Republicans Step In!!!


Gold Member
Feb 8, 2015
Republicans warn Iran nuclear deal with Obama may not last

WASHINGTON Mon Mar 9, 2015 4:26pm EST

(Reuters) - Republican U.S. senators warned Iran's leaders on Monday that any nuclear deal with President Barack Obama could last only as long as he remains in office, an unusual partisan intervention in foreign policy that could undermine delicate international talks with Tehran.

The open letter was signed by 47 senators, all but seven of the Republicans in the Senate, and none of Obama's fellow Democrats, who called it a "stunt." Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement.

In the letter, the senators said Congress plays a role in ratifying international agreements. Noting Obama will leave office in January 2017, they said any deal not approved by Congress would be merely "an executive agreement" that could be revoked by Congress.

Yo, somebody has to watch the kid! The Republicans finally get some balls? They better get more, if they want to stay in office!!!


Republicans warn Iran nuclear deal with Obama may not last

WASHINGTON Mon Mar 9, 2015 4:26pm EST

(Reuters) - Republican U.S. senators warned Iran's leaders on Monday that any nuclear deal with President Barack Obama could last only as long as he remains in office, an unusual partisan intervention in foreign policy that could undermine delicate international talks with Tehran.

The open letter was signed by 47 senators, all but seven of the Republicans in the Senate, and none of Obama's fellow Democrats, who called it a "stunt." Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement.

In the letter, the senators said Congress plays a role in ratifying international agreements. Noting Obama will leave office in January 2017, they said any deal not approved by Congress would be merely "an executive agreement" that could be revoked by Congress.

Yo, somebody has to watch the kid! The Republicans finally get some balls? They better get more, if they want to stay in office!!!


View attachment 37602
"Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement."

Smart guy. Like him.
Republicans warn Iran nuclear deal with Obama may not last

WASHINGTON Mon Mar 9, 2015 4:26pm EST

(Reuters) - Republican U.S. senators warned Iran's leaders on Monday that any nuclear deal with President Barack Obama could last only as long as he remains in office, an unusual partisan intervention in foreign policy that could undermine delicate international talks with Tehran.

The open letter was signed by 47 senators, all but seven of the Republicans in the Senate, and none of Obama's fellow Democrats, who called it a "stunt." Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement.

In the letter, the senators said Congress plays a role in ratifying international agreements. Noting Obama will leave office in January 2017, they said any deal not approved by Congress would be merely "an executive agreement" that could be revoked by Congress.

Yo, somebody has to watch the kid! The Republicans finally get some balls? They better get more, if they want to stay in office!!!


View attachment 37602
"Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement."

Smart guy. Like him.

Yo, its just a matter of time, "2016" you shaking in your boots?


Well they didn't lie, it won't last once Obungles FINALLY leaves office, much like his executive orders can be overturned...with a stroke of a pen
I think the Iranian leaders should respond by thanking the Republican Senators for 7th grade lesson in US Civics
Republicans warn Iran nuclear deal with Obama may not last

WASHINGTON Mon Mar 9, 2015 4:26pm EST

(Reuters) - Republican U.S. senators warned Iran's leaders on Monday that any nuclear deal with President Barack Obama could last only as long as he remains in office, an unusual partisan intervention in foreign policy that could undermine delicate international talks with Tehran.

The open letter was signed by 47 senators, all but seven of the Republicans in the Senate, and none of Obama's fellow Democrats, who called it a "stunt." Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement.

In the letter, the senators said Congress plays a role in ratifying international agreements. Noting Obama will leave office in January 2017, they said any deal not approved by Congress would be merely "an executive agreement" that could be revoked by Congress.

Yo, somebody has to watch the kid! The Republicans finally get some balls? They better get more, if they want to stay in office!!!


View attachment 37602
"Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement."

Smart guy. Like him.
Did you like him when he was screaming at John Kerry so badly that the ayatollah had to tell him to stop being abusive?
Republicans warn Iran nuclear deal with Obama may not last

WASHINGTON Mon Mar 9, 2015 4:26pm EST

(Reuters) - Republican U.S. senators warned Iran's leaders on Monday that any nuclear deal with President Barack Obama could last only as long as he remains in office, an unusual partisan intervention in foreign policy that could undermine delicate international talks with Tehran.

The open letter was signed by 47 senators, all but seven of the Republicans in the Senate, and none of Obama's fellow Democrats, who called it a "stunt." Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement.

In the letter, the senators said Congress plays a role in ratifying international agreements. Noting Obama will leave office in January 2017, they said any deal not approved by Congress would be merely "an executive agreement" that could be revoked by Congress.

Yo, somebody has to watch the kid! The Republicans finally get some balls? They better get more, if they want to stay in office!!!


View attachment 37602
"Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement."

Smart guy. Like him.
Did you like him when he was screaming at John Kerry so badly that the ayatollah had to tell him to stop being abusive?
Didn't see it but I might have. Kerry, like all men, can be an asshole.
Well they didn't lie, it won't last once Obungles FINALLY leaves office, much like his executive orders can be overturned...with a stroke of a pen
Iran doesn't need to cut a deal, and I hope they don't. Fuck Israel and the US. It's their call, not ours.
so you are as anti-American as BO....?

it's about time Congress spoke up for America....which means speaking against BO..
Well they didn't lie, it won't last once Obungles FINALLY leaves office, much like his executive orders can be overturned...with a stroke of a pen
Iran doesn't need to cut a deal, and I hope they don't. Fuck Israel and the US. It's their call, not ours.
so you are as anti-American as BO....?

it's about time Congress spoke up for America....which means speaking against BO..
Since Foreign Policy belongs to the Executive, the un-American ones are those who signed this letter.
Republicans warn Iran nuclear deal with Obama may not last

WASHINGTON Mon Mar 9, 2015 4:26pm EST

(Reuters) - Republican U.S. senators warned Iran's leaders on Monday that any nuclear deal with President Barack Obama could last only as long as he remains in office, an unusual partisan intervention in foreign policy that could undermine delicate international talks with Tehran.

The open letter was signed by 47 senators, all but seven of the Republicans in the Senate, and none of Obama's fellow Democrats, who called it a "stunt." Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement.

In the letter, the senators said Congress plays a role in ratifying international agreements. Noting Obama will leave office in January 2017, they said any deal not approved by Congress would be merely "an executive agreement" that could be revoked by Congress.

Yo, somebody has to watch the kid! The Republicans finally get some balls? They better get more, if they want to stay in office!!!


View attachment 37602
"Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif dismissed it as a "propaganda ploy" from pressure groups he called afraid of diplomatic agreement."

Smart guy. Like him.
Did you like him when he was screaming at John Kerry so badly that the ayatollah had to tell him to stop being abusive?
Didn't see it but I might have. Kerry, like all men, can be an asshole.

Yo, what? You finally see your Party as assholes? Great!

Well they didn't lie, it won't last once Obungles FINALLY leaves office, much like his executive orders can be overturned...with a stroke of a pen
Iran doesn't need to cut a deal, and I hope they don't. Fuck Israel and the US. It's their call, not ours.
so you are as anti-American as BO....?

it's about time Congress spoke up for America....which means speaking against BO..
Since Foreign Policy belongs to the Executive, the un-American ones are those who signed this letter.

Foreign policy does NOT 'belong' exclusively to the Executive.....

"The United States Constitution divides foreign policy powers between the President and the Congress so that both share in the making of foreign policy. The executive and legislative branches each play important roles that are different but that often overlap. Both branches have continuing opportunities to initiate and change foreign policy, and the interaction between them continues indefinitely throughout the life of a policy. This report reviews and illustrates 12 basic ways that the United States can make foreign policy. The practices illustrated in this report indicate that making foreign policy is a complex process, and that the support of both branches is required for a strong and effective U.S. foreign policy. For a detailed discussion of how war-making powers are shared, see War Powers Resolution: Presidential Compliance.

This report identifies and illustrates 12 basic ways to make U.S. foreign policy. The President or the executive branch can make foreign policy through:

1) -- responses to foreign events
2) -- proposals for legislation
3) -- negotiation of international agreements
4) -- policy statements
5) -- policy implementation
6) -- independent action.

In nearly all of these circumstances, Congress can either support the President's approach or seek to change it. In the case of independent Presidential action, it may be very difficult to change policy in the short term; in the case of a legislative proposal by the executive branch or treaties and international agreements submitted to the Senate or Congress for approval, Congress has a decisive voice. In most cases Congress supports the President, but it often makes significant modifications in his initiatives in the process of approving them.

Congress can make foreign policy through:

1) -- resolutions and policy statements
2) -- legislative directives
3) -- legislative pressure
4) -- legislative restrictions/funding denials
5) -- informal advice
6) -- congressional oversight.

In these circumstances, the executive branch can either support or seek to change congressional policies as it interprets and carries out legislative directives and restrictions, and decides when and whether to adopt proposals and advice.

The practices illustrated in this report indicate that making U.S. foreign policy is a complex process, and the support of both branches is required for a strong and effective U.S. foreign policy."

Foreign Policy Roles of the President and Congress

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