!

Dude!!! Breitbart? Are you fucking serious?

Okay, can you please show me a REAL news source that proves that welfare people are getting more than Public School teachers.


No problem, the source is in the article that you never read. You liberals only look at the organization to discredit them so you don''t have to bother reading the truth. If you read the article, you would have seen words with different colored letters called hyperlinks. And......if you didn't trust those, the piece reveals who their sources are.

so let me get this straight. You are too poor to have kids. You are too poor to get a good job that provides decent health insurance. But somehow, you think your life is good, or would be if they weren't giving free stuff to them welfare people?

What I think is that it's totally irresponsible to have children you can't afford. I see them all the time in my local grocery store. A woman with three or four kids whipping out the food stamps, then buying cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food, cat food, cat litter, greeting cards, flowers, and paying for all those items with cash.

And it isn't "free stuff" Free stuff is liberal code word for somebody else is going to pay for it. Nothing is free.

If it were up to me, women wouldn't get a dime of any assistance until they were fixed first. Same goes with males who do not support their children. It's pure stupidity to encourage poor people to procreate, because in most cases, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So we breed more and more poor people, and then can't figure out why we can't solve poverty.
As an American doctor who recently visited A&E I have a message for British people

To receive this care all my cousin had to do was provide her name and birthdate. No co-payments, no pre-authorisations, no concerns about the radiologist or orthopaedic surgeon being out of network. The nursing triage was wonderful and actually doing nursing (I hate seeing nurses relegated to charting). The nurse practitioner clearly knew what she was talking about and had reviewed the films with the radiologist. The surgeon only did the part of my cousin’s care that needed a specialist. It was a great use of resources.

Everyone I spoke with at the hospital loved the NHS, and honestly it showed. While the hospital was a veritable maze and in need of the updating that they appeared to be doing, the equipment was fine and the people, i.e. the things that really matter, were great."

Up north, we get a lot of Canadian truck drivers. While waiting to get unloaded, we go outside and have BS sessions. I always try to bring up healthcare with those drivers to get the inside scoop. The younger and middle-aged drivers brag about the Canadian system. They love it. The older drivers? Most of them told me to keep what we have or we will be sorry.

Socialized healthcare is great for superficial needs. But the major stuff happens when we get older. That's when you need serious care and need it quick to get out of pain or return to work.
What games? I just gave you evidence how the rich DO NOT control our government and you have yet to provide proof of how they do.

Don't worry about the poor. We working class who do not have coverage pay for the poor that have cancer. This is the way the liberal system is set up: if you have money, you can afford to get heath care. If you are poor, you get health care other people pay for. If you are a working stiff, too bad. You die or go into bankruptcy. It's your own damn fault for being a productive member of our society.

Long Canadian wait times send patients south for surgery | Video

Contrary to goals, ER visits rise under Obamacare

Not at all. You basically made a slight attempt at proving it, and didn't use much, or anything to do so, and you misrepresented it.

Don't worry about the poor, they're just paying way over the odds for healthcare....

The poor don't worry about healthcare, they don't worry about where to live, they don't worry about eating, and they don't even worry about paying their utility bills. The rest of us are paying all that for ourselves and them.

Oh really? Yeah, the poor are living a life of luxury, no worries, no problems. Get real.

They certainly don't have the problems we working people have. Just ask my next door HUD neighbors. But don't knock on their door until 11:00 am. They don't get up until then.

I'm still confused by your use of the word "poor". I was brought up poor, but my parents both worked.

Poor as in not working and living on social programs.
When the river caught on fire, it was not because of some dreamt up fairytale. Water doesn't catch on fire, only chemicals do. The theory was those chemicals would eventually be absorbed by the great lakes and dissipate where nobody would know the difference. it was a flawed theory, so once the evidence was in, we had to do something about it.

You miss the point. The point was that rich people dumped those chemicals into the river... But you dumb ass white trash kept voting for their interests. It shouldn't have taken something as dramatic as the river catching on fire to do something about it.

Unlike global warming which is nothing but theories, we had empirical evidence of what was going on.

We have imperical evidence of what's going on with global warming, to.

Melting ice caps. Melting permafrost,

Evidence for global warming
No problem, the source is in the article that you never read. You liberals only look at the organization to discredit them so you don''t have to bother reading the truth. If you read the article, you would have seen words with different colored letters called hyperlinks. And......if you didn't trust those, the piece reveals who their sources are.

again- Breitbart. A racist website with no credibility. Did you show enough restraint to not post a link to the Daily Stormer?

What I think is that it's totally irresponsible to have children you can't afford. I see them all the time in my local grocery store. A woman with three or four kids whipping out the food stamps, then buying cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food, cat food, cat litter, greeting cards, flowers, and paying for all those items with cash.

I'm surprised you didn't throw in the story about how she was buying Steak and Lobster with her food stamps. You see, since we haven't actually had physical food stamps for decades now, your statement is already questionable.

I'm sure you read that on the Daily Stormer, too.

If it were up to me, women wouldn't get a dime of any assistance until they were fixed first. Same goes with males who do not support their children. It's pure stupidity to encourage poor people to procreate, because in most cases, the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. So we breed more and more poor people, and then can't figure out why we can't solve poverty.

"Ya, ve are going to sterilize the untermenschen!!!!!"

Here's how we solve poverty. We invest in education. We abolish racism in hiring. In short, we do the stuff we did for white people back in the last century.
As for what you said about the police, why not for health? I mean it's hardly fair that someone is born and ends up with a serious problem and they get fucked over massively, is it? Same with all those other services.

Again, the difference is a majority (if not all people) want a police force and are willing to pay for it equally. That's just not the case with healthcare.

You want the good hospital and the good doctor? Why shouldn't everyone get good doctors and good hospitals? At the moment it's based on what you can pay. Oh, great. So, if you have problems that prevent you working, you're not going to be able to go to see a good doctor in a good hospital, you won't get better, won't be able to work... see where this is going?

Why shouldn't everyone get good doctors and hospitals? Because there are not enough of them to go around. If you have socialized healthcare, people will be running to the doctor every time they sneeze or cough. It will make things much worse. Medical care is already overwhelmed with business even with those not so good doctors and hospitals. So then it becomes a question of who gets them, and politics comes into play for that decision.

I myself go to good doctors and a good hospital. But if I want to see a specialist, I have to make an appointment nearly a year ahead of time, and even then, you don't get much of a choice of days or time. You take what they give you. My family doctor? A month and a half before you get an appointment.

The point is that the rich get it good, the poor get fucked over. The rich clearly run the USA govt, and the rich clearly get whatever they want, hence why the system massively benefits the rich. Don't you see the problem there?

The poor don't get fucked over, they get what they have the money for. The rich will always have it good. It's the working middle class that gets screwed over.

The rich don't run the country. If the rich ran the country, the top 20% of wage earners would not be paying nearly 85% of all collected income taxes. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have 10% of the environmental regulations we have today that helped chase jobs overseas.
We dont have the highest tax rate in the world. Just how long will you continue to spew that bullshyte. Try reading and stop listening to right wing lies

View attachment 116442
How long will it take for you to understand the US tax system?. The published rates do not matter as much as the EFFECTIVE rate, after deductions and write-off's. Our effective rate is 30-40% lower
As for what you said about the police, why not for health? I mean it's hardly fair that someone is born and ends up with a serious problem and they get fucked over massively, is it? Same with all those other services.

Again, the difference is a majority (if not all people) want a police force and are willing to pay for it equally. That's just not the case with healthcare.

You want the good hospital and the good doctor? Why shouldn't everyone get good doctors and good hospitals? At the moment it's based on what you can pay. Oh, great. So, if you have problems that prevent you working, you're not going to be able to go to see a good doctor in a good hospital, you won't get better, won't be able to work... see where this is going?

Why shouldn't everyone get good doctors and hospitals? Because there are not enough of them to go around. If you have socialized healthcare, people will be running to the doctor every time they sneeze or cough. It will make things much worse. Medical care is already overwhelmed with business even with those not so good doctors and hospitals. So then it becomes a question of who gets them, and politics comes into play for that decision.

I myself go to good doctors and a good hospital. But if I want to see a specialist, I have to make an appointment nearly a year ahead of time, and even then, you don't get much of a choice of days or time. You take what they give you. My family doctor? A month and a half before you get an appointment.

The point is that the rich get it good, the poor get fucked over. The rich clearly run the USA govt, and the rich clearly get whatever they want, hence why the system massively benefits the rich. Don't you see the problem there?

The poor don't get fucked over, they get what they have the money for. The rich will always have it good. It's the working middle class that gets screwed over.

The rich don't run the country. If the rich ran the country, the top 20% of wage earners would not be paying nearly 85% of all collected income taxes. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have 10% of the environmental regulations we have today that helped chase jobs overseas.
We dont have the highest tax rate in the world. Just how long will you continue to spew that bullshyte. Try reading and stop listening to right wing lies

View attachment 116442
How long will it take for you to understand the US tax system?. The published rates do not matter as much as the EFFECTIVE rate, after deductions and write-off's. Our effective rate is 30-40% lower

That all depends on the business. Some will pay that rate while others pay almost nothing in taxes.
again- Breitbart. A racist website with no credibility. Did you show enough restraint to not post a link to the Daily Stormer?

You would know if you actually read it, now wouldn't you?

I'm surprised you didn't throw in the story about how she was buying Steak and Lobster with her food stamps. You see, since we haven't actually had physical food stamps for decades now, your statement is already questionable.

I'm sure you read that on the Daily Stormer, too.

Oh, so because I don't call it SNAP's, I'm not credible?

And yes, I've seen some of the ridiculous food items they do buy. I wish I could eat like that. Did you ever ask yourself why people on food stamps are so fat? In a few cases where I only purchased a few items, I walked out of the store at the same time as them and seen what kind of vehicles they drive as well.

"Ya, ve are going to sterilize the untermenschen!!!!!"

Here's how we solve poverty. We invest in education. We abolish racism in hiring. In short, we do the stuff we did for white people back in the last century.

We don't have racism in hiring. We have dozens of laws against that practice. We pay more per capita in education than any other industrialized country in the world, yet have mediocre results to show for it. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

Normally, kids look to their parents as mentors as they age. They become curious how to survive as an adult. If you are a poor kid living in a HUD home in the suburbs, eat fantastic, have all the amenities working people have, and your parent(s) don't work or work very little, you emulate what you experienced in your environment. So there is no need to study hard, girls getting knocked up at 14 to 16 years old, drop out of school, and vote Democrat so somebody will give you money to continue living in the suburbs.
You miss the point. The point was that rich people dumped those chemicals into the river... But you dumb ass white trash kept voting for their interests. It shouldn't have taken something as dramatic as the river catching on fire to do something about it.

Why? At the time, it wasn't causing a problem for anybody. When it created a problem, then we addressed it.

We have imperical evidence of what's going on with global warming, to.

Melting ice caps. Melting permafrost,

Evidence for global warming

The earth has been changing since God created the planet, and if you turned off every car, every truck, closed down every factory, the earth will continue to change.

Here is something for you to Google: find out how many cars and factories we had before the ice age started to end.
You would know if you actually read it, now wouldn't you?

I don't need to read Breitbart to know it's a racist website.

Now, if you can find a legitimate news source to back up your claims (which you've had all morning to do and couldn't), then I'd be impressed.

Oh, so because I don't call it SNAP's, I'm not credible?

And yes, I've seen some of the ridiculous food items they do buy. I wish I could eat like that. Did you ever ask yourself why people on food stamps are so fat? In a few cases where I only purchased a few items, I walked out of the store at the same time as them and seen what kind of vehicles they drive as well.

No, I don't ask myself that at all. You see, while our high fructose and startchy foods are cheap, healthy food is actually kind of expensive. Probably out of the price range of a lot of people on assistance. But you would know this if you knew anything about nutrition policy.

Also, I don't know how you can really tell the difference between someone paying with a Link Card and a Visa Card... unless you were just ASSUMING that those brown people had Link Cards.

We don't have racism in hiring. We have dozens of laws against that practice. We pay more per capita in education than any other industrialized country in the world, yet have mediocre results to show for it. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

Guy, they've done studies. Resumes with black names get 50% fewer callbacks than ones with white names.

And yes, we spend more on education, wasting most of it on special ed programs for the underacheiving spawn of yuppies.

Normally, kids look to their parents as mentors as they age. They become curious how to survive as an adult. If you are a poor kid living in a HUD home in the suburbs, eat fantastic, have all the amenities working people have, and your parent(s) don't work or work very little, you emulate what you experienced in your environment. So there is no need to study hard, girls getting knocked up at 14 to 16 years old, drop out of school, and vote Democrat so somebody will give you money to continue living in the suburbs.

yeah, you hit all the Daily Stormer Stereotypes about "them welfare people".

The reality- most people on assistance are only on it for short periods in their lives.

Census: Federal welfare programs mostly used short term

New data from the U.S. Census Bureau show people who use public benefits generally get help for at most a couple of years.

The report, released Thursday, looked at major federal safety net programs.

Researchers found that over a four-year period, 79 percent of people who received cash General Assistance - known as "welfare" - left the program within two years. About half left supplemental security income, medicaid, and food stamps in the same amount of time.

So Ray the Racist was wrong again... amazing.
As an American doctor who recently visited A&E I have a message for British people

To receive this care all my cousin had to do was provide her name and birthdate. No co-payments, no pre-authorisations, no concerns about the radiologist or orthopaedic surgeon being out of network. The nursing triage was wonderful and actually doing nursing (I hate seeing nurses relegated to charting). The nurse practitioner clearly knew what she was talking about and had reviewed the films with the radiologist. The surgeon only did the part of my cousin’s care that needed a specialist. It was a great use of resources.

Everyone I spoke with at the hospital loved the NHS, and honestly it showed. While the hospital was a veritable maze and in need of the updating that they appeared to be doing, the equipment was fine and the people, i.e. the things that really matter, were great."

Up north, we get a lot of Canadian truck drivers. While waiting to get unloaded, we go outside and have BS sessions. I always try to bring up healthcare with those drivers to get the inside scoop. The younger and middle-aged drivers brag about the Canadian system. They love it. The older drivers? Most of them told me to keep what we have or we will be sorry.

Socialized healthcare is great for superficial needs. But the major stuff happens when we get older. That's when you need serious care and need it quick to get out of pain or return to work.

Maybe, then again I know people who went through major healthcare problems in the UK and didn't come out of it too badly, I mean, cancer and the like you don't come out of it great, but you can come out of it not badly no matter how good the doctor.

Canada has expensive healthcare too. Don't think that it's what I'm talking about. I know the British healthcare system, I know the US, I know the healthcare system of various countries I've lived in. Do you? Or are you relying just on what some truck drivers say?
Not at all. You basically made a slight attempt at proving it, and didn't use much, or anything to do so, and you misrepresented it.

Don't worry about the poor, they're just paying way over the odds for healthcare....

The poor don't worry about healthcare, they don't worry about where to live, they don't worry about eating, and they don't even worry about paying their utility bills. The rest of us are paying all that for ourselves and them.

Oh really? Yeah, the poor are living a life of luxury, no worries, no problems. Get real.

They certainly don't have the problems we working people have. Just ask my next door HUD neighbors. But don't knock on their door until 11:00 am. They don't get up until then.

I'm still confused by your use of the word "poor". I was brought up poor, but my parents both worked.

Poor as in not working and living on social programs.

Well, you are using the wrong word then.
As for what you said about the police, why not for health? I mean it's hardly fair that someone is born and ends up with a serious problem and they get fucked over massively, is it? Same with all those other services.

Again, the difference is a majority (if not all people) want a police force and are willing to pay for it equally. That's just not the case with healthcare.

You want the good hospital and the good doctor? Why shouldn't everyone get good doctors and good hospitals? At the moment it's based on what you can pay. Oh, great. So, if you have problems that prevent you working, you're not going to be able to go to see a good doctor in a good hospital, you won't get better, won't be able to work... see where this is going?

Why shouldn't everyone get good doctors and hospitals? Because there are not enough of them to go around. If you have socialized healthcare, people will be running to the doctor every time they sneeze or cough. It will make things much worse. Medical care is already overwhelmed with business even with those not so good doctors and hospitals. So then it becomes a question of who gets them, and politics comes into play for that decision.

I myself go to good doctors and a good hospital. But if I want to see a specialist, I have to make an appointment nearly a year ahead of time, and even then, you don't get much of a choice of days or time. You take what they give you. My family doctor? A month and a half before you get an appointment.

The point is that the rich get it good, the poor get fucked over. The rich clearly run the USA govt, and the rich clearly get whatever they want, hence why the system massively benefits the rich. Don't you see the problem there?

The poor don't get fucked over, they get what they have the money for. The rich will always have it good. It's the working middle class that gets screwed over.

The rich don't run the country. If the rich ran the country, the top 20% of wage earners would not be paying nearly 85% of all collected income taxes. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have 10% of the environmental regulations we have today that helped chase jobs overseas.
We dont have the highest tax rate in the world. Just how long will you continue to spew that bullshyte. Try reading and stop listening to right wing lies

View attachment 116442
How long will it take for you to understand the US tax system?. The published rates do not matter as much as the EFFECTIVE rate, after deductions and write-off's. Our effective rate is 30-40% lower

That all depends on the business. Some will pay that rate while others pay almost nothing in taxes.
So you actually admit that we dont have the highest tax rates in the world. In fact find me one company that pays a 39% tax rate
As for what you said about the police, why not for health? I mean it's hardly fair that someone is born and ends up with a serious problem and they get fucked over massively, is it? Same with all those other services.

Again, the difference is a majority (if not all people) want a police force and are willing to pay for it equally. That's just not the case with healthcare.

You want the good hospital and the good doctor? Why shouldn't everyone get good doctors and good hospitals? At the moment it's based on what you can pay. Oh, great. So, if you have problems that prevent you working, you're not going to be able to go to see a good doctor in a good hospital, you won't get better, won't be able to work... see where this is going?

Why shouldn't everyone get good doctors and hospitals? Because there are not enough of them to go around. If you have socialized healthcare, people will be running to the doctor every time they sneeze or cough. It will make things much worse. Medical care is already overwhelmed with business even with those not so good doctors and hospitals. So then it becomes a question of who gets them, and politics comes into play for that decision.

I myself go to good doctors and a good hospital. But if I want to see a specialist, I have to make an appointment nearly a year ahead of time, and even then, you don't get much of a choice of days or time. You take what they give you. My family doctor? A month and a half before you get an appointment.

The point is that the rich get it good, the poor get fucked over. The rich clearly run the USA govt, and the rich clearly get whatever they want, hence why the system massively benefits the rich. Don't you see the problem there?

The poor don't get fucked over, they get what they have the money for. The rich will always have it good. It's the working middle class that gets screwed over.

The rich don't run the country. If the rich ran the country, the top 20% of wage earners would not be paying nearly 85% of all collected income taxes. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have 10% of the environmental regulations we have today that helped chase jobs overseas.
We dont have the highest tax rate in the world. Just how long will you continue to spew that bullshyte. Try reading and stop listening to right wing lies

View attachment 116442
How long will it take for you to understand the US tax system?. The published rates do not matter as much as the EFFECTIVE rate, after deductions and write-off's. Our effective rate is 30-40% lower

That all depends on the business. Some will pay that rate while others pay almost nothing in taxes.

And isn't the argument that because there's such a high level of tax, that it can't be the rich running the country? Which companies do you think end up paying no tax? The multi billionaires, the Trumps of this world, the ones who CONTROL THINGS.

Isn't it amazing that you people put someone like that in charge of the country because he spend SO MUCH MONEY telling you he was DIFFERENT?????
Again, the difference is a majority (if not all people) want a police force and are willing to pay for it equally. That's just not the case with healthcare.

Why shouldn't everyone get good doctors and hospitals? Because there are not enough of them to go around. If you have socialized healthcare, people will be running to the doctor every time they sneeze or cough. It will make things much worse. Medical care is already overwhelmed with business even with those not so good doctors and hospitals. So then it becomes a question of who gets them, and politics comes into play for that decision.

I myself go to good doctors and a good hospital. But if I want to see a specialist, I have to make an appointment nearly a year ahead of time, and even then, you don't get much of a choice of days or time. You take what they give you. My family doctor? A month and a half before you get an appointment.

The poor don't get fucked over, they get what they have the money for. The rich will always have it good. It's the working middle class that gets screwed over.

The rich don't run the country. If the rich ran the country, the top 20% of wage earners would not be paying nearly 85% of all collected income taxes. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have 10% of the environmental regulations we have today that helped chase jobs overseas.
We dont have the highest tax rate in the world. Just how long will you continue to spew that bullshyte. Try reading and stop listening to right wing lies

View attachment 116442
How long will it take for you to understand the US tax system?. The published rates do not matter as much as the EFFECTIVE rate, after deductions and write-off's. Our effective rate is 30-40% lower

That all depends on the business. Some will pay that rate while others pay almost nothing in taxes.

And isn't the argument that because there's such a high level of tax, that it can't be the rich running the country? Which companies do you think end up paying no tax? The multi billionaires, the Trumps of this world, the ones who CONTROL THINGS.

Isn't it amazing that you people put someone like that in charge of the country because he spend SO MUCH MONEY telling you he was DIFFERENT?????

Tax write-offs are available to all businesses, and some get more tax qualifications than others. I have hundreds of write-offs every year. It's the only way I can continue staying in the rental business. If I don't make enough money in rental collections, or if I have a lot of bills I needed to pay, I don't pay very much income tax at all.
Again, the difference is a majority (if not all people) want a police force and are willing to pay for it equally. That's just not the case with healthcare.

Why shouldn't everyone get good doctors and hospitals? Because there are not enough of them to go around. If you have socialized healthcare, people will be running to the doctor every time they sneeze or cough. It will make things much worse. Medical care is already overwhelmed with business even with those not so good doctors and hospitals. So then it becomes a question of who gets them, and politics comes into play for that decision.

I myself go to good doctors and a good hospital. But if I want to see a specialist, I have to make an appointment nearly a year ahead of time, and even then, you don't get much of a choice of days or time. You take what they give you. My family doctor? A month and a half before you get an appointment.

The poor don't get fucked over, they get what they have the money for. The rich will always have it good. It's the working middle class that gets screwed over.

The rich don't run the country. If the rich ran the country, the top 20% of wage earners would not be paying nearly 85% of all collected income taxes. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have the highest corporate tax rate in the world. If the rich ran the country, we wouldn't have 10% of the environmental regulations we have today that helped chase jobs overseas.
We dont have the highest tax rate in the world. Just how long will you continue to spew that bullshyte. Try reading and stop listening to right wing lies

View attachment 116442
How long will it take for you to understand the US tax system?. The published rates do not matter as much as the EFFECTIVE rate, after deductions and write-off's. Our effective rate is 30-40% lower

That all depends on the business. Some will pay that rate while others pay almost nothing in taxes.
So you actually admit that we dont have the highest tax rates in the world. In fact find me one company that pays a 39% tax rate

Corporate Tax Rates: 10 U.S. Companies Paying the Highest Taxes, 10 U.S. Companies Paying the Lowest Taxes | InvestorPlace
As an American doctor who recently visited A&E I have a message for British people

To receive this care all my cousin had to do was provide her name and birthdate. No co-payments, no pre-authorisations, no concerns about the radiologist or orthopaedic surgeon being out of network. The nursing triage was wonderful and actually doing nursing (I hate seeing nurses relegated to charting). The nurse practitioner clearly knew what she was talking about and had reviewed the films with the radiologist. The surgeon only did the part of my cousin’s care that needed a specialist. It was a great use of resources.

Everyone I spoke with at the hospital loved the NHS, and honestly it showed. While the hospital was a veritable maze and in need of the updating that they appeared to be doing, the equipment was fine and the people, i.e. the things that really matter, were great."

Up north, we get a lot of Canadian truck drivers. While waiting to get unloaded, we go outside and have BS sessions. I always try to bring up healthcare with those drivers to get the inside scoop. The younger and middle-aged drivers brag about the Canadian system. They love it. The older drivers? Most of them told me to keep what we have or we will be sorry.

Socialized healthcare is great for superficial needs. But the major stuff happens when we get older. That's when you need serious care and need it quick to get out of pain or return to work.

Maybe, then again I know people who went through major healthcare problems in the UK and didn't come out of it too badly, I mean, cancer and the like you don't come out of it great, but you can come out of it not badly no matter how good the doctor.

Canada has expensive healthcare too. Don't think that it's what I'm talking about. I know the British healthcare system, I know the US, I know the healthcare system of various countries I've lived in. Do you? Or are you relying just on what some truck drivers say?

Since this has been a long ongoing discussion for many years, I've done a lot of reading. The Canadian thing is something that supported what I have read about their system. I didn't knock the system entirely as I said many younger and younger middle-aged people love it. the real question is do we want that here?

You have to understand that when we have a choice of insurance coverage, a choice of hospitals and facilities, a choice in doctors, you can pretty much get what you want if you can afford it. If it ends up being a government system, there are no choices. You get what they give you.

This can be demonstrated by the VA when patients have no other insurance and no choice but to get care at the VA. Or we can look at Medicare and Medicaid where doctors and facilities are rejecting new government patients because they can't afford the loss.

Government healthcare takes a lot of responsibility and costs off of our backs, but it doesn't come without negatives as well.

Once we put government in charge of our healthcare, we lost that choice. Like Obama Care, it's a bridge that you burned because it would be impossible to go back to where we were when all the associated problems arise.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

I don't it's going anywhere to quickly, many Republicans are complaining about. The deadline for insurers was June 21st. That's when they need the APPROVED bill so they can write their policies for next year.

But again they're not addressing the real problem. The skyrocketing costs of health care that drives the premiums. And without this, you're just trading one disaster for another.

However, neither GOP unity nor success are seen as guaranteed. Unresolved disputes over taxes and Medicaid rage, and conservatives complaining that Republican proposals don’t go far enough could undermine the effort — or at least make GOP leaders’ lives difficult.
Republican health care push coming; success a question mark

Judging from the way these Republican town halls have been going, it's hard to imagine they're going to put a bill together by the deadline. This is first question. What's the plan.

And really the dumbest thing in it, is getting rid of the individual mandate. People without insurance will go back to using the hospital emergency room as their doctor's office, and we'll end up paying for that anyway.

So what's in the mandate? All people did was ignore it, got a waiver, or just let the government keep their income tax refund check. I wouldn't doubt people restructured their taxes so they don't get a refund, that way the IRS has nothing to keep.

I haven't suffered the loss of one refund check yet. I file for a waiver, they send me the number, and I'm free and clear from paying any kind of penalty.

It doesn't mean they won't ever show up at your door to collect. But again the entire problem is, they're not addressing the cost of health care. It's just another plan, that will turn out to be another disaster, and then we'll get on this merry go round that when Democrats take over they'll trash this plan write another plan, again not addressing the issue--and this will go on forever. All the while premiums are skyrocketing until there comes a point where no one can afford it.

Well......... Isn't that happening under Commie Care? Premium rates doubled this year alone in Arizona.

You complain about no cost cutting measures, but there were none in Commie Care either, and I'm sure you had no problem with that.

At least the Republicans are addressing some of the cost problems. For one, a healthcare savings account. If you read any stories with interviews of insurance company big-wigs, they say how these nickel and dime doctors visits cost them a ton of money. A doctors visit is around $75.00. The provider has to send the paperwork to the insurance company, it has to be reviewed, then they have to process the paperwork and payment back to the provider. It costs more in paperwork pushing than the doctors fee itself.

But again, I anxiously await the final proposal to see how many costs cutting measures are actually in there.

Trading one disaster for another does not bring premiums down. We'll be playing this musical chair with Democrat health care plans then back to Republican health care plans for the forseeable future.

Until they figure out a way to BRING down health care COSTS--nothing is going to change.

Prior to Obamacare I was paying a fortune for medical insurance also. Furthermore I don't think this one is going to pass--as it has a lot of Republican resistance.

Republicans still battle each other even after gaining power
I don't need to read Breitbart to know it's a racist website.

Now, if you can find a legitimate news source to back up your claims (which you've had all morning to do and couldn't), then I'd be impressed.

Of course you won't read it. That's the point. I posted proof of what I said, and you can't post proof to refute it.

Starting teacher salaries range from $45,530 (bachelor’s degree, no prior teaching experience) to $74,796 (bachelor’s degree, master’s degree plus 30 credits, 7.5+ years teaching experience). Teachers who have a master’s degree but no teaching experience will start at $51,425.

Today, the Cato institute is releasing a new study looking at the state-by-state value of welfare for a mother with two children. In the Empire State, a family receiving Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Medicaid, food stamps, WIC, public housing, utility assistance and free commodities (like milk and cheese) would have a package of benefits worth $38,004, the seventh-highest in the nation.

While that might not sound overly generous, remember that welfare benefits aren’t taxed, while wages are. So someone in New York would have to earn more than $21 per hour to be better off than they would be on welfare.That’s more than the average statewide entry-level salary for a teacher.

Or do you have a problem with the New York Post as well?

No, I don't ask myself that at all. You see, while our high fructose and startchy foods are cheap, healthy food is actually kind of expensive. Probably out of the price range of a lot of people on assistance. But you would know this if you knew anything about nutrition policy.

Also, I don't know how you can really tell the difference between someone paying with a Link Card and a Visa Card... unless you were just ASSUMING that those brown people had Link Cards.

It's in big colorful letters on the card itself. Also, because they buy so many things with cash, they swipe the card, and get a second bill for their cash items. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure it out.

Guy, they've done studies. Resumes with black names get 50% fewer callbacks than ones with white names.

And yes, we spend more on education, wasting most of it on special ed programs for the underacheiving spawn of yuppies.

No, it's because we have teachers unions in this country.

yeah, you hit all the Daily Stormer Stereotypes about "them welfare people".

The reality- most people on assistance are only on it for short periods in their lives.

Census: Federal welfare programs mostly used short term

New data from the U.S. Census Bureau show people who use public benefits generally get help for at most a couple of years.

The report, released Thursday, looked at major federal safety net programs.

Researchers found that over a four-year period, 79 percent of people who received cash General Assistance - known as "welfare" - left the program within two years. About half left supplemental security income, medicaid, and food stamps in the same amount of time.

So Ray the Racist was wrong again... amazing.

Right, that's why when you go to low income neighborhoods during the day, you have people walking all over the place. I have HUD homes in my neighborhood, and they stick around for a hell of a lot longer than a couple of years. Hell, I have one right next door to me. Their cars are in the drive when I leave for work in the morning, and they stay there most if not all day.
Republicans will introduce their much-awaited bill to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act this week, a senior House Republican aide told NBC News on Sunday.

"We are in a very good place right now," said the aide, who asked not to be identified.

AshLee Strong, a spokeswoman for House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wisconsin, told NBC News: "We are now at the culmination of a years-long process to keep our promise to the American people."

A draft bill obtained by NBC News would repeal much of the current law, also known as Obamacare, within the next few years and set in place a Republican vision of health care.

The draft legislation would provide expanded tax credits and health savings accounts for individuals while reducing federal spending on tax subsidies and Medicaid and practically eliminating the employer and individual mandates to provide and carry health insurance.

Republicans to introduce health care replacement bill this week

So now you libs can quit crying about the Republicans not doing anything about Obama Care. No, it won't work like Obama Care either, because they are getting rid of the penalties that FORCE people to buy a product they don't want, need or can afford. Without the force part of the bill, Obama Care could never work; not that it's worked out very well anyway.

Less government regulation, less money government steals from working Americans, better for business and taxpayers, and a sigh of relief from everybody. Good bye Obama legacy.

I don't it's going anywhere to quickly, many Republicans are complaining about. The deadline for insurers was June 21st. That's when they need the APPROVED bill so they can write their policies for next year.

But again they're not addressing the real problem. The skyrocketing costs of health care that drives the premiums. And without this, you're just trading one disaster for another.

However, neither GOP unity nor success are seen as guaranteed. Unresolved disputes over taxes and Medicaid rage, and conservatives complaining that Republican proposals don’t go far enough could undermine the effort — or at least make GOP leaders’ lives difficult.
Republican health care push coming; success a question mark

Judging from the way these Republican town halls have been going, it's hard to imagine they're going to put a bill together by the deadline. This is first question. What's the plan.

And really the dumbest thing in it, is getting rid of the individual mandate. People without insurance will go back to using the hospital emergency room as their doctor's office, and we'll end up paying for that anyway.

So what's in the mandate? All people did was ignore it, got a waiver, or just let the government keep their income tax refund check. I wouldn't doubt people restructured their taxes so they don't get a refund, that way the IRS has nothing to keep.

I haven't suffered the loss of one refund check yet. I file for a waiver, they send me the number, and I'm free and clear from paying any kind of penalty.

It doesn't mean they won't ever show up at your door to collect. But again the entire problem is, they're not addressing the cost of health care. It's just another plan, that will turn out to be another disaster, and then we'll get on this merry go round that when Democrats take over they'll trash this plan write another plan, again not addressing the issue--and this will go on forever. All the while premiums are skyrocketing until there comes a point where no one can afford it.

Well......... Isn't that happening under Commie Care? Premium rates doubled this year alone in Arizona.

You complain about no cost cutting measures, but there were none in Commie Care either, and I'm sure you had no problem with that.

At least the Republicans are addressing some of the cost problems. For one, a healthcare savings account. If you read any stories with interviews of insurance company big-wigs, they say how these nickel and dime doctors visits cost them a ton of money. A doctors visit is around $75.00. The provider has to send the paperwork to the insurance company, it has to be reviewed, then they have to process the paperwork and payment back to the provider. It costs more in paperwork pushing than the doctors fee itself.

But again, I anxiously await the final proposal to see how many costs cutting measures are actually in there.

Trading one disaster for another does not bring premiums down. We'll be playing this musical chair with Democrat health care plans then back to Republican health care plans for the forseeable future.

Until they figure out a way to BRING down health care COSTS--nothing is going to change.

Prior to Obamacare I was paying a fortune for medical insurance also. Furthermore I don't think this one is going to pass--as it has a lot of Republican resistance.

Republicans still battle each other even after gaining power

I never said it would be easy. There will always be disagreements when it comes to a final system.

If it were up to me, here is what I would do:

The Republicans are talking about giving tax breaks to businesses. I think what they should do is incorporate healthcare with the tax cuts. Give those tax cuts to businesses that do provide reasonable insurance for their employees.

For people with preexisting conditions that can't afford insurance and don't have coverage through work, allow them to buy into Medicare just like they do for people on disability.

Without people with preexisting conditions (and a multitude of other cost cutting measures) that will drive insurance prices downwards instead of up. The Democrats can't complain because it would also expand government dependents which is what they really want in the first place.

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