Republicans Reconsider Your Tax Bill!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Senate Republicans should look at this obstruction of their debt trigger idea not being permitted by reconciliation rules as a blessing and reconsider the motion of Senator Angus King which was to send the tax bill back to the committee with the instruction to pass only a deficit neutral tax bill. The deficit increasing effect of this tax bill is leprosy on America and it does not have to be. The tax bill has a significant framework which is good lowering the corporate tax rate although it should be 25% not 20% because that is all America can afford right now, doing the pass through at a lower tax rate and moving America to a territorial tax system. Doing basically just this will significantly grow the economy, increase wages and create jobs. But Republicans doing these other things in your bill like repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax and increasing the exclusion limit on the estate tax will be a political albatross in future elections as it subjects you to criticism that you lowered taxes on the wealthy on the backs of the middle class and future Americans who will have to pay America's credit card which is being used to finance these cuts. Republicans you are really foolish with all these right wing ideology provisions in your bill because these provisions won't last six months in a Democrat Presidential administration with a Democrat Congress before their overturned. And as every week goes by it looks more and more likely President Trump won't be reelected; America needs to dial down conflict between Muslims and non-Muslims not retweet anti-Muslim propaganda videos which President Trump did this week. Republicans you have a lay-up with this tax bill issue but you're on course to forfeit the game with your present bills!
A "deficit neutral" tax bill is NOT a tax cut. That would simply be shuffling around who pays the taxes. It would have little or no effect on the overall economy.

Most economists agree with dynamic scoring, where consideration is made for the expansion of the economy through the tax cuts themselves, which will increase revenues... because it always does. Only nit-wit liberal dumb asses who live in a vacuum where everything remains static, don't understand dynamic scoring.

Now it appears there is a parliamentarian issue with the amendment triggering rate increases if the economy fails to grow as anticipated. (This would mean the bill needs 60 votes to pass.) But really, this amendment is pure silliness and only included to satisfy mush-brains like Lisa Murkowski and John McCain. The economy is NOT going to fail to grow if we decrease tax rates... it's never happened in the history of America.

I'll tell you what we should do... Let's pass another stand-alone bill which says that we'll increase the tax rates if growth targets aren't met and we'll reduce the rates further if we meet the targets... how about that?
How about leaving the tax rates for corporations as they are, and reducing the deductions that they can take. How about reducing taxes on those making under 50K, leaving taxes the same for those 50K to 75k, a 2% increase for those 75k to 150k, a 5% increase for those from 150k to 500k, and a 10% increase for those that exceed 500k. On all income. To be continued until the deficit is 0, and the National debt less than 10% of the GDP. Then we can discuss tax decreases.

Not a snowballs chance of that ever passing, but that would be a truly fiscally conservative position.
A "deficit neutral" tax bill is NOT a tax cut. That would simply be shuffling around who pays the taxes. It would have little or no effect on the overall economy.

Most economists agree with dynamic scoring, where consideration is made for the expansion of the economy through the tax cuts themselves, which will increase revenues... because it always does. Only nit-wit liberal dumb asses who live in a vacuum where everything remains static, don't understand dynamic scoring.

Now it appears there is a parliamentarian issue with the amendment triggering rate increases if the economy fails to grow as anticipated. (This would mean the bill needs 60 votes to pass.) But really, this amendment is pure silliness and only included to satisfy mush-brains like Lisa Murkowski and John McCain. The economy is NOT going to fail to grow if we decrease tax rates... it's never happened in the history of America.

I'll tell you what we should do... Let's pass another stand-alone bill which says that we'll increase the tax rates if growth targets aren't met and we'll reduce the rates further if we meet the targets... how about that?

Boss.... the whole reason it got stopped is because the dynamic scoring report on the tax bill that came out today showed a ONE TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT....

that was with all the pie in the sky increases in the economy they dream having....

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