Republicans said there would be a terrorist attack, they were right!

Every RW anti-abortionist on this board supports anti-abortion terrorism. Not every one of them dares admit it.
And when it comes to helping the child AFTER it's born? Fuck it, it's not MY kid. I don't care what happens to it. Let it starve.
Of course the child should be helped. Take it from the mother and give it to someone that wants the child.
Force the woman to have the baby and then give it away. Wow, Republicans take so much unasked for responsibility. Getting involved in people's lives because the fuckers somehow believe they have the RIGHT.

Not forcing a woman to have a baby.....not allowing her to murder another human being for convenience...9 months and she can do what she can the baby...
Every RW anti-abortionist on this board supports anti-abortion terrorism. Not every one of them dares admit it.
And when it comes to helping the child AFTER it's born? Fuck it, it's not MY kid. I don't care what happens to it. Let it starve.
Of course the child should be helped. Take it from the mother and give it to someone that wants the child.
Force the woman to have the baby and then give it away. Wow, Republicans take so much unasked for responsibility. Getting involved in people's lives because the fuckers somehow believe they have the RIGHT.

Democrats murdering babies because they think they have the right......murder is an often used tool of the left......
Every RW anti-abortionist on this board supports anti-abortion terrorism. Not every one of them dares admit it.
And when it comes to helping the child AFTER it's born? Fuck it, it's not MY kid. I don't care what happens to it. Let it starve.

You guys always say that...and it isn't true.......conservatives give more money to charity than lefties do....and they support all kinds of organizations that actually support children vs. making New Democrat voters by creating dependence...
We both know that's bullshit. Like on another post, some right winger was so proud they made a charity basket and gave it away. The "liberal" view is: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
Republicans don't believe in education. They think it's either some kind of brainwashing or something only for snobs.

Oh look, we give away more money and more stuff. This from the people who complain Democrats give away "free stuff". Then they come up with such bullshit. "It's one thing to want to help people and another to be forced to help people". What bullshit. What ignorant spin. So tired of these turds with a spin for every evil thing they do.
Republicans said government doesn't work. Then George Bush was elected. Bush proved they were right.

Then, after Paris, they said Obama has left us open for attack and again they were right.

Police officer dead following shootout at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs

Planned Parenthood have often been the target of threats and violence. Abortion rights groups say threats against abortion providers have spiked this summer in the wake of an undercover sting mounted by an anti-abortion group purporting to prove that Planned Parenthood sells leftover tissue from abortions for a profit.

Police described the gunman as a stocky, bearded white male wearing a trench coat.

The anti-abortion organization spent 30 months infiltrating Planned Parenthood clinics and gatherings in an effort to produce evidence that the women’s health nonprofit was selling tissue leftover from abortions, which is against federal law.

Planned Parenthood has called the videos deceptively edited, and said emphatically that it has not violated any laws.

Abortion-rights advocates say the videos have led to a spike in threats against abortion providers, particularly Planned Parenthood; at least four affiliates have been targeted in arson attacks since the videos emerged.


Republicans said government doesn't work, then they took charge and there you go, government didn't work. They were right.

Then they said a terrorist attack was coming. They spread deceitful lies about an organization that helps women and bam, terrorist attack. I'm afraid of what they might warn us about next. Because when Republicans warn us about something, one way or another, it happens. We better pay attention to whatever they warn us about next.

Watch the debate and they're warning us about how they're going to abolish all of our institutions of health, science and finance. I shit you not. Be fucking afraid!
Republicans said government doesn't work. Then George Bush was elected. Bush proved they were right.

Then, after Paris, they said Obama has left us open for attack and again they were right.

Police officer dead following shootout at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs

Planned Parenthood have often been the target of threats and violence. Abortion rights groups say threats against abortion providers have spiked this summer in the wake of an undercover sting mounted by an anti-abortion group purporting to prove that Planned Parenthood sells leftover tissue from abortions for a profit.

Police described the gunman as a stocky, bearded white male wearing a trench coat.

The anti-abortion organization spent 30 months infiltrating Planned Parenthood clinics and gatherings in an effort to produce evidence that the women’s health nonprofit was selling tissue leftover from abortions, which is against federal law.

Planned Parenthood has called the videos deceptively edited, and said emphatically that it has not violated any laws.

Abortion-rights advocates say the videos have led to a spike in threats against abortion providers, particularly Planned Parenthood; at least four affiliates have been targeted in arson attacks since the videos emerged.


Republicans said government doesn't work, then they took charge and there you go, government didn't work. They were right.

Then they said a terrorist attack was coming. They spread deceitful lies about an organization that helps women and bam, terrorist attack. I'm afraid of what they might warn us about next. Because when Republicans warn us about something, one way or another, it happens. We better pay attention to whatever they warn us about next.

Watch the debate and they're warning us about how they're going to abolish all of our institutions of health, science and finance. I shit you not. Be fucking afraid!
It certainly seems that way.
Every RW anti-abortionist on this board supports anti-abortion terrorism. Not every one of them dares admit it.
And when it comes to helping the child AFTER it's born? Fuck it, it's not MY kid. I don't care what happens to it. Let it starve.

You guys always say that...and it isn't true.......conservatives give more money to charity than lefties do....and they support all kinds of organizations that actually support children vs. making New Democrat voters by creating dependence...
We both know that's bullshit. Like on another post, some right winger was so proud they made a charity basket and gave it away. The "liberal" view is: "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
Republicans don't believe in education. They think it's either some kind of brainwashing or something only for snobs.

Oh look, we give away more money and more stuff. This from the people who complain Democrats give away "free stuff". Then they come up with such bullshit. "It's one thing to want to help people and another to be forced to help people". What bullshit. What ignorant spin. So tired of these turds with a spin for every evil thing they do.

Twit....Republicas are the only ones trying to actually fix the education system...especially in the inner city where the democrat controlled education syndicate is destroying the lives of children and using them as pawns to increase their own salaries....

Democrats only care about union dues which can then be funneled to democrat politicians.....and they don't care for the children they destroy......
Republicans said government doesn't work. Then George Bush was elected. Bush proved they were right.

Then, after Paris, they said Obama has left us open for attack and again they were right.

Police officer dead following shootout at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs

Planned Parenthood have often been the target of threats and violence. Abortion rights groups say threats against abortion providers have spiked this summer in the wake of an undercover sting mounted by an anti-abortion group purporting to prove that Planned Parenthood sells leftover tissue from abortions for a profit.

Police described the gunman as a stocky, bearded white male wearing a trench coat.

The anti-abortion organization spent 30 months infiltrating Planned Parenthood clinics and gatherings in an effort to produce evidence that the women’s health nonprofit was selling tissue leftover from abortions, which is against federal law.

Planned Parenthood has called the videos deceptively edited, and said emphatically that it has not violated any laws.

Abortion-rights advocates say the videos have led to a spike in threats against abortion providers, particularly Planned Parenthood; at least four affiliates have been targeted in arson attacks since the videos emerged.


Republicans said government doesn't work, then they took charge and there you go, government didn't work. They were right.

Then they said a terrorist attack was coming. They spread deceitful lies about an organization that helps women and bam, terrorist attack. I'm afraid of what they might warn us about next. Because when Republicans warn us about something, one way or another, it happens. We better pay attention to whatever they warn us about next.

Watch the debate and they're warning us about how they're going to abolish all of our institutions of health, science and finance. I shit you not. Be fucking afraid!

You say that the institutions of health, science and finance are in danger....but you want to give more money to the very politicians who have made a mess of all of those does that make any sense at all.....?
Republicans said government doesn't work. Then George Bush was elected. Bush proved they were right.

Then, after Paris, they said Obama has left us open for attack and again they were right.

Police officer dead following shootout at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs

Planned Parenthood have often been the target of threats and violence. Abortion rights groups say threats against abortion providers have spiked this summer in the wake of an undercover sting mounted by an anti-abortion group purporting to prove that Planned Parenthood sells leftover tissue from abortions for a profit.

Police described the gunman as a stocky, bearded white male wearing a trench coat.

The anti-abortion organization spent 30 months infiltrating Planned Parenthood clinics and gatherings in an effort to produce evidence that the women’s health nonprofit was selling tissue leftover from abortions, which is against federal law.

Planned Parenthood has called the videos deceptively edited, and said emphatically that it has not violated any laws.

Abortion-rights advocates say the videos have led to a spike in threats against abortion providers, particularly Planned Parenthood; at least four affiliates have been targeted in arson attacks since the videos emerged.


Republicans said government doesn't work, then they took charge and there you go, government didn't work. They were right.

Then they said a terrorist attack was coming. They spread deceitful lies about an organization that helps women and bam, terrorist attack. I'm afraid of what they might warn us about next. Because when Republicans warn us about something, one way or another, it happens. We better pay attention to whatever they warn us about next.
You are an idiot.
Carly Fiorina and the people who produced that phony Planned Parenthood tape will be washing the blood off their hands for a very long time.
Once again it is interesting how the news will report something and we all go off on it as if it were fact.

First of all if this were an attack on PP then why wasn't anyone from PP hurt?

Colorado Planned Parenthood shooting: 3 killed -

From CNN: "We're still reaching out to confirm individuals, how they are. I believe no one of our staff was severely injured. I also believe at this time that none of our patients were injured," she told CNN. (note disclaimer in signature line)

So it appears that the man was not targeting PP. He kept the employees hostage for some time and could have killed them all, but did not.

Another observation. I assume this person to be white, I DON'T KNOW. But if a black man kills a cop in an ambush, why isn't that instantly labeled terrorism?
I love how people hate the police...until they die in the line of the duty...then they're "heroes". You can't have it both ways folks.
it is lefties who make it impossible to adopt children in the U.S. Which is why so many Americans adopt children form over seas..........and they just shut out Catholic charities from providing adoption services....the left will even hurt children to push their agenda....

Yeah what could go wrong with putting children in the hands of the Catholic church.

A lot less than putting them in the hands of planned parenthood...........

Nah, you just have a hardcore meme re PP. But you don't have a meme for decades of child molestation by the priests in the Catholic church against children.

Come on cons, defend your whacko who did what you only dare dream of. Shooting people to force your will on them.

Looking at actual is the left like you who shot people to enforce their will....all throughout Europe, Russia and China......and Republicans who used guns to free blacks from you guys and your democrat party....

LOL You certainly have a warped view of history, but it makes you feel good to believe it so go right ahead. You force every person that has a differeing opinion into your 'you guys' box.

I'm sorry, the real world is far more complicated than that but your mind only recognizes 'us vs them'.
Carly Fiorina and the people who produced that phony Planned Parenthood tape will be washing the blood off their hands for a very long time.
Libtards believe this is against pp is proof of their retardism.

Yep, and if it turns out to be the primary target do you think the current Republican candidates will stop howling at the moon about it? Or will they fess up and agree that we have our very own right wing religion that wants to force us to be the same as they are. Same as a Mullah would, just different but every bit as dangerous.
Republicans said government doesn't work. Then George Bush was elected. Bush proved they were right.

Then, after Paris, they said Obama has left us open for attack and again they were right.

Police officer dead following shootout at Planned Parenthood in Colorado Springs

Planned Parenthood have often been the target of threats and violence. Abortion rights groups say threats against abortion providers have spiked this summer in the wake of an undercover sting mounted by an anti-abortion group purporting to prove that Planned Parenthood sells leftover tissue from abortions for a profit.

Police described the gunman as a stocky, bearded white male wearing a trench coat.

The anti-abortion organization spent 30 months infiltrating Planned Parenthood clinics and gatherings in an effort to produce evidence that the women’s health nonprofit was selling tissue leftover from abortions, which is against federal law.

Planned Parenthood has called the videos deceptively edited, and said emphatically that it has not violated any laws.

Abortion-rights advocates say the videos have led to a spike in threats against abortion providers, particularly Planned Parenthood; at least four affiliates have been targeted in arson attacks since the videos emerged.


Republicans said government doesn't work, then they took charge and there you go, government didn't work. They were right.

Then they said a terrorist attack was coming. They spread deceitful lies about an organization that helps women and bam, terrorist attack. I'm afraid of what they might warn us about next. Because when Republicans warn us about something, one way or another, it happens. We better pay attention to whatever they warn us about next.

Watch the debate and they're warning us about how they're going to abolish all of our institutions of health, science and finance. I shit you not. Be fucking afraid!

None of the candidates have said anything like that.
There was a terrorist attack and no one died. Unlike a normal day at planned parenthood.

Protecting the right of women to control their own bodies. The right to control one's own body is a fundamental right, without which, all other rights are an illusion.

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