Republicans like to think they understand the concept of “free shit” but actually don’t

Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.

the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.

That's why your idea of professors working for free is such a good one.

Should our generals and soldiers work for free also? If not, when are you going to step up and stop expecting future generations to pay them?

Should our generals and soldiers work for free also?

Billy was calling for free college, not free military.

Nobody who supports the programs call it free. The financing is attached to the program.......unlike the wars.

Nobody who supports the programs call it free.

Bernie and Warren aren't calling for free college?

Free College, Cancel Debt

Free. Right there in the web title.

Elizabeth is calling for universal free public college and cancelling student loan debt for 42 million Americans. Add your name if you agree: it’s time to cancel student debt and make universal free college a reality.

Affordable Higher Education for All | Elizabeth Warren

Weird. It's like you were wrong or something.

The title is "college for all".

I never understood the acceptance of cancelling debt for corporations but not students.

Heck, how much debt did Trump cancel with all of his bankruptcies?
the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.

That's why your idea of professors working for free is such a good one.

Should our generals and soldiers work for free also? If not, when are you going to step up and stop expecting future generations to pay them?

Should our generals and soldiers work for free also?

Billy was calling for free college, not free military.

Nobody who supports the programs call it free. The financing is attached to the program.......unlike the wars.

Nobody who supports the programs call it free.

Bernie and Warren aren't calling for free college?

Free College, Cancel Debt

Free. Right there in the web title.

Elizabeth is calling for universal free public college and cancelling student loan debt for 42 million Americans. Add your name if you agree: it’s time to cancel student debt and make universal free college a reality.

Affordable Higher Education for All | Elizabeth Warren

Weird. It's like you were wrong or something.

The title is "college for all".

I never understood the acceptance of cancelling debt for corporations but not students.

Heck, how much debt did Trump cancel with all of his bankruptcies?

The title is "college for all".

All we need are a bunch of colleges working for free.

I never understood the acceptance of cancelling debt for corporations but not students.

I agree, we should only allow the colleges themselves to lend to students.
Then if students get a silly degree and never pay back the loan, the college takes the hit.
Should our generals and soldiers work for free also? If not, when are you going to step up and stop expecting future generations to pay them?

Should our generals and soldiers work for free also?

Billy was calling for free college, not free military.

Nobody who supports the programs call it free. The financing is attached to the program.......unlike the wars.

Nobody who supports the programs call it free.

Bernie and Warren aren't calling for free college?

Free College, Cancel Debt

Free. Right there in the web title.

Elizabeth is calling for universal free public college and cancelling student loan debt for 42 million Americans. Add your name if you agree: it’s time to cancel student debt and make universal free college a reality.

Affordable Higher Education for All | Elizabeth Warren

Weird. It's like you were wrong or something.

The title is "college for all".

I never understood the acceptance of cancelling debt for corporations but not students.

Heck, how much debt did Trump cancel with all of his bankruptcies?

The title is "college for all".

All we need are a bunch of colleges working for free.

I never understood the acceptance of cancelling debt for corporations but not students.

I agree, we should only allow the colleges themselves to lend to students.
Then if students get a silly degree and never pay back the loan, the college takes the hit.

To bad that doesn't work for the banks.
Should our generals and soldiers work for free also?

Billy was calling for free college, not free military.

Nobody who supports the programs call it free. The financing is attached to the program.......unlike the wars.

Nobody who supports the programs call it free.

Bernie and Warren aren't calling for free college?

Free College, Cancel Debt

Free. Right there in the web title.

Elizabeth is calling for universal free public college and cancelling student loan debt for 42 million Americans. Add your name if you agree: it’s time to cancel student debt and make universal free college a reality.

Affordable Higher Education for All | Elizabeth Warren

Weird. It's like you were wrong or something.

The title is "college for all".

I never understood the acceptance of cancelling debt for corporations but not students.

Heck, how much debt did Trump cancel with all of his bankruptcies?

The title is "college for all".

All we need are a bunch of colleges working for free.

I never understood the acceptance of cancelling debt for corporations but not students.

I agree, we should only allow the colleges themselves to lend to students.
Then if students get a silly degree and never pay back the loan, the college takes the hit.

To bad that doesn't work for the banks.

Banks lose money all the time when they make unwise loans on uneconomic projects.
Colleges should do the same.
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.
Taxes pay for those services so what you are saying is that everyone should pay more in taxes right?

Why the hell should I pay for college tuition for someone else?

It's not a necessity, not going to college does not pose any threat to life limb or property so college is not like fire and EMS services or health care in any way shape or form
These crazy republicans keep talking about this "free shit." but I don't know what they are talking about. We pay into the system, we get what we need, education, police, fire, ambulance, food assistance, housing assistance, FEMA assistance when a flood or tornado strikes in our country. There is no such thing as "free stuff." When I see people standing in the ruins of their homes in Oklahoma, New Orleans, Houston, I have some comfort in knowing that help for them is on its way. I am dishearted by the treatment of our folks in Puerto Rico. What is this? Throw paper towels at them???? First thing for our government. Get everything to Puerto Rico.


wtf?! You hail from the common wealth. You don't have a voice in this conversation, butt out.

Who in the hell are you to tell me that I don't have a voice in this conversation? I will stand up for my fellow Americans who live in Puerto Rico. Moreover, I have a right under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution to say exactly what I please. I take it that you are one of those "Constitution" guys, but here you are telling this American citizen to shut up. If you are younger than I am, I was an American citizen before you were born.

My apologies. .. thought you were Canadian.
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.

Stupid post of the week. It takes a bright one to equate Police and Fire with Health Care and rasing taxes to increase welfare and SNAP. If you had your way you'd have the Gov paying for everything for everyone.Get a life kid.
Right and in return you get government services you goon lol. Also, the left is more likely to have a higher education therefore they have jobs idiot.
Hell, if the Democrats have jobs, they can buy their own shit, instead of demanding that I pay for it!!!

(And BTW, having a degree in Gender Studies, which teaches you that you can't look in your pants and tell what gender you are, isn't an education... The typical kid in kindergarten can figure THAT out!!!)
They pay taxes too you moron. God you people are so dense.
Hey, did you know that you can actually send the government EXTRA MONEY to pay for all that FREE shit you want to give away, instead of trying to force ME to support a bunch of lazy bums???

Maybe the Democrats should try that, since they're so generous...

(But, sorry, the government doesn't accept food stamps!!!)
Lol you keep talking about supporting lazy bums when you really aren’t. The large majority of us pay taxes. But I get it. It makes you feel manly and superior deluding yourself in that way.

Me giving more money to the IRS by myself won’t magically pay for these programs. It’s a waste unless it is a collective fund.

Close to 50% pay no income taxes. Guess who make up most of that 50%? Yeah, that would be Democrats. You see, there is a nice little spin put on it by Democrats when they say things like most welfare comes from red states and most who don't pay taxes come from red states. They are implying that is because Republicans are the welfare and no-tax crowd when, in reality, those states do tend to have many lower income folks who vote Democrat.

"In 2008, Obama lost Georgia by 5 percentage points but he won 70% of voters who earned less than $30,000 -- which is precisely the demo most likely to owe no federal income tax. Obama lost Mississippi by 14 percentage points, but picked up 66% of voters who earned less than $30,000. As a general rule, Republicans win among richer voters -- both in the red states and the blue."

Liberals tend to fall for anything, but we all know the truth. The poorest of the poor, the most uneducated and the least successfuly vote overwhemingly for Democrats, which is why Democrats want to bus people from the projects to the polling stations. You don't see them going to upper middle class neighborhoods and picking them up because they know that would be detremental.

I know you guys know this, but it hurts you feelings to know that you vote for the same loosers that the loosers themselves vote for.
Let me see your link that says mostly Democrats pay no taxes

Our own President doesn’t pay Federal Income Taxes

Securing the nations food supply is a national priority. We need to make sure it is constantly stabilized.

I am guessing you come from the city, and have no idea how farming, and planing on long term planting needs goes. . . . so. . . we don't really need to have much of a conversation on this.

Just trust me, if you want to have stable food prices in the long term, like two, three years out, trust me, this is for YOUR BEST INTEREST, and the nations best interests.

It is a matter of national security. This is why the SNAP program is also in the farm bill.

Except "securing the food supply" wasn't the point of Trump's bailout for farmers.

um. . yeah, I know, it was a consequence of other policies. It was to make sure those farms did not go under, that is what securing the food supply means.

It doesn't matter. The horse has left the barn. It may not "be the point," but it still affects food security of the nation, and you can't have those farms go under. .. . YOU DO WANT TO EAT AND BE ABLE TO AFFORD FOOD?

You may not agree with his trade war. . . . the fact is, it is happening. It affects our food security.

Why are you even arguing this? If you don't like the trade policies, don't vote for him next time.

it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas. poor beggars...keeping it classy with that weird discreetly begging bullshit huh?
Playing stupid and pretending to be confused is what shameless, ignorant fools do Billy...Look, our great framers couldn’t have been clearer in the groundwork they laid...”GENERAL WELFARE”
Look up the definition of GENERAL...enlighten that twisted corrupt clouded mind of yours.
Hell, if the Democrats have jobs, they can buy their own shit, instead of demanding that I pay for it!!!

(And BTW, having a degree in Gender Studies, which teaches you that you can't look in your pants and tell what gender you are, isn't an education... The typical kid in kindergarten can figure THAT out!!!)
They pay taxes too you moron. God you people are so dense.
Hey, did you know that you can actually send the government EXTRA MONEY to pay for all that FREE shit you want to give away, instead of trying to force ME to support a bunch of lazy bums???

Maybe the Democrats should try that, since they're so generous...

(But, sorry, the government doesn't accept food stamps!!!)
Lol you keep talking about supporting lazy bums when you really aren’t. The large majority of us pay taxes. But I get it. It makes you feel manly and superior deluding yourself in that way.

Me giving more money to the IRS by myself won’t magically pay for these programs. It’s a waste unless it is a collective fund.

Close to 50% pay no income taxes. Guess who make up most of that 50%? Yeah, that would be Democrats. You see, there is a nice little spin put on it by Democrats when they say things like most welfare comes from red states and most who don't pay taxes come from red states. They are implying that is because Republicans are the welfare and no-tax crowd when, in reality, those states do tend to have many lower income folks who vote Democrat.

"In 2008, Obama lost Georgia by 5 percentage points but he won 70% of voters who earned less than $30,000 -- which is precisely the demo most likely to owe no federal income tax. Obama lost Mississippi by 14 percentage points, but picked up 66% of voters who earned less than $30,000. As a general rule, Republicans win among richer voters -- both in the red states and the blue."

Liberals tend to fall for anything, but we all know the truth. The poorest of the poor, the most uneducated and the least successfuly vote overwhemingly for Democrats, which is why Democrats want to bus people from the projects to the polling stations. You don't see them going to upper middle class neighborhoods and picking them up because they know that would be detremental.

I know you guys know this, but it hurts you feelings to know that you vote for the same loosers that the loosers themselves vote for.
Let me see your link that says mostly Democrats pay no taxes

Our own President doesn’t pay Federal Income Taxes

Didn’t that chick with the dick...Rachel Maddow prove that he paid $38 million in taxes in 2005 alone?
How much will you contribute to the treasury over your lifetime?
Hell, if the Democrats have jobs, they can buy their own shit, instead of demanding that I pay for it!!!

(And BTW, having a degree in Gender Studies, which teaches you that you can't look in your pants and tell what gender you are, isn't an education... The typical kid in kindergarten can figure THAT out!!!)
They pay taxes too you moron. God you people are so dense.
Hey, did you know that you can actually send the government EXTRA MONEY to pay for all that FREE shit you want to give away, instead of trying to force ME to support a bunch of lazy bums???

Maybe the Democrats should try that, since they're so generous...

(But, sorry, the government doesn't accept food stamps!!!)
Lol you keep talking about supporting lazy bums when you really aren’t. The large majority of us pay taxes. But I get it. It makes you feel manly and superior deluding yourself in that way.

Me giving more money to the IRS by myself won’t magically pay for these programs. It’s a waste unless it is a collective fund.

Close to 50% pay no income taxes. Guess who make up most of that 50%? Yeah, that would be Democrats. You see, there is a nice little spin put on it by Democrats when they say things like most welfare comes from red states and most who don't pay taxes come from red states. They are implying that is because Republicans are the welfare and no-tax crowd when, in reality, those states do tend to have many lower income folks who vote Democrat.

"In 2008, Obama lost Georgia by 5 percentage points but he won 70% of voters who earned less than $30,000 -- which is precisely the demo most likely to owe no federal income tax. Obama lost Mississippi by 14 percentage points, but picked up 66% of voters who earned less than $30,000. As a general rule, Republicans win among richer voters -- both in the red states and the blue."

Liberals tend to fall for anything, but we all know the truth. The poorest of the poor, the most uneducated and the least successfuly vote overwhemingly for Democrats, which is why Democrats want to bus people from the projects to the polling stations. You don't see them going to upper middle class neighborhoods and picking them up because they know that would be detremental.

I know you guys know this, but it hurts you feelings to know that you vote for the same loosers that the loosers themselves vote for.
Let me see your link that says mostly Democrats pay no taxes

Our own President doesn’t pay Federal Income Taxes

Do you have a copy of his tax returns to backup your statement?
it’s a phrase used by republicans to denigrate the left for wanting tuition free college or socialized healthcare, but they don’t really understand how these concepts are no different than programs already in place.

When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different. All of these programs are paid for with tax payer revenue. Bernie, after all, has tax proposals to pay for his ideas.
Everyone gets free shit

Even you and me

Like what????
So then what is the problem? If you’re so successful and you’re paying all of these taxes, pay for your own fucking education and your own fucking healthcare. What’s the problem?
Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.
So, you're saying that the taxpayers should be forced to pay for someone's college education when they will end up never making enough to make it worth the investment ??? (Otherwise, the increase in earning power should be enough to pay off the loans!!!)

That sounds like typical liberal logic!!!

But if you're really that interested in "FREE SHIT", maybe you should consider moving to San Francisco... I hear it's laying around in the street all over town, and they're just BEGGING people to take it!!!

When are you going to stand up and start paying for the wars?
Actually, financial support for the military is mandated in the CONSTITUTION, dumbass...

You know, that "piece of paper" that the Liberals hate...

Right, but we are not financing it. We are running the wars on debt. When are you going to step up and start paying for them?

Let me see if I have your line of thinking straight. Your complaint is we are spending money we don't have for wars, and running up a debt, but support free college so the debt goes even higher?
Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.
So, you're saying that the taxpayers should be forced to pay for someone's college education when they will end up never making enough to make it worth the investment ??? (Otherwise, the increase in earning power should be enough to pay off the loans!!!)

That sounds like typical liberal logic!!!

But if you're really that interested in "FREE SHIT", maybe you should consider moving to San Francisco... I hear it's laying around in the street all over town, and they're just BEGGING people to take it!!!

When are you going to stand up and start paying for the wars?
Actually, financial support for the military is mandated in the CONSTITUTION, dumbass...

You know, that "piece of paper" that the Liberals hate...

Right, but we are not financing it. We are running the wars on debt. When are you going to step up and start paying for them?

Let me see if I have your line of thinking straight. Your complaint is we are spending money we don't have for wars, and running up a debt, but support free college so the debt goes even higher?

As has been noted many times, the method to pay for this is in Sanders plan. There is no debt added.
Lol you keep talking about supporting lazy bums when you really aren’t. The large majority of us pay taxes.
So then what is the problem? If you’re so successful and you’re paying all of these taxes, pay for your own fucking education and your own fucking healthcare. What’s the problem?
Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.

Then they shouldn't go to college, they should attend a trade school and learn a career deeply in demand.
Lol you keep talking about supporting lazy bums when you really aren’t. The large majority of us pay taxes.
So then what is the problem? If you’re so successful and you’re paying all of these taxes, pay for your own fucking education and your own fucking healthcare. What’s the problem?
Uh because idiot the large majority of people can’t afford college unless they take out loans they can never pay back.

Then they shouldn't go to college, they should attend a trade school and learn a career deeply in demand.
Or they can go part time and pay as they go
When a republican’s house is on fire or they need police assistance do they pay the responders personally? Uh no. They keep the “free shit”. You see, something like free tuition or socialized medicine are no different.
They are entirely different. You see, I have absolutely 0 legal authority to enforce the law. I cannot write a parking ticket. I cannot serve a warrant. I cannot detain someone for questioning.

That unequivocally requires government. But I can go to my own doctor and pay for it myself. And I can pay for my own education.

Do you realize how stupid you sound yet?
Lol no one cares what your dumbass does. The point is, the poor by and large can’t afford adequate healthcare or higher education. Jobs that provide decent health insurance are few and far between so millions of people will inevitably be working shitty paying jobs.

Correct, there are many more places that no longer offer healthcare. You see, not long ago, that was not the case because nobody would work for a company that didn't offer that benefit. Guess who Fd that all up? It wasn't the Republicans.
So, you're saying that the taxpayers should be forced to pay for someone's college education when they will end up never making enough to make it worth the investment ??? (Otherwise, the increase in earning power should be enough to pay off the loans!!!)

That sounds like typical liberal logic!!!

But if you're really that interested in "FREE SHIT", maybe you should consider moving to San Francisco... I hear it's laying around in the street all over town, and they're just BEGGING people to take it!!!

When are you going to stand up and start paying for the wars?
Actually, financial support for the military is mandated in the CONSTITUTION, dumbass...

You know, that "piece of paper" that the Liberals hate...

Right, but we are not financing it. We are running the wars on debt. When are you going to step up and start paying for them?

Let me see if I have your line of thinking straight. Your complaint is we are spending money we don't have for wars, and running up a debt, but support free college so the debt goes even higher?

As has been noted many times, the method to pay for this is in Sanders plan. There is no debt added.

Kinda like the Kenyan’s plan for Obeaner Care?
The defense of this country is outlined in the US Constitution. Free college is not.

Nowhere does it state that defense does not have to be paid for and education falls under "general welfare".

No, the general welfare clause means only those items listed in the Constitution. The Constitution charges our leaders with the defense of this country. In this day and age, that's impossible to do without funds.

The Constitution does not state that we do not have to pay for that defense. When are you going to stand up and start paying for it?

Those who argue for the education are willing to pay for it.

So how do you suppose we could defend this country without funding, throw rocks at the next fighter jet from China?

Pay for it.

I agree. Let's start drastically cutting social programs to pay for it since they are not outlined in the Constitution, but defense is.

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