Republicans should not pass healthcare bill. Dems should run on Obamacare for midterms

Barack Obama put a healthcare reform plan on the table 18 MONTHS before he was elected. And we got ObamaCare as a result.

Donald Trump never put up shit. Nothing. Nada. He claimed to have the bestest, mostest, terrificest, cheapest healthcare plan ever (makes O-sign with tiny fingers) in his pocket.

He lied, just as I told you he was lying.

I guess the Trump team was too busy meeting Russian government employees to talk about "adoptions" (wink wink) and just didn't have time to come up with a health care plan.

And you cucks just sit there. You just sit there and take it. Worse, like true cucks, you defend Trump splooging on your faces and beg for more.
C'mon, now ... Trump has the bestest words.
I am here to entertain and confuse you with reality and this is no exception.

Now where is my steak?

Let me make it easy on you.

Mandating socialism upon a people is like making you make me a Sandwhich.

So go





In Venezuela!

Everyone has health care and has access to basic health care. Even illegal aliens without health insurance have access to health care.

So you are talking about forcing me to buy health insurance for someone else.
That is why I am mandating you buy me a steak an an expensive bottle of wine tonight.
Why are you being so mean?

Are you going to let me die of starvation?

You don't work for Big Pharma do you?

That's funny
I'm not
Fun thought
I am still waiting for my steak and bottle of wine.
Let's just call it Climate Justice. I know you are all for that.

As usual, a right winger is reduced to mumbling silly incoherent crap.

It's not silly to use analogies that a person can understand.
I dumbed it down for you, and now all of a sudden you are offended at the thought of being MANDATED to by a Republican Conservative an Expensive Meal.

Social Justice Baby!

I'll have some Cabernet and Top Sirloin, Medium Rare.

Most of what you post is silly. This one is no exception.
Last edited:
I am here to entertain and confuse you with reality and this is no exception.

Now where is my steak?

That's funny
I'm not
Fun thought
I am still waiting for my steak and bottle of wine.
Let's just call it Climate Justice. I know you are all for that.

As usual, a right winger is reduced to mumbling silly incoherent crap.

It's not silly to use analogies that a person can understand.
I dumbed it down for you, and now all of a sudden you are offended at the thought of being MANDATED to by a Republican Conservative an Expensive Meal.

Social Justice Baby!

I'll have some Cabernet and Top Sirloin, Medium Rare.

Most of what you post is silly. This one is no exception.
Go buy your own steak and stop mooching off of others.
I guess that has got be frustrating and so embarassing for you to hear that after a date.....

"Pathetic but Humorous"

I'll give you a discount.

Half off because Liberals are only a half man.

He ran on the political tool that congress would work with him, so far he hasn't had very good luck, has he? The President should be in there giving them suggestions but since he don't know shit about healthcare he's just tweeting, anyday now we'll have a bigly repeal Heehaw.

What ever happened to the Great Dealmaker? The Washington outsider who knew how to get things done, who knew how to engage everyone and hammer out a deal?
It was a con just like everything else he said. Trump whores are the biggest dupes on the planet.

Trumps ability to make a deal is minimal

He can't even make a deal with his own party
This sounds vaguely familiar to what is said to you every morning by your current lover.

RightWinger's Lover to Right Winger:

"Your ability to give me pleasure, is minimal."

For a small fee, I can keep your woman happy. Inbox me.
Nice try
Pathetic but humorous
Last edited:
I guess that has got be frustrating and so embarassing for you to hear that after a date.....

"Pathetic but Humorous"

I'll give you a discount.

Half off because Liberals are only a half man.

What ever happened to the Great Dealmaker? The Washington outsider who knew how to get things done, who knew how to engage everyone and hammer out a deal?
It was a con just like everything else he said. Trump whores are the biggest dupes on the planet.

Trumps ability to make a deal is minimal

He can't even make a deal with his own party
This sounds vaguely familiar to what is said to you every morning by your current lover.

RightWinger's Lover to Right Winger:

"Your ability to give me pleasure, is minimal."

For a small fee, I can keep your woman happy. Inbox me.
Nice try
Pathetic but humorous
No your homoerotic fantasies are pathetic
I never said anything about doing anything with you, so who is the one with homoerotic fantasies?

You are... snowflake!

But I am a truth teller and you are half a man as I said....who still needs his Mommy.

All Liberals are, They suckle at the Teat of Big Government.

That's why they support The Nanny State!

Nanny State or Mommy State is no different.

Lefty sure does a lot of overcompensating though...that's clear!

And what's more pathetic than that?

I guess that has got be frustrating and so embarassing for you to hear that after a date.....

"Pathetic but Humorous"

I'll give you a discount.

Half off because Liberals are only a half man.

It was a con just like everything else he said. Trump whores are the biggest dupes on the planet.

Trumps ability to make a deal is minimal

He can't even make a deal with his own party
This sounds vaguely familiar to what is said to you every morning by your current lover.

RightWinger's Lover to Right Winger:

"Your ability to give me pleasure, is minimal."

For a small fee, I can keep your woman happy. Inbox me.
Nice try
Pathetic but humorous
No your homoerotic fantasies are pathetic
Last edited:
I am here to entertain and confuse you with reality and this is no exception.

Now where is my steak?

Let me make it easy on you.

Mandating socialism upon a people is like making you make me a Sandwhich.

So go





In Venezuela!

That's funny
I'm not
Fun thought
I am still waiting for my steak and bottle of wine.
Let's just call it Climate Justice. I know you are all for that.

As usual, a right winger is reduced to mumbling silly incoherent crap.

It's not silly to use analogies that a person can understand.
I dumbed it down for you, and now all of a sudden you are offended at the thought of being MANDATED to by a Republican Conservative an Expensive Meal.

Social Justice Baby!

I'll have some Cabernet and Top Sirloin, Medium Rare.

Most of what you post is silly. This one is no exception.

I recognize your attempt at humor. You need more practise.
Looks like Trumpcare is dead on the vine

Who do Republicans blame now?
Schummer Quote: "Health Care is not MY PROBLEM!"

Yah that piece of shit actually said that.
Where's the link?
Schumer: Democrats wrong to focus on health care
yep they all lied, trump wasn't there.
Trump promised to repeal on Day One. Trump promised he had a "beautiful plan". Trump promised he was going to give Congress a series of reforms to implement.

He has ERASED all of those promises from his web site. You are such a rube! A cuckold. You've been had. :lol:
well trump can't pass bills. that is up to congress. so he is at the mercy of the GOP. I highly doubt he thought that would be an issue since you pointed out, they had done it 60 times. And now they have the opportunity they desired and they no longer desire that. wow.
Thank you for admitting Trump does not have even the leadership skills to get a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS to do anything.

That's just how much he sucks.

"I'm the only one who can fix it." Another lie bites the dust. And you cucks just sit there and take it.
yep no man has those kinds of skills. So the fix, you mention, is to highlight those who are not working with what the voters voted on. It's truly simple, those GOP swampers will be voted out of office in the primaries to get the support needed to run his agenda. it's called fixing it. or draining the swamp. Remember he ran on that? you fools.

Trump will never have it this good. Ever again. This is it. It just does not get better.

Remember all the gloating over the record number of Republicans in office? Remember that?

Trump is such a pathetic, weak, loser he can't get anything done WITH A RECORD NUMBER OF REPUBLICANS!!! His leadership skills are just that weak. Those wonderful, terrific, awesome, best negotiation skills in the history of the Universe he claimed to have simply do not exist. He is getting his ass kicked on a daily basis. He is a total disaster.

"I'm the only one who can fix it." Another lie bites the dust.

And you cucks just sit there and take it.
if you think people will vote for the lunatics on the left you are sadly mistaken. they have isolated themselves from the middle class, and the middle class has stated what it wants. It ain't a libturd, hasn't been for a very long fking time. I suggest they get a platform and run on it. Anti-trump won't work. what a stack of butthurt losers. LOL
Barack Obama put a healthcare reform plan on the table 18 MONTHS before he was elected. And we got ObamaCare as a result.

Donald Trump never put up shit. Nothing. Nada. He claimed to have the bestest, mostest, terrificest, cheapest healthcare plan ever (makes O-sign with tiny fingers) in his pocket.

He lied, just as I told you he was lying.

I guess the Trump team was too busy meeting Russian government employees to talk about "adoptions" (wink wink) and just didn't have time to come up with a health care plan.

And you cucks just sit there. You just sit there and take it. Worse, like true cucks, you defend Trump splooging on your faces and beg for more.
how long did it take sucka to get through?

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