Republicans should refuse stimulus money

By any definition stimulus money from the government is pork and it's meant to create jobs. I guess it makes ya'll feel better to think about it that way.
Your wrong. The stimulus money that creates jobs effeciently is not pork. but when you spend money where it takes 900,000 to create one job is not efficient. This bill is laden with it. Like the magnetic rail system from Disneyland to Las Vegas...that's just paying back Harry Reid, and just maybe the money can be spent more ya think? Like maybe clean energy such as nuclear power...which by the way was taken out of the bill. This bill has a lot of money being spent foolishly, just to pay back the "backers". A lot of this could be put in the federal budget, and debated at that point. Remember...this is a stimulus bill...not, everything and the kitchen sink bill.
A magnetic rail system wouldn't create jobs? :confused:

the people of California voted this railway down in the last election or the one before that..... it was defeated fairly soundly if i remember,its NOT needed,nor WANTED.....but we get it anyway.....politics.....
Wow can you say Hippocrates. What have you and yours been doing for the last 8 years. Wishing Bush Well.

You guys are the very definition of Hippocrates.

For the record I am not hoping things get worse. I hope to god I am wrong about the path we are now on. I would gladly accept Democrat Rule for the rest of my life. If their policies actually work. I simply am smart enough to see they wont, and are actually corrosive to our county. That is hardly the same thing is wishing things will get worse. It is nothing like what you guys did for the last 8 years. Hoping for, and working toward failure in Iraq. Hoping the Economy got worse to assure your victory at the polls. Man you guys are unbelievable.

You may not be doing that Charles but it looks like the repubs did it for that reason, at least some of them....

What I would like to know is how bad do you think it would have gotten and how long would it be bad, if we did as you wished and spent nothing and let the chips fall where they may?

What is your plan if this one is wrong and how do you see it as being better for our country on the whole and how many years from now would that "better off" relate to? 5 years from now, 10 years from now? 20 years from now?

for your information, there is plenty in this bill that i too do not agree with....but there IS PLENTY in this bill that i do agree with....


We will never know how bad it would, or would not have gotten with out this bill.

My guess is this bill will have little positive effect over all, and long term negative effects.

I have stated my plan over and over.

Step one reform the tax code completely. Something along the lines of a flat tax.
Institute a small federal sales tax, which can only be used to pay down debt, or fill budget gaps.

go through the entire budget and SS, Medicare, and Medicaid, and eliminate wasteful spending. A balanced Budget would go along way to relieve some of the pressures that are causing this mess in the first place.

I have said repeatedly if you are going to spend 800 Billion the best way to use it IMO would be to simple give 2700 dollars to every man woman and child in the Country. With this bill alone you could give the average family of 4 over 10,000 dollars. Can anyone tell me that would not simulate the economy?

What we need to stop doing is acting like there are things we can not let fail. the Car companies for example. Many economist will tell you that chapter 11 Bankruptcy is the best way to go. It may be that we need to let one of them fail completely. After all if one of the big 3 failed, the other 2 would gain much of its market share and be that much more viable because of it. The same holds true in the banking world.

What we need to do is realize that Government is not the best solution to most problems. Government after all in large part caused this problems in the first place.

That is the problem with this bill. It was rushed through and passed, and all along we were told it was this bill or nothing, This bill or disaster. All the while people like me and many more were saying there are other alternatives to this bill that will work better.

The problem with this bill is trying to call it a stimulus package, and selling it as an answer to our immediate problems. It does not contain enough stimulative aspects, and to many of them will not even go into effect for month or years to come. They are trying to call things like money to sure up Medicaid, and Other social Welfare programs a stimulus.

You can argue if these things are needed or not, but trying to call them a stimulus is a joke.

Well, I don't like the way it was rushed through either, though it did take at least 3 weeks and we know they were working on it since last october when all hell broke unofficially for longer.

I don't like the way health care issues were slipped in there, even though they have no money attached to them...

I don't like it that everyone got their own pet peeve project from small ones to bigger ones depending on ones seniority crap....

I don't like the $70 billion alternative minimum tax being temporarily remedied in this bill, it should have been its own separate bill....

I don't like the rail from california to vegas was voted on it was 2 billion and when it came out of congress it was 8 billion

I don't like the fact that they did not use every dime of this money to fix the home crisis, because until the home market recovers, the ECONOMY WILL NOT RECOVER...not even half of the expected foreclosures have happened yet....and this means more and more money the banks will lose, making credit tighter, making businesses fail, making more unemployment, making even more foreclosures and all of us homeowners with the value of our homes continuing to go down...will not have the confidense it takes to bring about a recovery.

I don't appreciate that there were not open hearings with experts on this...

I don't like it that they did not allow a few more days for the public's response...

I do think the bill is good with helping out the states, it will keep jobs in tact and services in tact that will be needed more now than ever and keep states from having to raise taxes which would be detrimental at this point!

I do think the tax cuts are good though i would have preferred getting a check....and the way being done may not have any effect at all.

I do think the food stamps, and $250 check to seniors and welfare and unemployment benefits that were increased will be an immediate stimulus to the economy...

I do think some of what is being called pork spending will actually create jobs, but not all of it and not all at the best bang for the buck.

I do support all rebuildning of our Nations infrastructures and schools but a lot of that was cut out by republicans in negotiations....

but i will continue to say that if the housing crisis isn't remediated, then we are in for a very long, hard time period....

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I know the Republicans will stand on principle and refuse the stimulus money.

They know it's bad for America, and they will not take it.

They will give it back. :lol:

Sure, fuckstick. Can you guarantee my taxes will never go up to pay for this thing that includes God knows how much Pelosi Pork? Can you guarantee me that the inflation that occurs in a year won't affect me if I give back whatever I'm getting back? No? In other words, you want the people that disagree with the bill to get none of the benefits while you live off the.... what was the phrase again? Sugar tit.
I know the Republicans will stand on principle and refuse the stimulus money.

They know it's bad for America, and they will not take it.

They will give it back. :lol:

Sure, fuckstick. Can you guarantee my taxes will never go up to pay for this thing that includes God knows how much Pelosi Pork? Can you guarantee me that the inflation that occurs in a year won't affect me if I give back whatever I'm getting back? No? In other words, you want the people that disagree with the bill to get none of the benefits while you live off the.... what was the phrase again? Sugar tit.

Where were all these complaints when George Bush was wasting $700 billion dollars in Iraq?
I know the Republicans will stand on principle and refuse the stimulus money.

They know it's bad for America, and they will not take it.

They will give it back. :lol:

Sure, fuckstick. Can you guarantee my taxes will never go up to pay for this thing that includes God knows how much Pelosi Pork? Can you guarantee me that the inflation that occurs in a year won't affect me if I give back whatever I'm getting back? No? In other words, you want the people that disagree with the bill to get none of the benefits while you live off the.... what was the phrase again? Sugar tit.

Where were all these complaints when George Bush was wasting $700 billion dollars in Iraq?
you did not hear them?.....
I know the Republicans will stand on principle and refuse the stimulus money.

They know it's bad for America, and they will not take it.

They will give it back. :lol:

Sure, fuckstick. Can you guarantee my taxes will never go up to pay for this thing that includes God knows how much Pelosi Pork? Can you guarantee me that the inflation that occurs in a year won't affect me if I give back whatever I'm getting back? No? In other words, you want the people that disagree with the bill to get none of the benefits while you live off the.... what was the phrase again? Sugar tit.

Where were all these complaints when George Bush was wasting $700 billion dollars in Iraq?

Were you nowhere near a TV, radio, computer, cell phone, ipod, or microwave for the last couple of years ? .....:eusa_whistle:
Your wrong. The stimulus money that creates jobs effeciently is not pork. but when you spend money where it takes 900,000 to create one job is not efficient. This bill is laden with it. Like the magnetic rail system from Disneyland to Las Vegas...that's just paying back Harry Reid, and just maybe the money can be spent more ya think? Like maybe clean energy such as nuclear power...which by the way was taken out of the bill. This bill has a lot of money being spent foolishly, just to pay back the "backers". A lot of this could be put in the federal budget, and debated at that point. Remember...this is a stimulus bill...not, everything and the kitchen sink bill.
A magnetic rail system wouldn't create jobs? :confused:

the people of California voted this railway down in the last election or the one before that..... it was defeated fairly soundly if i remember,its NOT needed,nor WANTED.....but we get it anyway.....politics.....

WE the people don't seem to matter much anymore unless they want to pick our pockets.. then it's all about "The American People" Harry effen Reid is a little prick.
Wow can you say Hippocrates. What have you and yours been doing for the last 8 years. Wishing Bush Well.

You guys are the very definition of Hippocrates.

For the record I am not hoping things get worse. I hope to god I am wrong about the path we are now on. I would gladly accept Democrat Rule for the rest of my life. If their policies actually work. I simply am smart enough to see they wont, and are actually corrosive to our county. That is hardly the same thing is wishing things will get worse. It is nothing like what you guys did for the last 8 years. Hoping for, and working toward failure in Iraq. Hoping the Economy got worse to assure your victory at the polls. Man you guys are unbelievable.

You may not be doing that Charles but it looks like the repubs did it for that reason, at least some of them....

What I would like to know is how bad do you think it would have gotten and how long would it be bad, if we did as you wished and spent nothing and let the chips fall where they may?

What is your plan if this one is wrong and how do you see it as being better for our country on the whole and how many years from now would that "better off" relate to? 5 years from now, 10 years from now? 20 years from now?

for your information, there is plenty in this bill that i too do not agree with....but there IS PLENTY in this bill that i do agree with....


We will never know how bad it would, or would not have gotten with out this bill.

My guess is this bill will have little positive effect over all, and long term negative effects.

I have stated my plan over and over.

Step one reform the tax code completely. Something along the lines of a flat tax.
Institute a small federal sales tax, which can only be used to pay down debt, or fill budget gaps.

go through the entire budget and SS, Medicare, and Medicaid, and eliminate wasteful spending. A balanced Budget would go along way to relieve some of the pressures that are causing this mess in the first place.

I have said repeatedly if you are going to spend 800 Billion the best way to use it IMO would be to simple give 2700 dollars to every man woman and child in the Country. With this bill alone you could give the average family of 4 over 10,000 dollars. Can anyone tell me that would not simulate the economy?

What we need to stop doing is acting like there are things we can not let fail. the Car companies for example. Many economist will tell you that chapter 11 Bankruptcy is the best way to go. It may be that we need to let one of them fail completely. After all if one of the big 3 failed, the other 2 would gain much of its market share and be that much more viable because of it. The same holds true in the banking world.

What we need to do is realize that Government is not the best solution to most problems. Government after all in large part caused this problems in the first place.

That is the problem with this bill. It was rushed through and passed, and all along we were told it was this bill or nothing, This bill or disaster. All the while people like me and many more were saying there are other alternatives to this bill that will work better.

The problem with this bill is trying to call it a stimulus package, and selling it as an answer to our immediate problems. It does not contain enough stimulative aspects, and to many of them will not even go into effect for month or years to come. They are trying to call things like money to sure up Medicaid, and Other social Welfare programs a stimulus.

You can argue if these things are needed or not, but trying to call them a stimulus is a joke.

What about modernizing the infrastructure? The infrastructure is from just after WWII, don't you think it would be wise to repair that? Some bridges are now older then the time they were made to last.
refuse my ass

Why should I refuse any money the government gives me? After all IT"S MY FUCKING MONEY

the fucking government has been robbing us all for years and wasting billions and now trillions of our money. the way i see it, the fucking government owes me a hell of a lot more than the 8 bucks a week tax cut they are so generously giving us.
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How do you know Chris is a tool?

1- Read his posts
2- Read his posts
3- The moron picks out of all the bonds, Pierce Brosnan as his avatar when he was one of the worst 007's of all time. Sean Connery, you fool
4- Read his posts
You may not be doing that Charles but it looks like the repubs did it for that reason, at least some of them....

What I would like to know is how bad do you think it would have gotten and how long would it be bad, if we did as you wished and spent nothing and let the chips fall where they may?

What is your plan if this one is wrong and how do you see it as being better for our country on the whole and how many years from now would that "better off" relate to? 5 years from now, 10 years from now? 20 years from now?

for your information, there is plenty in this bill that i too do not agree with....but there IS PLENTY in this bill that i do agree with....


We will never know how bad it would, or would not have gotten with out this bill.

My guess is this bill will have little positive effect over all, and long term negative effects.

I have stated my plan over and over.

Step one reform the tax code completely. Something along the lines of a flat tax.
Institute a small federal sales tax, which can only be used to pay down debt, or fill budget gaps.

go through the entire budget and SS, Medicare, and Medicaid, and eliminate wasteful spending. A balanced Budget would go along way to relieve some of the pressures that are causing this mess in the first place.

I have said repeatedly if you are going to spend 800 Billion the best way to use it IMO would be to simple give 2700 dollars to every man woman and child in the Country. With this bill alone you could give the average family of 4 over 10,000 dollars. Can anyone tell me that would not simulate the economy?

What we need to stop doing is acting like there are things we can not let fail. the Car companies for example. Many economist will tell you that chapter 11 Bankruptcy is the best way to go. It may be that we need to let one of them fail completely. After all if one of the big 3 failed, the other 2 would gain much of its market share and be that much more viable because of it. The same holds true in the banking world.

What we need to do is realize that Government is not the best solution to most problems. Government after all in large part caused this problems in the first place.

That is the problem with this bill. It was rushed through and passed, and all along we were told it was this bill or nothing, This bill or disaster. All the while people like me and many more were saying there are other alternatives to this bill that will work better.

The problem with this bill is trying to call it a stimulus package, and selling it as an answer to our immediate problems. It does not contain enough stimulative aspects, and to many of them will not even go into effect for month or years to come. They are trying to call things like money to sure up Medicaid, and Other social Welfare programs a stimulus.

You can argue if these things are needed or not, but trying to call them a stimulus is a joke.

What about modernizing the infrastructure? The infrastructure is from just after WWII, don't you think it would be wise to repair that? Some bridges are now older then the time they were made to last.

How about finding out what happened to all the gasoline tax money and toll money collected to fix those things. ever think about that? whose pockets got lined?
We will never know how bad it would, or would not have gotten with out this bill.

My guess is this bill will have little positive effect over all, and long term negative effects.

I have stated my plan over and over.

Step one reform the tax code completely. Something along the lines of a flat tax.
Institute a small federal sales tax, which can only be used to pay down debt, or fill budget gaps.

go through the entire budget and SS, Medicare, and Medicaid, and eliminate wasteful spending. A balanced Budget would go along way to relieve some of the pressures that are causing this mess in the first place.

I have said repeatedly if you are going to spend 800 Billion the best way to use it IMO would be to simple give 2700 dollars to every man woman and child in the Country. With this bill alone you could give the average family of 4 over 10,000 dollars. Can anyone tell me that would not simulate the economy?

What we need to stop doing is acting like there are things we can not let fail. the Car companies for example. Many economist will tell you that chapter 11 Bankruptcy is the best way to go. It may be that we need to let one of them fail completely. After all if one of the big 3 failed, the other 2 would gain much of its market share and be that much more viable because of it. The same holds true in the banking world.

What we need to do is realize that Government is not the best solution to most problems. Government after all in large part caused this problems in the first place.

That is the problem with this bill. It was rushed through and passed, and all along we were told it was this bill or nothing, This bill or disaster. All the while people like me and many more were saying there are other alternatives to this bill that will work better.

The problem with this bill is trying to call it a stimulus package, and selling it as an answer to our immediate problems. It does not contain enough stimulative aspects, and to many of them will not even go into effect for month or years to come. They are trying to call things like money to sure up Medicaid, and Other social Welfare programs a stimulus.

You can argue if these things are needed or not, but trying to call them a stimulus is a joke.

What about modernizing the infrastructure? The infrastructure is from just after WWII, don't you think it would be wise to repair that? Some bridges are now older then the time they were made to last.

How about finding out what happened to all the gasoline tax money and toll money collected to fix those things. ever think about that? whose pockets got lined?

well, in one single year of transportation bill spending...$700 million went to alaska for the bridge to no where, though they are going to spend it on something else now, who knows what? another $300 million went for another bridge Senator Young was requesting i willow? Would those be considered the same type of PORK that is in this stimulus bill, just wondering? :eusa_whistle:

But i agree with you, i had read a few years back that the head of the transportation spending bill was asking congressmen to put in their request of what money they want and if they did not have specific road or bridge projects they could ask for things like having the feds paying for a parking lot, just put in your request type of thing and they will get the money no matter the non relation to transportation.

What Bull crap, no?
I don't agree with this any more than I believe that those who voted against Bush's tax cuts shouldn't receive them.

Democracy is about reaching a conclusion based on competing ideas and - most importantly - all accepting them in a peaceful manner.

Thus, if the spending is passed into law, Republicans have every right to receive funds from the stimulus as the Democrats.

for chris, when bush cuts taxes it's a sin, when the Messiah cuts taxes, it's all good.
I know the Republicans will stand on principle and refuse the stimulus money.

They know it's bad for America, and they will not take it.

They will give it back. :lol:

Sure, fuckstick. Can you guarantee my taxes will never go up to pay for this thing that includes God knows how much Pelosi Pork? Can you guarantee me that the inflation that occurs in a year won't affect me if I give back whatever I'm getting back? No? In other words, you want the people that disagree with the bill to get none of the benefits while you live off the.... what was the phrase again? Sugar tit.

Where were all these complaints when George Bush was wasting $700 billion dollars in Iraq?

Ask Nancy Pelosi, who continued to fund the war.
I don't agree with this any more than I believe that those who voted against Bush's tax cuts shouldn't receive them.

Democracy is about reaching a conclusion based on competing ideas and - most importantly - all accepting them in a peaceful manner.

Thus, if the spending is passed into law, Republicans have every right to receive funds from the stimulus as the Democrats.

for chris, when bush cuts taxes it's a sin, when the Messiah cuts taxes, it's all good.

You are giving your tax cut back, right?
I don't agree with this any more than I believe that those who voted against Bush's tax cuts shouldn't receive them.

Democracy is about reaching a conclusion based on competing ideas and - most importantly - all accepting them in a peaceful manner.

Thus, if the spending is passed into law, Republicans have every right to receive funds from the stimulus as the Democrats.

for chris, when bush cuts taxes it's a sin, when the Messiah cuts taxes, it's all good.

You are giving your tax cut back, right?

i answered that already, dipshit.
So you are giving it back because it's such a bad idea, right?

i answered that already, dipshit.

I know you will do the right thing and give back the money.

Your boys voted against it, so they won't take the money either.

You are a partisan hack and fucking moron.

when bush cut taxes it was a sin, now the Messiah does it and it's the greatest idea ever.

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