Republicans say they will vote for Hillary or Bernie

Beware of Bill, who will accompany Hillary to the WH. The amount of experience Clinton carries for the WH is overwhelming and Bill's two terms are remembered positively. It may turn out to be a contest between wisdom and experience and a rogue maverick with lots of ideas, but no knowledge of how to actually get things done.

The Rapist has made a fool of himself every time he's spoke in the last year.

That's why you're not seeing him.

He's done. Finished. Yesterday's breakfast.

Worse than that, The Rapist has become a liability to Ubercunt's campaign. They're keeping him as far away from microphones as possible.
....Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?

Of course Republicans (Aka - Liberal-Lite) will choose to vote for a Socialist rather than a non-establishment candidate.

Trump threatens the status quo in Washington, which we all know is far more important to BOTH parties than actually having any values or living up to their campaign promises.

This isn't Con versus Lib. This is Establishment vs. Citizenry. Assuming that Hillary is the nominee, I believe many of the disenfranchised Bernie voters (many of whom are NOT dyed-in-the-wool Socialists) will choose to vote AGAINST the establishment candidate, Mrs. Clinton.
Reagan was unelectable as well. The establishment hated him.


Complete garbage. The 'establishment' loved Reagan.

They hated Ross The Insane Pirogi. And so did I and every other Patriot

For good reason. He got us where we are now. Without that scumbag, there would have been no Bill The Rapist Clinton, no Lying Cocksucker in Chief, no Ubercunt, no Bernie the dimocrap socialist.
<snip> Assuming that Hillary is the nominee, I believe many of the disenfranchised Bernie voters (many of whom are NOT dyed-in-the-wool Socialists) will choose to vote AGAINST the establishment candidate, Mrs. Clinton.

No they won't.

We went through this in 2008 when Ubercunt was corn-holed out of the dimocrap scum nomination.

Every dimocrap I knew that was for Ubercunt VOWED they would never vote for The Lying Cocksucker.

Every one of them.

That's how butt-hurt they were.

But....... Being scum of the earth dimocrap FILTH, they dutifully marched to the Polls that November and voted the straight dimocrap scum ticket en masse.

Just like they do every election. And will continue to do ad infinitum.

Because -- They're scum. It's what they do.

Never underestimate the scumbaggery of dimocraps.

NEVER. It knows no limits.

Whoever the dimocrap party runs on the ticket...... It could be Pol Pot, will get a MINIMUM of 45% of the vote in November.

That's what I'm talking about.
Reagan was unelectable as well. The establishment hated him.


Complete garbage. The 'establishment' loved Reagan.

They hated Ross The Insane Pirogi. And so did I and every other Patriot

For good reason. He got us where we are now. Without that scumbag, there would have been no Bill The Rapist Clinton, no Lying Cocksucker in Chief, no Ubercunt, no Bernie the dimocrap socialist.

I guess I'll just believe history, if thats alright.

No they won't.

We went through this in 2008 when Ubercunt was corn-holed out of the dimocrap scum nomination.....

Except that we're not talking about typical Democrats. We're talking about people who are just as anti-establishment as the Trump supporters are; just at the other end of the political spectrum. Hillary supporters were Democrats first. Bernie supports may not be. Sanders is getting hosed far worse than Hillary did.

I may be wrong, but I see the Sandersites being far more disgruntled and looking for scalps at the end of the Convention than the Clintonites were 8 years ago.
Good. Fuck em. If this is how the collapse of America happens so be it. But the RINOS days are over. Period.

And if all the RINOS vote Democrat....then I guess most of our nation is actually Democrats and we'll just let the empire sink further away from greatness and towards collapse.

But RINOS are done. Forever.
Beware of Bill, who will accompany Hillary to the WH. The amount of experience Clinton carries for the WH is overwhelming and Bill's two terms are remembered positively. It may turn out to be a contest between wisdom and experience and a rogue maverick with lots of ideas, but no knowledge of how to actually get things done.

The Rapist has made a fool of himself every time he's spoke in the last year.

That's why you're not seeing him.

He's done. Finished. Yesterday's breakfast.

Worse than that, The Rapist has become a liability to Ubercunt's campaign. They're keeping him as far away from microphones as possible.
You are a delusional hater. You believe your own talking points and misperceive reality. You are so misinformed that you don't know he has been on the campaign trail non-stop for well over a month. He was in Colorado yesterday. That shows just how uninformed you are. This is what happens when your main source of news is right wing blogs and crap like Breitbart.
The most wrong statement on the page: "What you jackass LIBs are unable to comprehend is with the future of the SC at stake and the hatred of the Clintons every REP is going to turn out and vote for whichever REP has the best chance to become President."

Added: Henry's informative icon means that he has nothing he can add to help out the losing OP.
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And there are Dems who will cross over also, it happens in every election
Yeah, I can see that happening, more with Trump than with most candidates.

We'll just watch the polls.

Right now the RCP average is Clinton up 2.8%, and all kinds of shit could hit the fan between now and November.
It has been posted elsewhere on the Board that Trump has the very worst chance of cross over from the Dems than any of the other GOP candidates.
CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?

So, let me get this straight. You, a dyed in the wool liberal, are advising the GOP to not nominate the guy that, according to you, cannot beat the candidate that YOU WANT TO WIN.

I know you are an idiot, Mr. divide-up-the powerball-and-solve-poverty-everywhere...but we are not.

The only reason for you to be against Trump and endorsing Rubio is you believe you have a better chance of beating Rubio.

I agree with you.
55,000 expected to show up to see and hear Trump speak at 4:00 p.m. in Atlanta today. Trump will win the Presidency by a landslide.
I'm not a Trump fan, but I absolutely LOVE how agitated and afraid that he's made the LibTards on the Left...

We can expect LibProgs to pull out all the stops, trying to Divide-and-Conquer, and split Republicans, once a nominee becomes clear...

Silly, silly LibTards...

Dinner AND a show...

Fun-Time's over kiddies... you've had your eight years... start packing...
CNN interviewed republican voters after the polls closed in South Carolina. And there were more than a few that said they would rather vote for Bernie or the Shrill than for Trump, because he's such a moron.

Cons might be able to see that it's a three man race now in the GOP. So if they're able to smell the coffee, and realize that Trump is going to win unless they start voting to get him out, will they go with the other nut job, or will they try to get the "establishment" candidate to represent them?

Trump is a guaranteed loser in the general. Do the cons really want to risk the SCOTUS pick, on Trump?
guaranteed lose??? God I hope you're right but lots of states to go and the moron trump is feeling confident call out the pope ,,accuses gwb of 9/11 blasts aapl opens his yapper and feces come out and still the leading repub guy??I worry for America if this swine reaches our WH Texas with all its delegates imo will tell the story

Trump has the highest percentage of unfavorable, out of any candidate. Even the majority of republicans have an unfavorable opinion of him. He can't win the general when the majority of the country is against him. Trump has made it clear that he is an extremist. So is Cruz. The only one of the three cons left, that doesn't look extremist is the Rube. But I wonder if the cons can figure that out.

AP Poll: GOP voters say Donald Trump can win in November

"Indeed, only 42 percent of Republicans consider Trump likable and only 32 percent consider him compassionate."

" only 4 in 10 GOP voters seeing Trump in a positive light."

"By comparison, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio leads the field in terms of favorability and likability. But he's yet to come close to the top of the pack, perhaps because those same voters put "likability" at the bottom of their list of priorities, with just half of GOP respondents calling it important."

"Among all registered voters nationally, 6 in 10 say they have an unfavorable opinion of Trump and 54 percent say they wouldn't even consider voting for him in a general election."

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