Republicans never learn - -

Most Republican voters elected GOP lawmakers to deal with inflation, rising interest rates, and what they see as loose border security. So---what do these same lawmakers tell us is their top priority now that the election is past?? Probe the Biden Family! Ya Sure Youbetcha. Forget about the economy and border security, let's go after old Joe Biden and Hunter's laptop.... again!

Republicans never learn, do they? It's no wonder they don't stay in power for very long. :banghead:

With not having control of the House, Senate, White House and all the friggin worthless government agencies there was not much the Republicans could do to stop the damage the Democrat assholes were doing to the country.

Now having a slim majority in the House only allows the Republicans to do things:

1. Make Potatohead's a lame duck administration because no more destructive bills will reach his desk. That will limit what Potatohead can do to further fuck up this country.

2. Investigate the corruption of the Democrats.

They should do both.
Most Republican voters elected GOP lawmakers to deal with inflation, rising interest rates, and what they see as loose border security. So---what do these same lawmakers tell us is their top priority now that the election is past?? Probe the Biden Family! Ya Sure Youbetcha. Forget about the economy and border security, let's go after old Joe Biden and Hunter's laptop.... again!

Republicans never learn, do they? It's no wonder they don't stay in power for very long. :banghead:

Says those who instead of getting refineries back running, address inflation or fuel issues or war(saber rattling) decide to obstruct those investigations by putting their time and energy into revisiting Jan 6th. Which by the way is an inadvertant admission to their responsibility and instigation of the riots- looting-arsons- mayhem.
Lastly if you don't think a compromised president is a priority then why did you spend 6+ years with a fake claim that Trump was compromised?-oops!
In this case, Biden's compromise is actually real, has left more dead than Bin Laden, by way of letting China Fentanyl come in the open border, has left us in a compromising position with fuel reserve supplies and inventory and supplies in general, at a time of war talk which he also is responsible for by way of that compromising position. And I think risk of Nukes makes it a top priority. In the Trump era we never did Nuke Drills like we do now with Biden.
-your post exposed & busted!
With not having control of the House, Senate, White House and all the friggin worthless government agencies there was not much the Republicans could do to stop the damage the Democrat assholes were doing to the country.

Now having a slim majority in the House only allows the Republicans to do things:

1. Make Potatohead's a lame duck administration because no more destructive bills will reach his desk. That will limit what Potatohead can do to further fuck up this country.

2. Investigate the corruption of the Democrats.

They should do both.
Here’s an idea. They could work with Dems to pass legislation that the nation needs. Hell they would probably be able to put their spin on it.


Investigate Hillary
Here’s an idea. They could work with Dems to pass legislation that the nation needs. Hell they would probably be able to put their spin on it.


Investigate Hillary
They could work with Dems to pass legislation that the nation needs.
LIke Democrats worked with Republicans?

that ship sailed 20 years ago
Here’s an idea. They could work with Dems to pass legislation that the nation needs. Hell they would probably be able to put their spin on it.


Investigate Hillary
You are confused Moon Bat.

The Democrat filth have been in charge of the House and Senate for four years and the White House for two and the Federal agencies for two and created massive inflation, high price of energy, let millions of Illegals in, decreased family income, increased taxes and ran up the debt with nothing to show for it except money going into the Democrat coffers.

The only way we are going to fix what the goddamn Democrats broke is to get rid of all of all of the Democrat shitheads, including Potatohead that stole the election from the American people.

Having a little majority in the House will only allow no more additional damage to be done at the Legislative level and to be able to investigate the corrupt of the Democrats, especially the Biden crime syndicate.
It's more likely that lefties never learn, even when they lose the election, that they are dupes of the fraudulent media that has become the propaganda arm of the democrat party. The republican leadership never said that Hunter Biden was the top priority, the left wing media said that they said it. Whatever happens in the next two years, it has to be better than open borders, inflation and rampant crime and a doddering old fool in the W.H. who can't even figure out where he is half of the time.
Here’s an idea. They could work with Dems to pass legislation that the nation needs. Hell they would probably be able to put their spin on it.


Investigate Hillary

The problem is the commies have no interest in passing anything this nation needs. Their only interest is passing things that benefit Big Brother. There is no middle ground in that.
Here’s an idea. They could work with Dems to pass legislation that the nation needs. Hell they would probably be able to put their spin on it.


Investigate Hillary
Sherlock, there's tons of energetic house members split up to do multitasking, the fact that you think otherwise is because you never see that on the left, which lock step all have 1 agenda, keep power from those who can stop their corruption.
Lastly corruption has gotten this bad, because you look and vote the other way regarding it and only have rules for your opposition not your own party=totalitarianism.
Most Republican voters elected GOP lawmakers to deal with inflation, rising interest rates, and what they see as loose border security. So---what do these same lawmakers tell us is their top priority now that the election is past?? Probe the Biden Family! Ya Sure Youbetcha. Forget about the economy and border security, let's go after old Joe Biden and Hunter's laptop.... again!

Republicans never learn, do they? It's no wonder they don't stay in power for very long. :banghead:

Juss following the Democratic way of solving the same problems.
Sauce for the goose.
That will all depend on your parameters of success won't it? So, why don't you share with us right now, what Republican's hold only the house, with a slim majority, what success for them would look like?

Since I am not a Repub I do not know what you all are looking for.

It seems right now success will be endless investigations and little else.

I do not think they have a large enough majority to make a real fight over the debt limit increase, not that they would anyhow. That is just symbolic, and what needs to be done is a cut in spending. But even when they had the WH and all of Congress that did not happen.
Since I am not a Repub I do not know what you all are looking for.

It seems right now success will be endless investigations and little else.

I do not think they have a large enough majority to make a real fight over the debt limit increase, not that they would anyhow. That is just symbolic, and what needs to be done is a cut in spending. But even when they had the WH and all of Congress that did not happen.
Ah, so there it is...The total dishonesty of your approach...First you come in with a snarky little comment about their commitment to change things not "yet being proven", even though you know they haven't even been seated yet. So, when asked politely for what your standards for success are, you slip and slither without answering....Then you wonder why people can't have rational conversations with you....
First you come in with a snarky little comment about their commitment to change things not "yet being proven", even though you know they haven't even been seated yet.

That is not what I said at all.

I said it has not yet been proven they can chew gum and walk at the same time.

Do try and keep up, it saves us both time
So, when asked politely for what your standards for success are, you slip and slither without answering....

I gave an answer, that you choose to pretend I did not changes nothing.

The only success congress can have in my eyes is to cut spending.

Let me know when that happens.

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