Republicans Just Lost the Alaska House Seat

Nope. Again, election changes creates my concern, conservatives never win. Ever. Beat us within the guidelines I’m good, change rules midway or after polls close then nope.

I start with Al Franken’s win
You didn’t answer my question.

If Democrats win the election, will you whine that the election was stolen? Yes or no.
Palin has been declared the loser. Could it maybe be that she lost her patina years ago?

Anyway, one whole house seat. Yessireebob. Definitely means the red wave is doomed. Definitely. 😂
When November rolls in and the election is over and the Senate is more blue and Pelosi is still speaker of the house, what will you say?
“When November rolls in and the election is over and the Senate is more blue and Pelosi is still speaker of the house …”. — @Peace

God, let’s all of us at least agree that Pelosi should just resign already. Let her and her stock-trading husband move to Alaska, or Taiwan, or anywhere else … just out of D.C. and out of politics!
Trump would win the popular vote if we measured voters who actually came, IDd themselves, and voted in person. You Dimmers are too lazy to stand in line.
Oh, and if we disallowed illegal alien votes and fake virus ballots.
So you mean, if fewer people voted, Trump has a chance.

But nah, you're not authoritarian fucks. Not at all.v
Dear Republicans,

Keep pretending that Dobbs and Trump don’t matter to the electorate.


The Real World

/---/ Did you mention they drastically overhauled the election process to some weird multiple choice system? democrats can't win unless they cheat.
The Republicans need to let Trump go, as long as they stay tied to him, they are going to continue to lose.
/---/ It's always funny when the democRATs give Republicans advice on how they can win future elections to regain power.
Sure, Spanky, we trust you and will give your thoughtful suggestion all the consideration it deserves.
/---/ It's always funny when the democRATs give Republicans advice on how they can win future elections to regain power.
Sure, Spanky, we trust you and will give your thoughtful suggestion all the consideration it deserves.
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I dislike the Democrats as mush as I dislike the Republicans and I agree with Republicans more often than not, so you are just being silly.
When November rolls in and the election is over and the Senate is more blue and Pelosi is still speaker of the house, what will you say?
“When” or if? “When” is just a stupid Nostradumbass guess. “If” at least makes a modicum of sense.

But, if the Senate effectively remains in Dumbocrap control, and the Republicans fall short of reclaiming the House of Representin’, then I will mourn the loss of our republic (as Benjamin Franklin sagely warned us we could).

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