Republicans should not pass healthcare bill. Dems should run on Obamacare for midterms

Dems passed Obamacare with no bipartisan support.

Dems need to own the bill they passed so they can know what's in it.

Run on Obamacare in 2018, Dems, please.

Pubs are stupid to pass anything before the midterms
Ah... so you don't really care about all the people affected ... you just want to use healthcare as a political tool.

That's all Trump and the GOP did, was use as a political tool.
well when the president starts creating bills then you have something. but you don't.

He ran on the political tool that congress would work with him, so far he hasn't had very good luck, has he? The President should be in there giving them suggestions but since he don't know shit about healthcare he's just tweeting, anyday now we'll have a bigly repeal Heehaw.
Schummer Quote: "Health Care is not MY PROBLEM!"

Yah that piece of shit actually said that.
Where's the link?
Schumer: Democrats wrong to focus on health care
60 times they repealed. 60 times.

Now we see it was all a massive hoax, just as I have been telling you this whole time.
yep they all lied, trump wasn't there.
Trump promised to repeal on Day One. Trump promised he had a "beautiful plan". Trump promised he was going to give Congress a series of reforms to implement.

He has ERASED all of those promises from his web site. You are such a rube! A cuckold. You've been had. :lol:
well trump can't pass bills. that is up to congress. so he is at the mercy of the GOP. I highly doubt he thought that would be an issue since you pointed out, they had done it 60 times. And now they have the opportunity they desired and they no longer desire that. wow.

Where is that beautiful healthcare plan that Trump said he had? You know....the one that was better, cheaper and covered more people than Obamacare. The one that looked out for the interests of the poor and working Americans?
Obama was out campaigning for healthcare reform, meeting the public, engaging Republicans, discussing the issues

Trump has done nothing but tweet how much he loves whatever garbage plan that the House or Senate spits out
Dems passed Obamacare with no bipartisan support.

Dems need to own the bill they passed so they can know what's in it.

Run on Obamacare in 2018, Dems, please.

Pubs are stupid to pass anything before the midterms
Ah... so you don't really care about all the people affected ... you just want to use healthcare as a political tool.

That's all Trump and the GOP did, was use as a political tool.
well when the president starts creating bills then you have something. but you don't.

He ran on the political tool that congress would work with him, so far he hasn't had very good luck, has he? The President should be in there giving them suggestions but since he don't know shit about healthcare he's just tweeting, anyday now we'll have a bigly repeal Heehaw.

What ever happened to the Great Dealmaker? The Washington outsider who knew how to get things done, who knew how to engage everyone and hammer out a deal?
Dems passed Obamacare with no bipartisan support.

Dems need to own the bill they passed so they can know what's in it.

Run on Obamacare in 2018, Dems, please.

Pubs are stupid to pass anything before the midterms
Ah... so you don't really care about all the people affected ... you just want to use healthcare as a political tool.

That's all Trump and the GOP did, was use as a political tool.
well when the president starts creating bills then you have something. but you don't.

He ran on the political tool that congress would work with him, so far he hasn't had very good luck, has he? The President should be in there giving them suggestions but since he don't know shit about healthcare he's just tweeting, anyday now we'll have a bigly repeal Heehaw.

What ever happened to the Great Dealmaker? The Washington outsider who knew how to get things done, who knew how to engage everyone and hammer out a deal?
It was a con just like everything else he said. Trump whores are the biggest dupes on the planet.
Ah... so you don't really care about all the people affected ... you just want to use healthcare as a political tool.

That's all Trump and the GOP did, was use as a political tool.
well when the president starts creating bills then you have something. but you don't.

He ran on the political tool that congress would work with him, so far he hasn't had very good luck, has he? The President should be in there giving them suggestions but since he don't know shit about healthcare he's just tweeting, anyday now we'll have a bigly repeal Heehaw.

What ever happened to the Great Dealmaker? The Washington outsider who knew how to get things done, who knew how to engage everyone and hammer out a deal?
It was a con just like everything else he said. Trump whores are the biggest dupes on the planet.

Trumps ability to make a deal is minimal

He can't even make a deal with his own party
America is telling republicans what they can do with their Healthcare bill that takes away insurance from 22 million and is a shameless giveaway to the rich.

check it out.

This has gone viral on YouTube and many are encouraging Geoff Ginter to run for public office.
Obama care (the worst legislation ever written) was so poorly designed in fact, that The Supreme Court had to violate Separations of Powers and rewrite the damn thing which is a violation of their mandated responsibilities.

Two years The Dems took to pass it. And spent 6 years trying to fix it. And now it threatens to collapse the entire health care system. That's how bad Obamacare is. It is UNFIXABLE! There was NO JUSTIFICATION for The Obama Administration to High Jack 1\6th of The US Economy to implement SOCIALISM IN AMERICA.

Health Insurance was cheaper and more available before Obama Bin Lying was elected.

Just allow it to be purchased across state lines. Just start there.

All the Senators can't get it together and you expect 50 state insurance commissioners and 50,000 providers to agree to a plan sold in Michigan presently to sell it in California? Even though it has been allowed since Jan 1, 2016 I don't know of any insurer that sells across state lines
No Plans need to be designed by The Government.

NO Government run Health Care System is needed.

Get rid of the State Monopolies. Provide a Regulatory Guideline and let The Market drive down prices.
That's all Trump and the GOP did, was use as a political tool.
well when the president starts creating bills then you have something. but you don't.

He ran on the political tool that congress would work with him, so far he hasn't had very good luck, has he? The President should be in there giving them suggestions but since he don't know shit about healthcare he's just tweeting, anyday now we'll have a bigly repeal Heehaw.

What ever happened to the Great Dealmaker? The Washington outsider who knew how to get things done, who knew how to engage everyone and hammer out a deal?
It was a con just like everything else he said. Trump whores are the biggest dupes on the planet.

Trumps ability to make a deal is minimal

He can't even make a deal with his own party
This sounds vaguely familiar to what is said to you every morning by your current lover.

RightWinger's Lover to Right Winger:

"Your ability to give me pleasure, is minimal."

For a small fee, I can keep your woman happy. Inbox me.
Dems passed Obamacare with no bipartisan support.

Exactly. Because Conservatives are party-before-country, and because Obama took their idea and made it his. Also, Conservatives don't even know what they want out of health care. All they know is what they don't want. Which is a very childish and useless way to go about policy.

Dems need to own the bill they passed so they can know what's in it.

"...outside of the fog of controversy." That's the part you always leave out because it means that Conservatives were lying about the bill. It changes the entire context of what Pelosi said. You all deliberately misrepresent that quote because you're intellectually dishonest people who can only make a point by lying.

Run on Obamacare in 2018, Dems, please.

Obamacare has a higher approval rating than Trump! LOL!

Pubs are stupid to pass anything before the midterms

They can't pass anything because the Conservatives have no idea how to govern. And it shows.
Dems passed Obamacare with no bipartisan support.

Dems need to own the bill they passed so they can know what's in it.

Run on Obamacare in 2018, Dems, please.

Pubs are stupid to pass anything before the midterms
Ever since Obamacare was passed, Republicans have said they would repeal it. They passed 60 repeals in Congress. Now that they have the power to actually repeal it, they won't.

Now their backup position to cover up their total disaster, which you are obediently echoing, is to campaign on ObamaCare's failures. But they have already done that! That is why they have the majority and the White House.

No one is going to buy the same hogwash again. The Republicans need to live up to the promises they made for the past seven years. Here is the full promise that the Republicans ran on: "ObamaCare sucks, we will repeal and replace it."


You cannot blame ObamaCare for the total failure of the GOP to come up with a better replacement. You look and sound really stupid right now.

The only problem with that is they never had any idea how they might replace it. It was enough to campaign on the promise. They never expected to have to do it.

They have and had plenty of ideas.

The house already passed one of them.

The Senate has not voted on it.

They are proposing their own bill.

Let me ask you this.....

If you are elected to SERVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.....then isn't Health Care every Congressmen's Problem?

Obamacare is a disaster and even some of the most staunch Democrats agree about that.

Isn't Congress supposed to work together and compromise for the good of "We The People"
and not do as UpChuck Hummer says Ignore the Problem because "Health Care Isn't My Problem"!

The republican plan is more tax break for the rich than it is access to healthcare for everybody else. Opposing that is serving the people.
That is a lie. There are no "tax breaks for the rich" in the House or Senate bill.

IS Obamacare a Tax, or a Health Care Insurance Plan?

You seem confused about that.

Tell the idiot who emailed you, your health care talking points that he is dumber than a box of Jonathan Grubers.

Obama: GOP Senate bill pays for tax cut with health cuts
Obama blasts GOP Senate bill as tax cut for the rich at health care’s expense

By John Kruzel on Monday, June 26th, 2017 at 4:18 p.m.
Dems passed Obamacare with no bipartisan support.

Dems need to own the bill they passed so they can know what's in it.

Run on Obamacare in 2018, Dems, please.

Pubs are stupid to pass anything before the midterms
I think that's a mistake.

Manufacturing has millions of jobs they can't fill because people don't have the education or technical know how. Trump just gave a "full of lies" speech the media is ignoring giving the wrong impression that by focusing on Russia, they are keeping automated jobs from "coming back".

They aren't coming back. They have been automated.
Schummer Quote: "Health Care is not MY PROBLEM!"

Yah that piece of shit actually said that.

It's the republican's problem. If they would work with Schumer, I'm sure he would try to help, but you can't help someone that refuses to accept help.

No, IT'S AMERICA'S Problem.
Obamacare is a disaster, and is making health insurance unfordable for taxpayers.

8 Billion in fines were collected last year by the Obama Administration because people could not afford Obamacare and The FINE was cheaper.

How does that make you feel?

I feel like I would like to see that wonderful plan that cost less, covered everybody, didn't hurt medicaid, that Trump promised. Why are they holding back on that plan?

Everyone has access to health care, so everyone is covered.
Even illegals aliens get health care and they have NO Health Insurance.

You are talking about PURCHASING health insurance.

Why should I buy health insurance for someone that refuses to work to earn money to pay for their own?

They ALL have health care. All of us do!

If someone uninsured has a heart attack, an ambulance will show up at their house and save their lives, perform CPR, and transport them to the hospital where they will get further care, surgery whatever is needed to save their live.

They can't get a tummy

Everyone has access to health care, not everyone can afford health care insurance.

EMTs don't check some kind of Obamacare list and say....

"Oh this asshole never bought health insurance and had to pay the Obamacare fine last year. Fuck him, let's go get ice cream!"

Are we also supposed to as taxpayers pay for someone else's life insurance, flood insurance, fire insurance, driver's insurance?

Emergency rooms will work on you if you are having a heart attack, but if you have chronic heart disease requiring regular medical care, you're screwed. I know you have heard this before.Why do you pretend to not know it?
Ever since Obamacare was passed, Republicans have said they would repeal it. They passed 60 repeals in Congress. Now that they have the power to actually repeal it, they won't.

Now their backup position to cover up their total disaster, which you are obediently echoing, is to campaign on ObamaCare's failures. But they have already done that! That is why they have the majority and the White House.

No one is going to buy the same hogwash again. The Republicans need to live up to the promises they made for the past seven years. Here is the full promise that the Republicans ran on: "ObamaCare sucks, we will repeal and replace it."


You cannot blame ObamaCare for the total failure of the GOP to come up with a better replacement. You look and sound really stupid right now.

The only problem with that is they never had any idea how they might replace it. It was enough to campaign on the promise. They never expected to have to do it.

They have and had plenty of ideas.

The house already passed one of them.

The Senate has not voted on it.

They are proposing their own bill.

Let me ask you this.....

If you are elected to SERVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.....then isn't Health Care every Congressmen's Problem?

Obamacare is a disaster and even some of the most staunch Democrats agree about that.

Isn't Congress supposed to work together and compromise for the good of "We The People"
and not do as UpChuck Hummer says Ignore the Problem because "Health Care Isn't My Problem"!

The republican plan is more tax break for the rich than it is access to healthcare for everybody else. Opposing that is serving the people.
That is a lie. There are no "tax breaks for the rich" in the House or Senate bill.

IS Obamacare a Tax, or a Health Care Insurance Plan?

You seem confused about that.

Tell the idiot who emailed you, your health care talking points that he is dumber than a box of Jonathan Grubers.

Obama: GOP Senate bill pays for tax cut with health cuts
Obama blasts GOP Senate bill as tax cut for the rich at health care’s expense

By John Kruzel on Monday, June 26th, 2017 at 4:18 p.m.
You cannot "Cut Taxes" on a so called Health Insurance Law that was declared as not a TAX.

Meanwhile back on Planet Earth, A Life Time Democrat and supporter of Obamacare does what Democrats do, celebrate their belief in global warming and Obama... In their birthday suit.

And I am supposed to buy health insurance for this fucking waste of life?


An Arizona man naked and on drugs has been arrested wandering near a Walmart store in Tempe.

Robert Kanoff, 49, was taken in by local authorities just before 11 p.m on July 4 after receiving a call about a man donning nothing but shoes, having been dropped off by two people who “thought it would be funny for him to be naked,” a police spokesperson from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office stated.

Kanoff, who admitted to having taken drugs earlier and walking through Walmart, was reportedly charged with indecent exposure, public sexual indecency and possession of dangerous drugs. Court records show that just a week earlier the suspect had completed a court-mandated drug program after being arrested in January 2016 for drug possession.

He appears no longer to be in custody.

Last edited:
Schummer Quote: "Health Care is not MY PROBLEM!"

Yah that piece of shit actually said that.

It's the republican's problem. If they would work with Schumer, I'm sure he would try to help, but you can't help someone that refuses to accept help.

No, IT'S AMERICA'S Problem.
Obamacare is a disaster, and is making health insurance unfordable for taxpayers.

8 Billion in fines were collected last year by the Obama Administration because people could not afford Obamacare and The FINE was cheaper.

How does that make you feel?

I feel like I would like to see that wonderful plan that cost less, covered everybody, didn't hurt medicaid, that Trump promised. Why are they holding back on that plan?

Everyone has access to health care, so everyone is covered.
Even illegals aliens get health care and they have NO Health Insurance.

You are talking about PURCHASING health insurance.

Why should I buy health insurance for someone that refuses to work to earn money to pay for their own?

They ALL have health care. All of us do!

If someone uninsured has a heart attack, an ambulance will show up at their house and save their lives, perform CPR, and transport them to the hospital where they will get further care, surgery whatever is needed to save their live.

They can't get a tummy

Everyone has access to health care, not everyone can afford health care insurance.

EMTs don't check some kind of Obamacare list and say....

"Oh this asshole never bought health insurance and had to pay the Obamacare fine last year. Fuck him, let's go get ice cream!"

Are we also supposed to as taxpayers pay for someone else's life insurance, flood insurance, fire insurance, driver's insurance?

Emergency rooms will work on you if you are having a heart attack, but if you have chronic heart disease requiring regular medical care, you're screwed. I know you have heard this before.Why do you pretend to not know it?

Evolution is a BITCH isn't she?

People die. Get over it. Get over yourself.
The Government will bury them for free.

Quit mandating your Fake Morality on me.

The Left believes in Global Warming caused by man and believes the global population needs to be reduced.

The Left believes in Survival of The Fittest, the Law of The Jungle, and Evolution and believe the planet is over populated.

The Left believes that the C02 humans exhale is a poison, and that we need to limit birth rates and shorten life spans, through birth control, abortion, and death panels to deny health care to people if it's "too expensive."

Ask Great Britain what playing god is like when they, NOT THE PARENTS, are making life and death decisions over an INFANT!

So let them die so as to save The Planet and "Decrease The Surplus Population," or if you as an individual believe in this person's plight, get together with your lefty friends and YOU pay for his HEALTH CARE.

Letting the weak die, is good for the gene pool. That is your belief maybe you should practice what your preach.

BTW, I have a tummy ache, so would you buy me a bottle of wine, and a nice steak tonight?

The Planet has a FEVER, and Humans are THE VIRUS!
Al Gore
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The fake news liberal media is already spinning the narrative that the GOP somehow sabotaged Obamacare. But if voters continue to punish Dem's for Obamacare eventually Dem's will come begging on their knees for us to get rid of that turd.
How can Republicans run on how bad Obamacare is when they promised to repeal and replace as soon as Trump took office

Are their voters that gullible?

More gullible than Hillary voters, no.
The only problem with that is they never had any idea how they might replace it. It was enough to campaign on the promise. They never expected to have to do it.

They have and had plenty of ideas.

The house already passed one of them.

The Senate has not voted on it.

They are proposing their own bill.

Let me ask you this.....

If you are elected to SERVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.....then isn't Health Care every Congressmen's Problem?

Obamacare is a disaster and even some of the most staunch Democrats agree about that.

Isn't Congress supposed to work together and compromise for the good of "We The People"
and not do as UpChuck Hummer says Ignore the Problem because "Health Care Isn't My Problem"!

The republican plan is more tax break for the rich than it is access to healthcare for everybody else. Opposing that is serving the people.
That is a lie. There are no "tax breaks for the rich" in the House or Senate bill.

IS Obamacare a Tax, or a Health Care Insurance Plan?

You seem confused about that.

Tell the idiot who emailed you, your health care talking points that he is dumber than a box of Jonathan Grubers.

Obama: GOP Senate bill pays for tax cut with health cuts
Obama blasts GOP Senate bill as tax cut for the rich at health care’s expense

By John Kruzel on Monday, June 26th, 2017 at 4:18 p.m.
You cannot "Cut Taxes" on a so called Health Insurance Law that was declared as not a TAX.

Meanwhile back on Planet Earth, A Life Time Democrat and supporter of Obamacare does what Democrats do, celebrate their belief in global warming and Obama... In their birthday suit.

And I am supposed to buy health insurance for this fucking waste of life?


An Arizona man naked and on drugs has been arrested wandering near a Walmart store in Tempe.

Robert Kanoff, 49, was taken in by local authorities just before 11 p.m on July 4 after receiving a call about a man donning nothing but shoes, having been dropped off by two people who “thought it would be funny for him to be naked,” a police spokesperson from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office stated.

Kanoff, who admitted to having taken drugs earlier and walking through Walmart, was reportedly charged with indecent exposure, public sexual indecency and possession of dangerous drugs. Court records show that just a week earlier the suspect had completed a court-mandated drug program after being arrested in January 2016 for drug possession.

He appears no longer to be in custody.

Pretty confused, aren't you? This is a new healthcare law. It hasn't been declared as anything by the SC. As far as the guy in the picture, no. You should buy your on healthcare policy, and he should byu his own. If either of you can't afford it, you might qualify for a subsidy.
It's the republican's problem. If they would work with Schumer, I'm sure he would try to help, but you can't help someone that refuses to accept help.

No, IT'S AMERICA'S Problem.
Obamacare is a disaster, and is making health insurance unfordable for taxpayers.

8 Billion in fines were collected last year by the Obama Administration because people could not afford Obamacare and The FINE was cheaper.

How does that make you feel?

I feel like I would like to see that wonderful plan that cost less, covered everybody, didn't hurt medicaid, that Trump promised. Why are they holding back on that plan?

Everyone has access to health care, so everyone is covered.
Even illegals aliens get health care and they have NO Health Insurance.

You are talking about PURCHASING health insurance.

Why should I buy health insurance for someone that refuses to work to earn money to pay for their own?

They ALL have health care. All of us do!

If someone uninsured has a heart attack, an ambulance will show up at their house and save their lives, perform CPR, and transport them to the hospital where they will get further care, surgery whatever is needed to save their live.

They can't get a tummy

Everyone has access to health care, not everyone can afford health care insurance.

EMTs don't check some kind of Obamacare list and say....

"Oh this asshole never bought health insurance and had to pay the Obamacare fine last year. Fuck him, let's go get ice cream!"

Are we also supposed to as taxpayers pay for someone else's life insurance, flood insurance, fire insurance, driver's insurance?

Emergency rooms will work on you if you are having a heart attack, but if you have chronic heart disease requiring regular medical care, you're screwed. I know you have heard this before.Why do you pretend to not know it?

Evolution is a BITCH isn't she?

People die. Get over it. Get over yourself.
The Government will bury them for free.

Quite mandating your Fake Morality on me.

The Left believes in Global Warming caused by man and believes population needs to be reduced.

The Left believes in Survival of The Fittest, the Law of The Jungle, and Evolution and believe the planet is over populated.

The Left believes that the C02 humans exhale is a poison, and that we need to limit birth rates and shorten life spans, through birth control, abortion, and death panels to deny health care to people if it's "too expensive."

Ask Great Britain what playing god is like when they NOT THE PARENTS are making life and death decisions over an INFANT!

So let them die so as to save The Planet and "Decrease The Surplus Population," or if you as an individual believe in this person's plight, get together with your lefty friends and YOU pay for his HEALTH CARE.

Letting the weak die, is good for the gene pool. That is your belief maybe you should practice what your preach.

BTW, I have a tummy ache, so would you buy me a bottle of wine, and a nice steak tonight?

The Planet has a FEVER, and Humans are THE VIRUS!
Al Gore

Thanks for listing the crazy things that Hannity, rush, and Alex Jones have said about liberals, and restating that republicans just want sick people to die.
They have and had plenty of ideas.

The house already passed one of them.

The Senate has not voted on it.

They are proposing their own bill.

Let me ask you this.....

If you are elected to SERVE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.....then isn't Health Care every Congressmen's Problem?

Obamacare is a disaster and even some of the most staunch Democrats agree about that.

Isn't Congress supposed to work together and compromise for the good of "We The People"
and not do as UpChuck Hummer says Ignore the Problem because "Health Care Isn't My Problem"!

The republican plan is more tax break for the rich than it is access to healthcare for everybody else. Opposing that is serving the people.
That is a lie. There are no "tax breaks for the rich" in the House or Senate bill.

IS Obamacare a Tax, or a Health Care Insurance Plan?

You seem confused about that.

Tell the idiot who emailed you, your health care talking points that he is dumber than a box of Jonathan Grubers.

Obama: GOP Senate bill pays for tax cut with health cuts
Obama blasts GOP Senate bill as tax cut for the rich at health care’s expense

By John Kruzel on Monday, June 26th, 2017 at 4:18 p.m.
You cannot "Cut Taxes" on a so called Health Insurance Law that was declared as not a TAX.

Meanwhile back on Planet Earth, A Life Time Democrat and supporter of Obamacare does what Democrats do, celebrate their belief in global warming and Obama... In their birthday suit.

And I am supposed to buy health insurance for this fucking waste of life?


An Arizona man naked and on drugs has been arrested wandering near a Walmart store in Tempe.

Robert Kanoff, 49, was taken in by local authorities just before 11 p.m on July 4 after receiving a call about a man donning nothing but shoes, having been dropped off by two people who “thought it would be funny for him to be naked,” a police spokesperson from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office stated.

Kanoff, who admitted to having taken drugs earlier and walking through Walmart, was reportedly charged with indecent exposure, public sexual indecency and possession of dangerous drugs. Court records show that just a week earlier the suspect had completed a court-mandated drug program after being arrested in January 2016 for drug possession.

He appears no longer to be in custody.

Pretty confused, aren't you? This is a new healthcare law. It hasn't been declared as anything by the SC. As far as the guy in the picture, no. You should buy your on healthcare policy, and he should byu his own. If either of you can't afford it, you might qualify for a subsidy.

Everyone has health care and has access to basic health care. Even illegal aliens without health insurance have access to health care.

So you are talking about forcing me to buy health insurance for someone else.

That is why I am mandating you buy me a steak and an expensive bottle of wine tonight.
Why are you being so mean?

Are you going to let me die of starvation?

You don't work for Big Pharma do you?
Last edited:
The republican plan is more tax break for the rich than it is access to healthcare for everybody else. Opposing that is serving the people.
That is a lie. There are no "tax breaks for the rich" in the House or Senate bill.

IS Obamacare a Tax, or a Health Care Insurance Plan?

You seem confused about that.

Tell the idiot who emailed you, your health care talking points that he is dumber than a box of Jonathan Grubers.

Obama: GOP Senate bill pays for tax cut with health cuts
Obama blasts GOP Senate bill as tax cut for the rich at health care’s expense

By John Kruzel on Monday, June 26th, 2017 at 4:18 p.m.
You cannot "Cut Taxes" on a so called Health Insurance Law that was declared as not a TAX.

Meanwhile back on Planet Earth, A Life Time Democrat and supporter of Obamacare does what Democrats do, celebrate their belief in global warming and Obama... In their birthday suit.

And I am supposed to buy health insurance for this fucking waste of life?


An Arizona man naked and on drugs has been arrested wandering near a Walmart store in Tempe.

Robert Kanoff, 49, was taken in by local authorities just before 11 p.m on July 4 after receiving a call about a man donning nothing but shoes, having been dropped off by two people who “thought it would be funny for him to be naked,” a police spokesperson from the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office stated.

Kanoff, who admitted to having taken drugs earlier and walking through Walmart, was reportedly charged with indecent exposure, public sexual indecency and possession of dangerous drugs. Court records show that just a week earlier the suspect had completed a court-mandated drug program after being arrested in January 2016 for drug possession.

He appears no longer to be in custody.

Pretty confused, aren't you? This is a new healthcare law. It hasn't been declared as anything by the SC. As far as the guy in the picture, no. You should buy your on healthcare policy, and he should byu his own. If either of you can't afford it, you might qualify for a subsidy.

Everyone has health care and has access to basic health care. Even illegal aliens without health insurance have access to health care.

So you are talking about forcing me to buy health insurance for someone else.
That is why I am mandating you buy me a steak an an expensive bottle of wine tonight.
Why are you being so mean?

Are you going to let me die of starvation?

You don't work for Big Pharma do you?

That's funny
I'm not
Fun thought

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