Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

I don't care if Trump is impeached or not. But the theatrics of Republicans putting on a show for the rubes as they try to crash a closed door hearing is over the top bullshit.

This is turning into a circus. A real Trump clown show.

You're a damn fool is what you are. The show is for the American electorate at large in a political fight, and it's about time that Republicans started fighting the demogoury of leftist scum by shoving their own tactics down their throats. Shut up, you naive silly ass.
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Good to see that Republicans grow a spine (...and other organs :rolleyes-41: ) and storm the kangaroo coup of Adam Shitt.

About time! this three ring circus started by the DemonRats has to stop already!

There is a limit for the patience! IT'S ENOUGH!
I guess you have zero knowledge about how Grand Juries operate.

I guess you have zero knowledge about the fact that impeachment proceedings regarding the president of the United States have always been regarded to be of such national significance that the House has historically required an open vote to proceed and that the proceedings be totally open. But, of course, you're just a disingenuous little prick of a leftist whore who knows damn well this is nothing more than a political movement aimed at the 2020 election and a race against what Burr and Durham's investigation is systematically uncovering about the deep state corruption under the Obama administration. Be careful what you wish for. America already knows that leftist journalists are lying pieces of shit
Barr (not Burr) and Durham are on a snipe hunt. :lol:

Free globetrotting vacations at taxpayer expense.
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

All of these NaziCon assholes should have been arrested and prosecuted. However, AG Barr probably thinks it's funny. We are in uncharted waters. We truly have a constitutional crisis.
Do angry lefties really think elected members of congress should be arrested and prosecuted for trespassing in the Nation's Capital? The world is upside down in the liberal mind.
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.

Regardless of one's view on impeachment, why do you think our Congress behaving like a banana republic is acceptable?
What a pile of horseshit. As explained several times, the Republicans have held closed door hearings in the past, and NOT ONCE did you tards complain.

Furthermore, it has been explained that there are Republicans on the committees holding those hearings, and they are allowed to grill the witnesses for as long as they wish.

Even more, the transcripts of the hearings will be released once the investigation is completed.

And everyone knows none of you will read those transcripts since they are longer than a tweet. You will instead parrot the bite sized lies you are told to parrot, just like you are doing now.

You're all acting like one giant echo chamber now. Spewing the same bullshit you've been fed. A whole flock of parroting rubes with the exact same bullshit talking points.

You need to wise up.

Blow it out your ass, you self righteous prick. You have no idea what I've complained about and haven't complained about before. I didn't even vote for the guy, but you always think you know everything, don't you. Your shitty attitude towards others here alienates a lot of people who actually tend to agree with you most of the time, but you're too arrogant too see it.

Irony ^^^ My advice, if you're going to rant and attack someone do it in an message to your target.

And my advice to you is to mind your God damned business. Capisce?

Mi scusi, Prego
Shame on the Rats! SHAME!

Good to see that Republicans grow a spine (...and other organs :rolleyes-41: ) and storm the kangaroo coup of Adam Shitt.

About time! this three ring circus started by the DemonRats has to stop already!

There is a limit for the patience! IT'S ENOUGH!

If the Republicans had a spine, they'd tell Trump to honor Congressional subpoenas.
the House has sole impeachment power - event crashing senators was nothing more than show from a bunch of Registered Dumfuks.

another RW leghump for Prez Shitforhair -
Karma is bitch slapping the living shit out of everyone these days.

Trump the birther who wanted Bush forcibly removed from office and Obama forcibly removed from office is feeling the impeachment heat.

All the pseudocons screaming for Obama's impeachment for eight years are now all indignant and shit.

Joe Biden has just lynched himself.

The Republicans are pounding on the very same closed doors they locked from the inside a couple years ago.!
House Republicans stormed a closed-door hearing Wednesday morning to protest Democrats' impeachment inquiry process, breaking up the deposition of a top Defense Department official who was testifying about President Trump's dealings with Ukraine.

Republicans storm closed-door hearing to protest impeachment inquiry

Awww, poor, unruly Republicans. Crying like babies because they don't have access to those hearings -- even though there are Republicans who serve on the investigating committees; and whining that this isn't an official impeachment inquiry because there was no House vote -- even though there's never been a House rule mandating a full House vote to authorize an impeachment inquiry.
The Stalinist democrat Party just signed their death warrant. I predict they will lose even more seats that they did under Obama.

Trump will have a Super Majority in the Senate
The House may have "sole impeachment power" but one party does not have the power to prevent members of the other party from attending the hearings while they leak selected testimony to morons in the media. Didn't the action of the Senate tell democrats where their impeachment hearings would end up? .
I don't care if Trump is impeached or not. But the theatrics of Republicans putting on a show for the rubes as they try to crash a closed door hearing is over the top bullshit.

This is turning into a circus. A real Trump clown show.

You're a damn fool is what you are. The show is for the American electorate at large in a political fight, and it's about time that Republicans started fighting the demogoury of leftist scum by shoving their own tactics down their throats. Shut up, you naive silly ass.
There is no bigger demagogue than Donald Trump.

To tell the colossal lies that he does, he must have nothing but utter contempt for the rube herd he knows will parrot his lies unquestioningly.
The House may have "sole impeachment power" but one party does not have the power to prevent members of the other party from attending the hearings while they leak selected testimony to morons in the media. Didn't the action of the Senate tell democrats where their impeachment hearings would end up? .
No one is preventing the Republican committee members from attending the hearings. In fact, they are allowed to grill the witnesses for as long as they wish.
The House may have "sole impeachment power" but one party does not have the power to prevent members of the other party from attending the hearings while they leak selected testimony to morons in the media. Didn't the action of the Senate tell democrats where their impeachment hearings would end up? .
No one is preventing the Republican committee members from attending the hearings. In fact, they are allowed to grill the witnesses for as long as they wish.

which is why Pelosi didnt vote on an inquiry - or so I read.
The House may have "sole impeachment power" but one party does not have the power to prevent members of the other party from attending the hearings while they leak selected testimony to morons in the media. Didn't the action of the Senate tell democrats where their impeachment hearings would end up? .
No one is preventing the Republican committee members from attending the hearings. In fact, they are allowed to grill the witnesses for as long as they wish.

^ Supports a genuine Stalinist show trial complete with anonymous "whistleblower" and democrat only "hearings"

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